No Prison time for Bergdahl....

His true nature was not known till later... By people were really there. He was and is like any other terrorist.
The race card is worn you can't even read what it says...

Wait a minute, now... You are trying to claim that all these Republicans who demanded UP AND DOWN that Obama do more to secure Bergdahl's release didn't really know he was Private Anti-Christ until we got him back, but Obama was supposed to know these things.

When in fact, they were all depending on the half-truths and omissions the Army was peddling on this guy.

You see, this is a great example. You guys tend to be all for something- until the Black Guy Does It.

You guys were all for getting Bergdahl back, until Obama actually did it. And now Bergdahl isn't just some kid who wandered off of his base, why he's the worst traitor since Benedict Arnold! Or maybe that's Judas Iscariot. Well, once of those.

It's why we just can't take you guys seriously.
They should just left the worm there, obviously he wanted to be there, enjoying his celebrity with his fellow Muslims. Fortunately the worm will be a pariah no matter were he goes the rest of his life, deservedly so.
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It makes Obama look bad if they punish this guy severely....
Why because then Obama gave up 5 terrorists for a deserter who ended up with a big punishment.

No, it makes the Army look bad if they have to explain why they enlisted a guy with mental problems and didn't notice he was suffering from PTSD.

Also, I honestly wish you guys would stop referring to these five individuals as "Terrorists". they weren't members of Al Qaeda and they weren't attacking American facilities. Two of them surrendered to allied forces, hoping to switch sides.

It make the country look bad when a unqualified President trades terrorists for a traitorous piece of shit you support.
More spilled milk, tired yet?
They should just the worm there, obviously he wanted to be there, enjoying his celebrity with his fellow Muslims. Fortunately the worm will be a pariah no matter were he goes the rest of his life, deservedly so.

in two or three years, everyone will forget his name, but he probably won't be able to adjust because his capitivity was kind of severe.

Now stop trolling the thread.
Guys a POS and should spend the rest of his life in Leavenworth.

yes, his parents did a photo op with Obama. Clearly that makes him evil.

Get a life, Obama hater.

Fuck off idiot.

Hating takes a lot of effort and quite frankly Obama ain't worth that effort.

As for Bergdahl??

He's a traitor who deserted his post. An action that put others in harms way searching for his sorry ass.

Get a life you idiot.
More spilled milk, conceal your bleeding heart better.

Yes, i know you'd never sign up, so you wouldn't care about those who died because Bush lied.

I was in the SD national guard for eight years right out of high school 1987 to 1995,
It would be smarter for you to blame most of Washington, the war was approved by progressives everywhere.

Hashtag get over it
They should just the worm there, obviously he wanted to be there, enjoying his celebrity with his fellow Muslims. Fortunately the worm will be a pariah no matter were he goes the rest of his life, deservedly so.

in two or three years, everyone will forget his name, but he probably won't be able to adjust because his capitivity was kind of severe.

Now stop trolling the thread.
It will always be in his record, and the families he destroyed will not let it go.
His captivity was a paid vacation with his Muslim buddies...
I was in the SD national guard for eight years right out of high school 1987 to 1995,
It would be smarter for you to blame most of Washington, the war was approved by progressives everywhere.

so essentially, you were in a unit that drank beer one weekend a month.

Hashtag, join AA, you drunken inbred
Well, you are bleeding all over the place...
You might want have that checked,
It was a forced social program, never a good thing.
Mandatory insurance is nothing more than legalized extortion...

no, it's being responsible.

you see, the problem is, when you or one of your fellow inbreds rack up your pickup truck after a night of heavy drinking, and you don't have insurance, you aren't going to just obediently die because you can't pay the folks at the ER.

You are going to insist on getting treated, and then the rest of us are going to pay for it when the hospital spreads that cost across our bills.

You mean like the 4 of out 5 getting an Obamacare subsidy where the costs involves someone else doing the funding?
It was a forced social program, never a good thing.
Mandatory insurance is nothing more than legalized extortion...

no, it's being responsible.

you see, the problem is, when you or one of your fellow inbreds rack up your pickup truck after a night of heavy drinking, and you don't have insurance, you aren't going to just obediently die because you can't pay the folks at the ER.

You are going to insist on getting treated, and then the rest of us are going to pay for it when the hospital spreads that cost across our bills.
Well, I don't drink I know, out of the ordinary for an Indian. I pay for everything with cash.
100% debt free here, unlike the federal government I live within my means.

