No one is going to take your guns

Most Gun owners are Boring.........but in their sorry peanut minds feel safer having one.......Do you realize how F'ing STUPID THAT SOUNDS...........if only your fore-farthers were around,they would be fitting you up for straight jackets.

and be Tearing Up the 2nd Amendment...Quick Smart........they could never have realized what you have become.

Over 1.2 million GUN deaths/murders since the assassination of J.F.K.....a disgraceful figure indeed.......1.2 million!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eusa_hand: SAY NO TO GUNS....AND LIVE.


And at least 4 times that many have been bored to death listening to busybodies from foreign countries tell us how we should run this nation.

.Now,Now Ernie,it may be boring to some but not to all(thank goodness) In Australia we have NO GUNS,apart from shooting clubs,mainly farmers and the Police and Military...........Bikies(some) and Criminals have them,... illegal ones.

The Australian comparison to the US death/murder Gun rate is minute,.... a few per year,compared to my revised figure in the US which is 1.357 Million since J.F.K..........In fact more US Gun deaths/murders during this period,... out numbers conflict in every War the US have been in,including the American Civil War.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We don't pretend to advise you on how to run your Country........but we could tell you how to cut your Gun death/murder rate,that's for sure.

If you asked the majority of Australians what they think of American Gun Culture......"They are as "Mad as a Cut Snake".......Ernie,better a Busy-Body than a Dead Body.......jusy sayin steve
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Most Gun owners are Boring.........but in their sorry peanut minds feel safer having one.......Do you realize how F'ing STUPID THAT SOUNDS...........if only your fore-farthers were around,they would be fitting you up for straight jackets.

and be Tearing Up the 2nd Amendment...Quick Smart........they could never have realized what you have become.

Over 1.2 million GUN deaths/murders since the assassination of J.F.K.....a disgraceful figure indeed.......1.2 million!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eusa_hand: SAY NO TO GUNS....AND LIVE.


And at least 4 times that many have been bored to death listening to busybodies from foreign countries tell us how we should run this nation.

It's got nothing to do with 'how we run this nation' but they always fall back on this when somebody gets it right. It's their out: "you're a foreigner" and "busybodies".

They forget you're also a human.
Well, it took a long time to change my mind, but the gun nuts have persuaded me. Guns are nothing but a tool. It is the people who have them that are the real problem....
Well, it took a long time to change my mind, but the gun nuts have persuaded me. Guns are nothing but a tool. It is the people who have them that are the real problem....

Dare I say it "GUN NUTS" you got that right

Guns are not a TOOL.......they are a Lethal Weapon...........Designed to KILL.

And Kill they certainly DO../ HAVE.........1.35 odd MILLION Americans since J.F.K.

I hope you don't think THAT FIGURE IS NORMAL Vandal

The Irony Is That When You Catch The Perpertrators......YOU EXECUTE THEM


So it's not 1.350 Million,I have to add in the EXECUTIONS......Lets say another 500,000 since J.F.K. executed(someone could help me here on the number) Thanks.

But the true COST of the GUN......starts to multiply here.......Take in all the Maimed and Injured........Often a life of misery and on going health cost(not that you even have a health care system to talk of),the Sadness of those left behind,women,children,families,and the on going mental problems.....moreover the lost opportunities of children because of Economic hardship.

Fcuk Me,do I really have to explain more......the true cost of your insidious GUN CULTURE.

I'm the liq and tell it how it is.....Me I'd BAN GUNS..NOW..steve
Well, it took a long time to change my mind, but the gun nuts have persuaded me. Guns are nothing but a tool. It is the people who have them that are the real problem....

Dare I say it "GUN NUTS" you got that right

Guns are not a TOOL.......they are a Lethal Weapon...........Designed to KILL.

And Kill they certainly DO../ HAVE.........1.35 odd MILLION Americans since J.F.K.

I hope you don't think THAT FIGURE IS NORMAL Vandal

The Irony Is That When You Catch The Perpertrators......YOU EXECUTE THEM


So it's not 1.350 Million,I have to add in the EXECUTIONS......Lets say another 500,000 since J.F.K. executed(someone could help me here on the number) Thanks.

