No Proof Joe Biden Is a Crook

Show US Jared talks about the big guy getting his share.
I’m so tired of hearing about the big guy. Can you show the big guy getting any money? If not, then you don’t have anything and you should stop acting like you’re proving some thing
I’m so tired of hearing about the big guy. Can you show the big guy getting any money? If not, then you don’t have anything and you should stop acting like you’re proving some thing
I’m so sick of Biden sheeple pretending Hunter Biden sitting on the board of directors for a Ukrainian fossil fuel company making $85k per month had anything to do with other than the fact he is Joe Biden’s son.
How is it a dodge?

I'm under no obligation to comply with your demands.
I never said you were obligated to do anything. I just predicted that you would dodge the question, which is exactly what you did. You ask how it is a Dodge, it’s a dodge because you’re not answering the question. Plain and simple.
I’m so sick of Biden sheeple pretending Hunter Biden sitting on the board of directors for a Ukrainian fossil fuel company making $85k per month had anything to do with other than the fact he is Joe Biden’s son.
I have a little doubt that Hunter Biden got that position because of his last name. So what? That’s not illegal, and it definitely doesn’t prove any of the other outrageous claims you guys are making about Joe Biden.
I never said you were obligated to do anything. I just predicted that you would dodge the question, which is exactly what you did. You ask how it is a Dodge, it’s a dodge because you’re not answering the question. Plain and simple.
In other words, you believe I'm required to comply with your demands.
I have a little doubt that Hunter Biden got that position because of his last name. So what? That’s not illegal, and it definitely doesn’t prove any of the other outrageous claims you guys are making about Joe Biden.
He got it because of what Joe Biden could do for Burisma, like getting Shokin fired. That is illegal.
I have a little doubt that Hunter Biden got that position because of his last name. So what? That’s not illegal, and it definitely doesn’t prove any of the other outrageous claims you guys are making about Joe Biden.
Who is the big guy?
In other words, you believe I'm required to comply with your demands.
No I actually specifically said that I didn’t expect you to comply…. I expected you to dodge… and you did.

You are very predictable
Joe Biden getting Shokin fired was not illegal. It was part of his job and duty

It is good of Slade3200 to inform us, ignorant Republicans, that extortion, profiteering, and blackmail are all part of the Vice President's job and duty! Is that why we see and hear so little of Vice President Harris today? She has other things to do?

It is good of Slade3200 to inform us, ignorant Republicans, that extortion, profiteering, and blackmail are all part of the Vice President's job and duty! Is that why we see and hear so little of Vice President Harris today? She has other things to do?
You’re welcome happy to keep you educated.
In the case of Hunter, we don't know how much money he received, from China or why, but in the case of Joe Biden, there isn't a shred of evidence that Joe got one thin dime.

Did they report it and pay taxes on it? In the case of Hunter Biden - yes he did.

How much evidence do we need???? We need SOME evidence because right now, we have NOTHING
That is obviously a lie. We do know that Hunter failed to pay between $1 to $1.5 million in taxes.

Therefore it seems Hunter made some big bucks in high 7 figures to pay IRS those kinds of taxes.
if there were one shred of "evidence" biden would be long ago impeached.

most "conservatives" do not consider over a million pages of sworn testimony to be evidence.

accusations do not equal evidence.
These sniveling bed wetting leftist parasites REALLY ARE THIS FULL OF SHIT, and Weapons Grade Stupid. They're dangerous when not in the secure custody of a rational adult.

They really are deliberately ignorant, vacuous NPCs that parrot such inane gibberish.

The reason no political whores are ever held accountable for corruption, is because all of them are either participants, or complicit.
I’m so tired of hearing about the big guy. Can you show the big guy getting any money? If not, then you don’t have anything and you should stop acting like you’re proving some thing
They're no longer burdened with actually having to prove anything. In their world, if they can't prove something, it's only because someone else is corrupt. But the voices they trust? Oh, they only speak The Truth. You betcha.

Imagine how easy that makes everything.
You’re welcome happy to keep you educated.
That is what passes for "education" in moonbat world. Some sniveling bed wetter parrots bullshit agitprop and if you're stupid enough to believe and repeat it, you're "brain washed" and thus "educated".

Never mind what you believe is at the very least 50% bullshit, if not pure, concentrated 100% communist bullshit. If you're a bed wetting libturd it really won't matter to you though because just like this servile nanny state apparatchik bed wetter Slade, you exist in a world of fiction and stupidity.

No I actually specifically said that I didn’t expect you to comply…. I expected you to dodge… and you did.

You are very predictable
Calling non-compliance a "dodge" means that you expect me to comply.

You're an imbecile.

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