No Proof Joe Biden Is a Crook

LOL what law(s) did he break? None, say legal experts. You people organized nationwide uprisings. You people refused to certify the election in congress. You people vowed to overturn the will of the people and impeach Trump before he was even sworn into office.

Now go huddle with your corrupt Dems and come up with a new scheme. :itsok:
Every charge is a law that is broken. Now whether he broke them or not is still TBD. That’s what trials are for. If you have “legal experts” saying that he didn’t break laws then they are not legal experts they are political players. Nobody can make that claim before seeing the evidence
It's incredible that after numerous Dem leaders in congress and former Dem presidents claimed 3 presidential elections were stolen by Republicans, now they are prosecuting Trump for daring question the 2020 election. Democrats are full of shit and have zero credibility.

Imagine this video being played for the SCOTUS, case over!
Have you noticed that not one of the Leftist dissidents' were able to respond to the video. Even they know the truth when they see it.....
Speaking of stark raving Lunatics. Here`s a video collage I`m sure you`ll enjoy.

The funniest part of that video is when they say that Biden is scared of the one Republican that he can’t beat…. Haha. I don’t think I need to explain why that’s funny, do I?!
Yet strangely nobody said a word about billions and trillions of dollars in illegal money during his time in the Senate, as VP, etc...

You guys can't even specifically state what the alleged crime is
It's influence peddling, Candy. Joe Biden used the power of his office to enrich his family and then lied to the American people about it.
The funniest part of that video is when they say that Biden is scared of the one Republican that he can’t beat…. Haha. I don’t think I need to explain why that’s funny, do I?!
With all due respect, Slade? Joe Biden didn't beat anyone. He barely campaigned. The main stream media and social media big wigs conspired to hood wink the American people. All of this is coming out NOW because media didn't do it's job of vetting back during the race!
With all due respect, Slade? Joe Biden didn't beat anyone. He barely campaigned. The main stream media and social media big wigs conspired to hood wink the American people. All of this is coming out NOW because media didn't do it's job of vetting back during the race!
That’s a lot of fluff… in the end Trump lost and Biden won. Plain and simple. I get that the political tactic is to blame the other side and call foul because it’s useful to fundraise with, and I get that both sides do it…. But Trump and his supporters are taking it to the next level and appear to have broken laws in the process.
If you really want to find sleezy unethical political families making money from their name, you should check out the trumps. From Ivanka's trademarks to Jared's 2 billion dollar gift, Hunter Biden is receiving pocket change in comparison.
Show US Jared talks about the big guy getting his share.

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