No Prison time for Bergdahl....

Is that the same Trump that said John McCain was not a war hero?

most stupid reply you ever made to one of my posts.

:up_yours: ........ :asshole:

It came with a video.

Thanks for playing.
McCain is a progressive... Just another face in the crowd.

Doesn't make Trump's attack on his war record any less vile.

Oh, and newsflash, McCain is a conservative republican.

Which to a theocratic absolutist like yourself, is "Progressive".
McCain is no conservative. Moron.
No, he is just your bog standard Republican moron.
most stupid reply you ever made to one of my posts.

:up_yours: ........ :asshole:

It came with a video.

Thanks for playing.
McCain is a progressive... Just another face in the crowd.

Doesn't make Trump's attack on his war record any less vile.

Oh, and newsflash, McCain is a conservative republican.

Which to a theocratic absolutist like yourself, is "Progressive".
McCain is no conservative. Moron.
No, he is just your bog standard Republican moron.
... Progressives

Always a glaring fault.
What it amounts to is Obama ass lickers are trying to cover for their boy. He can't dare be held accountable for turning over terrorists for a piece of shit like Bergdahl. You'll do anything to cover for him.

I think you are a little confused. Those five guys were going to be turned over regardless because we had no legal basis to hold them. They committed no crimes against Americans.

This is the whole problem with Gitmo. If they are criminals, you try them for their crimes in a court of law. If they are POW's, you accord them all the respect and dignity that captured soldiers are allowed under the Geneva Conventions.
If he'd only spent a day in captivity would we still be so forgiving? He deserted his post. Should spend the max time in a military prison as a desertion charge carries. His captivity should be irrelevant.

If he only spent a day in captivity, he'd have probably been hit with something like an Article 15 or an AWOL.

I think the Taliban already punished him enough. I also think that given his mental state, which the Army completely ignored, should be enough to excuse him.

The thing is, the guy was nuts. The army enlisted him anyway.
Everything about the federal government is FUBAR...

embrace the suck

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