No reason to see The Dem Memo

Why the kid gloves on Hillary over all her alledged corruption and crimes, but now Shiff wants to play it by the book ?? LOL.
WTF do we need to see that when Adam Schiff has continually leaked classified information to the media every chance he could on nearly a daily basis?

We already know what it says, that America needs to start believing Russian Propaganda.

Besides, according to Adam Schiff releasing his Memo is going to cause a Constitutional Crisis and Political Armageddon, Right?

We need to see it because it is a different take. When you talk about the Russians, Russian twitter bots were pushing the #releasethememo. Why is it the Russians are helping Trump and the Republicans?

That bullshit. I was pushing for the memo to be released and I am neither a "bot" nor have I ever met a Russian. The only people who colluded with the Russians were Hillary Clinton, the DNC, and the corrupt FBI.
Barrack Obama couldn't have fundementally changed this nation in the way that he was going about it without attempting to break down every institution, and then stuffing them with his cronies along with the help of the Demon-crats who figured there would be something in it for them for years to come, and then Trump came along with the anger of the American people to derail it all.
Adam Schiff said that when you do this sort of thing, you bring people in, and put them under oath etc. Then he said but that isn't what they did, because it was a political hit job on the FBI..

Ok Mr. Schiff, so where was that rehtoric when they brought Hillary in, but didn't put her under oath excetra excetra ??

Etcetera. Moron.

And Hillary testified in an open setting. Had she lied to Congress, she'd have committed a crime. She did not lie. Asshole.
What are you so afraid of ? What can the dem memo say or do?

Oh that’s right, blow up your bs 1/2 fiction memo?

Cons afraid of the real truth .
I want to see it to know what it says, not what a Republican SAID IT SAYS
Adam Schiff said that when you do this sort of thing, you bring people in, and put them under oath etc. Then he said but that isn't what they did, because it was a political hit job on the FBI..

Ok Mr. Schiff, so where was that rehtoric when they brought Hillary in, but didn't put her under oath excetra excetra ??

Etcetera. Moron.

And Hillary testified in an open setting. Had she lied to Congress, she'd have committed a crime. She did not lie. Asshole.

She did lie, asshole. Not only did she lie to the American people, but she lied to the FBI and there were no transcripts even recorded.

The Clintons are the most prolific liars this country has ever seen, next to Barack Obama.
I just channel surfed to fake news MSNBC. Some douchebag by the name of Ari says the "#release-the-memo" Twitter campaign, to expose the FISA Memo and corruption of the Obama Swamp, was started by Russian bots! :p
I say, who cares? Until the doj gets some gumption and starts to actually prosecute these people for their crimes, it's just wasted effort.

The sun will rise tomorrow, nobody will be held accountable, these things will continue to happen, and leftys will still vote left and righties will still vote right.

When they actually stop the dog and pony show, and do something about it, then I'll take notice, but for now, all of this is the wool pulled over our eyes.
Adam Schiff said that when you do this sort of thing, you bring people in, and put them under oath etc. Then he said but that isn't what they did, because it was a political hit job on the FBI..

Ok Mr. Schiff, so where was that rehtoric when they brought Hillary in, but didn't put her under oath excetra excetra ??

He's lying, they already did exactly what he said they didn't do. Also he's lying about notifying the FISA court about that this was paid for dirt dug up by Hillary and the DNC. The guy is a walking fountain of lies.
The Democrat Party’s Goose is cooked and they have Clinton & Obama to thank for it.

It’s just a matter of time. It is slowly coming to light.

The 2nd Russian Sourced Dossier used for a fictitious FISA Warrant combined with Circular Reporting and the Yahoo article. One big scam.

The DNC, Clinton & Obama Working with KGB Operatives.

The Clinton Campaign funneling Russian Propaganda Back and forth with Steele, The FBI and Shearer.

Steele actually being on The FBI payroll while he was a British Agent.
He may have been a Triple Agent working for The US, GB and Russia.

Report: 2nd Trump Dossier Surfaces, Traced to Clinton Hatchet Man
Adam Schiff said that when you do this sort of thing, you bring people in, and put them under oath etc. Then he said but that isn't what they did, because it was a political hit job on the FBI..

Ok Mr. Schiff, so where was that rehtoric when they brought Hillary in, but didn't put her under oath excetra excetra ??

Etcetera. Moron.

