No Prison time for Bergdahl....

Joey, the 5 are a major part of the Bergdahl story because they were the 5 biggest Taliban leaders in all Afghanistan. 3 of them were caught on the battle field trying to kill Americans.

You really should stop talking about it until you do some research because you are embarassing yourself, admitting you are ignorant, knowing nothing about the story.

Okay, guy, they were caught in 2002. I know you are having a hard time grasping this, but after 12 more years of war, they were long replaced by new leaders who aren't going to say, "We left your tent just like you left it, Abdul!"

Here was the the thing. The Afghan government REQUESTED these five be released, because they thought they were the best guys to bring the rest of the Taliban to the negotiation table.
The fix is in.The fat asses in the pentagon don't want to ruffle the feathers of the administration. The first thing the new republican president needs to do is ask for the resignation of all the old soldiers who forgot which side they were on.

The Fix isn't in. they just realized that prosecuting a man for leaving a war we all stopped caring about a long time ago isn't really justice.
Okay, guy, they were caught in 2002. I know you are having a hard time grasping this, but after 12 more years of war, they were long replaced by new leaders who aren't going to say, "We left your tent just like you left it, Abdul!".
1st you say they did nothing....wrong. They were caught on the battle field.

You THEN say they had been replaced....SO WHAT?! They were terrorist combatants caught trying to kill US troop.

You THEN claim the Afghanistan govt wanted them released because they thought these pissed off leaders could help bring about peace.
- That wasn't what Obama claimed....he LIED and said the froup holding Bergdahl demanded they be part of the deal for his release - it wasn't!

Really....just stop. You're embarassing yourself.
1st you say they did nothing....wrong. They were caught on the battle field.

which means all of nothing. Frankly, the Geneva Conventions should have applied to these guys from day one of their capture. The thing is, we have no legal basis to continue holding them if the Afghan Government (our "ally") says we should release them.

You THEN say they had been replaced....SO WHAT?! They were terrorist combatants caught trying to kill US troop.

US troops who WERE INVADING THEIR COUNTRY A THE TIME. I'm sorry you don't get this as a concept, but international treaties we've signed protect their right to do so.

You THEN claim the Afghanistan govt wanted them released because they thought these pissed off leaders could help bring about peace.
- That wasn't what Obama claimed....he LIED and said the froup holding Bergdahl demanded they be part of the deal for his release - it wasn't!

Obama said nothing of the sort, and the Afghan Government had requested these five be release
The progressives will let the cowardly POS go Scott free. With slap on the wrist, even though his so called capture was really a paid vacation with his buddies, who happen to be Muslim.
Just like the phase work place violence, what does that mean? A stupid OSHA violation. The penalty for work place violence? Slap on the wrist?? Nidal Malik hasan? On government paid vacation?
The progressives will let the cowardly POS go Scott free. With slap on the wrist, even though his so called capture was really a paid vacation with his buddies, who happen to be Muslim.
Just like the phase work place violence, what does that mean? A stupid OSHA violation. The penalty for work place violence? Slap on the wrist?? Nidal Malik hasan? On government paid vacation?

No, man, we totally need to piss ourselves every time we hear the word "Islam".

Okay, the real deal on Bergdahl and Hasan is they are what happens when you ask an Army to keep fighting a war after the people of the country have no desire to continue to fight it. NEITHER of those guys should have been in a uniform. But because they simply can't get people to sign up at this point, they keep guys they never would have taken pre-war.
Looks like the Army doesn't want to air its dirty laundry.

Investigator: Bergdahl should get no jail time

Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, accused of deserting his post in Afghanistan six years ago before his capture by the Taliban, should get no jail time, the investigator looking into his case says.

Bergdahl's attorney, Yale Law School lecturer Eugene Fidell, released a document late Friday that cited comments from the investigating officer in a preliminary hearing held weeks ago at Joint Base San Antonio-Fort Sam Houston that suggests prison isn't an option in the case.

“He found probable cause and recommended that the charges be referred to a special court-martial and that there be neither jail time nor punitive discharge,” Fidell said Saturday.

This is honestly good news for anyone interested in justice.

How exactly is this justice?
The Army is doing whatever it can to give this guy a light sentence in order
to protect Obama's release of the 5 terrorists.
Looks like the Army doesn't want to air its dirty laundry.

Investigator: Bergdahl should get no jail time

Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, accused of deserting his post in Afghanistan six years ago before his capture by the Taliban, should get no jail time, the investigator looking into his case says.

