No Political Correctness here

Not keeping score in a little league game and no one is ever out is stupid. Everyone loses in life sometimes and kids need to learn that lesson early. It takes more than just going through the motions to be successful in life.
who actually believes that 90% of the local elementary school children are honor students? Take the stupid bumper stickers off your cars.
Integration would have been alright if it hadn't been for all those black people.:eek:
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Smoking a fat spliff after a finishing a contract is one of the first things I do. Followed by steak. Then the obvious.

Muslims don't belong in any European country full stop.

NATO, Clinton and that slimy toad Blair betrayed Serbia when they bombed their positions. Trust me, in spite of all the media coverage of Muslims crying and wailing in the streets, the Serbs were the good guys in that mess.

Jews are a pain in the f*cking neck wherever they go.

An influx of Blacks lowers property prices. Sorry, but it does.

I enjoyed the hell out of bullying helpless taigs in N. Ireland. Camp Bessbrook was where we took them if we wanted answers under duress. Heard plenty of men literally screaming for their mothers. Never really gave a f*ck about any of them, either.

The Iraq war was all about oil and something doesn't smell at all right about the West's role in the Arab Spring. Most likely they're acting on orders from the oil giants.

In spite of being run by a bunch of lazy gypsies, the West could really learn a thing or two from Russia's shameless brutality.

I've never, ever given any thought to the famines and general suffering that goes on in Africa every day. I really couldn't care less.
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Almost all White Republicans deeply resent being lead by a Black man in a country that White men and women created. I know I would if I were in their/your position.
Smoking a fat spliff after a finishing a contract is one of the first things I do.

It's the ganja that has you thinking like this Swagger. Muslims belong in any country that allows them to emigrate.

"I really couldn't care less."

You show your lack of care with that concerned posting elaborating your lack of care and this is often an asperger trait. Protesting a 'lack' of concern with concern for general suffering.

Getting the whole family together at Thanksgiving is actually for the purpose of demostrating to the living what the 7th circle of hell is going to be like.
Every single holiday on the calandar should be eliminated except Memorial Day. Then we should start over and make new holidays that have some meaning, like "School is out for the Summer" day.
Calling a homo "gay" is about the STUPIDEST pc term on the planet.

There is nothing HAPPY about being a FAGGOT, so if you use the ASININE term GAY for queers, you are politically correct to the core... and STUPID.
Almost all White Republicans deeply resent being lead by a Black man in a country that White men and women created. I know I would if I were in their/your position.

ALL Democrats deeply resent being led by a Republican President, regardless of their race. But, then again, All Republicans deeply resent being led by a Democrat President, regardless of their race.

84% of Americans (Republicans/Democrats/Independents) deeply resent Congress.

Independents deeply resent the Two Party System which has brought our Nation to this point. Mediocrity SHOULD NOT be an acceptable State of our Union.
If all the money in the US was divided equally among the people within a short time the people now on welfare would be back on welfare.
Rap is like the polka once you have heard one song you have heard them all. Let me go a step further every Rap song you hear makes you more stupid and less appreciative of quality music. It has been said that you may not like the music but you must appreciate the effort. I don't appreciate their effort or lack of musical talent. Look at the turkey butts that preform the mess.....enough said.
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