No power granted President under 14th Amendment to borrow money. PERIOD.


Gold Member
May 24, 2009

Our pinko media has once again created a myth to advance their beloved President’s progressive agenda. The myth stated as a question being: The 14th Amendment: A Debt Ceiling Back-Up Plan?

Of course, the Constitution is crystal clear on this issue and states that Congress, not the president, shall have power To borrow Money on the credit of the United States

And with regard to the 14th Amendment, our Constitution once again speaks in crystal clear language, and it informs us that Congress, not the president, shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article [the 14th amendment].

And so, if the President and his Administration attempts to represent to the Federal Reserve [a private banking institution] it is authorized to borrow money in excess of what Congress has voted to allow, the immediate charge which comes to mind would be fraud. And, if the Federal Reserve goes along with such an attempt, conspiracy to commit fraud immediately comes to mind.

In any event I was quite shocked to hear FoxNews perpetuating this myth this afternoon, although Judge Napolitano did offer some of the history behind the 14th amendment but he neglected the irrefutable fact that Congress and only Congress is vested with the power to borrow money on the credit of the united States, and likewise empowered to enforce the 14th Amendment with appropriate legislation.


Those who reject abiding by the intentions and beliefs under which our Constitution was agree to, as those intentions and beliefs may be documented from historical records, wish to remove the anchor and rudder of our constitutional system so they may then be free to “interpret” the Constitution to mean whatever they wish it to mean.

Our pinko media has once again created a myth to advance their beloved President’s progressive agenda. The myth stated as a question being: The 14th Amendment: A Debt Ceiling Back-Up Plan?

Of course, the Constitution is crystal clear on this issue and states that Congress, not the president, shall have power To borrow Money on the credit of the United States

And with regard to the 14th Amendment, our Constitution once again speaks in crystal clear language, and it informs us that Congress, not the president, shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article [the 14th amendment].

And so, if the President and his Administration attempts to represent to the Federal Reserve [a private banking institution] it is authorized to borrow money in excess of what Congress has voted to allow, the immediate charge which comes to mind would be fraud. And, if the Federal Reserve goes along with such an attempt, conspiracy to commit fraud immediately comes to mind.

In any event I was quite shocked to hear FoxNews perpetuating this myth this afternoon, although Judge Napolitano did offer some of the history behind the 14th amendment but he neglected the irrefutable fact that Congress and only Congress is vested with the power to borrow money on the credit of the united States, and likewise empowered to enforce the 14th Amendment with appropriate legislation.


Those who reject abiding by the intentions and beliefs under which our Constitution was agree to, as those intentions and beliefs may be documented from historical records, wish to remove the anchor and rudder of our constitutional system so they may then be free to “interpret” the Constitution to mean whatever they wish it to mean.
More Breaking News Just In:

Speech Will Be Just 18 Minutes

Highlights will be according to CNN: President will say:

Number 1. United States Is In Imminent Threat Of Default

Number 2. Congress Has Reached A Stalemate Forcing President To Bypass Congress And Take Matters Into Own Hands

In other words he is fixing to usurp the Constitution just to save his reelection bid for a second term. Wolf Blitzer just stated this is a serious dangerous move from the president and will instill fear amongst the American people. This is Wolf saying this now and he is flabbergasted (astonished). Anyone remember the Reichstag Fire and decree Hitler used to his advantage?

Our pinko media has once again created a myth to advance their beloved President’s progressive agenda. The myth stated as a question being: The 14th Amendment: A Debt Ceiling Back-Up Plan?

Of course, the Constitution is crystal clear on this issue and states that Congress, not the president, shall have power To borrow Money on the credit of the United States

And with regard to the 14th Amendment, our Constitution once again speaks in crystal clear language, and it informs us that Congress, not the president, shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article [the 14th amendment].

And so, if the President and his Administration attempts to represent to the Federal Reserve [a private banking institution] it is authorized to borrow money in excess of what Congress has voted to allow, the immediate charge which comes to mind would be fraud. And, if the Federal Reserve goes along with such an attempt, conspiracy to commit fraud immediately comes to mind.

In any event I was quite shocked to hear FoxNews perpetuating this myth this afternoon, although Judge Napolitano did offer some of the history behind the 14th amendment but he neglected the irrefutable fact that Congress and only Congress is vested with the power to borrow money on the credit of the united States, and likewise empowered to enforce the 14th Amendment with appropriate legislation.


Those who reject abiding by the intentions and beliefs under which our Constitution was agree to, as those intentions and beliefs may be documented from historical records, wish to remove the anchor and rudder of our constitutional system so they may then be free to “interpret” the Constitution to mean whatever they wish it to mean.
More Breaking News Just In:

Speech Will Be Just 18 Minutes

Highlights will be according to CNN: President will say:

Number 1. United States Is In Imminent Threat Of Default

Number 2. Congress Has Reached A Stalemate Forcing President To Bypass Congress And Take Matters Into Own Hands

In other words he is fixing to usurp the Constitution just to save his reelection bid for a second term. Wolf Blitzer just stated this is a serious dangerous move from the president and will instill fear amongst the American people. This is Wolf saying this now and he is flabbergasted (astonished). Anyone remember the Reichstag Fire and decree Hitler used to his advantage?