Bergdahl's attorney, Yale Law School lecturer Eugene Fidell, released a document late Friday that cited comments from the investigating officer in a preliminary hearing held weeks ago at Joint Base San Antonio-Fort Sam Houston that suggests prison isn't an option in the case.

“He found probable cause and recommended that the charges be referred to a special court-martial and that there be neither jail time nor punitive discharge,” Fidell said Saturday.

This is honestly good news for anyone interested in justice.

The only good news would be that traitor being shot for being one. He deserted his unit and should be treated like traitors should be treated.
I read that this is only one recommendation...that the General in charge of the proceedings makes the final decision.

I think it says a lot that this is being recommended.

If the guy really deserted, gave secrets to the enemy and got six guys killed, he's probably a lot worse than Eddie Kovacs - the last man executed for Desertion by the army.

Instead they are trying to plea this out and make it go away. the only sticking point seems to be whether he keeps his VA benefits or not.

It's nothing more than covering for Obama's sorry ass. It's doing more covering of Obama's ass than when you put your lips on it and kiss it. Pucker up. You're as much of a traitor as Bergdahl for supporting this.
Will the Armed forces use this as part of a recruiting campaign...
Join the Army and if you want to walk away and quit at any time.No problem.
Obama made it OK to do so....
How exactly is this justice?

The Army NEVER should have enlisted Bergdahl. They never should have put him in a war zone. This guy was unsuited for military service and he was destined to fail.

The Army is trying to cover its own ass after calling him a POW and trying to cover it up by promoting the guy to E-5 in abstentia hoping that he'd never come back.

Then Obama got him released. and a bunch of guys Bergdahl served with who were equally unsuited for military service (a few of them had earned themselves bad conduct discharges) started whining on Faux News. So the Army decided it had to "investigate" him.

But they didn't want their dirty laundry aired in public, how they were enlisting felons and the mentally ill because regular kids weren't signing up after a decade of pointless war.

If someone should be "court martialed', it should be Bergdahl's recruiter and everyone else who came up with this idiotic policy.

The Army is doing whatever it can to give this guy a light sentence in order to protect Obama's release of the 5 terrorists.

Exactly how are the two things connected in any way? Those "terrorists" (not really) are just as free if they put him up in front of a firing squad than if they give him a ticker-tape parade and the medal of honor.

The army is covering its OWN ass. They are the ones who lied to the public about hte circumstances of this guy's capture. They are the ones who listed him as a POW when he might have deserted.

The only good news would be that traitor being shot for being one. He deserted his unit and should be treated like traitors should be treated.

The good news would be if we made the Wealthy fight their own damned wars, instead of recruiting damaged working class kids to do it.

In fact, I have kind of a neat idea. We should have universal conscription, and all the children of politicians and corporate CEO's should be put in an elite airborne unit that will be the first deployed to any war zone.

I'm willing to bet you if you do that, we aren't going to fight any wars based on lies and we aren't going to let them drag out for 14 years.
The progressives will let the cowardly POS go Scott free. With slap on the wrist, even though his so called capture was really a paid vacation with his buddies, who happen to be Muslim.
Just like the phase work place violence, what does that mean? A stupid OSHA violation. The penalty for work place violence? Slap on the wrist?? Nidal Malik hasan? On government paid vacation?

No, man, we totally need to piss ourselves every time we hear the word "Islam".

Okay, the real deal on Bergdahl and Hasan is they are what happens when you ask an Army to keep fighting a war after the people of the country have no desire to continue to fight it. NEITHER of those guys should have been in a uniform. But because they simply can't get people to sign up at this point, they keep guys they never would have taken pre-war.
It's just sad our federal government rewards/ignores cowardly behavior. Of course both happen to be cowardly Muslims...

No wonder our military has the lowest morale in its history. It's always reflect leadership, the last 7 1/2 years have been hell on our military.
Our commander in chief pretty much single handedly took down our military. The Bowe Bergdahl photo op at the White House has to be the one of the most cowardly actions an commander in chief could ever do.
That POS Bergdahi has several deaths of fellow soldiers directly attributed to his absolute cowardly treasonous actions.

Every time I see the replay of Obama with that cowards family at the White House, it is so Obama an elitist a$$ hat. Those actions alone shows that Obama is pretty much sh!tting on every grave of every solider that has died honorably in the line of duty for this country.
Really sad to see it only took 7 1/2 years for our military to fall so far.

I thought I would never see a commander in chief disrespect our military in such an overt way...

