No one is going to take your guns

There are other ways to get around Heller.

The first one would be to overturn the absurd rule that immunizes gun makers from liability.

What is absurd about it? It is the exact same standard that is applied to very single product sold in the US.

Wait, that is the problem you don't like the fact that we live in a nation of laws, you want to give special treatment to the people who are better than you.

Uh, no, it's not the same standard, guy.

In fact, when the DC Snipers killed a bunch of people, the gun store and the gun manufacturers were sued because they had sold to these two mopes illegally. (John Mohammed was a felon and his partner Malvo was a minor and neither one of them should have been able to buy a gun.)

The gun store and the gun manufacturer had to pay out hefty settlements to the victims. It was ONLY then that the NRA ran to congress and got a law passed to immunize sellers and manufacturers from lawsuits.

The reality is, the Gun Industry is INTENTIONALLY selling to some very bad people to keep folks like Daveman scared so they want guns, too. That's why they fight to keep the gunshow loophole open. That's why they fight laws to limit the number of guns you can buy at a time. (Seriously, who other than a black marketeer needs to buy 12 guns in one day?)
Stop projecting your sheer emotionalism on others. And as someone terrified of guns, you have no business lecturing others on fear, you chickenshit.
Yup, the only authority that counts...
I guess on the internet you can be whoever and whatever you want...even somebody who has a job.

Yup, because unlike you posting here all day, I only post at certain times...

Guess which one of us has a job?

Of course, you go around claiming to offer welfare people jobs, which honestly is not terribly credible, I doubt you own a business and I doubt you even talk to "those people".
I KNOW you don't own a business or you wouldn't make such stupid statements like everyone should be guaranteed a job. You would know that most people don't want to work, they just want the paycheck. You're pretty transparent. And no way do you work 70 hours a week, you're on this board longer than that.
klipping your horseshit link, because there are a lot of Red State cities that have higher murder rates than Chicago, here's the thing.
No, there aren't, you lying sack of shit.
Criminals can get guns because they are generally accessable.

Japanese crooks don' thave guns. British Crooks don't have guns.

Our crooks have guns because everyone else does.
Whenever someone mentions violent crime in other countries, you try to turn it around to just gun deaths.

That's dishonest -- but perfectly in character for a lying piece of shit like you.

Criminals will commit crime regardless of your laws. People killed with a blade or a blunt instrument or a fist are just as dead as someone killed with a gun.

But, again, you don't give a shit about the victims. You just want an unarmed and compliant populace so they can't do anything about you and your fellow prog scum taking away people's liberties.

No, guy, the thing is ALL Murders are pretty low in those countries without guns.

Because it really isn't very easy to stab someone to death. Or blungeon someone to death. But shoot them, that 's easy.

So you take away the guns- LESS MURDER. Less crime in general.

That's why the Japanese only have 400 murders a year and we have 16,000.
It isn't easy to stab someone to death?

What a moron.
How about we consider that after we turn over the law that immunizes government from liability?

:eek: Sacrilege! Heresy! Joey, don't listen! Just keep repeating: "Government is good and righteous and holy. Government loves me and will always take care of me."

One more time, Dave, who has spent most of his life sucking away at the government teet?

I think that would be the guy who gets a monthly check for work he did years ago.

That would be you.

"I totally hate government taking away my freedom. Hey, where's my pension check!!!"
If you hadn't gotten your worthless ass thrown out of the Army, you could have earned a pension, too.

But the military frowns on meth use, don't they?
One more time, Dave, who has spent most of his life sucking away at the government teet?

I think that would be the guy who gets a monthly check for work he did years ago.

That would be you.

"I totally hate government taking away my freedom. Hey, where's my pension check!!!"
That's a bullshit statement. If government commits to something, it doesn't make somebody a hypocrite to expect them to honor that commitment without having to give up their freedom as a condition that was not part of the original agreement. You are so full of shit I can smell it from here.


So if the govenrment commits to feeding poor people or providing them medical care, we should expect them to honor that commitment.

because Dave screams ALL DAY about "Freedom" and "Slavery" when he talks about other government programs that help people.

But he's an able bodied male who thinks he ought to get a government check for life because of a job he is no longer doing and was paid for at the time.

That's hypocrisy.

He only likes the parts of government that benefit him, like most right wing hypocrites.
You absolutely HATE it that I earned my pension.

