No one is going to take your guns

joe, perhaps you can show me the instructions that come with any gun that tell you how to kill someone. I mean if that is really their designed intent. also answer me this. why haven't any of my more than 30 guns ever killed anyone? Are they defective? Did I get lemons? Also answer me this. If guns are designed to kill people then why, of all the guns in the USA, do only .000036 of them ever kill anyone? I mean if their sole intent is to kill someone they really are pretty ineffective?

If their was a method of birth control on the market that only have a .000036 chance in preventing a pregnancy, would you use it? If there was a painkiller that had a .000036 chance of curing your headache, would you buy it? when a hammer has that is designed to pound in a nail has a higher kill rate then a deadly assault style weapon, which , according to you, is designed only to kill, don't you think something is wrong?

about the only thing a gun with a .000036 shot at killing someone is more effective than, is you, ever making any sense.

Wow, that's pretty disingenous.

A gun is designed to propell a bullet into a human being at a velocity strong enough to rupture organs and cause death.

That's the design. That's what it is meant to do and it has NO OTHER PURPOSE.

the fact that most of them aren't used to do that doesn't take away from the fact they are designed to do that.

And anyone who owns 30 guns has a serious mental issue. Fuck, Nancy Lanza only owned 12.
One more time, Dave, who has spent most of his life sucking away at the government teet?

I think that would be the guy who gets a monthly check for work he did years ago.

That would be you.

"I totally hate government taking away my freedom. Hey, where's my pension check!!!"
That's a bullshit statement. If government commits to something, it doesn't make somebody a hypocrite to expect them to honor that commitment without having to give up their freedom as a condition that was not part of the original agreement. You are so full of shit I can smell it from here.


So if the govenrment commits to feeding poor people or providing them medical care, we should expect them to honor that commitment.

because Dave screams ALL DAY about "Freedom" and "Slavery" when he talks about other government programs that help people.

But he's an able bodied male who thinks he ought to get a government check for life because of a job he is no longer doing and was paid for at the time.

That's hypocrisy.

He only likes the parts of government that benefit him, like most right wing hypocrites.
If he paid into it, he is not a hypocrite for accepting payments from them. He worked for it, and the pension is part of the deal, where's the hypocrisy?
Laws are already in place to prevent the mentally ill from buying firearms. Like Biden said, none of the past proposed laws would prevent another mass shooting. Only thing that might, is for a good guy with a gun who is present to stop the bad guy

Just buy a shotgun and fire it into the air...

[ame=""]Gun Joe Biden Says No Need To Own Assault Weapons: 'Buy A Shotgun - YouTube[/ame]

Most Gun owners are Boring.........but in their sorry peanut minds feel safer having one.......Do you realize how F'ing STUPID THAT SOUNDS...........if only your fore-farthers were around,they would be fitting you up for straight jackets.

and be Tearing Up the 2nd Amendment...Quick Smart........they could never have realized what you have become.

Over 1.2 million GUN deaths/murders since the assassination of J.F.K.....a disgraceful figure indeed.......1.2 million!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eusa_hand: SAY NO TO GUNS....AND LIVE.


No thanks, I will keep my guns and religion

That's a bullshit statement. If government commits to something, it doesn't make somebody a hypocrite to expect them to honor that commitment without having to give up their freedom as a condition that was not part of the original agreement. You are so full of shit I can smell it from here.


So if the govenrment commits to feeding poor people or providing them medical care, we should expect them to honor that commitment.

because Dave screams ALL DAY about "Freedom" and "Slavery" when he talks about other government programs that help people.

But he's an able bodied male who thinks he ought to get a government check for life because of a job he is no longer doing and was paid for at the time.

That's hypocrisy.

He only likes the parts of government that benefit him, like most right wing hypocrites.
If he paid into it, he is not a hypocrite for accepting payments from them. He worked for it, and the pension is part of the deal, where's the hypocrisy?

He didn't "pay into it". And if he insists up and down that debt is wrong and we are spending too much and depdending on the government is "slavery", then maybe he needs to straighten out his own life, first, before trying to yank food out of the mouth of a hungry child.

What would Jesus do?

So if the govenrment commits to feeding poor people or providing them medical care, we should expect them to honor that commitment.

because Dave screams ALL DAY about "Freedom" and "Slavery" when he talks about other government programs that help people.

But he's an able bodied male who thinks he ought to get a government check for life because of a job he is no longer doing and was paid for at the time.

That's hypocrisy.

He only likes the parts of government that benefit him, like most right wing hypocrites.
If he paid into it, he is not a hypocrite for accepting payments from them. He worked for it, and the pension is part of the deal, where's the hypocrisy?

He didn't "pay into it". And if he insists up and down that debt is wrong and we are spending too much and depdending on the government is "slavery", then maybe he needs to straighten out his own life, first, before trying to yank food out of the mouth of a hungry child.

What would Jesus do?
A deal's a deal. If receiving a pension is part of the deal (whether he paid into it or not), he has every right to expect them to honor that deal. And your "yanking food from babies mouths" comment is a red herring. Babies usually have parents, it's their responsibility to feed their kids, not mine. A safety net is one thing, but that's not where the waste is and you know that. The waste is with the career welfare recipients.

