Colorado Antifa shooter gets no prison time on attempted manslaughter conviction

Your own Cite. DROVE INTO A CROWD OF PROTESTORS. Had I been there, I would have fired into the jeep as well. But I would have fired into the tires. The Tire was flat because it was hit preventing anyone from being killed by being run over by that jeep. There were ZERO law abiding citizens involved here.
Hahahahaha! Did you just say you would shoot out the tires on a moving vehicle? ^^ This person basically just admitted he has never fired a gun.
DROVE INTO isn't getting surrounded. One lady broke her leg so she would not get run over. The crowd was in jeopardy to being run over. Your own cite give reference to that. Not once does your own cite talk about the crowd encircling the Jeep. Sounds to me like there was a bit of Larceny on the Drivers side that brought about all this in the first place. You RW Terrorists needs to be dealt with and shouldn't be surprised that the other side is now armed and will defend itself.

The driver was legally driving on a public highway.

democrat terrorists flocked around him and attacked his vehicle, the driver fled the attacking terrorist mob. One of the terrorists pulled a gun (good thing the driver fled) and started shooting, shooting two of his fellow attacking terrorists in the process.

A Soros owned and operated judge refused to impose sentence on the terrorist who was found guilty. I guess you Nazis failed to sufficiently intimidate the jury, but the judge still served the Reich.
Yah, going about his business of running over pedestrians

There are "pedestrians" on interstate highways?

In fact, it's illegal to be on a freeway outside of a vehicle. The democrat terrorists were there to intimidated and assault motorists.

We have ALL seen the videos of democrat Brown Shirts from ANTIFA and the BLM Klan pulling motorists from cars to beat them or kill them.

Funny, no mention if the driver has been charged or not for his attempt at driving over pedestrians.

The driver did nothing wrong - other than slowing down in the first place. If you see terrorists blocking the freeway - speed up. They don't belong there, and they mean you bodily harm.
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I do not understand how democrats can be so hard on gun control and so soft on the people who commit crimes with a gun, especially shooting at somebody. Where's the sense in that?

democrats like vrenn don't see shooting at white people as a crime.
Attempted murder is okay with you? As long as the victim is Jude - the hated whites?

Yep, you're a democrat.

Actually. I’m a non voter. I refuse to participate in the idiotic argument that one sides steaming pile of shit is somehow preferable to the other sides.
In case you haven't noticed, they already are. You want to try and run over a gathering of people, they are going to shoot you. In the last couple of years, you rightwing terrorists made the rules. Learn to live with them.
A riot in the middle of the freeway terrorizing drivers isn't a "gathering of people", fuckwit.
There are no pedestrians allowed on the interstate and they have no right-of-way protections.

The interstate is by law for motorized transport vehicles only... Only they have any right-of-way.

View attachment 648429

So when you see then on the Interstate, you get to swerve, speed up and run over them, right? That's also against the law.
Hahahahaha! Did you just say you would shoot out the tires on a moving vehicle? ^^ This person basically just admitted he has never fired a gun.

Or, I fired them a lot. Careful, rightwing nutjob terrorists aren't the only ones that own and can use firearms.
So when you see then on the Interstate, you get to swerve, speed up and run over them, right? That's also against the law.

If terrorists are blocking the interstate, you better speed up. We've seen what democrat Brown Shirts do to people in cars.

This is the judge who did it....

Leutwyler (Formatted).jpg

He should be impeached.....
Simply amazing what the leftoids are doing in many areas with law and order, trampling all over it is what they're doing.

Contrast this leniency with people held without trial over parading or trespassing on January 6.

Colorado Antifa shooter Samuel Young, who was convicted of four counts of attempted manslaughter when he shot at a driver trying to flee rioters on the highway in Aurora, was sentenced this week to no prison time. He received only five years of probation instead of the six years in prison that the prosecution sought. He had faced a maximum of 16 years in prison under sentencing guidelines.
On July 25, 2020, far-left extremists from a local communist group shut down the I-225 highway in Aurora. A driver who tried escaping from the mob was fired at five times by Young. His shots missed the driver but two of his comrades were injured.
At his trial in March this year, Young was also convicted of two counts of second-degree assault and one count of illegal discharge of a firearm. He received a 90-day and 30-day county jail sentence for those convictions, respectively.
Mere hours before the shooting in 2020, Young wrote and published an essay on Medium expressing support for the Antifa rioters in Portland, Ore. and saying that the U.S. was on the cusp of a fascist takeover.

The jury found him guilty but suppose a judge imposed the sentence

He deserves the full 6 years in prison
Yet every post from you here supports the Nazi democrats.

I was called a Nazi when I posted favorable to Trump too.

He brought a gun to an unlawful activity and took five shots at a law abiding citizen trying to get the fuck away from the violent crowd with a flat tire. He was trying to kill. Incredible that there is no jail time.

No jail time, no peace.

If you are trying to get away, you drive away from the crown. Not into it. I suspect, the second he gets out of the hospital, the authorities will be charging the driver as well.
Shame. There is a lot of information missing from you link.

Like the most seriously injured victim asked that the shooter be spared prison. The shooter Young expressed remorse. You know a lot of information that just isn’t there at your RW spin the hatred crap site.
Protestors or Terrorists who are attacking people and cities? Terrorists need to be shot, ran over, etc.
If you are trying to get away, you drive away from the crown. Not into it. I suspect, the second he gets out of the hospital, the authorities will be charging the driver as well.

You don't drive in reverse on the freeway.

The terrorists on a freeway show malicious intent. If you have the opportunity to use an offramp when you see them, by all means take it. If not, ramming speed is the best choice - unless you WANT to be the next Reginald Denny - because that is exactly what the democrat Brown Shirts have in mind for you.
You don't drive in reverse on the freeway.

The terrorists on a freeway show malicious intent. If you have the opportunity to use an offramp when you see them, by all means take it. If not, ramming speed is the best choice - unless you WANT to be the next Reginald Denny - because that is exactly what the democrat Brown Shirts have in mind for you.
If i were to accidentally run into that bs, hell would freeze over before i stopped for them fuckers. They carry weapons for any who would dare try and stop their protest. A highway is no place.

Dont want to get run over GTFO of the freeway

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