Tough shit, pansy. I'm not going to give up something I earned because your widdle feewings are hurt.

Grow up, kid. Although if you haven't by now, you're never going to.
How is the manufacturer responsible for the third or fourth sale of a particular gun? How is the manufacturer responsible for a gun stolen then resold to another criminal?

Take your time. It's obvious you haven't given this any thought. At all. Whatsoever.

The gun manufacturers KNOW that some of these guns are going to be resold.

That's why they fight to keep the Gun Show Loophole open.

That's why they fight background checks and waiting periods.

Now, here's the thing.

One could make an argument to the jury that, "Hey, I sold to a responsible gun owner, I checked his background, made sure he had the proper licenses and insurance. Not my fault that someone broke into his house and stole his gun."

Okay, that's a reasonable argument.

The gun owner who says, "Hey, we sold our guns at a gun show to a guy with gang tats who smelled of his crystal meth lab, and the next day he went on a shooting rampage in the local mall". Yeah, that gun maker and seller ought to be held liable.

Hit them with a couple of lawsuits, they suddenly get more responsible.

So if the govenrment commits to feeding poor people or providing them medical care, we should expect them to honor that commitment.

because Dave screams ALL DAY about "Freedom" and "Slavery" when he talks about other government programs that help people.

But he's an able bodied male who thinks he ought to get a government check for life because of a job he is no longer doing and was paid for at the time.

That's hypocrisy.

He only likes the parts of government that benefit him, like most right wing hypocrites.
If he paid into it, he is not a hypocrite for accepting payments from them. He worked for it, and the pension is part of the deal, where's the hypocrisy?

He didn't "pay into it".
I worked for it. For 20 years.
And if he insists up and down that debt is wrong and we are spending too much and depdending on the government is "slavery", then maybe he needs to straighten out his own life, first, before trying to yank food out of the mouth of a hungry child.

What would Jesus do?
Jesus would donate to charity -- you know, like you refuse to do because in addition to being a coward, you're s stingy bastard.
:eek: Sacrilege! Heresy! Joey, don't listen! Just keep repeating: "Government is good and righteous and holy. Government loves me and will always take care of me."

One more time, Dave, who has spent most of his life sucking away at the government teet?

I think that would be the guy who gets a monthly check for work he did years ago.

That would be you.

"I totally hate government taking away my freedom. Hey, where's my pension check!!!"
If you hadn't gotten your worthless ass thrown out of the Army, you could have earned a pension, too.

But the military frowns on meth use, don't they?

Actually, I left because after teh Gulf War, I didn't feel like getting killed for Oil Companies or Zionism.

We've been over this, Dave.

Probably a good move, given I wouldn't have hit 20 years until 2006 (My first five years as a reservist not really counting towards retirement.)

Here's the thing, though. I wouldn't have collected a pension and then complained about poor children getting food being "Slavery" or an affront to my "Freedom".
If he paid into it, he is not a hypocrite for accepting payments from them. He worked for it, and the pension is part of the deal, where's the hypocrisy?

He didn't "pay into it".
I worked for it. For 20 years.
And if he insists up and down that debt is wrong and we are spending too much and depdending on the government is "slavery", then maybe he needs to straighten out his own life, first, before trying to yank food out of the mouth of a hungry child.

What would Jesus do?
Jesus would donate to charity -- you know, like you refuse to do because in addition to being a coward, you're s stingy bastard.

No, I just don't make enough money to give to charity. Not after having to pay thousands of dollars in medical bills after I got cheated by my insurance company.

But to the point, guy, you talk about how you "deserve" that money. Not that you need that money, because you are supposedly soooo awesome you could easily earn your keep.

but you are more deserving of that money than a poor child who needs SNAP to put food in her stomach.

I think it kind of shows how messed up your priorities are and nowhere even close to what Jesus was talking about.
Turns out they lied.

Sherrie Questioning All: The gun grabbers always say "Registration does not lead to Confiscation." Hmm... Seems New York is proving that WRONG - Confiscating weapons, registered in state. Letter proving it


Only a moron would register his weapons.

If you truly believe that your firearms are in your home to protect you and your family from being assaulted or worse by someone you may have to kill then you will need more than just a gun. If you live close to other people I recommend your gun be fitted with a noise reduction device also. You don't really need to bother your neighbors with your personal problems.

