No Prison time for Bergdahl....

Surely you jest. It was NOT the Afghan govt that requested their release.
1st you say they did nothing....wrong. They were caught on the battle field.

which means all of nothing. Frankly, the Geneva Conventions should have applied to these guys from day one of their capture. The thing is, we have no legal basis to continue holding them if the Afghan Government (our "ally") says we should release them.

You THEN say they had been replaced....SO WHAT?! They were terrorist combatants caught trying to kill US troop.

US troops who WERE INVADING THEIR COUNTRY A THE TIME. I'm sorry you don't get this as a concept, but international treaties we've signed protect their right to do so.

You THEN claim the Afghanistan govt wanted them released because they thought these pissed off leaders could help bring about peace.
- That wasn't what Obama claimed....he LIED and said the froup holding Bergdahl demanded they be part of the deal for his release - it wasn't!

Obama said nothing of the sort, and the Afghan Government had requested these five be release
SAN ANTONIO — Bowe Bergdahl said he walked away from his post in Afghanistan six years ago because he thought he could bring attention to what he felt were serious problems with his unit’s leadership, the officer who led the investigation of the Army sergeant’s disappearance testified Friday.

Maj. Gen. Kenneth Dahl told the packed courtroom at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio that Bergdahl felt the problems were so severe that they put his platoon in danger.

Dahl said Bergdahl planned to head from his post to the forward operating base roughly 19 miles away. He expected to arrive after a search had been launched and thought this would create a “PR event” that might get a general to listen to him speak about the problems.

“He felt it was his duty to intervene,” said Dahl, who later added that he doesn’t think Bergdahl should go to prison.

Bergdahl wanted to expose dangerous problems in unit, investigator says

Bergdahl Wasn't Only Soldier to 'Walk Off' Afghan Outposts
Surely you jest. It was NOT the Afghan govt that requested their release.
1st you say they did nothing....wrong. They were caught on the battle field.

which means all of nothing. Frankly, the Geneva Conventions should have applied to these guys from day one of their capture. The thing is, we have no legal basis to continue holding them if the Afghan Government (our "ally") says we should release them.

You THEN say they had been replaced....SO WHAT?! They were terrorist combatants caught trying to kill US troop.

US troops who WERE INVADING THEIR COUNTRY A THE TIME. I'm sorry you don't get this as a concept, but international treaties we've signed protect their right to do so.

You THEN claim the Afghanistan govt wanted them released because they thought these pissed off leaders could help bring about peace.
- That wasn't what Obama claimed....he LIED and said the froup holding Bergdahl demanded they be part of the deal for his release - it wasn't!

Obama said nothing of the sort, and the Afghan Government had requested these five be release
That coward Bergdahl was a volunteer captive... Anyone with half a brain can see that.
Execute that spineless coward... But first make him apologize to all those families faces who's soldiers died looking for that POS. So the last thing that worm sees in life is those torn up family members faces. Those familys are living in earthly hell because that subhuman coward.

Thanks Obama for honoring a spineless treasonous coward and his cowardly parents in front of the whole country... Sweet dreams commander a$$ hat.

Embrace the suck
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That coward Bergdahl was a volunteer captive... Anyone with half a brain can see that.
Execute that spineless coward... But first make him apologize to all those families faces who's soldiers died looking for that POS. So the last thing that worm sees in life is those torn up family members faces. Those family are living in earthly hell because that subhuman coward.

Thanks Obama for honoring a spineless treasonous coward and his cowardly parents in front of the whole country... Sweet dreams commander a$$ hat.

fantastic post, i could not have said it any better.

i can add, put him before a firing squad of the family members who would volunteer to pull the trigger on that worthless muslime sympathizer. :up:
That coward Bergdahl was a volunteer captive... Anyone with half a brain can see that.
Execute that spineless coward... But first make him apologize to all those families faces who's soldiers died looking for that POS. So the last thing that worm sees in life is those torn up family members faces. Those family are living in earthly hell because that subhuman coward.

Thanks Obama for honoring a spineless treasonous coward and his cowardly parents in front of the whole country... Sweet dreams commander a$$ hat.

fantastic post, i could not have said it any better.

i can add, put him before a firing squad of the family members who would volunteer to pull the trigger on that worthless muslime sympathizer. :up:

It's so sad it's funny, that subhuman coward that is Bowe Bergdahl is admired and even revered by the progressives in both parties. Ever since leaving his post on his hippie want to be walk about he has been on paid vacation. Being a "captive" ya, right like we all believe that load of horse Sh!t. He wanted to be there, no doubt. Luring soldiers to their deaths looking for him. All along hanging out with his Muslim buddies.

