No Proof Joe Biden Is a Crook

That’s a lot of fluff… in the end Trump lost and Biden won. Plain and simple. I get that the political tactic is to blame the other side and call foul because it’s useful to fundraise with, and I get that both sides do it…. But Trump and his supporters are taking it to the next level and appear to have broken laws in the process.
I have no issue with someone saying that Trump lost and Biden won, Slade. My issue is WHY Biden won! In a race that was decided by some 50,000 votes do you think that the voters knowing the truth about what the Biden's had been doing would have made a difference? Joe Biden literally looked the nation in the eyes and lied to them. Higher ups in the DOJ and in the intelligence community backed up Biden's lies with 51 former intelligence officials signing a letter claiming that the Hunter lap top was Russian disinformation when they KNEW that was a lie! The main stream media went with that story without even checking it out! The Biden's are guilty of blatant influence peddling and they were given cover by all of the above. THAT is why Joe Biden won and to this day NOBODY has been held accountable for the lies they told us!
Joe didn t make or take any money. There is no evidence or proof of this.

that's where you begin to tell lies....
“WASHINGTON — A bombshell FBI informant file describing a $10 million bribery allegation against President Biden and his son Hunter was released Thursday by Sen. Chuck Grassley, showing that a Ukrainian oligarch claimed that he was “coerced” into making the payoff.”


”Zlochevsky allegedly claimed to have 17 recordings of conversations with the Bidens — two of which involved Joe — as well as “many text messages” and two documents that the informant “understood to be” financial records of “payment(s) to the Bidens.”

According to Zlochevsky, the recordings and other evidence showed he was “somehow coerced into paying the Bidens to ensure Ukraine Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin was fired,” the FBI source added.”

I have no issue with someone saying that Trump lost and Biden won, Slade. My issue is WHY Biden won! In a race that was decided by some 50,000 votes do you think that the voters knowing the truth about what the Biden's had been doing would have made a difference? Joe Biden literally looked the nation in the eyes and lied to them. Higher ups in the DOJ and in the intelligence community backed up Biden's lies with 51 former intelligence officials signing a letter claiming that the Hunter lap top was Russian disinformation when they KNEW that was a lie! The main stream media went with that story without even checking it out! The Biden's are guilty of blatant influence peddling and they were given cover by all of the above. THAT is why Joe Biden won and to this day NOBODY has been held accountable for the lies they told us!
That just goes to show that you can't trust any of those career bureaucrats in the government. They are happy to screw the American people.
I have no issue with someone saying that Trump lost and Biden won, Slade. My issue is WHY Biden won! In a race that was decided by some 50,000 votes do you think that the voters knowing the truth about what the Biden's had been doing would have made a difference? Joe Biden literally looked the nation in the eyes and lied to them. Higher ups in the DOJ and in the intelligence community backed up Biden's lies with 51 former intelligence officials signing a letter claiming that the Hunter lap top was Russian disinformation when they KNEW that was a lie! The main stream media went with that story without even checking it out! The Biden's are guilty of blatant influence peddling and they were given cover by all of the above. THAT is why Joe Biden won and to this day NOBODY has been held accountable for the lies they told us!
Yeah I remember the same argument being made by the Dems after trump won… margin was only thousands of votes in 3 swing states and an overwhelming popular vote victory by Hillary and the Lock her up campaign and FBI investigation and Russian misinformation campaign being blamed as the spoilers.

It’s a fund raising trick used by the losers every cycle.

The Hunter campaign was Trump attempted October surprise and 2020 version of Lock Her up. It didn’t work and they are persisting with it intending on using it for the 2024 campaign. No charges in court for any of this Biden crime family stuff.

Dems are guilty of killing the Trump charges to influence the campaign. Should have filed those charges in the year after he left office. But at least they are taking evidence to court…. More than the republicans have done
I’m speaking it pretty clear. I asked a question and predicted your non compliant dodge. And you did exactly that. What are you confused about?
Perhaps, but you don't seem to understand what you're saying.
Perhaps, but you don't seem to understand what you're saying.
Haha, do you hear yourself? Of course I understand what I’m saying. It’s you who isn’t understanding what I’m saying. I guess your ego won’t let you admit that you don’t know something. Funny how crazy brains operate
Haha, do you hear yourself? Of course I understand what I’m saying. It’s you who isn’t understanding what I’m saying. I guess your ego won’t let you admit that you don’t know something. Funny how crazy brains operate
It's clear you don't understand what you are saying. You claim you aren't attacking me for not complying with your demand, and then you attack me for not complying with your demand.

You're a special kind of dumbfuck.
It's clear you don't understand what you are saying. You claim you aren't attacking me for not complying with your demand, and then you attack me for not complying with your demand.

You're a special kind of dumbfuck.
Attack?! Haha, take it however you want. I asked you a question and predicted you’d dodge... And that’s exactly what you did. If you want to take that as an attack then fine. But it is what it is
Attack?! Haha, take it however you want. I asked you a question and predicted you’d dodge... And that’s exactly what you did. If you want to take that as an attack then fine. But it is what it is
You attacked me and then attacked me again for not complying with your demands?

Do you actually believe you're fooling anyone with this horseshit?
You attacked me and then attacked me again for not complying with your demands?

Do you actually believe you're fooling anyone with this horseshit?
I didn’t make a demand, I just asked you a question and predicted your dodge. Simple as that. You did exactly as I expected
Now you're just flat out lying.
I’m sorry if my request for you to explain yourself sounded like a demand. I guess nobody tells big tough Bripat what to do!!!

Haha. Hey man, if you want to make weak arguments and then not back them up that’s your call. Just don’t expect to be taken seriously… that shit is weak
I’m sorry if my request for you to explain yourself sounded like a demand. I guess nobody tells big tough Bripat what to do!!!

Haha. Hey man, if you want to make weak arguments and then not back them up that’s your call. Just don’t expect to be taken seriously… that shit is weak
I'm tired of watching your verbal masturbation.
I haven't "bounced around" anything, douchebag.
Sure you did, when you dodged. You make these big claims and then can’t back them up. And now you’ve been in a pretzel for pages trying to bounce your way out of it. It’s hilarious
Sure you did, when you dodged. You make these big claims and then can’t back them up. And now you’ve been in a pretzel for pages trying to bounce your way out of it. It’s hilarious
The people following this thread can determine for themselves if what I say is true. They don't need your input. You account of what happened is amusing.

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