No one is going to take your guns

Remove all confidentiality of medical records for mental health. Make them public domain.

Problem solved.

Maybe we could require every crazy person to wear a purple vest with a neon green batshit logo so everyone knows they are crazy.
Remove all confidentiality of medical records for mental health. Make them public domain.

Problem solved.
Some doctors are already asking if their patients own guns...:eusa_whistle:

That's not what I am saying.

You on an SSRI or like meds ?

Bi-polar? Depressed? Aggressive? Suicidal?

Your diagnosis and meds are public domain so Federal Firearms Licensee or other gun seller knows what he is dealing with.

Make NCIS background checks open to anyone who wants to pay the $11 or so dollars to call one in.

You've never answered your comments about the pit bulls Joe.........

After you passed the law to ban that breed of dog, what would you do with the 100's of thousands of pit bulls in this country..............


Euthanize their asses.

I don't play nice.

but that was probably because I knew a lady who got her face ripped off by one.
So all of your views are a result of your personal experiences. You are for obamacare because your boss fired you after your fourth trip to drug rehab. You're against guns because a neighbor shot himself, and you think pitbulls should be euthanased because one bit the face of a woman you claim to have known. My granddaughter has a scar on her face from an attack by a cocker spaniel. Should we euthanase all cockers?
Frankly, I'm 99% sure you are a lying sack of shit, but if I'm wrong, one pit raised by an owner that trained it poorly OR violently should not condemn a whole breed.
I saved my wife from rape with a firearm and I saved myself from a knife wielding attacker with a firearm, so that blows your personal experience with evil firearms all to hell.
And lastly, we're all sorry you can't kick the meth, joe, but your addiction isn't a good enough reason to support the ACA.

Funny how you want to take away the guns from law-abiding people, but don't want criminals disarmed.

Are you now, or have you ever been, someone's prison bitch? Because you sure do seem to love criminals.

klipping your horseshit link, because there are a lot of Red State cities that have higher murder rates than Chicago, here's the thing.

Criminals can get guns because they are generally accessable.

Japanese crooks don' thave guns. British Crooks don't have guns.

Our crooks have guns because everyone else does.

I see Birmingham and New Orleans on the list of top ten, while Alabama and Louisiana are red states, those cities are hardly Republican strongholds. NOLA is 60% black and Birmingham, nearly 75% black.
Next President will be a Democrat.

And the one after that.

And the one after that.

You guys can't win nominating the same kinds of whackjobs you always nominate.

Minorities and women make up 70% of the electorate. You simply can't win continuing to pander to angry white men clinging to their guns and bibles.

There ya go again, Joe. You said, yesterday, I believe, that you had me on ignore. Lie much?


(in honor of the return of your only close competition, Truthmatters.)

Well, there is that button that lets me see "ignored" posts.

I have you on ignore so you can't harrass me with PM's. Doesn't mean I don't occassionally sample your batshittery....
Prove I harassed you with PM's I do enjoy sending you neg rep frequently, but that's not a PM. If you reply in a sad attempt to defend yourself, THAT is a PM.

As a matter of fact, I think you're due.
I see Birmingham and New Orleans on the list of top ten, while Alabama and Louisiana are red states, those cities are hardly Republican strongholds. NOLA is 60% black and Birmingham, nearly 75% black.

Is that a Mahindra you are driving?

Remove all confidentiality of medical records for mental health. Make them public domain.

Problem solved.
Some doctors are already asking if their patients own guns...:eusa_whistle:

That's not what I am saying.

You on an SSRI or like meds ?

Bi-polar? Depressed? Aggressive? Suicidal?

Your diagnosis and meds are public domain so Federal Firearms Licensee or other gun seller knows what he is dealing with.

Make NCIS background checks open to anyone who wants to pay the $11 or so dollars to call one in.
Making this about ME or are you speaking generically? Explain the "YOU" in your narrative please?
Some doctors are already asking if their patients own guns...:eusa_whistle:

That's not what I am saying.

You on an SSRI or like meds ?

Bi-polar? Depressed? Aggressive? Suicidal?

Your diagnosis and meds are public domain so Federal Firearms Licensee or other gun seller knows what he is dealing with.

Make NCIS background checks open to anyone who wants to pay the $11 or so dollars to call one in.
Making this about ME or are you speaking generically? Explain the "YOU" in your narrative please?

For fuck's sake man. You and/or any other individual diagnosed and required to be on medications with suicidal or homicidal ideation as an FDA identified side effect.
That's not what I am saying.

You on an SSRI or like meds ?

Bi-polar? Depressed? Aggressive? Suicidal?

Your diagnosis and meds are public domain so Federal Firearms Licensee or other gun seller knows what he is dealing with.

Make NCIS background checks open to anyone who wants to pay the $11 or so dollars to call one in.
Making this about ME or are you speaking generically? Explain the "YOU" in your narrative please?

