No one is going to take your guns

Frankly, paying retirees adds NOTHING to national defense. And unlike let's say, retirees on social security, you are more than capable of working...

Sounds like some sad puppy lost their military pension.

No, but I know you want to make this about me.

For the record, I have no problem with military pensions.

I have a problem with shitheads like dave who want to yank food out of the mouths of hungry children and INSIST that their welfare check is totally "earned" years after they stopped contributing anything to national defense.
Somebody who's glad to have piles of dead children to stand and preach from after school shootings shouldn't pretend to be concerned about starving children -- because you don't give a damn about them.
I have a problem with shitheads like dave who want to yank food out of the mouths of hungry children and INSIST that their welfare check is totally "earned" years after they stopped contributing anything to national defense.

Right Dave is yanking food out of the mouths of hungry children.

It is clear why you leave a trail of failure and butt hurt in your wake.

So Dave is all for SNAP and school lunches now? Cool.

But keep wanting to talk about me, Cleetus. It keeps you from every having to address the issue.
Apparently, the issue is me, because you keep yapping on about me.

Admit it, PinkoJoe. My very existence offends you.

And I'm good with that. If I'm pissing off dumbass Communists, that means I'm doing it right.
And frankly, if you think you are going to really resist democratically elected reforms with your guns, you are probably going to speed up the demise of your movement.

Just ask Timothy McVeigh how well that went.

When you quote trollJoe, I'm forced to see his ranting's...But, I was amused to see he apparently doesn't know McVeigh didn't use a firearm in his attack.:cuckoo:
Yeah, actually, you really are coming off like a nutter.

Oh come on now Joe ...

There are a lot of people on the left here at USMB that think you are smart ... And you should have knocked this point out of the ballpark already if you had half a brain.
The reason we don't sue the government as liable or for damages ... Is because the government doesn't earn a damn dime.
For people to sue the government ... They would be suing the taxpayer.

The people paying taxes might not necessarily be the ones voting for some of the idiots that get elected.


That's an utterly stupid statement.

People sue the government all the time, when the government allows itself to be sued.

The problem you guys have on the right is that you worship the wealthy even when they abuse you.
You worship the government even when it fucks you up the ass.

Or is it BECAUSE it fucks you up the ass...?
Euthanize their asses.

I don't play nice.

but that was probably because I knew a lady who got her face ripped off by one.

Your absolute GLEE at the thought of killing thousands of dogs is, frankly, disturbing. Honestly, you sound like a serial killer in the making. Seek professional psychiatric treatment immediately!

They're dogs.

Frankly, the problem with some of you wingnuts is you think it's okay to starve people, but you get all upset when a breed of dog known for viciousness gets euthanized.
Almost all serial killers start off with animals.

But then, your tendency to violence is understandable. Progressivism is a death cult.

Are you BLIND, are you PROJECTING, or are you just STUPID, boy? When the GOP nominates wishy-washy moderates (see: Dole, McCain, Romney), they get pasted. When they nominate conservatives, they win.

Actually, McCain and Romney were more right wing than Reagan ever was.

Reagan signed gun control laws. He signed abortion laws. He appointed moderates to the SCOTUS.

You guys keep mixing up mythical Reagan for the one who was actually president.

BUt here's the difference between now and 32 years ago.

Romney would have won if the various demographic groups made up the same precentages as they did in 1980. Romney won 59% of the White Vote, better than Reagan did in 1980.

This is why the GOP is done. Whites as a percentage of the electorate shrinks about 2% per election cycle. It was 88% in 1980, but it's only 72% now.

So what you are saying is blacks and Hispanics will never vote GOP?.
Right now, blacks vote 95% Democrat and Hispanics about 75%. What happens to the Democrat party if those numbers moved to 80% and 60%? The DNC would be out of business in 5 years.
So what you are saying is blacks and Hispanics will never vote GOP?

I suspect that everyone, including Blacks and Hispanics are about to turn on the Democrats as soon as they see what Obamacare offers us. I just visited the website and found that to get the basic bronze plan, my premium will be going up $100 a month PLUS there'll be a $12,000 deductible.

On the upside, though, the website was easy to navigate! :eusa_angel:
So what you are saying is blacks and Hispanics will never vote GOP?

I suspect that everyone, including Blacks and Hispanics are about to turn on the Democrats as soon as they see what Obamacare offers us. I just visited the website and found that to get the basic bronze plan, my premium will be going up $100 a month PLUS there'll be a $12,000 deductible.

On the upside, though, the website was easy to navigate! :eusa_angel:

Many, but far from all. A large percentage are already getting free medical care paid for by taxpayers. They are not going to vote against the party that tells them the GOP will make them starve.
But, as minorities get educated and off assistance, they tend to migrate towards the GOP to try to protect what they've earned.
The conundrum is who to increase the number of minority middle class.
Their current culture sure as hell isn't doing it. The race pimps aren't either. Democrats flat out refuse.
It's give a fish vs. teach to fish. The Democrats will give away fish permanently in order to retain their dependable and dependent base. They know that 60% of "fishermen" vote Conservative.
They will pay for the free fish ad infinitum by taxing hell out of the 2% top earners, knowing they will never get those votes anyway.

Lose 2%, gain 47%? It's a no brainer. BUT, if that 47% ever falls to 40%, Dems will lose in all but the most liberal/minority districts and Democrat Presidents will be as rare as dodo birds.
And frankly, if you think you are going to really resist democratically elected reforms with your guns, you are probably going to speed up the demise of your movement.

Just ask Timothy McVeigh how well that went.