[ame=]It's free, swipe your EBT - YouTube[/ame]
A deal's a deal. If receiving a pension is part of the deal (whether he paid into it or not), he has every right to expect them to honor that deal. And your "yanking food from babies mouths" comment is a red herring. Babies usually have parents, it's their responsibility to feed their kids, not mine. A safety net is one thing, but that's not where the waste is and you know that. The waste is with the career welfare recipients.


We can't provide enough jobs to the people who want them.

If we had a country were EVERY American is provided the right to a renumerative job (a vastly more practical right than the right of crazy people to own guns) then you might have an argument against food stamps.

Of course, 40% of households receiving food stamps have one person with a job and companies like Wal-Mart and McDonalds tell their employees how to apply for SNAP and Section 8 Housing and Medicaid.

What I know is that when you have 1% of the population controlling 43% of the wealth, and 40% of the population controlling less than 1% of the wealth, things are going to be a bit skewed.

This of course, has nothing to do with a guy like Dave who has been suckling off the government teet all of his life, and still is, whining about "Freedom" and "Big Bad Government".
A deal's a deal. If receiving a pension is part of the deal (whether he paid into it or not), he has every right to expect them to honor that deal. And your "yanking food from babies mouths" comment is a red herring. Babies usually have parents, it's their responsibility to feed their kids, not mine. A safety net is one thing, but that's not where the waste is and you know that. The waste is with the career welfare recipients.


We can't provide enough jobs to the people who want them.

If we had a country were EVERY American is provided the right to a renumerative job (a vastly more practical right than the right of crazy people to own guns) then you might have an argument against food stamps.

Of course, 40% of households receiving food stamps have one person with a job and companies like Wal-Mart and McDonalds tell their employees how to apply for SNAP and Section 8 Housing and Medicaid.

What I know is that when you have 1% of the population controlling 43% of the wealth, and 40% of the population controlling less than 1% of the wealth, things are going to be a bit skewed.

This of course, has nothing to do with a guy like Dave who has been suckling off the government teet all of his life, and still is, whining about "Freedom" and "Big Bad Government".
I've offered welfare abusers a job more than once and I can tell you THEY DON'T WANT A JOB. Wake up and smell the coffee.
I've offered welfare abusers a job more than once and I can tell you THEY DON'T WANT A JOB. Wake up and smell the coffee.

Frankly, I wouldn't take a job from you either. You seem like a horrible person to work for.
I'm sure you wouldn't take a job from anybody.

Right. That's why I work a full time job, a part time job and have a side business, working some times as much as 70 hours a week, because I hate work so much.
Laws are already in place to prevent the mentally ill from buying firearms. Like Biden said, none of the past proposed laws would prevent another mass shooting. Only thing that might, is for a good guy with a gun who is present to stop the bad guy

Just buy a shotgun and fire it into the air...

[ame=""]Gun Joe Biden Says No Need To Own Assault Weapons: 'Buy A Shotgun - YouTube[/ame]

Most Gun owners are Boring.........but in their sorry peanut minds feel safer having one.......Do you realize how F'ing STUPID THAT SOUNDS...........if only your fore-farthers were around,they would be fitting you up for straight jackets.

and be Tearing Up the 2nd Amendment...Quick Smart........they could never have realized what you have become.

Over 1.2 million GUN deaths/murders since the assassination of J.F.K.....a disgraceful figure indeed.......1.2 million!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eusa_hand: SAY NO TO GUNS....AND LIVE.

Oh, DO shut up.
Maybe we could require every crazy person to wear a purple vest with a neon green batshit logo so everyone knows they are crazy.

How about a sweatshirt? I don't think Joe can do buttons yet
He's not allowed buttons. They're too sharp.

Hilarious to watch a couple of gun fetishsts wet themselves because I merely SUGGEST we should regulate who should have guns.

of course, the best argument for gun control is let the gun nutters rant about all the people they just can't wait to kill.
Says you.

Yup, the only authority that counts...
I guess on the internet you can be whoever and whatever you want...even somebody who has a job.

Yup, because unlike you posting here all day, I only post at certain times...

Guess which one of us has a job?

Of course, you go around claiming to offer welfare people jobs, which honestly is not terribly credible, I doubt you own a business and I doubt you even talk to "those people".
There are other ways to get around Heller.

The first one would be to overturn the absurd rule that immunizes gun makers from liability.

How about we consider that after we turn over the law that immunizes government from liability?


um. No.

Again, I can see why this worries you guys. The minute a gun maker pays out a multi-million dollar lawsuit, is the day they start clamping down on who they sell guns to.

Kind of like when Big Tobacco had to pay out all those big settlements, they suddenly weren't so keen on selling cigarettes to 13 year olds.
How is the manufacturer responsible for the third or fourth sale of a particular gun? How is the manufacturer responsible for a gun stolen then resold to another criminal?

Take your time. It's obvious you haven't given this any thought. At all. Whatsoever.

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