No one is even talking about Trump using the word "breeding" when talking about Mexicans.

I suppose it couldn't have anything to do with anchor babies, or didn't you and your sources consider that?
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I have to laugh when liberals play the race card every 5 seconds. They still think it's gonna change someone's vote.
Being correct gets your panties in a knot, dont it?
You know damn well what he meant. So did the jackass that wrote the article.
So much shit to blast him about that is legit. Why dont you focus on that? Jesus
You are not understanding the use of the word breeding which means more than just fucking out babies. The Mexicans are specifically breeding for the atttibute of contempt for this country.
DHS secretary declines to explain Trump's 'breeding' tweet

Trump Tweet About Immigrant ‘Breeding’ Invokes White Supremacist Rhetoric

Reminds me of Republican Lt. Governor Andre Bauer who said don't feed the poor or they will breed. Remember, Bauer is a self proclaimed right wing Christian.

The Democrats are genocidal racist.
The only other political Party who bragged about having a breeding program was the Nazi Party

Augustin Cebada, Brown Berets; “Go back to Boston! Go back to Plymouth Rock, Pilgrims! Get out! We are the future. You are old and tired. Go on. We have beaten you. Leave like beaten rats. You old white people. It is your duty to die … Through love of having children, we are going to take over.”

Professor Jose Angel Gutierrez, University of Texas; “We have an aging white America. They are not making babies. They are dying. The explosion is in our population … I love it. They are shitting in their pants with fear. I love it.”
‘No one is even talking about Trump using the word "breeding" when talking about Mexicans.’

That’s because most have become numb to Trump’s ignorance, bigotry, and hate.
Do you not see a problem importing large blocks of people who are not self sufficient? Someone has to pay their way. It doesn't make a bit of difference who lives in Appalachia. The few people that generate revenue will not continue to support an endless stream of dependents. Why bust your butt to have it stolen for people who do not see the need to work? Don't tell me you think all that money is going to the disabled and the elderly. There is a growing class that just doesn't want to work.
DHS secretary declines to explain Trump's 'breeding' tweet

Trump Tweet About Immigrant ‘Breeding’ Invokes White Supremacist Rhetoric

Reminds me of Republican Lt. Governor Andre Bauer who said don't feed the poor or they will breed. Remember, Bauer is a self proclaimed right wing Christian.

They are breeding like rabbits with the welfare monies, as Americans are struggling.

It's not white supremacist rhetoric, it's simply pro civilization. Look at the countries where these immigrants came from, you are pro shithole. Trump is pro America, civilization and prosperity, all things which you can't stand. For that I recommend one way ticket to Venezuela.
Trump thinks Mexicans are inferior human beings and that is why he treats them like animals.
Trump thinks Mexicans are inferior human beings and that is why he treats them like animals.

Only the rapists.

Although most of them are inferior to Americans. You would never mate with one.

The mean IQ in Mexico is 88. These are some very dumb people, which explains why their country's average income is 3K a year. Inferior people make inferior countries.

Actually scrap that, I believe you are in the same range, so you would love it in Mexico.
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