No political spin on the facts about ObamaCare

This article does a good job exposing the spin that Romney and Obama have said about ObamaCare. If you disagree with any of these facts, then I ask you to provide non partisan sources that directly contradict the facts presented in this article.

Obama, Romney, 'Obamacare' and the Facts -

I dont even have to read that stupid article, Again Romney care was one liberal state and bipartisian. what is so hard to figure out the differance? I hate massachuctes as much as I hate califorina. It wouldnt bother me if both states sink in the Atlantic and Pacific.
No one knows what the true effects of Obamacare will be Nancy Pelosi famously stated they had to pass the bill to see what was in it sadly it will have to be implemented to see what the full cost and effect of it will be.
This article does a good job exposing the spin that Romney and Obama have said about ObamaCare. If you disagree with any of these facts, then I ask you to provide non partisan sources that directly contradict the facts presented in this article.

Obama, Romney, 'Obamacare' and the Facts -

NOW YOU asked for a disagreement with your "source" i.e.

The organization is a front-group for Leftwing causes and has ties to domestic terrorist Bill Ayers and his political protege Barack Obama.
In 2008 prior to the Presidential election, writer Stanley Kurtz uncovered troubling information concerning Factcheck, Bill Ayers, and Barack Obama:

"When Obama made his first run for political office, articles in both the Chicago DefenderHyde Park Heraldfeatured among his qualifications his position as chairman of the board of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, a foundation where Ayers was a founder and guiding force. and the Obama assumed the Annenberg board chairmanship only months before his first run for office, and almost certainly received the job at the behest of Bill Ayers. During Obama's time as Annenberg board chairman, Ayers's own education projects received substantial funding. Indeed, during its first year, the Chicago Annenberg Challenge struggled with significant concerns about possible conflicts of interest. With a writ to aid Chicago'spublic schools, the Annenberg challenge played a deeply political role in Chicago's education wars, and as Annenberg board chairman, Obama clearly aligned himself with Ayers's radical views on education issues. With Obama heading up the board and Ayers heading up the other key operating body of the Annenberg Challenge, the two would necessarily have had a close working relationship for years (therefore "exchanging ideas on a regular basis")." but factual - National Conservative |


Let's start off BEFORE Obamacare with Obama saying:"We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children,"
46 Million Uninsured: A Look Behind The Number : NPR

There have NEVER BEEN 46 million uninsured legal Americans, who already had coverage OR who could afford but didn't WANT health insurance!

A) He counts 18 million people THAT DON"T want health insurance. They are under 34.
They earn over $50,000 and turn down their employers' health plans BECAUSE they spend less then $1,000 a year. So why are they being penalized for NOT wanting to have it... Yet Obama counts them and that is totally unfair, a lie and wrong!

B) 14 million people counted as "uninsured" all they need to do is register. Enroll. And they are covered by Medicaid!
Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association contracted with the Actuarial Research Corporation (ARC) to provide a detailed analysis
of the uninsured identified by the Census Bureau, which found:
Of the 44.7 million non-elderly uninsured individuals identified in the 2004 Census Current Population Survey (CPS) data,
nearly one-third — almost 14 million — were reachable through existing government health programs such as Medicaid and the State
Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) under current rules.

C) So 32 million don't want and are already covered. That leaves 14 million..except according to the Census
10 million are not legal!
source:Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau

That leaves 4 million that truly need and WANT health insurance but NOT 46 million which was used to pass by only 6 votes Obamacare!
If people like you would really stop using 46 million but use 4 million that would allow this to happen!

Now for an even more confusing issue... there are according to these sources 383 million Americans covered with insurance!

So my very fundamental point is HOW CAN ACA be anything but a gigantic cluster....K if they can't even comprehend SIMPLE Numbers!
There aren't 46 million "uninsured"!

Point out where I"M WRONG!! PLEASE!!
This article does a good job exposing the spin that Romney and Obama have said about ObamaCare. If you disagree with any of these facts, then I ask you to provide non partisan sources that directly contradict the facts presented in this article.

Obama, Romney, 'Obamacare' and the Facts -

NOW YOU asked for a disagreement with your "source" i.e.

