No one is going to take your guns


the government makes more money on a pack of cigarettes than the tobacco companies do, by a wide margin. the FDA has done nothing to make cigarettes safer. name one politician who has ever been held liable for smoking related illness. once again more utter bullshit you spew

Yes, they do.

And they end up paying for the consequences of smoking in lost revenues for those who die early, and the medical costs of those who end up on Medicare or Medicaid after Private insurance won't touch them.
Frankly, paying retirees adds NOTHING to national defense. And unlike let's say, retirees on social security, you are more than capable of working...

Sounds like some sad puppy lost their military pension.

No, but I know you want to make this about me.

For the record, I have no problem with military pensions.

I have a problem with shitheads like dave who want to yank food out of the mouths of hungry children and INSIST that their welfare check is totally "earned" years after they stopped contributing anything to national defense.
I have a problem with shitheads like dave who want to yank food out of the mouths of hungry children and INSIST that their welfare check is totally "earned" years after they stopped contributing anything to national defense.

Right Dave is yanking food out of the mouths of hungry children.

It is clear why you leave a trail of failure and butt hurt in your wake.

the government makes more money on a pack of cigarettes than the tobacco companies do, by a wide margin. the FDA has done nothing to make cigarettes safer. name one politician who has ever been held liable for smoking related illness. once again more utter bullshit you spew

Yes, they do.

And they end up paying for the consequences of smoking in lost revenues for those who die early, and the medical costs of those who end up on Medicare or Medicaid after Private insurance won't touch them.

well with obamacare the will be touching them. time for the tax payers to pony up again because of the democrats failure
I have a problem with shitheads like dave who want to yank food out of the mouths of hungry children and INSIST that their welfare check is totally "earned" years after they stopped contributing anything to national defense.

Right Dave is yanking food out of the mouths of hungry children.

It is clear why you leave a trail of failure and butt hurt in your wake.

So Dave is all for SNAP and school lunches now? Cool.

But keep wanting to talk about me, Cleetus. It keeps you from every having to address the issue.
I have a problem with shitheads like dave who want to yank food out of the mouths of hungry children and INSIST that their welfare check is totally "earned" years after they stopped contributing anything to national defense.

Right Dave is yanking food out of the mouths of hungry children.

It is clear why you leave a trail of failure and butt hurt in your wake.

So Dave is all for SNAP and school lunches now? Cool.

But keep wanting to talk about me, Cleetus. It keeps you from every having to address the issue.

liberals are all for evolution. evolution relies on survival of the fittest. the fittest don't need entitlements.
There are other ways to get around Heller.

The first one would be to overturn the absurd rule that immunizes gun makers from liability.

What is absurd about it? It is the exact same standard that is applied to very single product sold in the US.

Wait, that is the problem you don't like the fact that we live in a nation of laws, you want to give special treatment to the people who are better than you.

Uh, no, it's not the same standard, guy.

In fact, when the DC Snipers killed a bunch of people, the gun store and the gun manufacturers were sued because they had sold to these two mopes illegally. (John Mohammed was a felon and his partner Malvo was a minor and neither one of them should have been able to buy a gun.)

The gun store and the gun manufacturer had to pay out hefty settlements to the victims. It was ONLY then that the NRA ran to congress and got a law passed to immunize sellers and manufacturers from lawsuits.

The reality is, the Gun Industry is INTENTIONALLY selling to some very bad people to keep folks like Daveman scared so they want guns, too. That's why they fight to keep the gunshow loophole open. That's why they fight laws to limit the number of guns you can buy at a time. (Seriously, who other than a black marketeer needs to buy 12 guns in one day?)

Damn, that was stupid, even for you.

If the world worked the way you just said it does people would be suing automobile dealers and manufacturers every time a drunk driver killed someone.
Remove all confidentiality of medical records for mental health. Make them public domain.

Problem solved.

