No one is going to take your guns

Dare I say it "GUN NUTS" you got that right

Guns are not a TOOL.......they are a Lethal Weapon...........Designed to KILL.

And Kill they certainly DO../ HAVE.........1.35 odd MILLION Americans since J.F.K.

I hope you don't think THAT FIGURE IS NORMAL Vandal

The Irony Is That When You Catch The Perpertrators......YOU EXECUTE THEM


So it's not 1.350 Million,I have to add in the EXECUTIONS......Lets say another 500,000 since J.F.K. executed(someone could help me here on the number) Thanks.

But the true COST of the GUN......starts to multiply here.......Take in all the Maimed and Injured........Often a life of misery and on going health cost(not that you even have a health care system to talk of),the Sadness of those left behind,women,children,families,and the on going mental problems.....moreover the lost opportunities of children because of Economic hardship.

Fcuk Me,do I really have to explain more......the true cost of your insidious GUN CULTURE.

I'm the liq and tell it how it is.....Me I'd BAN GUNS..NOW..steve

Unfortunately you could ban everything tomorrow and things wouldn't change. You had it in the previous sentence: "gun culture". As long as the fetish is there... it will fester.

That's why I believe this is not a law issue; it's a culture issue. Laws don't control what people want to do; cultural values do. That's where the shift needs to happen. Change the culture and you don't need the law.

Maybe if your liberal friends in Hollywood stopped glorifying crime and gun violence, that "gun culture" you talk about would change. If you want to ban something, ban violent lyrics in hip hop recordings. But wait, that would violate their 1st Amendment rights, wouldn't it? Can't do that to the left, can we?

I have no "friends in Hollywood", liberal or otherwise, and I just got done saying that "ban" doesn't work. Duh.

You have the reading comprehension of a diseased turnip wearing a blindfold.
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i already do

i live in a state that not only respects firearm ownership and self defense

but has passed laws directed at the federal government to butt out

Yeah ... There are a lot of states that protect the rights of their citizens to defend themselves.
I just thought we were giving open suggestions to anyone who may want to know.


true it is a sad day for America when one has to move

to assert their rights
Joe the Slug,

One more time, Dave, who has spent most of his life sucking away at the government teet?

I think that would be the guy who gets a monthly check for work he did years ago.

why are you jealous of us who put our lives on the line to protect slime like you ?

if you are working as you claim to be, i do want to thank you for contributing towards my/our tax FREE retirement income.
How is the manufacturer responsible for the third or fourth sale of a particular gun? How is the manufacturer responsible for a gun stolen then resold to another criminal?

Take your time. It's obvious you haven't given this any thought. At all. Whatsoever.

The gun manufacturers KNOW that some of these guns are going to be resold.

That's why they fight to keep the Gun Show Loophole open.

That's why they fight background checks and waiting periods.

Now, here's the thing.

One could make an argument to the jury that, "Hey, I sold to a responsible gun owner, I checked his background, made sure he had the proper licenses and insurance. Not my fault that someone broke into his house and stole his gun."

Okay, that's a reasonable argument.

The gun owner who says, "Hey, we sold our guns at a gun show to a guy with gang tats who smelled of his crystal meth lab, and the next day he went on a shooting rampage in the local mall". Yeah, that gun maker and seller ought to be held liable.

Hit them with a couple of lawsuits, they suddenly get more responsible.

i swear, you get more ridiculous with every argument. how does a gun being resold or the knowledge it migh be resold put any responsibility on a gun manufacturer? they produce a product. it is inteneded to be sold with in the laws of the land. seriously, it is like saying any product that kills someone the manufacturer should be liable. Should stanley be held accountable for the 400 murders caused by hammers? Should ford, GM, Honda and all be held accountable for the 45,000 deaths or the 6,500,000 accidents a year and resulting injuries and damage. shoul they also be held responsible to corporations for the lost man hours as a result of those accidents?
um. No.