When you quote trollJoe, I'm forced to see his ranting's...But, I was amused to see he apparently doesn't know McVeigh didn't use a firearm in his attack.:cuckoo:

McVeigh was a Bastard....have they executed him yet...if not WHY NOT

Most Gun owners are Boring.........but in their sorry peanut minds feel safer having one.......Do you realize how F'ing STUPID THAT SOUNDS...........if only your fore-farthers were around,they would be fitting you up for straight jackets.

and be Tearing Up the 2nd Amendment...Quick Smart........they could never have realized what you have become.

Over 1.2 million GUN deaths/murders since the assassination of J.F.K.....a disgraceful figure indeed.......1.2 million!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eusa_hand: SAY NO TO GUNS....AND LIVE.


Are you baked?
Insane Comment
Most Gun owners are Boring.........but in their sorry peanut minds feel safer having one.......Do you realize how F'ing STUPID THAT SOUNDS...........if only your fore-farthers were around,they would be fitting you up for straight jackets.

and be Tearing Up the 2nd Amendment...Quick Smart........they could never have realized what you have become.

Over 1.2 million GUN deaths/murders since the assassination of J.F.K.....a disgraceful figure indeed.......1.2 million!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eusa_hand: SAY NO TO GUNS....AND LIVE.


Are you baked?
Insane Comment

So, fellow US Citizens of USMB., Who do you thing has been a better Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd or Tony Abbot? I, personally think Abbot should be removed as PM and imprisoned.
again, next school massacre, a lot of these Congressmen who voted against sensible gun control are going to have some explaining to do...and it won't be pretty.

Frankly, you gun nuts are the scariest thing in this country today, because you don't repect the rule of law.

Who you shoot is a simple matter of target acquisition and weapons proficiency.
Whoever I shoot will damn sure know why I am shooting them ... And an explanation won't be necessary.

You and the government better be damned scared if you honestly think we will surrender our firearms to your tyranny.
If you are not packing heavy when you come ... You will find yourself unprepared for what you will meet.

Step up open your mouth and get hit again.


"I'm Willing to Accept a Few Mass Murders From Time to Time are Going to Happen"

Ladies and gentlemen this is Massacre number 5!

One, two, three, four, five, everybody in the car so come on let's ride...
To the gun store around the corner.
The boys say they want some action and ammo but I really don't wanna
Turkey-shoot like I had last week.
I must stay deep 'cause talk is cheap.
I like Bushmaster, Remington , Colt, and Beretta
And as I continue, you know they're getting better
So what can I do? I really beg you my Lord.
To me shooting is just a sport.
Anything, let it fly, it's all good let me pump it.
Please set it up and i'll thump it

A little bit of Lanza in my life,
A little bit of Harris by my side.
A little bit of Klebold's all I need,
A little bit of Seung-hui Cho is who i see
A little bit of Whitman in the sun,
A little bit of Loughner all night long.
A little bit of Major Hasan here I am,
A little bit of Holmes makes me your man!
Massacre number five!

Jump up and down and load all your rounds .
Shake your head to the sound, talk to the voices that you found
Adjust those holsters left and right
One to the front and one to the side.
Check your clips once and check your clips twice
And if it looks like this you're ready
To stand your ground all night

A little bit of Lanza in my life,
A little bit of Harris by my side.
A little bit of Klebold's all I need,
A little bit of Seung-hui Cho is who i see
A little bit of Whitman in the sun,
A little bit of Loughner all night long.
A little bit of Major Hasan here I am,
A little bit of Holmes makes me your man!

Thump it, Thump it
Massacre number five, ha, ha, ha.

A little bit of Lanza in my life,
A little bit of Harris by my side.
A little bit of Klebold's all I need,
A little bit of Seung-hui Cho is who i see
A little bit of Whitman in the sun,
A little bit of Loughner all night long.
A little bit of Major Hasan here I am,
A little bit of Holmes makes me your man!

I do all to show my love for Jodie Foster, but

A whole lot of tyranny is what I see
Ruby Ridge made a big impression on me
You'll learn in Waco the wrong men died
Since you can't run and you can't hide.
You and me gonna touch the sky.
Massacre number five!

You need to improve the people you run with. You seem to have close connections every issue. Suicide, ACA, .. Its always, I have a friend, or know someone. blah blah blah..

You lie Joe


No, I just happen to encounter a lot of people. It happens when you live outside some redneck red state where they haven't heard of indoor plumbing yet.

Wrong yet again. The Republican Mantra is "I got mine; let me show you how you can get yours, because I know you can -- unlike white liberals, who say you're not good enough or smart enough to succeed without their help...and then they don't help you succeed. They just keep you dependent on them."

But of course, that's too long for a bumper sticker or protest sign, so you can't comprehend it.

You know, that magic republican who was going to show me how to get mine. Never met him.

Did meet the one who after I worked for him for six years, decided to fire me after I ran up medical bills.

Point is, if you ain't part of the 1%, the GOP doesn't care if you live or die. But they get stupid people like you upset about guns and race and religion, and you just keep voting against your own interests.

As long as that Pension check keeps coming in, anyway.
Good Gaea, you're a dumbass. I DO work. I've talked about my second career many times.


And I knew you couldn't tell the difference between "earned" and "deserved".

For instance, you think you deserve wealthy people's money, but would be offended if anyone suggested you do anything to earn it.

Dumbass Communist.

Dumbass, the wealthy are not producing wealth, they take the wealth created by others.

You put 100 rich douchebags on a deserted island, they aren't going to produce any wealth in a year. No one to exploit and cheat, no wealth.

And, no, you didn't "Earn" a pension. You get a pension because people think it's reasonable you should have one. Of course, the Right Wing nutters are already trying to cut the pensions of state workers, so you probably won't be that far behind.

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