No Prison time for Bergdahl....

That coward Bergdahl was a volunteer captive... Anyone with half a brain can see that.
Execute that spineless coward... But first make him apologize to all those families faces who's soldiers died looking for that POS. So the last thing that worm sees in life is those torn up family members faces. Those family are living in earthly hell because that subhuman coward.

Thanks Obama for honoring a spineless treasonous coward and his cowardly parents in front of the whole country... Sweet dreams commander a$$ hat.

fantastic post, i could not have said it any better.

i can add, put him before a firing squad of the family members who would volunteer to pull the trigger on that worthless muslime sympathizer. :up:

It's so sad it's funny, that subhuman coward that is Bowe Bergdahl is admired and even revered by the progressives in both parties. Ever since leaving his post on his hippie want to be walk about he has been on paid vacation. Being a "captive" ya, right like we all believe that load of horse Sh!t. He wanted to be there, no doubt. Luring soldiers to their deaths looking for him. All along hanging out with his Muslim buddies.

Then to top it all off they are going to let him off Scot-free... Without so much as a slap on the wrist. Over five years of paid vacation most of it hanging out with his Muslim buddies.

All those families and friends of those of who's soldiers died, yes!! Died!! looking for that lowest of life forms... I can't possibly image what they have and what they are going through.

And Obamas sh!tting their loved ones graves... And rewarding Bowe Bergdahl and his family.

Nobody fucking died, you're worse than a 12 year old little girl with your pedantic hysteria.
Ok, six soldiers didn't die looking for him... Dolt

Nobody fucking died and you're pedantic hysterical little girl #2.
TIME magazine disagrees

The 6 U.S. Soldiers Who Died Searching for Bowe Bergdahl
Why is it, during the Bush administration, we had a continuous head count of the dead but during Obama's term (where more have died in Afghanistan than prior) it mysteriously stopped?
fantastic post, i could not have said it any better.

i can add, put him before a firing squad of the family members who would volunteer to pull the trigger on that worthless muslime sympathizer. :up:

It's so sad it's funny, that subhuman coward that is Bowe Bergdahl is admired and even revered by the progressives in both parties. Ever since leaving his post on his hippie want to be walk about he has been on paid vacation. Being a "captive" ya, right like we all believe that load of horse Sh!t. He wanted to be there, no doubt. Luring soldiers to their deaths looking for him. All along hanging out with his Muslim buddies.

Then to top it all off they are going to let him off Scot-free... Without so much as a slap on the wrist. Over five years of paid vacation most of it hanging out with his Muslim buddies.

All those families and friends of those of who's soldiers died, yes!! Died!! looking for that lowest of life forms... I can't possibly image what they have and what they are going through.

And Obamas sh!tting their loved ones graves... And rewarding Bowe Bergdahl and his family.

Nobody fucking died, you're worse than a 12 year old little girl with your pedantic hysteria.
Ok, six soldiers didn't die looking for him... Dolt

Nobody fucking died and you're pedantic hysterical little girl #2.
TIME magazine disagrees

The 6 U.S. Soldiers Who Died Searching for Bowe Bergdahl

Two of the deaths occurred on post during an attack and was not related to the search. Some articles even contend that every death in Paktika Province was his fault so we will likely never know the complete truth. I suggest you read the New York Times for a comprehensive account of what went on those months.
Why is it, during the Bush administration, we had a continuous head count of the dead but during Obama's term (where more have died in Afghanistan than prior) it mysteriously stopped?
Progressives only want compromise on the others part, never their own.
Someone name one thing on current issues they are willing to compromise on their part on???
I have not heard one issue where they are putting there money where their mouth is.
Come on guys!!! Just one?????

Funny thing is that I like they will not compromise on their part... The rub is they expect their opposition too roll over and die, and when they don't. They call the opposition names that they themselves made meaningless, by crying wolf at an drop of the hat.

Hashtag stand your ground
Obama has been weak on so many things in his administration. Everything from screwing up the Surge in Iraq to failing to see the threat of Russia to getting people killed in Benghazi to empowering the Castro regime to giving away the store to the Iranian Mullahs, just to mention a few. The Bergdahl trade where he gave up five high level terrorist leaders for a scumbag Muslim Army Deserter is just another example of him being the worst President this country ever had and a dumbass incompetent Commander in Chief.

It is hilarious to see the Moon Bats in their uneducated low information Gruberidiot mode trying to defend him.
It's so sad it's funny, that subhuman coward that is Bowe Bergdahl is admired and even revered by the progressives in both parties. Ever since leaving his post on his hippie want to be walk about he has been on paid vacation. Being a "captive" ya, right like we all believe that load of horse Sh!t. He wanted to be there, no doubt. Luring soldiers to their deaths looking for him. All along hanging out with his Muslim buddies.

Then to top it all off they are going to let him off Scot-free... Without so much as a slap on the wrist. Over five years of paid vacation most of it hanging out with his Muslim buddies.

