No one is going to take your guns

Frankly, I wouldn't take a job from you either. You seem like a horrible person to work for.

Just admit it, Joey..."work" is something you have no interest in! Did your EBT card get recharged yesterday, boy?

Unlike you, Wrenchy, I wouldn't even know what day an EBT card gets recharged.

But you seem to have some experience in these matters.

Yes you do....In fact you would be a pig in shit if the federal government dramatically expanded social entitlements. This way you could achieve your dream of siting at home on your lazy entitlement mentality ass thinking you are 'sticking it to the man'...
What a sorry excuse for a Putz you are.
joe, perhaps you can show me the instructions that come with any gun that tell you how to kill someone. I mean if that is really their designed intent. also answer me this. why haven't any of my more than 30 guns ever killed anyone? Are they defective? Did I get lemons? Also answer me this. If guns are designed to kill people then why, of all the guns in the USA, do only .000036 of them ever kill anyone? I mean if their sole intent is to kill someone they really are pretty ineffective?

If their was a method of birth control on the market that only have a .000036 chance in preventing a pregnancy, would you use it? If there was a painkiller that had a .000036 chance of curing your headache, would you buy it? when a hammer has that is designed to pound in a nail has a higher kill rate then a deadly assault style weapon, which , according to you, is designed only to kill, don't you think something is wrong?

about the only thing a gun with a .000036 shot at killing someone is more effective than, is you, ever making any sense.

Wow, that's pretty disingenous.

A gun is designed to propell a bullet into a human being at a velocity strong enough to rupture organs and cause death.

That's the design. That's what it is meant to do and it has NO OTHER PURPOSE.

the fact that most of them aren't used to do that doesn't take away from the fact they are designed to do that.

And anyone who owns 30 guns has a serious mental issue. Fuck, Nancy Lanza only owned 12.

no joe, a gun is designed to propel a bullet, plain and simple. not into a human. that's you liberal bullshit spin and no one is buying it. do you see any advertising for a gun and a bullet to kill a human? do you see advertising for hunting and target shooting? of all the guns out there, only .000036 ever commit a murder. statistically nothing. statistically cars are worse. statistically medical procedures are worse. statistically tobacco, which the government profits from is worse. but forget about the guns, look at the rounds of ammunition fired each year. billions of rounds. 22lr alone, 5 billion rounds a year. and you claim the sole intent of these is to kill humans? no wonder you gun grabbers couldn't even exploit the deaths of children. you are so pathetic in your arguments.
That's an utterly stupid statement.

People sue the government all the time, when the government allows itself to be sued.

They don't sue the government all the time ... And can only sue the government if the government waives their sovereign immunity.
If you think that being sued as a business is the same as the government looking at a case and deciding whether or not they will agree to be sued is the same thing ... Then you are the stupid one.

Suits against the government also most often come in the case of a violation of rights ... And not for damages or liability.

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Are you BLIND, are you PROJECTING, or are you just STUPID, boy? When the GOP nominates wishy-washy moderates (see: Dole, McCain, Romney), they get pasted. When they nominate conservatives, they win.

Actually, McCain and Romney were more right wing than Reagan ever was.

Reagan signed gun control laws. He signed abortion laws. He appointed moderates to the SCOTUS.

You guys keep mixing up mythical Reagan for the one who was actually president.

BUt here's the difference between now and 32 years ago.

Romney would have won if the various demographic groups made up the same precentages as they did in 1980. Romney won 59% of the White Vote, better than Reagan did in 1980.

This is why the GOP is done. Whites as a percentage of the electorate shrinks about 2% per election cycle. It was 88% in 1980, but it's only 72% now.

if the gop is done, which it isn't, the country is done. liberal policies create an ever growing population of dependents which we simply can not afford to support. Money will leave before the wealth is spread. that's a fact. it happens every time.
There are other ways to get around Heller.

The first one would be to overturn the absurd rule that immunizes gun makers from liability.

Sure, right after you agree that liability for the drunk driver that killed my good friend while driving a Chevy van should be on General Motors!

Depends, did Chevy design that truck specifically to kill people, and then sold it to a person they knew to be a drunk?

Yes. any device or machine that has in it inherent risks to life and limb.
BTW, there is no Constitutional right to keep and bear vehicles.
Tell ya what... When you can figure out how to get criminals to give up their guns FIRST, then we can talk about your version of gun control/confiscation.
There are other ways to get around Heller.