Well, the good news is, if the President does attempt to seize such power, those who purchase bonds issued under such circumstances may, and probably will, find there is no legal responsibility for the government of the united States to pay the interest or principle on such bonds as they would have been fraudulently issued! Anyone who would be stupid to invest in such bonds deserve to loose every penny they invest in such fraud.

No, not "Period," ya dope. If it was "No Authority, period," there wouldn't be an ongoing legal debate about it.
No, not "Period," ya dope. If it was "No Authority, period," there wouldn't be an ongoing legal debate about it.

You must be talking about that same gang which is still “debating” that the earth is flat.


America we have a problem! We have a group of DOMESTIC ENEMIES who have managed to seize political power and whose mission is in fact to bring “change” to America ___ the dismantling of our military defensive power; the allowance of our borders to be overrun by foreign invaders, the diluting of our election process by allowing ineligible persons to vote; the destruction of our manufacturing capabilities; the transferring of America’s technology to hostile foreign nations; the strangulation of our agricultural industry and ability to produce food under the guise of environmental necessity; the destruction of our nation’s health care delivery system, the interference with our ability to develop our natural resources, namely oil, to fuel our economy; the looting of both our federal treasury and a mandatory retirement pension fund; the brainwashing of our nation’s children in government operated schools; the trashing of our nation’s traditions and moral values; the creation of an iron fisted control unauthorized by our written Constitution over America’s businesses and industries; the devaluation of our nation’s currency, and, the future enslavement of our children and grand children via unbridled debt and inflation, not to mention an iron fisted government which intends to rule their very lives!
You have a point?

Yes. And that is the President usurping power he does not have from Congress on a blatantly false argument. Doesn't that power grab concern you?

No? That is what adults do. When the children can't work it out amongst themselves, the adults must step in. Simple as that. It is unforunate that our children in Congress are paid so handsomely and get afforded benefits we could only dream of, while they determine whether or not Grandma will get her SS check....
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This is not a good thing. This is the way Hitler and Bismarck justified their end runs around the constitutions in Germany.

There is no "hole" in the constitution as Bismarck described it. Obama has no authority to do this.

on edit.... Congress had a deal this morning. Obama is the one who scotched it. It is not congress who has been infantile these past three weeks of unnecessary drama. Congress has made several deals that Obama has killed off. He set up the crisis, and now he is using the crisis of his own creation to knock a Bismarckain hole in the constitution he can ram dictatorial power through. Machiavelli would note this scam with interest, and Cesar Borgia with approval.
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You have a point?

Yes. And that is the President usurping power he does not have from Congress on a blatantly false argument. Doesn't that power grab concern you?

No? That is what adults do. When the children can't work it out amongst themselves, the adults must step in. Simple as that. It is unforunate that our children in Congress are paid some handsomely and get afforded benefits we could only dream of, while they determine whether or not Grandma will get her SS check....

So you have no problem eliminating the Checks and Balances created by the Constitution to allow the people to be free and giving the President whatever power he wants to take?

I expected better from you.
Yes. And that is the President usurping power he does not have from Congress on a blatantly false argument. Doesn't that power grab concern you?

No? That is what adults do. When the children can't work it out amongst themselves, the adults must step in. Simple as that. It is unforunate that our children in Congress are paid some handsomely and get afforded benefits we could only dream of, while they determine whether or not Grandma will get her SS check....

So you have no problem eliminating the Checks and Balances created by the Constitution to allow the people to be free and giving the President whatever power he wants to take?

I expected better from you.

I expected better from our elected members of Congress. Shouldn't you?
No? That is what adults do. When the children can't work it out amongst themselves, the adults must step in. Simple as that. It is unforunate that our children in Congress are paid some handsomely and get afforded benefits we could only dream of, while they determine whether or not Grandma will get her SS check....

So you have no problem eliminating the Checks and Balances created by the Constitution to allow the people to be free and giving the President whatever power he wants to take?

I expected better from you.

I expected better from our elected members of Congress. Shouldn't you?

When half of them dont care about spending us into oblivion, no. not at all.
So you have no problem eliminating the Checks and Balances created by the Constitution to allow the people to be free and giving the President whatever power he wants to take?

I expected better from you.

I expected better from our elected members of Congress. Shouldn't you?

When half of them dont care about spending us into oblivion, no. not at all.

You make such a STRONG case for our Democracy.....really.
A 14th amendment ploy would provide ample grounds for impeachment procedure. Of course it wouldn't get anywhere except into the headlines. With a little skill it could be made to last into November, 2012 with total governmental paralysis until then.
A 14th amendment ploy would provide ample grounds for impeachment procedure. Of course it wouldn't get anywhere except into the headlines. With a little skill it could be made to last into November, 2012 with total governmental paralysis until then.

Yeah, that'll play well for the very strong field of GOP candidates currently on the docket. Go with THAT strategery.:cuckoo:
According to the linked article the president has four choices:

Raise revenue on his own

Cut spending on his own

Continue to pay on debts

Allow the government to default with the subsequent financial calamity.

The president has only one constitutional ‘choice,’ number 4, do nothing, allow the default.

Needless to say the blame belongs solely to Congress.
When half of them dont care about spending us into oblivion, no. not at all.

And the other half don’t care about destroying necessary social programs used by millions of middle class working Americans, the retired, and the disabled. Indeed, it’s pointless to expect rational acts at all.

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