No reason to see The Dem Memo

He had to be incompetent or in on it. From what Inhave been reading these FISA Judges more or less just started Rubber Stamping Everything.

They are supposed to challenge FISA Requests!

Guarantee he was an Obamacare Sycophant.

Release The FISA Requests!

It is a ridiculous effort for the democrats and their MSM to play a "war of memos." We all know Obama weaponized the DOJ, DOS, and FBI to attack our democracy. Apparently the name of the FISA judge is out. Could the Obama-appointed FISA judge be so stupid as to think the Crooked Hillary paid for "dossier" was real? Shoudn't the Obama-appointed judge have demanded some evidence to support the content of the Crooked Hillary paid for "dossier."
I'm glad I'm not the only one to have considered that the judge in this case was a coconspirator...
. Now that would be interesting to know if the judge was in a huge conflict all due his political leanings just like the FBI agent.
Trump is teaching the GOP how to fight. This will be released then 4 other Memos taking it apart after will be released.

WTF do we need to see that when Adam Schiff has continually leaked classified information to the media every chance he could on nearly a daily basis?

We already know what it says, that America needs to start believing Russian Propaganda.

Besides, according to Adam Schiff releasing his Memo is going to cause a Constitutional Crisis and Political Armageddon, Right?
You know, I can't help but wonder .......

The decision to release the Nunes memo was approved on a straight party line vote - all Democrats voted against it.

Today, the decision to release the Schiff memo was approved by a unanimous vote.

Does this mean the Republicans have no problem with complete visibility? Or, does it mean that the Dems had something to hide, and now they're trying to obfuscate the issue?

Kinda makes ya wonder, don't it?
He had to be incompetent or in on it. From what Inhave been reading these FISA Judges more or less just started Rubber Stamping Everything.

They are supposed to challenge FISA Requests!

Guarantee he was an Obamacare Sycophant.

Release The FISA Requests!

It is a ridiculous effort for the democrats and their MSM to play a "war of memos." We all know Obama weaponized the DOJ, DOS, and FBI to attack our democracy. Apparently the name of the FISA judge is out. Could the Obama-appointed FISA judge be so stupid as to think the Crooked Hillary paid for "dossier" was real? Shoudn't the Obama-appointed judge have demanded some evidence to support the content of the Crooked Hillary paid for "dossier."
I'm glad I'm not the only one to have considered that the judge in this case was a coconspirator...
. Now that would be interesting to know if the judge was in a huge conflict all due his political leanings just like the FBI agent.

Yeah! And regardless of whether there is ever anything evidence of that, you shitheads have already made up your peabrains about it.
Trump should refuse to declassify the Dem's memo, just to mess with their heads. :muahaha:

Come on it would be worth it just to watch the left flip out, some may require hospitalization :auiqs.jpg:

Yeah like we can really trust Devin Nunes to tell the truth..:auiqs.jpg:

He said ( video below ) Trump never met Papa-Don't -Cry Oppoulas


Devin Nunes just told Fox & Friends that Trump never met George Papadopoulos. Here's a picture of them together.
WTF do we need to see that when Adam Schiff has continually leaked classified information to the media every chance he could on nearly a daily basis?

We already know what it says, that America needs to start believing Russian Propaganda.

Besides, according to Adam Schiff releasing his Memo is going to cause a Constitutional Crisis and Political Armageddon, Right?

We need to see it because it is a different take. When you talk about the Russians, Russian twitter bots were pushing the #releasethememo. Why is it the Russians are helping Trump and the Republicans?

That bullshit. I was pushing for the memo to be released and I am neither a "bot" nor have I ever met a Russian. The only people who colluded with the Russians were Hillary Clinton, the DNC, and the corrupt FBI.

You are so much bullshit. The Russians hacked the DNC servers and Russian bots were using #releasethememo. Maybe Nunes should be investigating this rather than his crazy conspiracy theories.
I just channel surfed to fake news MSNBC. Some douchebag by the name of Ari says the "#release-the-memo" Twitter campaign, to expose the FISA Memo and corruption of the Obama Swamp, was started by Russian bots! :p

Russian bots were pushing the #releasethememo hashtag. They were certainly aiding it at the very least.
Well done Comrade. Putin smiles upon your work on the behalf of Mother Russia!


WTF do we need to see that when Adam Schiff has continually leaked classified information to the media every chance he could on nearly a daily basis?

We already know what it says, that America needs to start believing Russian Propaganda.

Besides, according to Adam Schiff releasing his Memo is going to cause a Constitutional Crisis and Political Armageddon, Right?
Just right wing propaganda from the right wing memo, anyway. why pay any attention to it.

Showing a picture of your leader.
Trump is teaching the GOP how to fight. This will be released then 4 other Memos taking it apart after will be released.

WTF do we need to see that when Adam Schiff has continually leaked classified information to the media every chance he could on nearly a daily basis?

We already know what it says, that America needs to start believing Russian Propaganda.

Besides, according to Adam Schiff releasing his Memo is going to cause a Constitutional Crisis and Political Armageddon, Right?
You know, I can't help but wonder .......

The decision to release the Nunes memo was approved on a straight party line vote - all Democrats voted against it.

Today, the decision to release the Schiff memo was approved by a unanimous vote.

Does this mean the Republicans have no problem with complete visibility? Or, does it mean that the Dems had something to hide, and now they're trying to obfuscate the issue?

Kinda makes ya wonder, don't it?