The first one would be to overturn the absurd rule that immunizes gun makers from liability.

Sure, right after you agree that liability for the drunk driver that killed my good friend while driving a Chevy van should be on General Motors!

Depends, did Chevy design that truck specifically to kill people, and then sold it to a person they knew to be a drunk?

again, you have failed to show us one shred of evidence that any gun manufacturer made their gun only to kill people. until you can, your argument is totally invalid.
Euthanize their asses.

I don't play nice.

but that was probably because I knew a lady who got her face ripped off by one.
So all of your views are a result of your personal experiences. You are for obamacare because your boss fired you after your fourth trip to drug rehab. You're against guns because a neighbor shot himself, and you think pitbulls should be euthanased because one bit the face of a woman you claim to have known. My granddaughter has a scar on her face from an attack by a cocker spaniel. Should we euthanase all cockers?

Not all my views, Fredo.

I do love the comment about "drug rehab". Yup, nice things about nutters, they just have to believe their opponents are bad people.

For the record, I had two expensive operations. One to treat sleep apnea, the other to repair my knee after I destroyed it slipping on some ice. And yes, after that, even though I missed very little work time, and didn't even take all the vacation days I was entitled to, they got me off the payroll, just like they did the two ladies who got preganant or the fellow who had worked for them for 25 years, but snapped a tendon in his arm lifting a pallet.

That's what happens when you stop talking about working folks and start treating them as "human resources". They become something expendable.

I'm not against guns because my neighbor shot himself. I'm against guns because you gun nuts helped the Plutocrats fuck it up for the rest of us. So when you guys have to watch your precious guns get thrown into a smelter, I will giggle as it happens.

Of course, the fact I know of two people who killed themselves with guns they bought for protection makes me laugh at the "I need the gun to protect myself' argument. It's just silly.

Final point. Yeah, Cocker spaniels do bite more often. What they can't do is produce 1600 lbs of bite presure per square inch, and somehow, I don't think the person you mentioned needed 110 stitches to put her face back together again, unlike the lady I knew.

Not to mention that pit bulls tend to be owned by pretty unsavory people to start with.
So when you guys have to watch your precious guns get thrown into a smelter, I will giggle as it happens.

Not to mention that pit bulls tend to be owned by pretty unsavory people to start with.

So what gives you the idea that any guns are going to be confiscated ending up in a smelter ... Or the idea that you will be alive to giggle if they are?
Just who are the unsavory people you think tend to own pit bulls ... And would you more likely consider them as Democrats or Republicans?

Only a moron would register his weapons.

If you truly believe that your firearms are in your home to protect you and your family from being assaulted or worse by someone you may have to kill then you will need more than just a gun. If you live close to other people I recommend your gun be fitted with a noise reduction device also. You don't really need to bother your neighbors with your personal problems.

Heavy plastic, bone saw, blood cleaning supplies(bleach) and a hole pre dug or a fool proof plan already laid out to dispose of the scum that was trying to do harm to you or your family. Oh ya...don't forget to dig the bullets out of the corpse before disposal..otherwise you will have to throw away a perfectly good gun.

Shotguns have no ballistics...
Police your brass.

Revolvers leave no brass...
Frankly, I wouldn't take a job from you either. You seem like a horrible person to work for.

Just admit it, Joey..."work" is something you have no interest in! Did your EBT card get recharged yesterday, boy?

Unlike you, Wrenchy, I wouldn't even know what day an EBT card gets recharged.

But you seem to have some experience in these matters.

Yeah, I do: on the first of every month, the parasites like you are lined up in the grocery stores for the monthly EBT recharge! I forgot it was the 1st, and made the mistake of shopping yesterday.
Euthanize their asses.

I don't play nice.

but that was probably because I knew a lady who got her face ripped off by one.

Your absolute GLEE at the thought of killing thousands of dogs is, frankly, disturbing. Honestly, you sound like a serial killer in the making. Seek professional psychiatric treatment immediately!

They're dogs.

Frankly, the problem with some of you wingnuts is you think it's okay to starve people, but you get all upset when a breed of dog known for viciousness gets euthanized.

My Saint Bernard had FAR more redeeming qualities than you have EVER demonstrated, boy.