For fuck's sake man. You and/or any other individual diagnosed and required to be on medications with suicidal or homicidal ideation as an FDA identified side effect.
Why the distain? I asked a question. You answered it. Thank you.
liberals make no sense. They are very inconsistent in their, well for arguments sake, lets call it logic. A person kills someone with a car, they do not want to ban cars, they want to punish the individual for misuse of the car. someone is drunk and kills someone with a car, they don't want to ban alcohol and prohibit all individuals from drinking alcohol. they want to punish the individual who violate the law. and they don't go trying to pass laws restricting all other law abiding citizens from drinking alcohol. someone kills someone with a baseball bat, they don't pass laws outlawing bats, they want to punish the individual who committed the crime. but someone kills someone with a gun, they want to ban the gun. they want to pass laws preventing everyone from having a gun. their minds seem to melt down and all logic goes out the window. irrational people like this can not be allowed to make decisions. they can not be put in positions of power where their irrational ideas can become law. Nothing good ever comes from irrational decisions .

Cars aren't designed to kill people.

Guns are.

joe, perhaps you can show me the instructions that come with any gun that tell you how to kill someone. I mean if that is really their designed intent. also answer me this. why haven't any of my more than 30 guns ever killed anyone? Are they defective? Did I get lemons? Also answer me this. If guns are designed to kill people then why, of all the guns in the USA, do only .000036 of them ever kill anyone? I mean if their sole intent is to kill someone they really are pretty ineffective?

If their was a method of birth control on the market that only have a .000036 chance in preventing a pregnancy, would you use it? If there was a painkiller that had a .000036 chance of curing your headache, would you buy it? when a hammer has that is designed to pound in a nail has a higher kill rate then a deadly assault style weapon, which , according to you, is designed only to kill, don't you think something is wrong?

about the only thing a gun with a .000036 shot at killing someone is more effective than, is you, ever making any sense.
liberals make no sense. They are very inconsistent in their, well for arguments sake, lets call it logic. A person kills someone with a car, they do not want to ban cars, they want to punish the individual for misuse of the car. someone is drunk and kills someone with a car, they don't want to ban alcohol and prohibit all individuals from drinking alcohol. they want to punish the individual who violate the law. and they don't go trying to pass laws restricting all other law abiding citizens from drinking alcohol. someone kills someone with a baseball bat, they don't pass laws outlawing bats, they want to punish the individual who committed the crime. but someone kills someone with a gun, they want to ban the gun. they want to pass laws preventing everyone from having a gun. their minds seem to melt down and all logic goes out the window. irrational people like this can not be allowed to make decisions. they can not be put in positions of power where their irrational ideas can become law. Nothing good ever comes from irrational decisions .

Cars aren't designed to kill people.

Guns are.

joe, perhaps you can show me the instructions that come with any gun that tell you how to kill someone. I mean if that is really their designed intent. also answer me this. why haven't any of my more than 30 guns ever killed anyone? Are they defective? Did I get lemons? Also answer me this. If guns are designed to kill people then why, of all the guns in the USA, do only .000036 of them ever kill anyone? I mean if their sole intent is to kill someone they really are pretty ineffective?

If their was a method of birth control on the market that only have a .000036 chance in preventing a pregnancy, would you use it? If there was a painkiller that had a .000036 chance of curing your headache, would you buy it? when a hammer has that is designed to pound in a nail has a higher kill rate then a deadly assault style weapon, which , according to you, is designed only to kill, don't you think something is wrong?

about the only thing a gun with a .000036 shot at killing someone is more effective than, is you, ever making any sense.
Indeed. it's as if the GUN has a mind of it's own and people have nothing to do with it in Joey's mind...except that they have one that bothers him so?
Cars aren't designed to kill people.

Guns are.

joe, perhaps you can show me the instructions that come with any gun that tell you how to kill someone. I mean if that is really their designed intent. also answer me this. why haven't any of my more than 30 guns ever killed anyone? Are they defective? Did I get lemons? Also answer me this. If guns are designed to kill people then why, of all the guns in the USA, do only .000036 of them ever kill anyone? I mean if their sole intent is to kill someone they really are pretty ineffective?

If their was a method of birth control on the market that only have a .000036 chance in preventing a pregnancy, would you use it? If there was a painkiller that had a .000036 chance of curing your headache, would you buy it? when a hammer has that is designed to pound in a nail has a higher kill rate then a deadly assault style weapon, which , according to you, is designed only to kill, don't you think something is wrong?

about the only thing a gun with a .000036 shot at killing someone is more effective than, is you, ever making any sense.
Indeed. it's as if the GUN has a mind of it's own and people have nothing to do with it in Joey's mind...except that they have one that bothers him so?

while the gun may have more of a mind than joe, it takes someone and someone with an intent to make it kill.
joe, perhaps you can show me the instructions that come with any gun that tell you how to kill someone. I mean if that is really their designed intent. also answer me this. why haven't any of my more than 30 guns ever killed anyone? Are they defective? Did I get lemons? Also answer me this. If guns are designed to kill people then why, of all the guns in the USA, do only .000036 of them ever kill anyone? I mean if their sole intent is to kill someone they really are pretty ineffective?