The organization is a front-group for Leftwing causes and has ties to domestic terrorist Bill Ayers and his political protege Barack Obama.
In 2008 prior to the Presidential election, writer Stanley Kurtz uncovered troubling information concerning Factcheck, Bill Ayers, and Barack Obama:

"When Obama made his first run for political office, articles in both the Chicago DefenderHyde Park Heraldfeatured among his qualifications his position as chairman of the board of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, a foundation where Ayers was a founder and guiding force. and the Obama assumed the Annenberg board chairmanship only months before his first run for office, and almost certainly received the job at the behest of Bill Ayers. During Obama's time as Annenberg board chairman, Ayers's own education projects received substantial funding. Indeed, during its first year, the Chicago Annenberg Challenge struggled with significant concerns about possible conflicts of interest. With a writ to aid Chicago'spublic schools, the Annenberg challenge played a deeply political role in Chicago's education wars, and as Annenberg board chairman, Obama clearly aligned himself with Ayers's radical views on education issues. With Obama heading up the board and Ayers heading up the other key operating body of the Annenberg Challenge, the two would necessarily have had a close working relationship for years (therefore "exchanging ideas on a regular basis")." but factual - National Conservative |


Let's start off BEFORE Obamacare with Obama saying:"We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children,"
46 Million Uninsured: A Look Behind The Number : NPR

There have NEVER BEEN 46 million uninsured legal Americans, who already had coverage OR who could afford but didn't WANT health insurance!

A) He counts 18 million people THAT DON"T want health insurance. They are under 34.
They earn over $50,000 and turn down their employers' health plans BECAUSE they spend less then $1,000 a year. So why are they being penalized for NOT wanting to have it... Yet Obama counts them and that is totally unfair, a lie and wrong!

B) 14 million people counted as "uninsured" all they need to do is register. Enroll. And they are covered by Medicaid!
Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association contracted with the Actuarial Research Corporation (ARC) to provide a detailed analysis
of the uninsured identified by the Census Bureau, which found:
Of the 44.7 million non-elderly uninsured individuals identified in the 2004 Census Current Population Survey (CPS) data,
nearly one-third — almost 14 million — were reachable through existing government health programs such as Medicaid and the State
Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) under current rules.

C) So 32 million don't want and are already covered. That leaves 14 million..except according to the Census
10 million are not legal!
source:Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau

That leaves 4 million that truly need and WANT health insurance but NOT 46 million which was used to pass by only 6 votes Obamacare!
If people like you would really stop using 46 million but use 4 million that would allow this to happen!

Now for an even more confusing issue... there are according to these sources 383 million Americans covered with insurance!

So my very fundamental point is HOW CAN ACA be anything but a gigantic cluster....K if they can't even comprehend SIMPLE Numbers!
There aren't 46 million "uninsured"!

Point out where I"M WRONG!! PLEASE!!

Umm, your info about factcheck is bullshit. It makes a point about a single issue. Also, you gave a conservative source.

Your second point counters nothing in the article I posted.
Last edited:
This article does a good job exposing the spin that Romney and Obama have said about ObamaCare. If you disagree with any of these facts, then I ask you to provide non partisan sources that directly contradict the facts presented in this article.

Obama, Romney, 'Obamacare' and the Facts -

NOW YOU asked for a disagreement with your "source" i.e.

The organization is a front-group for Leftwing causes and has ties to domestic terrorist Bill Ayers and his political protege Barack Obama.
In 2008 prior to the Presidential election, writer Stanley Kurtz uncovered troubling information concerning Factcheck, Bill Ayers, and Barack Obama:

"When Obama made his first run for political office, articles in both the Chicago DefenderHyde Park Heraldfeatured among his qualifications his position as chairman of the board of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, a foundation where Ayers was a founder and guiding force. and the Obama assumed the Annenberg board chairmanship only months before his first run for office, and almost certainly received the job at the behest of Bill Ayers. During Obama's time as Annenberg board chairman, Ayers's own education projects received substantial funding. Indeed, during its first year, the Chicago Annenberg Challenge struggled with significant concerns about possible conflicts of interest. With a writ to aid Chicago'spublic schools, the Annenberg challenge played a deeply political role in Chicago's education wars, and as Annenberg board chairman, Obama clearly aligned himself with Ayers's radical views on education issues. With Obama heading up the board and Ayers heading up the other key operating body of the Annenberg Challenge, the two would necessarily have had a close working relationship for years (therefore "exchanging ideas on a regular basis")." but factual - National Conservative |


Let's start off BEFORE Obamacare with Obama saying:"We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children,"
46 Million Uninsured: A Look Behind The Number : NPR

There have NEVER BEEN 46 million uninsured legal Americans, who already had coverage OR who could afford but didn't WANT health insurance!

