No problem with Stalking

I'm not sure who we have to thank for the "stalking" terror becoming so prevalent. Celebrities maybe ? Either way people need to chill a little bit on the stalking claims. Getting a number of PMs from some asshole might barely reach the level of minor harassment but stalking it ain't. You don't get to walk around in public pretending to be invisible.
No, but you should be able to do it with out getting killed.
I'm not sure who we have to thank for the "stalking" terror becoming so prevalent. Celebrities maybe ? Either way people need to chill a little bit on the stalking claims. Getting a number of PMs from some asshole might barely reach the level of minor harassment but stalking it ain't. You don't get to walk around in public pretending to be invisible.
No, but you should be able to do it with out getting killed.

yes, and millions do so everyday and continue to do so.

your point?
Watching and following is not 'stalking'. The legal definition of stalking is repeated/multiple episodes of following someone over a certain time. He followed him once and he was within his legal right to do so. Also, someone merely following you does not give you right to assault them.

What legal right are you talking about? The right to "watch" him from a distance and then "watch" him up close and then shoot what he's "watching"?
I'm not sure who we have to thank for the "stalking" terror becoming so prevalent. Celebrities maybe ? Either way people need to chill a little bit on the stalking claims. Getting a number of PMs from some asshole might barely reach the level of minor harassment but stalking it ain't. You don't get to walk around in public pretending to be invisible.
No, but you should be able to do it with out getting killed.

yes, and millions do so everyday and continue to do so.

your point?

But not everyone. Clearly, not everyone.
I understand the futility of reasoning but I'll try this anyway. Here's the direct quote from Trayvons good friend who was on the phone with him.

"A man was watching him," said Rachel Jeantel, 19, who was on the phone with Martin just before he was fatally shot. "He said the man kept watching him. He kept complaining that a man was just watching him."

Key witness recounts Trayvon Martin's final phone call -

From now on please focus your bitching on the fact that Zimmerman was watching Trayvon because that's what REALLY bothered him as evidenced by his own words.
I think burglars do not care to be watched when they are casing a neighborhood and watching who comes and goes when and where. There are two items that were not admitted into the trial of his burgling days. (1) His dismissal from school for having a jewelry haul in his school locker that he did not buy and did not belong to him or his family. (2) His cell phone picture of a haul AFTER the school expropriated his haul of jewelry from his locker and suspended him from school, which was not his first or even second suspension for possession of items inappropriate for a school locker, and even illegal. Some states REQUIRE that drug possession matters be turned over to police if found at school. Some don't. I'm not sure if police were made aware of his drug possession and storage at school in his locker, but even if they had been, the judge ruled it inadmissible in the Zimmerman trial.

Yes, Trayvon was VERY BOTHERED that someone was watching him walking around in the rain in a neighborhood with a huge history of break-ins and missing jewelry, cash, and other valuables.
I understand the futility of reasoning but I'll try this anyway. Here's the direct quote from Trayvons good friend who was on the phone with him.

"A man was watching him," said Rachel Jeantel, 19, who was on the phone with Martin just before he was fatally shot. "He said the man kept watching him. He kept complaining that a man was just watching him."

Key witness recounts Trayvon Martin's final phone call -

From now on please focus your bitching on the fact that Zimmerman was watching Trayvon because that's what REALLY bothered him as evidenced by his own words.
I think burglars do not care to be watched when they are casing a neighborhood and watching who comes and goes when and where. There are two items that were not admitted into the trial of his burgling days. (1) His dismissal from school for having a jewelry haul in his school locker that he did not buy and did not belong to him or his family. (2) His cell phone picture of a haul AFTER the school expropriated his haul of jewelry from his locker and suspended him from school, which was not his first or even second suspension for possession of items inappropriate for a school locker, and even illegal. Some states REQUIRE that drug possession matters be turned over to police if found at school. Some don't. I'm not sure if police were made aware of his drug possession and storage at school in his locker, but even if they had been, the judge ruled it inadmissible in the Zimmerman trial.

Yes, Trayvon was VERY BOTHERED that someone was watching him walking around in the rain in a neighborhood with a huge history of break-ins and missing jewelry, cash, and other valuables.