If their was a method of birth control on the market that only have a .000036 chance in preventing a pregnancy, would you use it? If there was a painkiller that had a .000036 chance of curing your headache, would you buy it? when a hammer has that is designed to pound in a nail has a higher kill rate then a deadly assault style weapon, which , according to you, is designed only to kill, don't you think something is wrong?

about the only thing a gun with a .000036 shot at killing someone is more effective than, is you, ever making any sense.
Indeed. it's as if the GUN has a mind of it's own and people have nothing to do with it in Joey's mind...except that they have one that bothers him so?

while the gun may have more of a mind than joe, it takes someone and someone with an intent to make it kill.
Precisely. Joe thinks everyone with one is evil, has intent to take him or his family out without forethought, therefore they must be taken away...what he forgets is intent...and denial that true evil exists....and that evil could care less about him.
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klipping your horseshit link, because there are a lot of Red State cities that have higher murder rates than Chicago

You'll have to forgive trollJoe, he knows SO much more than the FBI that he can ignore their reports and make pronouncements as if they are facts.

GMAFB- I don't use ignore period. Scratch that, I used to have one troll on the list but I took him off after his little 'vacation'. The ignore list is a cop out for those who can't handle the pressure.


I disagree. I use ignore for people whose sole purpose seems to be to troll or to distract from rational discussion.

Besides. there's nothing quite like how they act when they realize they're so irrelevant, that people don't even show them the respect of reading their "thoughts".
PinkoJoe wants the government to make all his life's decisions for him, so he projects his inadequacies on everyone else.

And while he can't make his own decisions, he paradoxically thinks he can make them for you and your family.

Progressives are kinda stupid like that.

Guy, the problem is, your decisions don't apply to just you.

For instance, if Adam Lanza, Second Amendment Poster Boy, had just killed himself and his mother, well, that would be the business of their family.

Unfortunately, Adam killed 26 other people who really didn't have a say in that family's gun-nuttery.

And if you guys aren't willing to do what it takes to keep guns out of the hands of Adam Lanza.

Nobody gets them.

Laws are already in place to prevent the mentally ill from buying firearms. Like Biden said, none of the past proposed laws would prevent another mass shooting. Only thing that might, is for a good guy with a gun who is present to stop the bad guy

Just buy a shotgun and fire it into the air...

[ame=""]Gun Joe Biden Says No Need To Own Assault Weapons: 'Buy A Shotgun - YouTube[/ame]
Guy, the problem is, your decisions don't apply to just you.

For instance, if Adam Lanza, Second Amendment Poster Boy, had just killed himself and his mother, well, that would be the business of their family.

Unfortunately, Adam killed 26 other people who really didn't have a say in that family's gun-nuttery.

And if you guys aren't willing to do what it takes to keep guns out of the hands of Adam Lanza.

Nobody gets them.

Laws are already in place to prevent the mentally ill from buying firearms. Like Biden said, none of the past proposed laws would prevent another mass shooting. Only thing that might, is for a good guy with a gun who is present to stop the bad guy

Just buy a shotgun and fire it into the air...

[ame=""]Gun Joe Biden Says No Need To Own Assault Weapons: 'Buy A Shotgun - YouTube[/ame]

Most Gun owners are Boring.........but in their sorry peanut minds feel safer having one.......Do you realize how F'ing STUPID THAT SOUNDS...........if only your fore-farthers were around,they would be fitting you up for straight jackets.

and be Tearing Up the 2nd Amendment...Quick Smart........they could never have realized what you have become.

Over 1.2 million GUN deaths/murders since the assassination of J.F.K.....a disgraceful figure indeed.......1.2 million!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eusa_hand: SAY NO TO GUNS....AND LIVE.

Laws are already in place to prevent the mentally ill from buying firearms. Like Biden said, none of the past proposed laws would prevent another mass shooting. Only thing that might, is for a good guy with a gun who is present to stop the bad guy

Just buy a shotgun and fire it into the air...

[ame=""]Gun Joe Biden Says No Need To Own Assault Weapons: 'Buy A Shotgun - YouTube[/ame]

Most Gun owners are Boring.........but in their sorry peanut minds feel safer having one.......Do you realize how F'ing STUPID THAT SOUNDS...........if only your fore-farthers were around,they would be fitting you up for straight jackets.

and be Tearing Up the 2nd Amendment...Quick Smart........they could never have realized what you have become.

Over 1.2 million GUN deaths/murders since the assassination of J.F.K.....a disgraceful figure indeed.......1.2 million!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eusa_hand: SAY NO TO GUNS....AND LIVE.


And at least 4 times that many have been bored to death listening to busybodies from foreign countries tell us how we should run this nation.

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