Then to top it all off they are going to let him off Scot-free... Without so much as a slap on the wrist. Over five years of paid vacation most of it hanging out with his Muslim buddies.

All those families and friends of those of who's soldiers died, yes!! Died!! looking for that lowest of life forms... I can't possibly image what they have and what they are going through.

And Obamas sh!tting their loved ones graves... And rewarding Bowe Bergdahl and his family.
How exactly is this justice?

The Army NEVER should have enlisted Bergdahl. They never should have put him in a war zone. This guy was unsuited for military service and he was destined to fail.

The Army is trying to cover its own ass after calling him a POW and trying to cover it up by promoting the guy to E-5 in abstentia hoping that he'd never come back.

Then Obama got him released. and a bunch of guys Bergdahl served with who were equally unsuited for military service (a few of them had earned themselves bad conduct discharges) started whining on Faux News. So the Army decided it had to "investigate" him.

But they didn't want their dirty laundry aired in public, how they were enlisting felons and the mentally ill because regular kids weren't signing up after a decade of pointless war.

If someone should be "court martialed', it should be Bergdahl's recruiter and everyone else who came up with this idiotic policy.

The Army is doing whatever it can to give this guy a light sentence in order to protect Obama's release of the 5 terrorists.

Exactly how are the two things connected in any way? Those "terrorists" (not really) are just as free if they put him up in front of a firing squad than if they give him a ticker-tape parade and the medal of honor.

The army is covering its OWN ass. They are the ones who lied to the public about hte circumstances of this guy's capture. They are the ones who listed him as a POW when he might have deserted.

The only good news would be that traitor being shot for being one. He deserted his unit and should be treated like traitors should be treated.

The good news would be if we made the Wealthy fight their own damned wars, instead of recruiting damaged working class kids to do it.

In fact, I have kind of a neat idea. We should have universal conscription, and all the children of politicians and corporate CEO's should be put in an elite airborne unit that will be the first deployed to any war zone.

I'm willing to bet you if you do that, we aren't going to fight any wars based on lies and we aren't going to let them drag out for 14 years.

That has got to be the most contorted post I've ever seen.

You make excuses and deflect any sort of blame for a deserter while, simultaneously, minimizing how much of a terrorist(s) the five exchangees were/are
That coward Bergdahl was a volunteer captive... Anyone with half a brain can see that.
Execute that spineless coward... But first make him apologize to all those families faces who's soldiers died looking for that POS. So the last thing that worm sees in life is those torn up family members faces. Those family are living in earthly hell because that subhuman coward.

Thanks Obama for honoring a spineless treasonous coward and his cowardly parents in front of the whole country... Sweet dreams commander a$$ hat.

fantastic post, i could not have said it any better.

i can add, put him before a firing squad of the family members who would volunteer to pull the trigger on that worthless muslime sympathizer. :up:

It's so sad it's funny, that subhuman coward that is Bowe Bergdahl is admired and even revered by the progressives in both parties. Ever since leaving his post on his hippie want to be walk about he has been on paid vacation. Being a "captive" ya, right like we all believe that load of horse Sh!t. He wanted to be there, no doubt. Luring soldiers to their deaths looking for him. All along hanging out with his Muslim buddies.

Then to top it all off they are going to let him off Scot-free... Without so much as a slap on the wrist. Over five years of paid vacation most of it hanging out with his Muslim buddies.

All those families and friends of those of who's soldiers died, yes!! Died!! looking for that lowest of life forms... I can't possibly image what they have and what they are going through.

And Obamas sh!tting their loved ones graves... And rewarding Bowe Bergdahl and his family.

Nobody fucking died, you're worse than a 12 year old little girl with your pedantic hysteria.
That coward Bergdahl was a volunteer captive... Anyone with half a brain can see that.
Execute that spineless coward... But first make him apologize to all those families faces who's soldiers died looking for that POS. So the last thing that worm sees in life is those torn up family members faces. Those family are living in earthly hell because that subhuman coward.

Thanks Obama for honoring a spineless treasonous coward and his cowardly parents in front of the whole country... Sweet dreams commander a$$ hat.

fantastic post, i could not have said it any better.

i can add, put him before a firing squad of the family members who would volunteer to pull the trigger on that worthless muslime sympathizer. :up:

It's so sad it's funny, that subhuman coward that is Bowe Bergdahl is admired and even revered by the progressives in both parties. Ever since leaving his post on his hippie want to be walk about he has been on paid vacation. Being a "captive" ya, right like we all believe that load of horse Sh!t. He wanted to be there, no doubt. Luring soldiers to their deaths looking for him. All along hanging out with his Muslim buddies.

