No Prison time for Bergdahl....


This is honestly good news for anyone interested in justice.

Probably one of the most stupid statements ever made on this forum.

Justice would be execution of the deserting bastard as payback for the lost lives of the men that died trying to rescue him.

I suspect the the filthy ass Obama administration wants the whole thing to go away so they are putting pressure on the Army. After all good old Bowe is a Muslim so Obama thinks he could be his son, or something.

Since Obama was a chickenshit who never had the courage to serve in the military it is no wonder he doesn't understand desertion.

Nobody fucking died and you're pedantic hysterical little girl #3.
That coward Bergdahl was a volunteer captive... Anyone with half a brain can see that.
Execute that spineless coward... But first make him apologize to all those families faces who's soldiers died looking for that POS. So the last thing that worm sees in life is those torn up family members faces. Those family are living in earthly hell because that subhuman coward.

Thanks Obama for honoring a spineless treasonous coward and his cowardly parents in front of the whole country... Sweet dreams commander a$$ hat.

fantastic post, i could not have said it any better.

i can add, put him before a firing squad of the family members who would volunteer to pull the trigger on that worthless muslime sympathizer. :up:

It's so sad it's funny, that subhuman coward that is Bowe Bergdahl is admired and even revered by the progressives in both parties. Ever since leaving his post on his hippie want to be walk about he has been on paid vacation. Being a "captive" ya, right like we all believe that load of horse Sh!t. He wanted to be there, no doubt. Luring soldiers to their deaths looking for him. All along hanging out with his Muslim buddies.

Then to top it all off they are going to let him off Scot-free... Without so much as a slap on the wrist. Over five years of paid vacation most of it hanging out with his Muslim buddies.

All those families and friends of those of who's soldiers died, yes!! Died!! looking for that lowest of life forms... I can't possibly image what they have and what they are going through.

And Obamas sh!tting their loved ones graves... And rewarding Bowe Bergdahl and his family.

Nobody fucking died, you're worse than a 12 year old little girl with your pedantic hysteria.
Ok, six soldiers didn't die looking for him... Dolt

Nobody fucking died and you're pedantic hysterical little girl #2.
Tell that to the families and friends... They would sure be surprised... dolt
fantastic post, i could not have said it any better.

i can add, put him before a firing squad of the family members who would volunteer to pull the trigger on that worthless muslime sympathizer. :up:

It's so sad it's funny, that subhuman coward that is Bowe Bergdahl is admired and even revered by the progressives in both parties. Ever since leaving his post on his hippie want to be walk about he has been on paid vacation. Being a "captive" ya, right like we all believe that load of horse Sh!t. He wanted to be there, no doubt. Luring soldiers to their deaths looking for him. All along hanging out with his Muslim buddies.

Then to top it all off they are going to let him off Scot-free... Without so much as a slap on the wrist. Over five years of paid vacation most of it hanging out with his Muslim buddies.

All those families and friends of those of who's soldiers died, yes!! Died!! looking for that lowest of life forms... I can't possibly image what they have and what they are going through.

And Obamas sh!tting their loved ones graves... And rewarding Bowe Bergdahl and his family.

Nobody fucking died, you're worse than a 12 year old little girl with your pedantic hysteria.
Ok, six soldiers didn't die looking for him... Dolt

Nobody fucking died and you're pedantic hysterical little girl #2.
Tell that to the families and friends... They would sure be surprised... dolt

What families and friends? Nobody fucking died.
It's just sad our federal government rewards/ignores cowardly behavior. Of course both happen to be cowardly Muslims...

No wonder our military has the lowest morale in its history. It's always reflect leadership, the last 7 1/2 years have been hell on our military.
Our commander in chief pretty much single handedly took down our military. The Bowe Bergdahl photo op at the White House has to be the one of the most cowardly actions an commander in chief could ever do.
That POS Bergdahi has several deaths of fellow soldiers directly attributed to his absolute cowardly treasonous actions.

Every time I see the replay of Obama with that cowards family at the White House, it is so Obama an elitist a$$ hat. Those actions alone shows that Obama is pretty much sh!tting on every grave of every solider that has died honorably in the line of duty for this country.
Really sad to see it only took 7 1/2 years for our military to fall so far.

I thought I would never see a commander in chief disrespect our military in such an overt way...

I think you are a little confused here, guy.

It was the Military that TOLD Obama that Bergdahl was a POW. Not the other way around. The Army LISTED Bergdahl as a POW, did not charge him with desertion, did not list him as AWOL, and on top of that, continued to give him PROMOTIONS while he was in captivity.

I want to re-emphasize that last part. When he was captured, he was a Private First Class- Grade E-3. While he was in captivity, the Army promoted him to Specialist (E-4) and then to Sergeant. (E-5). The latter is amazing because this guy did not attend an NCO academy to get a promotion to an NCO rank.

So as far as Obama knew, he was trying to get a POW who the Army considered good enough to promote to an NCO Rank. Someone he as Commander in Chief was obligated to make the diplomatic effort to get him back.
That you make excuse after excuse, I put you in the same category as the traitor Bergdahl.

I have a better idea. Let the welfare leeches and their children be required to serve to pay back their handouts.

Who do you think is serving now, guy? Who do you think makes up the majority of the Armed forces. It ain't middle class kids and it certainly ain't rich kids.
That coward Bergdahl was a volunteer captive... Anyone with half a brain can see that.
Execute that spineless coward... But first make him apologize to all those families faces who's soldiers died looking for that POS. So the last thing that worm sees in life is those torn up family members faces. Those familys are living in earthly hell because that subhuman coward.

Thanks Obama for honoring a spineless treasonous coward and his cowardly parents in front of the whole country... Sweet dreams commander a$$ hat.