Heavy plastic, bone saw, blood cleaning supplies(bleach) and a hole pre dug or a fool proof plan already laid out to dispose of the scum that was trying to do harm to you or your family. Oh ya...don't forget to dig the bullets out of the corpse before disposal..otherwise you will have to throw away a perfectly good gun.

Ya...I know...sounds gruesome. Yet if you have the heart to take a life to protect your own you had better have the sense to do the whole job or the same people that you think just want to take away your guns will think nothing of putting you in prison for using them to protect your family.
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Laws are already in place to prevent the mentally ill from buying firearms. Like Biden said, none of the past proposed laws would prevent another mass shooting. Only thing that might, is for a good guy with a gun who is present to stop the bad guy

Just buy a shotgun and fire it into the air...

[ame=""]Gun Joe Biden Says No Need To Own Assault Weapons: 'Buy A Shotgun - YouTube[/ame]

Most Gun owners are Boring.........but in their sorry peanut minds feel safer having one.......Do you realize how F'ing STUPID THAT SOUNDS...........if only your fore-farthers were around,they would be fitting you up for straight jackets.

and be Tearing Up the 2nd Amendment...Quick Smart........they could never have realized what you have become.

Over 1.2 million GUN deaths/murders since the assassination of J.F.K.....a disgraceful figure indeed.......1.2 million!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eusa_hand: SAY NO TO GUNS....AND LIVE.


did you know that in the same time frame there were over 2.2 million deaths by automobile ?

is THAT OK with you ? seems to be.., if a person dies by shooting it's horrible, by any other means it's perfectly OK..., RIGHT ????????

you fucking liberals make me :lmao:
The gun manufacturers KNOW that some of these guns are going to be resold.

That's why they fight to keep the Gun Show Loophole open.

That's why they fight background checks and waiting periods.

Now, here's the thing.

One could make an argument to the jury that, "Hey, I sold to a responsible gun owner, I checked his background, made sure he had the proper licenses and insurance. Not my fault that someone broke into his house and stole his gun."

Okay, that's a reasonable argument.

The gun owner who says, "Hey, we sold our guns at a gun show to a guy with gang tats who smelled of his crystal meth lab, and the next day he went on a shooting rampage in the local mall". Yeah, that gun maker and seller ought to be held liable.

Hit them with a couple of lawsuits, they suddenly get more responsible.

The National Parks Service and the Federal Government KNOW that failing to clear underbrush leads to disastrous fire conditions.

That's how they keep the environmentalists happy.

That's why they don't clear the underbrush and make things safer.

One could make the argument to the jury that taking chain or brush saws and disposing of the underbrush isn't what nature would do and a few animals might be pissed of.

Okay, That's a reasonable argument.

When lightning strikes sparking a forest fire, and the excessive underbrush causes the fire to spread quickly and get out of control, burning a fifth of the state of New Mexico, killing 10 firemen, killing 6 civilians ...
moving out of the National Park destroying $800 million worth of commercial timber and causing $250 million in damages to private property … Yeah, the government should be held liable.

Hit the government with a couple of massive lawsuits, they suddenly get more responsible.

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Only a moron would register his weapons.

If you truly believe that your firearms are in your home to protect you and your family from being assaulted or worse by someone you may have to kill then you will need more than just a gun. If you live close to other people I recommend your gun be fitted with a noise reduction device also. You don't really need to bother your neighbors with your personal problems.

Heavy plastic, bone saw, blood cleaning supplies(bleach) and a hole pre dug or a fool proof plan already laid out to dispose of the scum that was trying to do harm to you or your family. Oh ya...don't forget to dig the bullets out of the corpse before disposal..otherwise you will have to throw away a perfectly good gun.

Ya...I know...sounds gruesome. Yet if you have the heart to take a life to protect your own you had better have the sense to do the whole job or the same people that you think just want to take away your guns will think nothing of putting you in prison for using them to protect your family.

it was the bad guys gun

during the struggle you got it from him

you had no choice
Only a moron would register his weapons.

If you truly believe that your firearms are in your home to protect you and your family from being assaulted or worse by someone you may have to kill then you will need more than just a gun. If you live close to other people I recommend your gun be fitted with a noise reduction device also. You don't really need to bother your neighbors with your personal problems.