Again, I can see why this worries you guys. The minute a gun maker pays out a multi-million dollar lawsuit, is the day they start clamping down on who they sell guns to.

Kind of like when Big Tobacco had to pay out all those big settlements, they suddenly weren't so keen on selling cigarettes to 13 year olds.

Oh ... So business should be held liable ... And the government shouldn't?
Why shouldn't we sue the government for allowing cigarettes to be sold in the first place ... And getting an enormous windfall off taxes levied on a product they don't even produce?

Most Gun owners are Boring.........but in their sorry peanut minds feel safer having one.......Do you realize how F'ing STUPID THAT SOUNDS...........if only your fore-farthers were around,they would be fitting you up for straight jackets.

and be Tearing Up the 2nd Amendment...Quick Smart........they could never have realized what you have become.

Over 1.2 million GUN deaths/murders since the assassination of J.F.K.....a disgraceful figure indeed.......1.2 million!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eusa_hand: SAY NO TO GUNS....AND LIVE.


And at least 4 times that many have been bored to death listening to busybodies from foreign countries tell us how we should run this nation.

.Now,Now Ernie,it may be boring to some but not to all(thank goodness) In Australia we have NO GUNS,apart from shooting clubs,mainly farmers and the Police and Military...........Bikies(some) and Criminals have them,... illegal ones.

The Australian comparison to the US death/murder Gun rate is minute,.... a few per year,compared to my revised figure in the US which is 1.357 Million since J.F.K..........In fact more US Gun deaths/murders during this period,... out numbers conflict in every War the US have been in,including the American Civil War.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We don't pretend to advise you on how to run your Country........but we could tell you how to cut your Gun death/murder rate,that's for sure.

If you asked the majority of Australians what they think of American Gun Culture......"They are as "Mad as a Cut Snake".......Ernie,better a Busy-Body than a Dead Body.......jusy sayin steve

I'm thinking there must be some cause in Australia where your time would be better spent.
I'm thinking there must be some cause in Australia where your time would be better spent.

What makes you think that Ernie ... The Progressive Liberals have already restricted the rights of their people to own firearms in Australia?
Whatever else they want to do ... There is nothing the people can do about stopping them.
People like theliq might as well support their friends elsewhere ... Because a Progressive Liberal Police State is almost a done deal there.

Well, it took a long time to change my mind, but the gun nuts have persuaded me. Guns are nothing but a tool. It is the people who have them that are the real problem....

Dare I say it "GUN NUTS" you got that right

Guns are not a TOOL.......they are a Lethal Weapon...........Designed to KILL.

And Kill they certainly DO../ HAVE.........1.35 odd MILLION Americans since J.F.K.

I hope you don't think THAT FIGURE IS NORMAL Vandal

The Irony Is That When You Catch The Perpertrators......YOU EXECUTE THEM


So it's not 1.350 Million,I have to add in the EXECUTIONS......Lets say another 500,000 since J.F.K. executed(someone could help me here on the number) Thanks.

But the true COST of the GUN......starts to multiply here.......Take in all the Maimed and Injured........Often a life of misery and on going health cost(not that you even have a health care system to talk of),the Sadness of those left behind,women,children,families,and the on going mental problems.....moreover the lost opportunities of children because of Economic hardship.

Fcuk Me,do I really have to explain more......the true cost of your insidious GUN CULTURE.

I'm the liq and tell it how it is.....Me I'd BAN GUNS..NOW..steve

Well, you have no say about what we do, so no one actually cares what you say.

Do you realize that twice as many people have been killed by automobiles in the US in those 50 years? Shocking, no? Also shocking is that no one from New Zealand has logged on to a discussion of US politics, telling us to ban cars here.

Again! Guns are harmless. People are dangerous.
53 pages of posts following an OP that links to the most credible of internet sources... some dipshit's blog.

More proof that the terrorists are winning.
Again! Guns are harmless. People are dangerous.