Then to top it all off they are going to let him off Scot-free... Without so much as a slap on the wrist. Over five years of paid vacation most of it hanging out with his Muslim buddies.

All those families and friends of those of who's soldiers died, yes!! Died!! looking for that lowest of life forms... I can't possibly image what they have and what they are going through.

And Obamas sh!tting their loved ones graves... And rewarding Bowe Bergdahl and his family.

Nobody fucking died, you're worse than a 12 year old little girl with your pedantic hysteria.
Are you sure, no soliders died looking for him??

Check again... Nice try
That coward Bergdahl was a volunteer captive... Anyone with half a brain can see that.
Execute that spineless coward... But first make him apologize to all those families faces who's soldiers died looking for that POS. So the last thing that worm sees in life is those torn up family members faces. Those family are living in earthly hell because that subhuman coward.

Thanks Obama for honoring a spineless treasonous coward and his cowardly parents in front of the whole country... Sweet dreams commander a$$ hat.

fantastic post, i could not have said it any better.

i can add, put him before a firing squad of the family members who would volunteer to pull the trigger on that worthless muslime sympathizer. :up:

It's so sad it's funny, that subhuman coward that is Bowe Bergdahl is admired and even revered by the progressives in both parties. Ever since leaving his post on his hippie want to be walk about he has been on paid vacation. Being a "captive" ya, right like we all believe that load of horse Sh!t. He wanted to be there, no doubt. Luring soldiers to their deaths looking for him. All along hanging out with his Muslim buddies.

Then to top it all off they are going to let him off Scot-free... Without so much as a slap on the wrist. Over five years of paid vacation most of it hanging out with his Muslim buddies.

All those families and friends of those of who's soldiers died, yes!! Died!! looking for that lowest of life forms... I can't possibly image what they have and what they are going through.

And Obamas sh!tting their loved ones graves... And rewarding Bowe Bergdahl and his family.

Nobody fucking died, you're worse than a 12 year old little girl with your pedantic hysteria.
Ok, six soldiers didn't die looking for him... Dolt
If your parents were hosted, admired, celebrated, praised, honored and approved by the President, makes no difference if you were a deserter, murderer or treasonous coward you can bet your bottom dollars that the powers that be will keep you out of jail. Or else.
That coward Bergdahl was a volunteer captive... Anyone with half a brain can see that.
Execute that spineless coward... But first make him apologize to all those families faces who's soldiers died looking for that POS. So the last thing that worm sees in life is those torn up family members faces. Those family are living in earthly hell because that subhuman coward.

Thanks Obama for honoring a spineless treasonous coward and his cowardly parents in front of the whole country... Sweet dreams commander a$$ hat.

fantastic post, i could not have said it any better.

i can add, put him before a firing squad of the family members who would volunteer to pull the trigger on that worthless muslime sympathizer. :up:

It's so sad it's funny, that subhuman coward that is Bowe Bergdahl is admired and even revered by the progressives in both parties. Ever since leaving his post on his hippie want to be walk about he has been on paid vacation. Being a "captive" ya, right like we all believe that load of horse Sh!t. He wanted to be there, no doubt. Luring soldiers to their deaths looking for him. All along hanging out with his Muslim buddies.

Then to top it all off they are going to let him off Scot-free... Without so much as a slap on the wrist. Over five years of paid vacation most of it hanging out with his Muslim buddies.

All those families and friends of those of who's soldiers died, yes!! Died!! looking for that lowest of life forms... I can't possibly image what they have and what they are going through.

And Obamas sh!tting their loved ones graves... And rewarding Bowe Bergdahl and his family.

Nobody fucking died, you're worse than a 12 year old little girl with your pedantic hysteria.
Ok, six soldiers didn't die looking for him... Dolt

Nobody fucking died and you're pedantic hysterical little girl #2.

This is honestly good news for anyone interested in justice.

Probably one of the most stupid statements ever made on this forum.

Justice would be execution of the deserting bastard as payback for the lost lives of the men that died trying to rescue him.

I suspect the the filthy ass Obama administration wants the whole thing to go away so they are putting pressure on the Army. After all good old Bowe is a Muslim so Obama thinks he could be his son, or something.

Since Obama was a chickenshit who never had the courage to serve in the military it is no wonder he doesn't understand desertion.

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