All those families and friends of those of who's soldiers died, yes!! Died!! looking for that lowest of life forms... I can't possibly image what they have and what they are going through.

And Obamas sh!tting their loved ones graves... And rewarding Bowe Bergdahl and his family.

Nobody fucking died, you're worse than a 12 year old little girl with your pedantic hysteria.
Ok, six soldiers didn't die looking for him... Dolt

Nobody fucking died and you're pedantic hysterical little girl #2.
TIME magazine disagrees

The 6 U.S. Soldiers Who Died Searching for Bowe Bergdahl

Two of the deaths occurred on post during an attack and was not related to the search. Some articles even contend that every death in Paktika Province was his fault so we will likely never know the complete truth. I suggest you read the New York Times for a comprehensive account of what went on those months.
I will take the soldiers that were actually there and survived, word for before anyone else's.

I know you worship that treasonous worm and all...
You do know the worst thing is leaving your post in war time??
Only the lowest, most worthless of character would do that cowardly act.

New York Times... Only idiots read that garbage.
Nobody fucking died, you're worse than a 12 year old little girl with your pedantic hysteria.
Ok, six soldiers didn't die looking for him... Dolt

Nobody fucking died and you're pedantic hysterical little girl #2.
TIME magazine disagrees

The 6 U.S. Soldiers Who Died Searching for Bowe Bergdahl

Two of the deaths occurred on post during an attack and was not related to the search. Some articles even contend that every death in Paktika Province was his fault so we will likely never know the complete truth. I suggest you read the New York Times for a comprehensive account of what went on those months.
I will take the soldiers that were actually there and survived, word for before anyone else's.

I know you worship that treasonous worm and all...
You do know the worst thing is leaving your post in war time??
Only the lowest, most worthless of character would do that cowardly act.

New York Times... Only idiots read that garbage.

Idiots read right wing re-education camp garbage. The soldier who wrote that article was away from Afghanistan for years when he wrote that article for the Beast, but you believed it because it resonated with you and fit your dumb ass need to make something from nothing. No other reason
Ok, six soldiers didn't die looking for him... Dolt

Nobody fucking died and you're pedantic hysterical little girl #2.
TIME magazine disagrees

The 6 U.S. Soldiers Who Died Searching for Bowe Bergdahl

Two of the deaths occurred on post during an attack and was not related to the search. Some articles even contend that every death in Paktika Province was his fault so we will likely never know the complete truth. I suggest you read the New York Times for a comprehensive account of what went on those months.
I will take the soldiers that were actually there and survived, word for before anyone else's.

I know you worship that treasonous worm and all...
You do know the worst thing is leaving your post in war time??
Only the lowest, most worthless of character would do that cowardly act.

New York Times... Only idiots read that garbage.

Idiots read right wing re-education camp garbage. The soldier who wrote that article was away from Afghanistan for years when he wrote that article for the Beast, but you believed it because it resonated with you and fit your dumb ass need to make something from nothing. No other reason
Na, wrong again, the bleeding hearts what him to get off Scot-free with no punishment... Hence a slap on the wrist punishment he is getting, cowards.
Again if you have been in the military the first general order is never leave your post in wartime, they drill it over and over and over.
It's they first for a reason...
Nobody fucking died and you're pedantic hysterical little girl #2.
TIME magazine disagrees

The 6 U.S. Soldiers Who Died Searching for Bowe Bergdahl

Two of the deaths occurred on post during an attack and was not related to the search. Some articles even contend that every death in Paktika Province was his fault so we will likely never know the complete truth. I suggest you read the New York Times for a comprehensive account of what went on those months.
I will take the soldiers that were actually there and survived, word for before anyone else's.

I know you worship that treasonous worm and all...
You do know the worst thing is leaving your post in war time??
Only the lowest, most worthless of character would do that cowardly act.

New York Times... Only idiots read that garbage.

Idiots read right wing re-education camp garbage. The soldier who wrote that article was away from Afghanistan for years when he wrote that article for the Beast, but you believed it because it resonated with you and fit your dumb ass need to make something from nothing. No other reason
Na, wrong again, the bleeding hearts what him to get off Scot-free with no punishment... Hence a slap on the wrist punishment he is getting, cowards.
Again if you have been in the military the first general order is never leave your post in wartime, they drill it over and over and over.
It's they first for a reason...

Bull crap again. There was evidence that Bergdahl was suffering from PTSD, which is a huge embarrassment to the military, and the Republican scumbags trying to make something of it. If the military and Republicans gave a shit for the troops this would have never happened in the first place.
You forgot one Obamacare, it would have been perfectly fine if it was an opt in or an opt out type of thing, you know a choice thing, progressives likey. Chances are It would have passed congress by 90+ % or more that way, the fair way.

But, no! millions of us have deal with this bag of sh!t that is Obamacare forever.

Really? And who is that, exactly. Frankly, ObamaCare didn't really change my health insurance one Iota. so I'm really not sure what you guys are going on and on about.