A) He counts 18 million people THAT DON"T want health insurance. They are under 34.
They earn over $50,000 and turn down their employers' health plans BECAUSE they spend less then $1,000 a year. So why are they being penalized for NOT wanting to have it... Yet Obama counts them and that is totally unfair, a lie and wrong!

B) 14 million people counted as "uninsured" all they need to do is register. Enroll. And they are covered by Medicaid!
Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association contracted with the Actuarial Research Corporation (ARC) to provide a detailed analysis
of the uninsured identified by the Census Bureau, which found:
Of the 44.7 million non-elderly uninsured individuals identified in the 2004 Census Current Population Survey (CPS) data,
nearly one-third — almost 14 million — were reachable through existing government health programs such as Medicaid and the State
Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) under current rules.

C) So 32 million don't want and are already covered. That leaves 14 million..except according to the Census
10 million are not legal!
source:Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau

That leaves 4 million that truly need and WANT health insurance but NOT 46 million which was used to pass by only 6 votes Obamacare!
If people like you would really stop using 46 million but use 4 million that would allow this to happen!

Now for an even more confusing issue... there are according to these sources 383 million Americans covered with insurance!

So my very fundamental point is HOW CAN ACA be anything but a gigantic cluster....K if they can't even comprehend SIMPLE Numbers!
There aren't 46 million "uninsured"!

Point out where I"M WRONG!! PLEASE!!

Umm, your info about factcheck is bullshit. It makes a point about a single issue. Also, you gave a conservative source.

Your second point counters nothing in the article I posted.
Um, if his facts are wrong you should easily be able to refute them.

Whenever a liberal hack offers "no spin" hang on to your wallet.
Well, ACA is the law of the land, and I guess that we will just find out how it works, because it is not going to go away.

Given the past accuracy of the rightwingnut posters here, I suspect it will have it's good and bad points, with the good being the predominate. And that, like the impending economic doom that they have been predicting for six months from now for the last 4 years, they will once again look as silly as they and their predictions appeared on 7Nov12.
No one knows what the true effects of Obamacare will be Nancy Pelosi famously stated they had to pass the bill to see what was in it sadly it will have to be implemented to see what the full cost and effect of it will be.

Yup and it will be one costly POS for the taxpayers.

Pelosi and her merry band didn't read the thing but had no problem passing it.

The GOP needs to pound Obmacare in the 2014 election cycle. The Dems passed that POS without one GOP vote. Voters need to be reminded of that when the cost of Obamacar hits em in the chops.
No one knows what the true effects of Obamacare will be Nancy Pelosi famously stated they had to pass the bill to see what was in it sadly it will have to be implemented to see what the full cost and effect of it will be.

Yup and it will be one costly POS for the taxpayers.

Pelosi and her merry band didn't read the thing but had no problem passing it.

The GOP needs to pound Obmacare in the 2014 election cycle. The Dems passed that POS without one GOP vote. Voters need to be reminded of that when the cost of Obamacar hits em in the chops.

Nah - it won't matter anyway. The informed/educated are already against Obamacare. Those that aren't are the parasite class who don't work and/or pay taxes, so they could give a shit about the cost of Obamacare anyway.

The Tea Party just needs to continue pushing out liberal Republicans and they can do that best by focusing on the economy the Dumbocrats have collapsed and the endless scandals the Dumbocrats have created.

Once that is accomplished, those actual conservatives (who, like Rand Paul, have integrity and actually abide by the U.S. Constitution) will get Obamacare repealed.
This article does a good job exposing the spin that Romney and Obama have said about ObamaCare. If you disagree with any of these facts, then I ask you to provide non partisan sources that directly contradict the facts presented in this article.