That's what the anti-gun fools don't understand. A firearm is harmless without the person who fires it. So, whether it's a firearm, or bat, or knife or axe, it's the human using it that is the real weapon.
I'm thinking there must be some cause in Australia where your time would be better spent.

What makes you think that Ernie ... The Progressive Liberals have already restricted the rights of their people to own firearms in Australia?
Whatever else they want to do ... There is nothing the people can do about stopping them.
People like theliq might as well support their friends elsewhere ... Because a Progressive Liberal Police State is almost a done deal there.


I'm thinking there must be CO2 that hasn't been taxed or a subspecies of rodent that hasn't been protected, or God forbid, a teen aged girl who hasn't been given an abortion.

There MUST be some social problem in Sydney that can hold his attention for 30 seconds.
Again! Guns are harmless. People are dangerous.

That's what the anti-gun fools don't understand. A firearm is harmless without the person who fires it. So, whether it's a firearm, or bat, or knife or axe, it's the human using it that is the real weapon.

What makes a gun appealing is not so much it's capability, but it's efficiency. If a scumbag breaks into my house with a knife, I have a definite advantage. If all I have is a telephone, unless he is planning to starve me to death, I'm pretty much screwed.
Chicago by the numbers, Obama's hometown, which boasts some of the toughest gun laws in the nation.
But Comrade O still wants your guns. Because if his Muslim bros want to behead an infidel or two, or three hundred thousand, no American should be left with a gun around to stop them

Just for November, 2013

Shot and killed: 23

Shot and wounded: 111

Total homicides: 27

A little birdie should be telling the folks in charge, that means you too, Rahm, them gun laws just ain't workin'

But then again Comrade O refused to fire Eric Holder after Fast and Furious. The recent release of excerpts from agent Dobson's book about that fiasco makes the whole thing look like an episode of the Keystone Cops. 'Who's on first?!"

And of course, Kathleen Sebelius still has her job even after Comrade Barack stated he has to find out why was left holding his hands over his dick and his anus, trying to cover up his masculinity, or lack thereof, after he was left pantsless and slack jawed with the failure of

Then there are those four rogue agents in Cincinnatti who famously tried persecuting the Tea Partiers trying to set up tax exempt groups.

Its kindee like when a Democrat gets his teeth into an idee, they ain't gonna let it go, jaws clamped tighter than a pit bulls, I guess. What was Einstein's definition of an imbecile?

Blog: Obama's home town by the numbers
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So it's not 1.350 Million,I have to add in the EXECUTIONS......Lets say another 500,000 since J.F.K. executed(someone could help me here on the number) Thanks.

You weren't even close, dipshit. There have been less than 1,500 executions since Kennedy.
53 pages of posts following an OP that links to the most credible of internet sources... some dipshit's blog.

More proof that the terrorists are winning.

I linked to a New York City government page which confirms the OP. Nice try.

Here it is again: Link.
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53 pages of posts following an OP that links to the most credible of internet sources... some dipshit's blog.

More proof that the terrorists are winning.

I linked to a New York City government page which confirms the OP. Nice try.

Here it is again: Link.

If you knew how to read you'd know the link you provided actually refutes the OP.

But nice try. :thup:
53 pages of posts following an OP that links to the most credible of internet sources... some dipshit's blog.

More proof that the terrorists are winning.

I linked to a New York City government page which confirms the OP. Nice try.

Here it is again: Link.

If you knew how to read you'd know the link you provided actually refutes the OP.

But nice try. :thup:

It confirms that certain sized magazines and certain types of guns which were once legal to own can no longer be lawfully possessed in New York. Those who own them must now dispose of them and report to the government how they disposed of them.

If they don't report the disposition of their weapons, what do you think the next phase is? A birthday cake?
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53 pages of posts following an OP that links to the most credible of internet sources... some dipshit's blog.

More proof that the terrorists are winning.

I linked to a New York City government page which confirms the OP. Nice try.

Here it is again: Link.

That does not confirm the OP. it confirms that there is a law on the books in does not confirm anything about confiscations or letters being sent to gun owners in droves.

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