Heavy plastic, bone saw, blood cleaning supplies(bleach) and a hole pre dug or a fool proof plan already laid out to dispose of the scum that was trying to do harm to you or your family. Oh ya...don't forget to dig the bullets out of the corpse before disposal..otherwise you will have to throw away a perfectly good gun.

Ya...I know...sounds gruesome. Yet if you have the heart to take a life to protect your own you had better have the sense to do the whole job or the same people that you think just want to take away your guns will think nothing of putting you in prison for using them to protect your family.

it was the bad guys gun

during the struggle you got it from him

you had no choice

Move to a state where they actually respect your right to own a firearm ...
Shoot the bastard ...
Shoot him a few more times so some Progressive Liberal court doesn't entertain the idea that the criminal can sue your homeowner's insurance for medical bills if you don't kill them ...
Call the police or sheriff's department and tell them to send a detective along with the coroner to your house and make a pot of coffee.

Note to all would be assailants, robbers, murders, trespassers and general bad guys in several states ...
Please carry proper identification to facilitate the coroner's job ... And make it easier for the news reporters to find members of your family to cry on television talking about how good of a kid you really were.

Only a moron would register his weapons.

If you truly believe that your firearms are in your home to protect you and your family from being assaulted or worse by someone you may have to kill then you will need more than just a gun. If you live close to other people I recommend your gun be fitted with a noise reduction device also. You don't really need to bother your neighbors with your personal problems.

Heavy plastic, bone saw, blood cleaning supplies(bleach) and a hole pre dug or a fool proof plan already laid out to dispose of the scum that was trying to do harm to you or your family. Oh ya...don't forget to dig the bullets out of the corpse before disposal..otherwise you will have to throw away a perfectly good gun.

Ya...I know...sounds gruesome. Yet if you have the heart to take a life to protect your own you had better have the sense to do the whole job or the same people that you think just want to take away your guns will think nothing of putting you in prison for using them to protect your family.

it was the bad guys gun

during the struggle you got it from him

you had no choice

Move to a state where they actually respect your right to own a firearm ...
Shoot the bastard ...
Shoot him a few more times so some Progressive Liberal court doesn't entertain the idea that the criminal can sue your homeowner's insurance for medical bills if you don't kill them ...
Call the police or sheriff's department and tell them to send a detective along with the coroner to your house and make a pot of coffee.

Note to all would be assailants, robbers, murders, trespassers and general bad guys in several states ...
Please carry proper identification to facilitate the coroner's job ... And make it easier for the news reporters to find members of your family to cry on television talking about how good of a kid you really were.


Move to a state where they actually respect your right to own a firearm ...
Shoot the bastard .

i already do

i live in a state that not only respects firearm ownership and self defense

but has passed laws directed at the federal government to butt out
i already do

i live in a state that not only respects firearm ownership and self defense

but has passed laws directed at the federal government to butt out

Yeah ... There are a lot of states that protect the rights of their citizens to defend themselves.
I just thought we were giving open suggestions to anyone who may want to know.


Only a moron would register his weapons.

If you truly believe that your firearms are in your home to protect you and your family from being assaulted or worse by someone you may have to kill then you will need more than just a gun. If you live close to other people I recommend your gun be fitted with a noise reduction device also. You don't really need to bother your neighbors with your personal problems.

Heavy plastic, bone saw, blood cleaning supplies(bleach) and a hole pre dug or a fool proof plan already laid out to dispose of the scum that was trying to do harm to you or your family. Oh ya...don't forget to dig the bullets out of the corpse before disposal..otherwise you will have to throw away a perfectly good gun.

Ya...I know...sounds gruesome. Yet if you have the heart to take a life to protect your own you had better have the sense to do the whole job or the same people that you think just want to take away your guns will think nothing of putting you in prison for using them to protect your family.

it was the bad guys gun

during the struggle you got it from him

you had no choice

I wouldn't trust any authority that wants to dissarm me to protect my right to protect what's mine.

If you are of a mindset to make excuses for doing what is right then go ahead on with that strategy. You may as well just register your weapons.

I see no need to be a victim.

If you feel like there is a real possibility that you must defend your or yours lives with a weapon then you have already chosen NOT to be a victim. Why choose to be a half ass non victim and end up being a victim from the authorities?

A bullshit story that is a lie will put you in prison. Is that really what you want to pay for defending yourself?

Just because you think things out well in advance does not mean you are a bad person. Trying to clean up a mess after the fact is very hard to do.
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