No Prison time for Bergdahl....

It makes Obama look bad if they punish this guy severely....
Why because then Obama gave up 5 terrorists for a deserter who ended up with a big punishment.

No, it makes the Army look bad if they have to explain why they enlisted a guy with mental problems and didn't notice he was suffering from PTSD.

Also, I honestly wish you guys would stop referring to these five individuals as "Terrorists". they weren't members of Al Qaeda and they weren't attacking American facilities. Two of them surrendered to allied forces, hoping to switch sides.
Progressives claim they support choice. They do until the choice someone makes involves that person not doing what Progressives think they should choose to do. At that point, they mandate what they think they know more about on behalf of the rest of us. Ask them about people opting out of Social Security and investing that money on their own. They argue the doom and gloom of what would happen if you didn't have anything when you were old.

That's actually a pretty big doom and gloom. I know people whose entire retirement was wiped out by Bush's Stock Market Crash in 2008. I'm sure those people were glad they had social security.

That you constantly blame Bush shows you have nothing. Do you blame Obama for the $8 trillion more in debt?
It makes Obama look bad if they punish this guy severely....
Why because then Obama gave up 5 terrorists for a deserter who ended up with a big punishment.

No, it makes the Army look bad if they have to explain why they enlisted a guy with mental problems and didn't notice he was suffering from PTSD.

Also, I honestly wish you guys would stop referring to these five individuals as "Terrorists". they weren't members of Al Qaeda and they weren't attacking American facilities. Two of them surrendered to allied forces, hoping to switch sides.

It make the country look bad when a unqualified President trades terrorists for a traitorous piece of shit you support.
What would those false pretenses be? Are you claiming Bush lied about Iraq having WMD's?

No, its an established fact Bush lied about WMD's.

He said Saddam had them, and Saddam didn't have them. And, no,expired canisters of mustard gas buried in 1991 don't count.

Democrat Quotes on WMD

Even Democrats said he had them some after Bush was elected.

Does that mean they lied? Based on your beliefs it does.
Just as I thought. Jealous of something you'll never be.

If you can take, come get it. Bet you don't show this time either.

all I got to do is show up at the ballot box, beause there are more of us than you.

Just as I thought, a gutless coward that gets the government to do what he's too much of a pussy to do himself.

There are more leeches than honest, hard working people. That's why you support taking it away from those who earned it to give it to those who think it belongs to them.
Just as I thought, a gutless coward that gets the government to do what he's too much of a pussy to do himself.

There are more leeches than honest, hard working people. That's why you support taking it away from those who earned it to give it to those who think it belongs to them.

I think you are a little confused, guy.

The leeches are the 1%ers who take the benefits of the work done by the working class.

I know that being a conservative, you are confused by this, suffering from the Stockholm Syndrome that is conservatism, clinging to your gun and your bible and thinking you are free.
Even Democrats said he had them some after Bush was elected.

Does that mean they lied? Based on your beliefs it does.

None of those people went to war. Bush did.

A lot of those people said those things based on what Bush told them.

You see, the thing was. Bush won the point. Saddam allowed inspections to resume. But Bush didn't want inspections, he wanted a war.

Bush Lied. People Died.
You forgot one Obamacare, it would have been perfectly fine if it was an opt in or an opt out type of thing, you know a choice thing, progressives likey. Chances are It would have passed congress by 90+ % or more that way, the fair way.

But, no! millions of us have deal with this bag of sh!t that is Obamacare forever.

Really? And who is that, exactly. Frankly, ObamaCare didn't really change my health insurance one Iota. so I'm really not sure what you guys are going on and on about.

In fact, after ObamaCare, we always had those HR meetings where they powers that be told us how our insurance costs were going to cover a little less and suck a little more, until ObamaCare came along and we stopped having those meetings.

It was a forced social program, never a good thing.
Mandatory insurance is nothing more than legalized extortion...
Even Democrats said he had them some after Bush was elected.

Does that mean they lied? Based on your beliefs it does.

None of those people went to war. Bush did.

A lot of those people said those things based on what Bush told them.

You see, the thing was. Bush won the point. Saddam allowed inspections to resume. But Bush didn't want inspections, he wanted a war.

Bush Lied. People Died.
More spilled milk, conceal your bleeding heart better.
It was a forced social program, never a good thing.
Mandatory insurance is nothing more than legalized extortion...

no, it's being responsible.

you see, the problem is, when you or one of your fellow inbreds rack up your pickup truck after a night of heavy drinking, and you don't have insurance, you aren't going to just obediently die because you can't pay the folks at the ER.

You are going to insist on getting treated, and then the rest of us are going to pay for it when the hospital spreads that cost across our bills.

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