Trump is showing the GOP how to become the party of crazy conspiracy theories.
WTF do we need to see that when Adam Schiff has continually leaked classified information to the media every chance he could on nearly a daily basis?

We already know what it says, that America needs to start believing Russian Propaganda.

Besides, according to Adam Schiff releasing his Memo is going to cause a Constitutional Crisis and Political Armageddon, Right?

We need to see it because it is a different take. When you talk about the Russians, Russian twitter bots were pushing the #releasethememo. Why is it the Russians are helping Trump and the Republicans?
Trump should refuse to declassify the Dem's memo, just to mess with their heads. :muahaha:

Come on it would be worth it just to watch the left flip out, some may require hospitalization :auiqs.jpg:

Yeah like we can really trust Devin Nunes to tell the truth..:auiqs.jpg:

He said ( video below ) Trump never met Papa-Don't -Cry Oppoulas


Devin Nunes just told Fox & Friends that Trump never met George Papadopoulos. Here's a picture of them together.
Sorry --- I've been in lots of meetings with people I never met.

Pretty piss poor argument.
WTF do we need to see that when Adam Schiff has continually leaked classified information to the media every chance he could on nearly a daily basis?

We already know what it says, that America needs to start believing Russian Propaganda.

Besides, according to Adam Schiff releasing his Memo is going to cause a Constitutional Crisis and Political Armageddon, Right?

I agree with you there is no reason for a Democrat Memo--we learned everything from the Nunes memo--:auiqs.jpg:

1. That the Dossier file was given to the FBI in January, 2017.
2. That in the last sentence of the Nunes memo specifically states this: That the Russian investigation started in July, 2016--and that the center of attention was George Papalopodous--who's name is not even mentioned in the Dossier File.
3. That the 2nd FISA Warrant on Carter Page was in September, 2016, although he had a prior one in 2013.

IOW--we know now that the FBI was investigating the collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian intelligence agents long before they received the Dossier file.

Which blew Nune's memo and FOX NEWS--latest conspiracy to smitherines.:blowup:

We also know this: That Trump surrogates were being monitored by several different foreign intelligence sources since 2015. And they had nothing to do with the Dossier file.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

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Note: Every Republican on the House Intel Committee voted to release the Dem memo, but not one Dem on the committee voted to release the Nunes memo.

Also note that the Republicans did not tell a bunch of lies about the Dem memo to try to keep it from being released, yet the Dems told all kinds of lies about the Nunes memo to try to keep it from being released.

Do you see a pattern here?
Note: Every Republican on the House Intel Committee voted to release the Dem memo, but not one Dem on the committee voted to release the Nunes memo.

Also note that the Republicans did not tell a bunch of lies about the Dem memo to try to keep it from being released, yet the Dems told all kinds of lies about the Nunes memo to try to keep it from being released.

Do you see a pattern here?
Nothing but partisanship.
The Democrats in the FBI and DOJ, House and Senate have done everything they can to obstruct getting to the Truth. The Democraps on The Intelligence Committee are trying to obstruct everything they can, while the GOP faction, has no issues with releasing anything the Democrats want released. That should make you sit up and TAKE NOTICE!

People eventually are going to go to jail. Obama and Clinton will lose their law licenses, and if REAL Justice is served will be tried for TREASON and lose their FREEDOM.

The Left knows RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA was False, but only the accusations against President Trump were false. Th Democrats, Clinton, The DNC, Obama and their moles in The DOJ & FBI allied with The Kremlin and Putin to get Hillary Clinton elected and keep Donald Trump from being Inaugurated, and even after that, they tried to nullify the election, and multiple times tried to get an impeachment rally started.

Why? That seems like OVERKILL just to WIN AN ELECTION!

Why Conspire with Putin and The Kremlin and enlist their help to DEFEAT "THE ORANGE MENACE" as Democrats are so fond of saying?

Because if Donald Trump stays in Office, all of the Consiprators are going to go down, and hard!

We haven't even scratched the surface of this and 9 people have been removed from the DOJ, FBI, and Mueller's team. Rosenstein is next.

I believe Putin had something on both Clinton and Obama and was BLACKMAILING THEM.

It was Either their taking Bribes for Uranium One and other issues, or they had something on the both of them of a Sexual Nature. I believe there has to be a reason why The Democrat Party, Clinton, and Obama allied with The Kremlin to interfere in our elections above and beyond the simple pursuit of power.

When the FBI and DOJ are knowingly using false information at the Direction of The Obama White House, filing false affidavits, making false statements, and using Russian Propaganda in FISA Warrant Applications, and knowing that this information they were using was paid for by Obama, Clinton and THE DNC, then this goes far DEEPER than just BLIND GREED FOR POWER.

They are trying to STOP SOMETHING ELSE from being Revealed. The Treason committed to Nullify an Election is bad enough, and is a serious crime.

BUT No one needs to WIN THAT BAD. Winning then was a matter of SURVIVAL, because Losing did not mean just Not Being President, it meant something Much MORE WORSE for Clinton and OBAMA, and their CONSPIRATORS.

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The right wing has nothing but social plans. No need to see the dem response because no one believed the original republican memo.

Sure, Vlad Putin, you keep telling everyone that like a Good Little Agent of The Kremlin.

It's over for you, and if you had any sense, you would publicly denounce Vladimir Putin, Hillary Clinton, And Barak Obama and run as far away from them as you can to escape the impending storm of Justice about to be dumped on your Scheming Party's Head!

Now go be a good little Commie and beat your dog.

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