I have no reason to buy insurance, I just pay the IRS fine for no insurance.

Unfortunately I have pay insurance for my employees... Oh well life goes on.
The biggest demonstrations in America are something called the Rolling Thunder POW/MIA Ride For Freedom Rally's held every year during Memorial Day weekend for over 25 years. It brings well over 500,000 motorcycles and riders to Washington, DC, a large percentage of them veterans plus tens of thousands of supporters who line the streets with flags. The entire time period that Bergdahl was a prisoner the veterans that put on the event put the focus on Bergdahl, had his parents in attendance and as speakers at the rally and demanded that whatever needed to be done to bring him home be done. Half a million veterans and citizens flooding Washington DC, bringing petitions, meeting at the White House and with Congress people, talking to the media and focusing all that attention and demanding Bergdahl be brought home at any cost. According to some posters here all of that should have been ignored. Who should Obama have listened to, millions of veterans and their supporters or the hater dupes?
You mean like the 4 of out 5 getting an Obamacare subsidy where the costs involves someone else doing the funding?

Again, those costs get spread around one way or another. fucking poor people, they just refuse to die.

Now, if we were smart, we'd just have single payer like every other industrialized nation has. But that's too much like "Socialism' for you inbreds.
The biggest demonstrations in America are something called the Rolling Thunder POW/MIA Ride For Freedom Rally's held every year during Memorial Day weekend for over 25 years. It brings well over 500,000 motorcycles and riders to Washington, DC, a large percentage of them veterans plus tens of thousands of supporters who line the streets with flags. The entire time period that Bergdahl was a prisoner the veterans that put on the event put the focus on Bergdahl, had his parents in attendance and as speakers at the rally and demanded that whatever needed to be done to bring him home be done. Half a million veterans and citizens flooding Washington DC, bringing petitions, meeting at the White House and with Congress people, talking to the media and focusing all that attention and demanding Bergdahl be brought home at any cost. According to some posters here all of that should have been ignored. Who should Obama have listened to, millions of veterans and their supporters or the hater dupes?

I think you are being to rational.

When Bergdahl was a captive, Obama wasn't doing enough to get him out.

When Obama got him out, Bergdahl became the worst traitor since Ethel Rosenberg.

It really isn't about Bergdahl, it's about the right's hate for Obama. so they insist the army needs to prosecute this damaged kid out of revenge.
You mean like the 4 of out 5 getting an Obamacare subsidy where the costs involves someone else doing the funding?

Again, those costs get spread around one way or another. fucking poor people, they just refuse to die.

Now, if we were smart, we'd just have single payer like every other industrialized nation has. But that's too much like "Socialism' for you inbreds.

Glad you admit that Obamacare didn't solve the problem you said it would solve and lower costs.

If we were smart, we'd let people like you who claim you care for those without coverage pay their bills personally but that's too much living up to your own word for you liars.

If you want someone without coverage to have it, pay their premium with your own money. I don't owe them healthcare. You claim to care yet you do nothing to prove it. Liar but I could say Liberal and it would be redundant.
The biggest demonstrations in America are something called the Rolling Thunder POW/MIA Ride For Freedom Rally's held every year during Memorial Day weekend for over 25 years. It brings well over 500,000 motorcycles and riders to Washington, DC, a large percentage of them veterans plus tens of thousands of supporters who line the streets with flags. The entire time period that Bergdahl was a prisoner the veterans that put on the event put the focus on Bergdahl, had his parents in attendance and as speakers at the rally and demanded that whatever needed to be done to bring him home be done. Half a million veterans and citizens flooding Washington DC, bringing petitions, meeting at the White House and with Congress people, talking to the media and focusing all that attention and demanding Bergdahl be brought home at any cost. According to some posters here all of that should have been ignored. Who should Obama have listened to, millions of veterans and their supporters or the hater dupes?

I think you are being to rational.

When Bergdahl was a captive, Obama wasn't doing enough to get him out.

When Obama got him out, Bergdahl became the worst traitor since Ethel Rosenberg.

It really isn't about Bergdahl, it's about the right's hate for Obama. so they insist the army needs to prosecute this damaged kid out of revenge.

They should execute him as what he is, a traitor. He wasn't a captive. Captives are caught. He wanted to be with the enemy.

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