But the true COST of the GUN......starts to multiply here.......Take in all the Maimed and Injured........Often a life of misery and on going health cost(not that you even have a health care system to talk of),the Sadness of those left behind,women,children,families,and the on going mental problems.....moreover the lost opportunities of children because of Economic hardship.

Fcuk Me,do I really have to explain more......the true cost of your insidious GUN CULTURE.

I'm the liq and tell it how it is.....Me I'd BAN GUNS..NOW..steve

Unfortunately you could ban everything tomorrow and things wouldn't change. You had it in the previous sentence: "gun culture". As long as the fetish is there... it will fester.

That's why I believe this is not a law issue; it's a culture issue. Laws don't control what people want to do; cultural values do. That's where the shift needs to happen. Change the culture and you don't need the law.
The far left has been going after the 2nd amendment as hard as they can.

They want to take away the guns so they can rule without fear of revolt or revolution.
Most Gun owners are Boring.........but in their sorry peanut minds feel safer having one.......Do you realize how F'ing STUPID THAT SOUNDS...........if only your fore-farthers were around,they would be fitting you up for straight jackets.

and be Tearing Up the 2nd Amendment...Quick Smart........they could never have realized what you have become.

Over 1.2 million GUN deaths/murders since the assassination of J.F.K.....a disgraceful figure indeed.......1.2 million!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eusa_hand: SAY NO TO GUNS....AND LIVE.


And at least 4 times that many have been bored to death listening to busybodies from foreign countries tell us how we should run this nation.

.Now,Now Ernie,it may be boring to some but not to all(thank goodness) In Australia we have NO GUNS,apart from shooting clubs,mainly farmers and the Police and Military...........Bikies(some) and Criminals have them,... illegal ones.

The Australian comparison to the US death/murder Gun rate is minute,.... a few per year,compared to my revised figure in the US which is 1.357 Million since J.F.K..........In fact more US Gun deaths/murders during this period,... out numbers conflict in every War the US have been in,including the American Civil War.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We don't pretend to advise you on how to run your Country........but we could tell you how to cut your Gun death/murder rate,that's for sure.

If you asked the majority of Australians what they think of American Gun Culture......"They are as "Mad as a Cut Snake".......Ernie,better a Busy-Body than a Dead Body.......jusy sayin steve

You're so full of shit it isn't funny.

"Australian gun ownership back up to where it was in 1996, doesn't this gut the claims that Australia's gun buyback

This is actually pretty amazing given the threat that the government could actually again try to confiscate guns in the country. That imposes a real potential tax on gun ownership.

Australians own as many guns now as they did at the time of the Port Arthur massacre, despite more than 1 million firearms being handed in and destroyed, new research reveals.

A University of Sydney study has shown there has been a steady increase in guns imported into the country over the past decade, with the number of privately owned guns now at the same level as 1996. . . .
Weirdly, gun control advocates are claiming that the buy back is lowering suicides at the same time that they are upset that gun ownership is back to it pre-buy back levels. One doesn't need a semi-auto to commit suicide. While Australia's population grew by 20 percent between 1997 and 2011, apparently its gun ownership rate grew by 45 percent. If they are right, the pattern should have been clear: suicides with guns should have plunged in 1997 and then quickly grown after that. Obviously that pattern wasn't what was observed."

John Lott's Website: Australian gun ownership back up to where it was in 1996, doesn't this gut the claims that Australia's gun buyback

Gun Amnesgties Fail to Cut Arms | Port Arthur Massacre |
I love it. One guy from Australia opines, he's told to MYOB as a foreign busybody.
Then he's refuted about his own country by a guy from Nevada.

Can't make this stuff up.
Well, it took a long time to change my mind, but the gun nuts have persuaded me. Guns are nothing but a tool. It is the people who have them that are the real problem....

Dare I say it "GUN NUTS" you got that right

Guns are not a TOOL.......they are a Lethal Weapon...........Designed to KILL.

And Kill they certainly DO../ HAVE.........1.35 odd MILLION Americans since J.F.K.

I hope you don't think THAT FIGURE IS NORMAL Vandal

The Irony Is That When You Catch The Perpertrators......YOU EXECUTE THEM


So it's not 1.350 Million,I have to add in the EXECUTIONS......Lets say another 500,000 since J.F.K. executed(someone could help me here on the number) Thanks.