You've never answered your comments about the pit bulls Joe.........

After you passed the law to ban that breed of dog, what would you do with the 100's of thousands of pit bulls in this country..............


Euthanize their asses.

I don't play nice.

but that was probably because I knew a lady who got her face ripped off by one.

You need to improve the people you run with. You seem to have close connections every issue. Suicide, ACA, .. Its always, I have a friend, or know someone. blah blah blah..

You lie Joe

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Whoever dropped you on your head when you were an infant needs to be hit with a lawsuit.

Alcohol distillers know drunks use their product. Why don't you advocate suing them when drunks cause accidents?

Oh, yes -- because a populace armed with alcohol isn't going to successfully resist your proggy revolution.

If a bar serves me to the point where I'm too drunk to drive and they keep serving me anyway, they can be held liable.
Hey, dumbass: Bars don't make their own booze.

But you want to be able to sue the manufacturers of guns.

You really haven't given this any thought at all. Of course, you rely solely on emotion.
And frankly, if you think you are going to really resist democratically elected reforms with your guns, you are probably going to speed up the demise of your movement.

Just ask Timothy McVeigh how well that went.
You don't want any democraticaly-elected reforms. You want dictats from your Politiburo.

You don't give a shit what the people want. You don't want them to have any freedom at all.
So do you still have your dog-eared copy of The Turner Diaries?
Never read it. Not interested in white supremacist shit. I'm not a racist, despite your claims that I am (which you've never been able to prove, BTW).

But you revealed you're afraid of Jews, so it's not at all surprising that you've read The Turner Diaries.
Actually, I left because after teh Gulf War, I didn't feel like getting killed for Oil Companies or Zionism.
Ahhh. "JOOOOOS!!" Not at all surprising.
.We've been over this, Dave.

Probably a good move, given I wouldn't have hit 20 years until 2006 (My first five years as a reservist not really counting towards retirement.)

Here's the thing, though. I wouldn't have collected a pension and then complained about poor children getting food being "Slavery" or an affront to my "Freedom".
Good thing I've never made that complaint, huh?

It's almost like you realize you're on the wrong side of this issue (just like every other issue) and you're lashing out in rage and frustration.

Guy, you've made it very clear we should cut programs designed to help poor people....for their own good, of course.

The Republican Mantra- "I got mine, Fuck You."
Wrong yet again. The Republican Mantra is "I got mine; let me show you how you can get yours, because I know you can -- unlike white liberals, who say you're not good enough or smart enough to succeed without their help...and then they don't help you succeed. They just keep you dependent on them."

But of course, that's too long for a bumper sticker or protest sign, so you can't comprehend it.
I'm just more interested in why you seem to want to bring every argument back to your hatred of government.

What makes you think I hate the government ... Do you think holding the government accountable and liable for their failures that cost life and property is a measure of hatred?


Yeah, actually, you really are coming off like a nutter.
:eek: BlackSand dared to blaspheme your god Government!!
53 pages of posts following an OP that links to the most credible of internet sources... some dipshit's blog.

More proof that the terrorists are winning.

I linked to a New York City government page which confirms the OP. Nice try.

Here it is again: Link.

That does not confirm the OP. it confirms that there is a law on the books in does not confirm anything about confiscations or letters being sent to gun owners in droves.


This is only a form letter sent to permit holders from the City’s permit database. It says nothing about ‘confiscation,’ it’s merely notifying permit holders of the new law and that the changes might effect renewing their permits.

Again, guns are not being ‘confiscated’ in NYC, NYS, or anywhere else in the United States.
Why do you lie all the time? I've never said I deserve my pension. I say I've earned it.

Of course, you hate the idea of having to earn what you get, don't you? That's why you're a Communist.

Distinction without a difference. "earned" or "deserved", the point is, you think that we should to cut programs that we actually NEED, but we better not cut your monthly check.

Frankly, paying retirees adds NOTHING to national defense. And unlike let's say, retirees on social security, you are more than capable of working...
Good Gaea, you're a dumbass. I DO work. I've talked about my second career many times.


And I knew you couldn't tell the difference between "earned" and "deserved".

For instance, you think you deserve wealthy people's money, but would be offended if anyone suggested you do anything to earn it.

Dumbass Communist.

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