No one is going to take your guns

No kidding..but the reality here is your rights are not absolute. I have 200 years of scotus rulings, you have your opinion.

as usual, you missed the point.

My rights are absolute because they are unalienable. That means that, even if I wanted to, I can't give them up, or even give anyone, including the government, permission to ignore them under certain circumstances. That is why constittional law is so complex, the government exist only to violate and infringe on people's rights, and it has to make up all sorts rationalizations for why it is allowed to do so. That convinces a few idiots, like you, that no rights are absolute.

That still makes you, and the government, wrong, which is why I still have all my rights, even when you sit behind a keyboard and argue that I don't.

So when you're sitting in a jail cell because you committed a felony that you thought was protected by your right to bear arms,

and thus you have lost your 'unalienable' right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness,

who won that argument?

Me sitting in a jail cell does not mean I lost my rights, even if I actually committed a felony.

I do have a question for you, what if I like being in jail cells? What if that is how I pursue happiness, and I actually go out and commit felonies just so I can get into one. Since I am, quite obviously, pursuing my happiness, how does throwing me in a jail cell prevent me from pursuing happiness?
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I miss when politics was supposed to be about liberty and representing the interests of your constituents rather than letting special interests write their own legislation or treating unalienable rights as state privileges. Who decides what an illegal weapon is? Who decides what someone's fair share in taxes should be? Who decides what's offensive? It shouldn't be politicians. Nor should citizens have to justify their rights to the state, quite the opposite.
Turns out they lied.

Sherrie Questioning All: The gun grabbers always say "Registration does not lead to Confiscation." Hmm... Seems New York is proving that WRONG - Confiscating weapons, registered in state. Letter proving it


Yet another rightist, ignorant or a liar.
Once again the far left does not care about the Constitution. It is all about them getting their way and becoming the ruling class and subjecting everyone via making laws to control every aspect of your life.

Really? And who fought and won the battle to establish that a woman's right to an abortion was a constitutional right?

And who defends that right against those who would try to get their way by abolishing that right?

Would that be, generally, the left or the right?

And the standard far left talking points come out. * yawn *

Nice to know that the programming downloads for the DNC still work.

You don't react well to being checkmated.
Your rights might not be absolute, that doesn't mean that everyone agrees with you.

No kidding..but the reality here is your rights are not absolute. I have 200 years of scotus rulings, you have your opinion.

as usual, you missed the point.

My rights are absolute because they are unalienable. That means that, even if I wanted to, I can't give them up, or even give anyone, including the government, permission to ignore them under certain circumstances. That is why constittional law is so complex, the government exist only to violate and infringe on people's rights, and it has to make up all sorts rationalizations for why it is allowed to do so. That convinces a few idiots, like you, that no rights are absolute.

That still makes you, and the government, wrong, which is why I still have all my rights, even when you sit behind a keyboard and argue that I don't.
yeah let me know how that works for you when you yell fire in a crowded room. your ego is your downfall. I love it.

rights are not absolute because they are a fiction made by man and nothing more. They can be bent and conformed to whatever they need to be given for the moment.

So please continue you on about how your rights are absolute, and how everyone else is ignorant of this fact. go tell that to a cop when you get in trouble. Please video it so we an all laugh at you.
And the link to where SCOTUS ruled murder Constitutional is.... where again?

It's self defense agianst government thugs, not murder. The Government has REVOLTED against the shackles of the Constitution. That makes the Governmenta tyranny and criminal. You have the right to defend yourself from thugs.

(irrelevant links to self defense laws snipped)

Ah, I see. So you're acting as one-man SCOTUS, interpreting the law on your own, ergo whatever you decide the law means determines that you can do whatever you want.

Generally we call that anarchism. Must be convenient. :thup:

Yet there is a SCOTUS decision that says he is right, it is permissible to resist an unlawful arrest with whatever force is necessary. If that resistance results in the death of that cop, then the worst possible charge the government can bring is manslaughter, and you can use the illegal arrest as an affirmative defense.

Don't worry though, you know more about the law than anyone not named C_Clayton_Jones.
Really? And who fought and won the battle to establish that a woman's right to an abortion was a constitutional right?

And who defends that right against those who would try to get their way by abolishing that right?

Would that be, generally, the left or the right?

And the standard far left talking points come out. * yawn *

Nice to know that the programming downloads for the DNC still work.

You don't react well to being checkmated.

Whinging about abortion in a thread about guns means you won the argument?
Awe thats cute...

[ame=""]You keep using that word. - YouTube[/ame]

Then again, what else can we expect from Plasmaball?

just more pointing of your ignorance. I would love to see you in front f a judge trying to say you know better. And then you getting put in would be better than porn

What does any of that have to do with you not knowing the difference between awe and aww?
No kidding..but the reality here is your rights are not absolute. I have 200 years of scotus rulings, you have your opinion.

as usual, you missed the point.

My rights are absolute because they are unalienable. That means that, even if I wanted to, I can't give them up, or even give anyone, including the government, permission to ignore them under certain circumstances. That is why constittional law is so complex, the government exist only to violate and infringe on people's rights, and it has to make up all sorts rationalizations for why it is allowed to do so. That convinces a few idiots, like you, that no rights are absolute.

That still makes you, and the government, wrong, which is why I still have all my rights, even when you sit behind a keyboard and argue that I don't.
yeah let me know how that works for you when you yell fire in a crowded room. your ego is your downfall. I love it.

rights are not absolute because they are a fiction made by man and nothing more. They can be bent and conformed to whatever they need to be given for the moment.

So please continue you on about how your rights are absolute, and how everyone else is ignorant of this fact. go tell that to a cop when you get in trouble. Please video it so we an all laugh at you.

Why does everyone who thinks they are smart use an example of a decision that has been overturned to make their point? Is it because they are actually ignorant?
Isn't it amazing how many times people say that, and how they are always proven wrong?

It seems that NYC is ordering people to surrender their weapons, or else.


Doug Ross @ Journal: IT BEGINS: New York Gun Confiscation Letters Arrive

Those guns are illegal in New York City, you dope.

Not when they were registered, they weren't.

Dood bought his weapons, complied with the law to register them. Now the city decides they're illegal to possess.

The city made this man a potential criminal, even though he complied with the law.
That's how stupid the law is, which is the bigger point


funny thing though

the law only targeted law abiding citizens

(those that obeyed the registration law originally)

the criminal who did not obey the law is content

in the knowing that the city does not know they

they have firearms

We should get rid of any laws that some people break?

That's the most retarded thing I've ever heard on this forum.

How many criminals will this law disarm? And no, I'm not talking about criminals created solely by this asinine law. I'm talking about criminals from before this law.

Answer the question honestly. How many criminals will this law disarm?

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