But the true COST of the GUN......starts to multiply here.......Take in all the Maimed and Injured........Often a life of misery and on going health cost(not that you even have a health care system to talk of),the Sadness of those left behind,women,children,families,and the on going mental problems.....moreover the lost opportunities of children because of Economic hardship.

Fcuk Me,do I really have to explain more......the true cost of your insidious GUN CULTURE.

I'm the liq and tell it how it is.....Me I'd BAN GUNS..NOW..steve

Unfortunately you could ban everything tomorrow and things wouldn't change. You had it in the previous sentence: "gun culture". As long as the fetish is there... it will fester.

That's why I believe this is not a law issue; it's a culture issue. Laws don't control what people want to do; cultural values do. That's where the shift needs to happen. Change the culture and you don't need the law.
Maybe if your liberal friends in Hollywood stopped glorifying crime and gun violence, that "gun culture" you talk about would change. If you want to ban something, ban violent lyrics in hip hop recordings. But wait, that would violate their 1st Amendment rights, wouldn't it? Can't do that to the left, can we?
There are other ways to get around Heller.

The first one would be to overturn the absurd rule that immunizes gun makers from liability.

How about we consider that after we turn over the law that immunizes government from liability?


um. No.

Again, I can see why this worries you guys. The minute a gun maker pays out a multi-million dollar lawsuit, is the day they start clamping down on who they sell guns to.

Kind of like when Big Tobacco had to pay out all those big settlements, they suddenly weren't so keen on selling cigarettes to 13 year olds.
Getting A SCOTUS to contradict a previous ruling Is the next step. No Law is settled where a Court is concerned.

There are other ways to get around Heller.

The first one would be to overturn the absurd rule that immunizes gun makers from liability.

What is absurd about it? It is the exact same standard that is applied to very single product sold in the US.

Wait, that is the problem you don't like the fact that we live in a nation of laws, you want to give special treatment to the people who are better than you.

Uh, no, it's not the same standard, guy.

In fact, when the DC Snipers killed a bunch of people, the gun store and the gun manufacturers were sued because they had sold to these two mopes illegally. (John Mohammed was a felon and his partner Malvo was a minor and neither one of them should have been able to buy a gun.)

The gun store and the gun manufacturer had to pay out hefty settlements to the victims. It was ONLY then that the NRA ran to congress and got a law passed to immunize sellers and manufacturers from lawsuits.

The reality is, the Gun Industry is INTENTIONALLY selling to some very bad people to keep folks like Daveman scared so they want guns, too. That's why they fight to keep the gunshow loophole open. That's why they fight laws to limit the number of guns you can buy at a time. (Seriously, who other than a black marketeer needs to buy 12 guns in one day?)

Funny how you want to take away the guns from law-abiding people, but don't want criminals disarmed.

Are you now, or have you ever been, someone's prison bitch? Because you sure do seem to love criminals.

klipping your horseshit link, because there are a lot of Red State cities that have higher murder rates than Chicago, here's the thing.
No, there aren't, you lying sack of shit.
Criminals can get guns because they are generally accessable.

Japanese crooks don' thave guns. British Crooks don't have guns.

Our crooks have guns because everyone else does.
Whenever someone mentions violent crime in other countries, you try to turn it around to just gun deaths.

That's dishonest -- but perfectly in character for a lying piece of shit like you.

Criminals will commit crime regardless of your laws. People killed with a blade or a blunt instrument or a fist are just as dead as someone killed with a gun.

But, again, you don't give a shit about the victims. You just want an unarmed and compliant populace so they can't do anything about you and your fellow prog scum taking away people's liberties.

No, guy, the thing is ALL Murders are pretty low in those countries without guns.

Because it really isn't very easy to stab someone to death. Or blungeon someone to death. But shoot them, that 's easy.

So you take away the guns- LESS MURDER. Less crime in general.

That's why the Japanese only have 400 murders a year and we have 16,000.
There are other ways to get around Heller.

The first one would be to overturn the absurd rule that immunizes gun makers from liability.

How about we consider that after we turn over the law that immunizes government from liability?

:eek: Sacrilege! Heresy! Joey, don't listen! Just keep repeating: "Government is good and righteous and holy. Government loves me and will always take care of me."

One more time, Dave, who has spent most of his life sucking away at the government teet?