Embrace the suck
Will the Armed forces use this as part of a recruiting campaign...
Join the Army and if you want to walk away and quit at any time.No problem.
Obama made it OK to do so....

Hey, why not? Why shouldn't the Army be like any other job? If you don't like it, you quit.

Why are you guys for forced servitude?
Well, that would no longer be a military than... It would be more like community organizer job.

Hashtag no balls
Will the Armed forces use this as part of a recruiting campaign...
Join the Army and if you want to walk away and quit at any time.No problem.
Obama made it OK to do so....

Hey, why not? Why shouldn't the Army be like any other job? If you don't like it, you quit.

Why are you guys for forced servitude?

Excellent point....

When the bullets start flying....
Turn around and run.....
When you are backing up a fellow soldier providing cover fire and it gets a little hairy....
Fuck it.
Pack your shit up and head back to base....
Who cares about the other guy...
The guy next to you gets hit,leave him there if he was stupid enough to get shot....

Rules of engagement brought to you by the Liberals....
The progressives will let the cowardly POS go Scott free. With slap on the wrist, even though his so called capture was really a paid vacation with his buddies, who happen to be Muslim.
Just like the phase work place violence, what does that mean? A stupid OSHA violation. The penalty for work place violence? Slap on the wrist?? Nidal Malik hasan? On government paid vacation?

No, man, we totally need to piss ourselves every time we hear the word "Islam".

Okay, the real deal on Bergdahl and Hasan is they are what happens when you ask an Army to keep fighting a war after the people of the country have no desire to continue to fight it. NEITHER of those guys should have been in a uniform. But because they simply can't get people to sign up at this point, they keep guys they never would have taken pre-war.
It's just sad our federal government rewards/ignores cowardly behavior. Of course both happen to be cowardly Muslims...

No wonder our military has the lowest morale in its history. It's always reflect leadership, the last 7 1/2 years have been hell on our military.
Our commander in chief pretty much single handedly took down our military. The Bowe Bergdahl photo op at the White House has to be the one of the most cowardly actions an commander in chief could ever do.
That POS Bergdahi has several deaths of fellow soldiers directly attributed to his absolute cowardly treasonous actions.

Every time I see the replay of Obama with that cowards family at the White House, it is so Obama an elitist a$$ hat. Those actions alone shows that Obama is pretty much sh!tting on every grave of every solider that has died honorably in the line of duty for this country.
Really sad to see it only took 7 1/2 years for our military to fall so far.

I thought I would never see a commander in chief disrespect our military in such an overt way...

Embrace the suck

Another year of this nonsense with Obama...
He will be gone from the WH and that's a good thing.
How exactly is this justice?

The Army NEVER should have enlisted Bergdahl. They never should have put him in a war zone. This guy was unsuited for military service and he was destined to fail.

The Army is trying to cover its own ass after calling him a POW and trying to cover it up by promoting the guy to E-5 in abstentia hoping that he'd never come back.

Then Obama got him released. and a bunch of guys Bergdahl served with who were equally unsuited for military service (a few of them had earned themselves bad conduct discharges) started whining on Faux News. So the Army decided it had to "investigate" him.

But they didn't want their dirty laundry aired in public, how they were enlisting felons and the mentally ill because regular kids weren't signing up after a decade of pointless war.

If someone should be "court martialed', it should be Bergdahl's recruiter and everyone else who came up with this idiotic policy.

The Army is doing whatever it can to give this guy a light sentence in order to protect Obama's release of the 5 terrorists.

Exactly how are the two things connected in any way? Those "terrorists" (not really) are just as free if they put him up in front of a firing squad than if they give him a ticker-tape parade and the medal of honor.

The army is covering its OWN ass. They are the ones who lied to the public about hte circumstances of this guy's capture. They are the ones who listed him as a POW when he might have deserted.

The only good news would be that traitor being shot for being one. He deserted his unit and should be treated like traitors should be treated.

The good news would be if we made the Wealthy fight their own damned wars, instead of recruiting damaged working class kids to do it.

In fact, I have kind of a neat idea. We should have universal conscription, and all the children of politicians and corporate CEO's should be put in an elite airborne unit that will be the first deployed to any war zone.

I'm willing to bet you if you do that, we aren't going to fight any wars based on lies and we aren't going to let them drag out for 14 years.

That you make excuse after excuse, I put you in the same category as the traitor Bergdahl.

I have a better idea. Let the welfare leeches and their children be required to serve to pay back their handouts.

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