Wow, can't wait to see your links from reputable sources. Can you post them again? I missed them the first time.
You gotta admit, it is funny, Republicans who scream and wail about their phone being checked, who shriek at the idea that their emails could be traced. But have no problem with stalking and following a perfect stranger who was walking home from a store carrying Skittles and Ice Tea and then shooting him dead.
You gotta admit, it is funny, Republicans who scream and wail about their phone being checked, who shriek at the idea that their emails could be traced. But have no problem with stalking and following a perfect stranger who was walking home from a store carrying Skittles and Ice Tea and then shooting him dead.

why do you lie so much? no one single person has said they approve of stalking anyone. following someone, hell yeah, if i see someone suspicious, why should i not follow them? tell me that.

further, walking on public roads or private roads where people can SEE you, gives you ZERO expectation of privacy, quite unlike having your phone tapped and emails traced.

i actually had a modicum of respect for you before this post. i'm not kidding, i did. now, you just blew that. do you think you can gain any respect back?
No, but you should be able to do it with out getting killed.

yes, and millions do so everyday and continue to do so.

your point?

But not everyone. Clearly, not everyone.

of course not, there is no guarantee that walking down any street anywhere in the world will guarantee you will not be shot.

stop being so myopic and partisan and start being more objective and honest.
Watching and following is not 'stalking'. The legal definition of stalking is repeated/multiple episodes of following someone over a certain time. He followed him once and he was within his legal right to do so. Also, someone merely following you does not give you right to assault them.

What legal right are you talking about? The right to "watch" him from a distance and then "watch" him up close and then shoot what he's "watching"?
So you missed the interview after the trial of Jeantel telling the interviewer that Trayvon was DEFINITELY "Whoopin' he ass," which also means she committed perjury at George Zimmerman's trial when she said she heard the voice of Trayvon calling for help. People do not tend to call for help when they're "whoopin'" somebody else's ass.

At one point, she suggested it meant somebody acting as a police officer, which fit the prosecution’s portrayal of Zimmerman as an overly zealous cop-wannabe.
But she also used the term to describe a homosexual rapist:
MORGAN: You felt that there was no doubt in your mind from what Trayvon was telling you on the phone about the creepy ass cracka and so on, that he absolutely believed that George Zimmerman, this man, you didn’t know who he was at the time, but this man, was pursuing him?
MORGAN: And he was freaked out by it?
JEANTEL: Yes. Definitely after I say may be a rapist, for every boy, for every man, every — who’s not that kind of way, seeing a grown man following them, would they be creep out?
“And people need to understand, he didn’t want that creepy ass cracker going to his father or girlfriend’s house to go get — mind you, his little brother was there. You know — now, mind you, I told you — I told Trayvon it might have been a rapist.”​

Interview and quotes on Internet TV - Jeantel Admits Trayvon 'whooped Zimmerman's A-'
yes, and millions do so everyday and continue to do so.

your point?

But not everyone. Clearly, not everyone.

of course not, there is no guarantee that walking down any street anywhere in the world will guarantee you will not be shot.

stop being so myopic and partisan and start being more objective and honest.

that's Rdean you're talking too :cuckoo:
You gotta admit, it is funny, Republicans who scream and wail about their phone being checked, who shriek at the idea that their emails could be traced. But have no problem with stalking and following a perfect stranger who was walking home from a store carrying Skittles and Ice Tea and then shooting him dead.
If you don't reduce the size of your blinders, Mr. rdean, you shall surely stumble. :eusa_whistle:
You gotta admit, it is funny, Republicans who scream and wail about their phone being checked, who shriek at the idea that their emails could be traced. But have no problem with stalking and following a perfect stranger who was walking home from a store carrying Skittles and Ice Tea and then shooting him dead.

why do you lie so much? no one single person has said they approve of stalking anyone. following someone, hell yeah, if i see someone suspicious, why should i not follow them? tell me that.

further, walking on public roads or private roads where people can SEE you, gives you ZERO expectation of privacy, quite unlike having your phone tapped and emails traced.

i actually had a modicum of respect for you before this post. i'm not kidding, i did. now, you just blew that. do you think you can gain any respect back?

Following someone while armed is the very definition of "stalking".

If Zimmerman had left that kid alone, Martin would have made it home and watched the game he was looking forward to seeing. But Zimmerman, who said, "They always get away" made sure this one didn't. Zimmerman listed on 46 pages of police logs and not a single arrest. But now, there is one death. A murder.
You gotta admit, it is funny, Republicans who scream and wail about their phone being checked, who shriek at the idea that their emails could be traced. But have no problem with stalking and following a perfect stranger who was walking home from a store carrying Skittles and Ice Tea and then shooting him dead.

why do you lie so much? no one single person has said they approve of stalking anyone. following someone, hell yeah, if i see someone suspicious, why should i not follow them? tell me that.

further, walking on public roads or private roads where people can SEE you, gives you ZERO expectation of privacy, quite unlike having your phone tapped and emails traced.

i actually had a modicum of respect for you before this post. i'm not kidding, i did. now, you just blew that. do you think you can gain any respect back?