I think that would be the guy who gets a monthly check for work he did years ago.

That would be you.

"I totally hate government taking away my freedom. Hey, where's my pension check!!!"
How about we consider that after we turn over the law that immunizes government from liability?

:eek: Sacrilege! Heresy! Joey, don't listen! Just keep repeating: "Government is good and righteous and holy. Government loves me and will always take care of me."

One more time, Dave, who has spent most of his life sucking away at the government teet?

I think that would be the guy who gets a monthly check for work he did years ago.

That would be you.

"I totally hate government taking away my freedom. Hey, where's my pension check!!!"
That's a bullshit statement. If government commits to something, it doesn't make somebody a hypocrite to expect them to honor that commitment without having to give up their freedom as a condition that was not part of the original agreement. You are so full of shit I can smell it from here.
:eek: Sacrilege! Heresy! Joey, don't listen! Just keep repeating: "Government is good and righteous and holy. Government loves me and will always take care of me."

One more time, Dave, who has spent most of his life sucking away at the government teet?

I think that would be the guy who gets a monthly check for work he did years ago.

That would be you.

"I totally hate government taking away my freedom. Hey, where's my pension check!!!"
That's a bullshit statement. If government commits to something, it doesn't make somebody a hypocrite to expect them to honor that commitment without having to give up their freedom as a condition that was not part of the original agreement. You are so full of shit I can smell it from here.


So if the govenrment commits to feeding poor people or providing them medical care, we should expect them to honor that commitment.

because Dave screams ALL DAY about "Freedom" and "Slavery" when he talks about other government programs that help people.

But he's an able bodied male who thinks he ought to get a government check for life because of a job he is no longer doing and was paid for at the time.

That's hypocrisy.

He only likes the parts of government that benefit him, like most right wing hypocrites.
And at least 4 times that many have been bored to death listening to busybodies from foreign countries tell us how we should run this nation.

.Now,Now Ernie,it may be boring to some but not to all(thank goodness) In Australia we have NO GUNS,apart from shooting clubs,mainly farmers and the Police and Military...........Bikies(some) and Criminals have them,... illegal ones.

The Australian comparison to the US death/murder Gun rate is minute,.... a few per year,compared to my revised figure in the US which is 1.357 Million since J.F.K..........In fact more US Gun deaths/murders during this period,... out numbers conflict in every War the US have been in,including the American Civil War.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We don't pretend to advise you on how to run your Country........but we could tell you how to cut your Gun death/murder rate,that's for sure.

If you asked the majority of Australians what they think of American Gun Culture......"They are as "Mad as a Cut Snake".......Ernie,better a Busy-Body than a Dead Body.......jusy sayin steve

You're so full of shit it isn't funny.

"Australian gun ownership back up to where it was in 1996, doesn't this gut the claims that Australia's gun buyback

This is actually pretty amazing given the threat that the government could actually again try to confiscate guns in the country. That imposes a real potential tax on gun ownership.

Australians own as many guns now as they did at the time of the Port Arthur massacre, despite more than 1 million firearms being handed in and destroyed, new research reveals.

A University of Sydney study has shown there has been a steady increase in guns imported into the country over the past decade, with the number of privately owned guns now at the same level as 1996. . . .
Weirdly, gun control advocates are claiming that the buy back is lowering suicides at the same time that they are upset that gun ownership is back to it pre-buy back levels. One doesn't need a semi-auto to commit suicide. While Australia's population grew by 20 percent between 1997 and 2011, apparently its gun ownership rate grew by 45 percent. If they are right, the pattern should have been clear: suicides with guns should have plunged in 1997 and then quickly grown after that. Obviously that pattern wasn't what was observed."

John Lott's Website: Australian gun ownership back up to where it was in 1996, doesn't this gut the claims that Australia's gun buyback

Gun Amnesgties Fail to Cut Arms | Port Arthur Massacre |

The National Riflemans Association like to spin this tale...It's all BOLLOCKS.....This disreputable Organisation were here some years ago...spewing there SHIT...and were Automatically DEPORTED........never to be allowed into this country.........nothing better than a lowlife TERRORIST ORGANIZATION.

Some of you Americans I'm sure would EAT SHIT IF THE GUN LOBBY TOLD YOU TO....MAYBE YOU DO ALREADY.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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