No one is going to take your guns


You've never answered your comments about the pit bulls Joe.........

After you passed the law to ban that breed of dog, what would you do with the 100's of thousands of pit bulls in this country..............


Euthanize their asses.

I don't play nice.

but that was probably because I knew a lady who got her face ripped off by one.
So all of your views are a result of your personal experiences. You are for obamacare because your boss fired you after your fourth trip to drug rehab. You're against guns because a neighbor shot himself, and you think pitbulls should be euthanased because one bit the face of a woman you claim to have known. My granddaughter has a scar on her face from an attack by a cocker spaniel. Should we euthanase all cockers?

I recall seeing several times that the most common biter IS a cocker.
And the next President will replace, Scalia, not the present one. Right now I'd give you 3:1 that the next President will be 8 steps to the right of Ronald Reagan.

Next President will be a Democrat.

And the one after that.

And the one after that.

You guys can't win nominating the same kinds of whackjobs you always nominate.

Minorities and women make up 70% of the electorate. You simply can't win continuing to pander to angry white men clinging to their guns and bibles.

Are you BLIND, are you PROJECTING, or are you just STUPID, boy? When the GOP nominates wishy-washy moderates (see: Dole, McCain, Romney), they get pasted. When they nominate conservatives, they win.

Yeah? Like who?
Laws are already in place to prevent the mentally ill from buying firearms. Like Biden said, none of the past proposed laws would prevent another mass shooting. Only thing that might, is for a good guy with a gun who is present to stop the bad guy

Just buy a shotgun and fire it into the air...

[ame=""]Gun Joe Biden Says No Need To Own Assault Weapons: 'Buy A Shotgun - YouTube[/ame]

Most Gun owners are Boring.........but in their sorry peanut minds feel safer having one.......Do you realize how F'ing STUPID THAT SOUNDS...........if only your fore-farthers were around,they would be fitting you up for straight jackets.

and be Tearing Up the 2nd Amendment...Quick Smart........they could never have realized what you have become.

Over 1.2 million GUN deaths/murders since the assassination of J.F.K.....a disgraceful figure indeed.......1.2 million!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eusa_hand: SAY NO TO GUNS....AND LIVE.


Are you baked?
joe, perhaps you can show me the instructions that come with any gun that tell you how to kill someone. I mean if that is really their designed intent. also answer me this. why haven't any of my more than 30 guns ever killed anyone? Are they defective? Did I get lemons? Also answer me this. If guns are designed to kill people then why, of all the guns in the USA, do only .000036 of them ever kill anyone? I mean if their sole intent is to kill someone they really are pretty ineffective?

If their was a method of birth control on the market that only have a .000036 chance in preventing a pregnancy, would you use it? If there was a painkiller that had a .000036 chance of curing your headache, would you buy it? when a hammer has that is designed to pound in a nail has a higher kill rate then a deadly assault style weapon, which , according to you, is designed only to kill, don't you think something is wrong?

about the only thing a gun with a .000036 shot at killing someone is more effective than, is you, ever making any sense.

Wow, that's pretty disingenous.

A gun is designed to propell a bullet into a human being at a velocity strong enough to rupture organs and cause death.

That's the design. That's what it is meant to do and it has NO OTHER PURPOSE.

Stupidest statement of the week.

the fact that most of them aren't used to do that doesn't take away from the fact they are designed to do that.

And anyone who owns 30 guns has a serious mental issue. Fuck, Nancy Lanza only owned 12.

Runner-up for stupidest statement of the week.
Turns out they lied.

Sherrie Questioning All: The gun grabbers always say "Registration does not lead to Confiscation." Hmm... Seems New York is proving that WRONG - Confiscating weapons, registered in state. Letter proving it


Only a moron would register his weapons.

If you truly believe that your firearms are in your home to protect you and your family from being assaulted or worse by someone you may have to kill then you will need more than just a gun. If you live close to other people I recommend your gun be fitted with a noise reduction device also. You don't really need to bother your neighbors with your personal problems.

Heavy plastic, bone saw, blood cleaning supplies(bleach) and a hole pre dug or a fool proof plan already laid out to dispose of the scum that was trying to do harm to you or your family. Oh ya...don't forget to dig the bullets out of the corpse before disposal..otherwise you will have to throw away a perfectly good gun.

Shotguns have no ballistics...

i swear, you get more ridiculous with every argument. how does a gun being resold or the knowledge it migh be resold put any responsibility on a gun manufacturer? they produce a product. it is inteneded to be sold with in the laws of the land. seriously, it is like saying any product that kills someone the manufacturer should be liable. Should stanley be held accountable for the 400 murders caused by hammers? Should ford, GM, Honda and all be held accountable for the 45,000 deaths or the 6,500,000 accidents a year and resulting injuries and damage. shoul they also be held responsible to corporations for the lost man hours as a result of those accidents?

Cars aren't designed to kill people.

Guns are.

But if you really want to go there, let's require every gun owner to be licensed, insured and registered, just like cars and their owners are. Let's have the police monitor gun ownership the way they monitor traffic. Somehow, I don't think you gun nuts would be up for that.

Sure! That would mean... license required to own. licence (from any state) works to carry concealed in EVERY state. registration needed unless I will be carrying that particular gun.

Sounds great to me!
I think you are confusing "Social Darwinism", a discredited social theory, for Evolution, a science you clearly don't understand.

so tell me, in evolution, do the unfit survive?

Ultimately, NO ONE survives.

Everyone dies, eventually.

Survival of the Fittest referred to a species best being able to survive in a given environment. It had nothing to do with

I also would debate how you would define unfit. You toss Paris Hilton in the middle of the woods or in an inner city ghetto, her pampered ass ain't gonna last a week.