Following someone while armed is the very definition of "stalking".

If Zimmerman had left that kid alone, Martin would have made it home and watched the game he was looking forward to seeing. But Zimmerman, who said, "They always get away" made sure this one didn't. Zimmerman listed on 46 pages of police logs and not a single arrest. But now, there is one death. A murder.

Zimmerman decided to play hero, got in over his head, and shot someone. I hope he suffers for the rest of his life.
I understand the futility of reasoning but I'll try this anyway. Here's the direct quote from Trayvons good friend who was on the phone with him.

"A man was watching him," said Rachel Jeantel, 19, who was on the phone with Martin just before he was fatally shot. "He said the man kept watching him. He kept complaining that a man was just watching him."
Key witness recounts Trayvon Martin's final phone call -

From now on please focus your bitching on the fact that Zimmerman was watching Trayvon because that's what REALLY bothered him as evidenced by his own words.

Isn't this thee same girl who thought that Zimmerman was planning to rape Martin, and insisted that Martin threw the first punch? Doesn't that make her a homophobe and a racist?
He was watching and following and didn't identify himself to the kid. He was stalking him and Trayvon was fighting for his life.

He never saw that gun until it was too late. Maybe he would have raped him if Trayvon hadn't put up a fight. He is a molester afterall.

Who pissed in your Wheaties? :eusa_eh: Why be so bitter over something you're taking some race-pimp's word for? White on black crime is almost non-existent in this country anymore....Cowboys and bikers are the only whites who don't back down to blacks anymore....and yet enough is never enough for your side. What you don't realize is that you're outnumbered 12-1 by whites and we've about had it with the riots and're looking at a massacre if you don't knock this shit off.

Fuck that bullshit. I'm white and I agree with her. What you good 'ole boys going to start doing next? Killing white people for sympathizing with the blacks?
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Oh, regarding the neighborhood watch dude in my town I've spoken of...the one who raped a woman? I was able to find out that his trial is set for the end of August. He's been out on $50,000 bail all this time.

He's going to go down. The woman was drunk, but not so drunk that she couldn't identify him, lead police to the place where he raped her (where they found corroborating DNA evidence), and identify the truck he was driving quite accurately. Guess she wasn't quite as drunk as he thought she was.

Many of his law enforcement buddies have expressed disbelief that he would do such a thing, but the evidence says he did. He thought she was just some drunk, but she was a smart woman who went immediately to the authorities, was medically examined, etc. so the evidence is there that she was indeed raped.

After she reported the incident and described him, his truck and where the rape took place, the police kept that site under surveillance for a couple of days. Sure enough, he drove up in his truck, but he had removed the bar of lights from the top of the cab. At first he denied it all, but eventually admitted he'd had sex with her.

Hope he has fun in prison. Where Zimmerman should also be. Small men who think they're big shots because they're "neighborhood watch."

Take your neighborhood watch and shove it, boys. We can take care of ourselves.
Watching is stalking. Mean looks are harassment at work. Brave new world we live in.
why do you lie so much? no one single person has said they approve of stalking anyone. following someone, hell yeah, if i see someone suspicious, why should i not follow them? tell me that.

further, walking on public roads or private roads where people can SEE you, gives you ZERO expectation of privacy, quite unlike having your phone tapped and emails traced.

i actually had a modicum of respect for you before this post. i'm not kidding, i did. now, you just blew that. do you think you can gain any respect back?

Following someone while armed is the very definition of "stalking".

If Zimmerman had left that kid alone, Martin would have made it home and watched the game he was looking forward to seeing. But Zimmerman, who said, "They always get away" made sure this one didn't. Zimmerman listed on 46 pages of police logs and not a single arrest. But now, there is one death. A murder.

Zimmerman decided to play hero, got in over his head, and shot someone. I hope he suffers for the rest of his life.

I don't. I don't want anyone to suffer. But he will. That was why I compared him to Dan White. Everyone thought Dan would become a right wing media darling after he murdered a gay guy, something so many right wingers wish they could do and get away with. But it turns out those right wingers don't want their families to live next to a murderer, even one who only killed gays. Zimmerman kills children. Something way worse. Even a racist bigot won't want Zimmerman living next door if they have kids. It's just to dangerous, for the kids.

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