Maybe we could require every crazy person to wear a purple vest with a neon green batshit logo so everyone knows they are crazy.

How about a sweatshirt? I don't think Joe can do buttons yet

I hear they took away his sweatshirts because he kept trying to stick his head in the arms.
liberals are all for evolution. evolution relies on survival of the fittest. the fittest don't need entitlements.

I think you are confusing "Social Darwinism", a discredited social theory, for Evolution, a science you clearly don't understand.

so tell me, in evolution, do the unfit survive?

Ultimately, NO ONE survives.

Everyone dies, eventually.

Survival of the Fittest referred to a species best being able to survive in a given environment. It had nothing to do with

I also would debate how you would define unfit. You toss Paris Hilton in the middle of the woods or in an inner city ghetto, her pampered ass ain't gonna last a week.

Most of the people here wouldn't survive long in an inner city environment. The same is we allow those environments to exist... and yes, I put blame on both parties for that.
I'm just more interested in why you seem to want to bring every argument back to your hatred of government.

What makes you think I hate the government ... Do you think holding the government accountable and liable for their failures that cost life and property is a measure of hatred?


Yeah, actually, you really are coming off like a nutter.

Oh come on now Joe ...

There are a lot of people on the left here at USMB that think you are smart ... And you should have knocked this point out of the ballpark already if you had half a brain.
The reason we don't sue the government as liable or for damages ... Is because the government doesn't earn a damn dime.
For people to sue the government ... They would be suing the taxpayer.

The people paying taxes might not necessarily be the ones voting for some of the idiots that get elected.

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Getting A SCOTUS to contradict a previous ruling Is the next step. No Law is settled where a Court is concerned.

There are other ways to get around Heller.

The first one would be to overturn the absurd rule that immunizes gun makers from liability.

Sure, right after you agree that liability for the drunk driver that killed my good friend while driving a Chevy van should be on General Motors!
yeah, so why have you wingnuts been trying for 40 years to get someone to overturn Roe v. Wade, then?

And that was a 7-2 decision.

Here's the thing, guy, a lot of the awful decisions- Heller, Citizens United, are all going to be buried right after we bury Scalia. The courts are just waiting for that old fool to die off.
And the next President will replace, Scalia, not the present one. Right now I'd give you 3:1 that the next President will be 8 steps to the right of Ronald Reagan.
Oh and Justice Ginsberg is 2 years older than Scalia.

Not to mention: despite his age, Scalia shows few signs of slowing down. I can easily see him living to 80+. Though honestly...if it's a GOP president AND Senate in 2016, I can see Scalia actually stepping down.
yeah, so why have you wingnuts been trying for 40 years to get someone to overturn Roe v. Wade, then?

And that was a 7-2 decision.

Here's the thing, guy, a lot of the awful decisions- Heller, Citizens United, are all going to be buried right after we bury Scalia. The courts are just waiting for that old fool to die off.
And the next President will replace, Scalia, not the present one. Right now I'd give you 3:1 that the next President will be 8 steps to the right of Ronald Reagan.

Next President will be a Democrat.

And the one after that.

And the one after that.

You guys can't win nominating the same kinds of whackjobs you always nominate.

Minorities and women make up 70% of the electorate. You simply can't win continuing to pander to angry white men clinging to their guns and bibles.

Are you BLIND, are you PROJECTING, or are you just STUPID, boy? When the GOP nominates wishy-washy moderates (see: Dole, McCain, Romney), they get pasted. When they nominate conservatives, they win.

You've never answered your comments about the pit bulls Joe.........

After you passed the law to ban that breed of dog, what would you do with the 100's of thousands of pit bulls in this country..............


Euthanize their asses.

I don't play nice.

but that was probably because I knew a lady who got her face ripped off by one.

Your absolute GLEE at the thought of killing thousands of dogs is, frankly, disturbing. Honestly, you sound like a serial killer in the making. Seek professional psychiatric treatment immediately!

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