Most of the people here wouldn't survive long in an inner city environment. The same is we allow those environments to exist... and yes, I put blame on both parties for that.

it also refers to traits that allow a species to continue. aka, natural selection. which is evolution, not social Darwinism. in fact, survival of the fittest had its origin with evolution. Darwin took the phrase from evolution. So joe, once again, you don't have a clue what you are talking about. you need the education. because frankly my friend, you are not among the fittest when it comes to knowledge
Next President will be a Democrat.

And the one after that.

And the one after that.

You guys can't win nominating the same kinds of whackjobs you always nominate.

Minorities and women make up 70% of the electorate. You simply can't win continuing to pander to angry white men clinging to their guns and bibles.

Are you BLIND, are you PROJECTING, or are you just STUPID, boy? When the GOP nominates wishy-washy moderates (see: Dole, McCain, Romney), they get pasted. When they nominate conservatives, they win.

Yeah? Like who?

Reagan. GHW Bush and his son at least RAN as conservatives.
Euthanize their asses.

I don't play nice.

but that was probably because I knew a lady who got her face ripped off by one.
So all of your views are a result of your personal experiences. You are for obamacare because your boss fired you after your fourth trip to drug rehab. You're against guns because a neighbor shot himself, and you think pitbulls should be euthanased because one bit the face of a woman you claim to have known. My granddaughter has a scar on her face from an attack by a cocker spaniel. Should we euthanase all cockers?

I recall seeing several times that the most common biter IS a cocker.
Cockers are Liberals? I did not know that.

Most Gun owners are Boring.........but in their sorry peanut minds feel safer having one.......Do you realize how F'ing STUPID THAT SOUNDS...........if only your fore-farthers were around,they would be fitting you up for straight jackets.

and be Tearing Up the 2nd Amendment...Quick Smart........they could never have realized what you have become.

Over 1.2 million GUN deaths/murders since the assassination of J.F.K.....a disgraceful figure indeed.......1.2 million!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eusa_hand: SAY NO TO GUNS....AND LIVE.


Are you baked?

Half, like his ideas.
What makes you think I hate the government ... Do you think holding the government accountable and liable for their failures that cost life and property is a measure of hatred?


Yeah, actually, you really are coming off like a nutter.

Oh come on now Joe ...

There are a lot of people on the left here at USMB that think you are smart ... And you should have knocked this point out of the ballpark already if you had half a brain.
The reason we don't sue the government as liable or for damages ... Is because the government doesn't earn a damn dime.
For people to sue the government ... They would be suing the taxpayer.

The people paying taxes might not necessarily be the ones voting for some of the idiots that get elected.


That's an utterly stupid statement.

People sue the government all the time, when the government allows itself to be sued.

The problem you guys have on the right is that you worship the wealthy even when they abuse you.

Only a moron would register his weapons.

If you truly believe that your firearms are in your home to protect you and your family from being assaulted or worse by someone you may have to kill then you will need more than just a gun. If you live close to other people I recommend your gun be fitted with a noise reduction device also. You don't really need to bother your neighbors with your personal problems.

Heavy plastic, bone saw, blood cleaning supplies(bleach) and a hole pre dug or a fool proof plan already laid out to dispose of the scum that was trying to do harm to you or your family. Oh ya...don't forget to dig the bullets out of the corpse before disposal..otherwise you will have to throw away a perfectly good gun.

Shotguns have no ballistics...
Police your brass.
I've offered welfare abusers a job more than once and I can tell you THEY DON'T WANT A JOB. Wake up and smell the coffee.

Frankly, I wouldn't take a job from you either. You seem like a horrible person to work for.

Just admit it, Joey..."work" is something you have no interest in! Did your EBT card get recharged yesterday, boy?

Unlike you, Wrenchy, I wouldn't even know what day an EBT card gets recharged.

But you seem to have some experience in these matters.

You've never answered your comments about the pit bulls Joe.........

After you passed the law to ban that breed of dog, what would you do with the 100's of thousands of pit bulls in this country..............


Euthanize their asses.

I don't play nice.

but that was probably because I knew a lady who got her face ripped off by one.

Your absolute GLEE at the thought of killing thousands of dogs is, frankly, disturbing. Honestly, you sound like a serial killer in the making. Seek professional psychiatric treatment immediately!

They're dogs.

Frankly, the problem with some of you wingnuts is you think it's okay to starve people, but you get all upset when a breed of dog known for viciousness gets euthanized.
Getting A SCOTUS to contradict a previous ruling Is the next step. No Law is settled where a Court is concerned.

There are other ways to get around Heller.

The first one would be to overturn the absurd rule that immunizes gun makers from liability.

Sure, right after you agree that liability for the drunk driver that killed my good friend while driving a Chevy van should be on General Motors!

Depends, did Chevy design that truck specifically to kill people, and then sold it to a person they knew to be a drunk?

Are you BLIND, are you PROJECTING, or are you just STUPID, boy? When the GOP nominates wishy-washy moderates (see: Dole, McCain, Romney), they get pasted. When they nominate conservatives, they win.

Actually, McCain and Romney were more right wing than Reagan ever was.

Reagan signed gun control laws. He signed abortion laws. He appointed moderates to the SCOTUS.

You guys keep mixing up mythical Reagan for the one who was actually president.

BUt here's the difference between now and 32 years ago.

Romney would have won if the various demographic groups made up the same precentages as they did in 1980. Romney won 59% of the White Vote, better than Reagan did in 1980.

This is why the GOP is done. Whites as a percentage of the electorate shrinks about 2% per election cycle. It was 88% in 1980, but it's only 72% now.

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