Frankly, that's not what I see at all. I see a guy with mental issues put into a war zone who made a bad decision that if he walked over to a higher command, he could get issues addressed.

Oh, no one died looking for Bergdahl according to the Army.
It's so sad it's funny, that subhuman coward that is Bowe Bergdahl is admired and even revered by the progressives in both parties. Ever since leaving his post on his hippie want to be walk about he has been on paid vacation. Being a "captive" ya, right like we all believe that load of horse Sh!t. He wanted to be there, no doubt. Luring soldiers to their deaths looking for him. All along hanging out with his Muslim buddies.

Where did anyone say they "admired" Bergdahl. I kind of feel sorry for the guy. He never should have been in that situation. Jesus Christ, man, he washed out of Coast Guard Boot Camp, but the army took him anyway.
Probably one of the most stupid statements ever made on this forum.

Justice would be execution of the deserting bastard as payback for the lost lives of the men that died trying to rescue him.

Except the army says no one died in the search for this guy.

I suspect the the filthy ass Obama administration wants the whole thing to go away so they are putting pressure on the Army. After all good old Bowe is a Muslim so Obama thinks he could be his son, or something.

Actually, more like the Army wants this to go away because they dont' want to talk about how they had to recruit crazy people to fight an unpopular war.

And this is kind of the problem. By the time Bergdahl had signed up, the country was pretty much sick of "A War on An Emotional State", and HS Graduates were refusing to sign up unless they had no other options. In 2000, they'd have never signed up a guy like Bergdahl, who had several strikes against him. But by 2008, they were willing to sign up him, that Chris Mercer guy who just shot up all those folks in Oregon, Bradley Manning who released all that shit to Wiki-leaks and thinks his name is Chelsea now. A real band of misfits.

Since Obama was a chickenshit who never had the courage to serve in the military it is no wonder he doesn't understand desertion.

Okay, except the same could be said of Romney, Cheney, Trump, Jeb Bush, Walker, Rubio, Carson, Gingrich, Rush Limbaugh or a whole list of other GOP dignitaries who found ways to avoid the joys of military service.

Now, if you want to change the requirements to president to be "Has to have served on active duty honorably", I'm okay with that, but I think you'd have a problem with that constitution you all claim to love so much.
If your parents were hosted, admired, celebrated, praised, honored and approved by the President, makes no difference if you were a deserter, murderer or treasonous coward you can bet your bottom dollars that the powers that be will keep you out of jail. Or else.

except that you guys haven't proven Bergdahl was any of those things.

The only thing that has been proven is that he wandered off of his base in a mental illness fugue state.

Maybe the Army should have told Obama the truth about this guy and spared everyone some embarrassment.
It's so sad it's funny, that subhuman coward that is Bowe Bergdahl is admired and even revered by the progressives in both parties. Ever since leaving his post on his hippie want to be walk about he has been on paid vacation. Being a "captive" ya, right like we all believe that load of horse Sh!t. He wanted to be there, no doubt. Luring soldiers to their deaths looking for him. All along hanging out with his Muslim buddies.

Where did anyone say they "admired" Bergdahl. I kind of feel sorry for the guy. He never should have been in that situation. Jesus Christ, man, he washed out of Coast Guard Boot Camp, but the army took him anyway.
The photo op!! What else??
No, I will never feel sorry for a worm like him. You know what would happen to someone of that low of character in the Indian nations... He would be no more, and in a really bad way and parents would be part of and for his harsh demise...

I am normally a real laid back kind of guy, rarely takes much of any thing personality but, there a few things I do. This type of thing there can't be an punishment bad enough punishment on this earth anyways....
Ask the friends and families of those who died looking for that worm... Face to face. And see what you believe.
Who would you believe? A politically correct yes man for the army or the family and friends of the soldiers and those who WERE there and survived looking for this parasite.
This kid was a goofball who was way in over his head. He should be dishonorably discharged and reduced in rank with no benefits and be made to pay back whatever money he accrued from his 'service' during his incarceration.

He is a harmless idiot whose imprisonment would benefit no one. He is at best an example of Obama's abject stupidity, nothing more. If he has a conscience, the deaths he caused should haunt him all his days.
Ask the friends and families of those who died looking for that worm... Face to face. And see what you believe.
Who would you believe? A politically correct yes man for the army or the family and friends of the soldiers and those who WERE there and survived looking for this parasite.

I would believe what the operational reports said. Which is that there was no serious effort made to locate Bergdahl or rescue him, and those six soldiers died during routine operations.

Now, here's the thing. I think that the real Afghan Scandal was Obama escalating the war for largely political reasons. He wanted to pull out of Iraq while looking tough in Afghanistan, but the war became largely pointless after Karzai stole the 2009 election.
The photo op!! What else??
No, I will never feel sorry for a worm like him. You know what would happen to someone of that low of character in the Indian nations... He would be no more, and in a really bad way and parents would be part of and for his harsh demise...

I am normally a real laid back kind of guy, rarely takes much of any thing personality but, there a few things I do. This type of thing there can't be an punishment bad enough punishment on this earth anyways....

Didn't we genocide the shit out of the "Indian Nations" because they were "Savages".

ALso, you don't strike me as laid back guy. You strike me as a guy who'd want to punish a sick man because you hate Obama.
That you make excuse after excuse, I put you in the same category as the traitor Bergdahl.

I have a better idea. Let the welfare leeches and their children be required to serve to pay back their handouts.

Who do you think is serving now, guy? Who do you think makes up the majority of the Armed forces. It ain't middle class kids and it certainly ain't rich kids.

Joining the military is a CHOICE. NO ONE is forced to join. I thought you Liberals were all about choice. Guess not.

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