And Hillary testified in an open setting. Had she lied to Congress, she'd have committed a crime. She did not lie. Asshole.
. The words of desperation here... You can tell when you people start struggling to keep the racket going, and in trying to keep your composure calm while doing so, because the insults and cursing takes you over in your conversation everytime.
Adam Schiff said that when you do this sort of thing, you bring people in, and put them under oath etc. Then he said but that isn't what they did, because it was a political hit job on the FBI..

Ok Mr. Schiff, so where was that rehtoric when they brought Hillary in, but didn't put her under oath excetra excetra ??

Etcetera. Moron.

And Hillary testified in an open setting. Had she lied to Congress, she'd have committed a crime. She did not lie. Asshole.
. The words of desperation here... You can tell when you people start struggling to keep the racket going, and in trying to keep your composure calm while doing so, because the insults and cursing takes you over in your conversation everytime.

Fuck off. You assholes are way off base and doubling down daily. It's bad for the country.
WTF do we need to see that when Adam Schiff has continually leaked classified information to the media every chance he could on nearly a daily basis?

We already know what it says, that America needs to start believing Russian Propaganda.

Besides, according to Adam Schiff releasing his Memo is going to cause a Constitutional Crisis and Political Armageddon, Right?
You know, I can't help but wonder .......

The decision to release the Nunes memo was approved on a straight party line vote - all Democrats voted against it.

Today, the decision to release the Schiff memo was approved by a unanimous vote.

Does this mean the Republicans have no problem with complete visibility? Or, does it mean that the Dems had something to hide, and now they're trying to obfuscate the issue?

Kinda makes ya wonder, don't it?
The Jim Jones Koolaide Line is over on The Left.

Are you lost, Comrade?

Adam Schiff said that when you do this sort of thing, you bring people in, and put them under oath etc. Then he said but that isn't what they did, because it was a political hit job on the FBI..

Ok Mr. Schiff, so where was that rehtoric when they brought Hillary in, but didn't put her under oath excetra excetra ??

Etcetera. Moron.

And Hillary testified in an open setting. Had she lied to Congress, she'd have committed a crime. She did not lie. Asshole.
. The words of desperation here... You can tell when you people start struggling to keep the racket going, and in trying to keep your composure calm while doing so, because the insults and cursing takes you over in your conversation everytime.

Fuck off. You assholes are way off base and doubling down daily. It's bad for the country.
WTF do we need to see that when Adam Schiff has continually leaked classified information to the media every chance he could on nearly a daily basis?

We already know what it says, that America needs to start believing Russian Propaganda.

Besides, according to Adam Schiff releasing his Memo is going to cause a Constitutional Crisis and Political Armageddon, Right?
Just right wing propaganda from the right wing memo, anyway. why pay any attention to it.
It is a ridiculous effort for the democrats and their MSM to play a "war of memos." We all know Obama weaponized the DOJ, DOS, and FBI to attack our democracy. Apparently the name of the FISA judge is out. Could the Obama-appointed FISA judge be so stupid as to think the Crooked Hillary paid for "dossier" was real? Shoudn't the Obama-appointed judge have demanded some evidence to support the content of the Crooked Hillary paid for "dossier."
I'm glad I'm not the only one to have considered that the judge in this case was a coconspirator...
Well done Comrade. Putin smiles upon your work on the behalf of Mother Russia!


WTF do we need to see that when Adam Schiff has continually leaked classified information to the media every chance he could on nearly a daily basis?

We already know what it says, that America needs to start believing Russian Propaganda.

Besides, according to Adam Schiff releasing his Memo is going to cause a Constitutional Crisis and Political Armageddon, Right?
Just right wing propaganda from the right wing memo, anyway. why pay any attention to it.
He had to be incompetent or in on it. From what I have been reading these FISA Judges more or less just started Rubber Stamping Everything.

They are supposed to challenge FISA Requests!

Guarantee he was an Obama Sycophant.

Release The FISA Requests!

It is a ridiculous effort for the democrats and their MSM to play a "war of memos." We all know Obama weaponized the DOJ, DOS, and FBI to attack our democracy. Apparently the name of the FISA judge is out. Could the Obama-appointed FISA judge be so stupid as to think the Crooked Hillary paid for "dossier" was real? Shoudn't the Obama-appointed judge have demanded some evidence to support the content of the Crooked Hillary paid for "dossier."
I'm glad I'm not the only one to have considered that the judge in this case was a coconspirator...
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