In fact, after ObamaCare, we always had those HR meetings where they powers that be told us how our insurance costs were going to cover a little less and suck a little more, until ObamaCare came along and we stopped having those meetings.
His true nature was not known till later... By people were really there. He was and is like any other terrorist.
The race card is worn you can't even read what it says...

Wait a minute, now... You are trying to claim that all these Republicans who demanded UP AND DOWN that Obama do more to secure Bergdahl's release didn't really know he was Private Anti-Christ until we got him back, but Obama was supposed to know these things.

When in fact, they were all depending on the half-truths and omissions the Army was peddling on this guy.

You see, this is a great example. You guys tend to be all for something- until the Black Guy Does It.

You guys were all for getting Bergdahl back, until Obama actually did it. And now Bergdahl isn't just some kid who wandered off of his base, why he's the worst traitor since Benedict Arnold! Or maybe that's Judas Iscariot. Well, once of those.

It's why we just can't take you guys seriously.
KILLED SEARCHING FOR BOWE BERGDAHL: Staff Sergeant Clayton Bowen, 29, (left) and Private First Class Morris Walker, 23, (right) were killed in an IED explosion on August 18, 2009.

Did they think that Bergdahl was hiding in a vehicle on the side of the road?

Someone should have explained to you at an early age "Correlation does not equal Causality".
Progressives claim they support choice. They do until the choice someone makes involves that person not doing what Progressives think they should choose to do. At that point, they mandate what they think they know more about on behalf of the rest of us. Ask them about people opting out of Social Security and investing that money on their own. They argue the doom and gloom of what would happen if you didn't have anything when you were old.

That's actually a pretty big doom and gloom. I know people whose entire retirement was wiped out by Bush's Stock Market Crash in 2008. I'm sure those people were glad they had social security.
Did they think that Bergdahl was hiding in a vehicle on the side of the road?

Someone should have explained to you at an early age "Correlation does not equal Causality".
Sure Joey, and the Osama never murdered anyone. The employees at the WTC just happened to be there when the Airlines plowed into them.
Progressives only want compromise on the others part, never their own.
Someone name one thing on current issues they are willing to compromise on their part on???
I have not heard one issue where they are putting there money where their mouth is.
Come on guys!!! Just one?????

Okay, here's one. ObamaCare was a huge comprimise by the Democrats. Democrats would prefer we just go to a single payer system like every other industrial democracy has. Democrats were willing to compromise with the Goons of Plutocracy (GOP) and adopt a program just like what Mitt Romney had done in Massachusetts.

But the minute the crazy right wing got into the act, they were going to do anything the could to block it, and it didn't get one Republican vote for what they had been advocating for years.

Kind of hard to compromise with people who oppose anything you propose.
Did they think that Bergdahl was hiding in a vehicle on the side of the road?

Someone should have explained to you at an early age "Correlation does not equal Causality".
Sure Joey, and the Osama never murdered anyone. The employees at the WTC just happened to be there when the Airlines plowed into them.

dude, are you like fucking retarded?

Go back and read the sentence again, and then get someone explain the big words to you.
Obama has been weak on so many things in his administration. Everything from screwing up the Surge in Iraq to failing to see the threat of Russia to getting people killed in Benghazi to empowering the Castro regime to giving away the store to the Iranian Mullahs, just to mention a few. The Bergdahl trade where he gave up five high level terrorist leaders for a scumbag Muslim Army Deserter is just another example of him being the worst President this country ever had and a dumbass incompetent Commander in Chief.

A lot less Americans have died on Obama's watch than bush's watch.
And, it is only a recommendation to the Convening Authority - a general officer. The general's Judge Advocate will review the findings and recommendation and make his own to the general. The general has the total authority to have Bergdahl appear before a General Courts Martial which, if finding him guilty of the charges, put him in jail for life.

I'm not getting the impression the Army wants to make an example of htis guy. I think the army wants this to go away. Because it makes them look bad.

It makes Obama look bad if they punish this guy severely....
Why because then Obama gave up 5 terrorists for a deserter who ended up with a big punishment.
Did they think that Bergdahl was hiding in a vehicle on the side of the road?

Someone should have explained to you at an early age "Correlation does not equal Causality".
Sure Joey, and the Osama never murdered anyone. The employees at the WTC just happened to be there when the Airlines plowed into them.

dude, are you like fucking retarded?

Go back and read the sentence again, and then get someone explain the big words to you.
Correlation does not imply casualty, neither does it preclude it.

Joey, you are an idiot.

Causalities by the patrols demanded by the leaving no man behind doctrine almost invariably leaves no doubt in logic.
Correlation does not imply casualty, neither does it preclude it.

Joey, you are an idiot.

Causalities by the patrols demanded by the leaving no man behind doctrine almost invariably leaves no doubt in logic.

except they weren't doing patrols to look for Bergdahl. They were doing patrols to secure the country, particularly in the run-up to the 2009 Election. Bergdahl was captured right before teh Afghan Surge started.

You are really a stupid person who doesn't know anything about the military, aren't you?

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