Obama, Romney, 'Obamacare' and the Facts -

NOW YOU asked for a disagreement with your "source" i.e.

The organization is a front-group for Leftwing causes and has ties to domestic terrorist Bill Ayers and his political protege Barack Obama.
In 2008 prior to the Presidential election, writer Stanley Kurtz uncovered troubling information concerning Factcheck, Bill Ayers, and Barack Obama:

"When Obama made his first run for political office, articles in both the Chicago DefenderHyde Park Heraldfeatured among his qualifications his position as chairman of the board of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, a foundation where Ayers was a founder and guiding force. and the Obama assumed the Annenberg board chairmanship only months before his first run for office, and almost certainly received the job at the behest of Bill Ayers. During Obama's time as Annenberg board chairman, Ayers's own education projects received substantial funding. Indeed, during its first year, the Chicago Annenberg Challenge struggled with significant concerns about possible conflicts of interest. With a writ to aid Chicago'spublic schools, the Annenberg challenge played a deeply political role in Chicago's education wars, and as Annenberg board chairman, Obama clearly aligned himself with Ayers's radical views on education issues. With Obama heading up the board and Ayers heading up the other key operating body of the Annenberg Challenge, the two would necessarily have had a close working relationship for years (therefore "exchanging ideas on a regular basis")." but factual - National Conservative |


Let's start off BEFORE Obamacare with Obama saying:"We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children,"
46 Million Uninsured: A Look Behind The Number : NPR

There have NEVER BEEN 46 million uninsured legal Americans, who already had coverage OR who could afford but didn't WANT health insurance!

A) He counts 18 million people THAT DON"T want health insurance. They are under 34.
They earn over $50,000 and turn down their employers' health plans BECAUSE they spend less then $1,000 a year. So why are they being penalized for NOT wanting to have it... Yet Obama counts them and that is totally unfair, a lie and wrong!

B) 14 million people counted as "uninsured" all they need to do is register. Enroll. And they are covered by Medicaid!
Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association contracted with the Actuarial Research Corporation (ARC) to provide a detailed analysis
of the uninsured identified by the Census Bureau, which found:
Of the 44.7 million non-elderly uninsured individuals identified in the 2004 Census Current Population Survey (CPS) data,
nearly one-third — almost 14 million — were reachable through existing government health programs such as Medicaid and the State
Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) under current rules.

C) So 32 million don't want and are already covered. That leaves 14 million..except according to the Census
10 million are not legal!
source:Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau

That leaves 4 million that truly need and WANT health insurance but NOT 46 million which was used to pass by only 6 votes Obamacare!
If people like you would really stop using 46 million but use 4 million that would allow this to happen!

Now for an even more confusing issue... there are according to these sources 383 million Americans covered with insurance!

So my very fundamental point is HOW CAN ACA be anything but a gigantic cluster....K if they can't even comprehend SIMPLE Numbers!
There aren't 46 million "uninsured"!

Point out where I"M WRONG!! PLEASE!!

Umm, your info about factcheck is bullshit. It makes a point about a single issue. Also, you gave a conservative source.

Your second point counters nothing in the article I posted.

YOU are telling me that the FUNDAMENTALLY important element in solving any problem is identifying "HOW BIG the problem is" is NOT important?

That's like NASA sending men to the moon and NOT KNOWING HOW FAR away the moon is! Do you understand ? If these idiots don't know that
10 million counted as uninsured ARE NOT CITIZENS how can they do anything about managing health care if they screw up that number?
Or the simply fact that CMS KNOWS 14 million people that QUALIFY for Medicaid still allows these people included in the bogus 46 million!
If they can't even get that number straight HoW can they manage YOUR health??
Finally including 18 million people that DON"T WANT insurance as they don't want to spend more then they spend out of pocket... again how can you possible trust
ANY numbers coming from this group of GROSS EXAGGERATORS?

Again... YOU don't start a project before you identify correctly how big the problem is and the FACT based on the above is Obamacare grossly overexaggerated the problem
to get buy in and passed this crap by 6 votes!

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