No reason to see The Dem Memo

The right wing has nothing but social plans. No need to see the dem response because no one believed the original republican memo.

Sure, Vlad Putin, you keep telling everyone that like a Good Little Agent of The Kremlin.

It's over for you, and if you had any sense, you would publicly denounce Vladimir Putin, Hillary Clinton, And Barak Obama and run as far away from them as you can to escape the impending storm of Justice about to be dumped on your Scheming Party's Head!

Now go be a good little Commie and beat your dog.
Projecting much? It was Your guy that asked the Russians for help.
The right wing has nothing but social plans. No need to see the dem response because no one believed the original republican memo.

Sure, Vlad Putin, you keep telling everyone that like a Good Little Agent of The Kremlin.

It's over for you, and if you had any sense, you would publicly denounce Vladimir Putin, Hillary Clinton, And Barak Obama and run as far away from them as you can to escape the impending storm of Justice about to be dumped on your Scheming Party's Head!

Now go be a good little Commie and beat your dog.
Projecting much? It was Your guy that asked the Russians for help.

Got Proof of that?

You see dummy, there is a paper trail right through Hillary Clinton and Obama to the DNC, to COIE, to Fusion GPS, to Steele and money given Directly to KGB Agents in The Kremlin

This is why it's stupid to try to frame someone, because it's too hard to manufacture enough evidence to make it stick and to do so, you need a TON of Conspirators. That's just too much to keep under wraps and it will come unraveled, just like it is now.

Then comes the Boomerang when honest and just people realize Crimes were committed in trying to push a false narrative, cheat to rig an election, and then Nullify an Election, and after that interfere in the Peaceful Transition of Power, and Obstruct The White House with False Allegations, False Affidavits, and a Phoney Investigation, based on False Pretenses.

A year from now, people you lauded as Heroes, will be going to jail.
The Democrat Party’s Goose is cooked and they have Clinton & Obama to thank for it.

It’s just a matter of time. It is slowly coming to light.

The 2nd Russian Sourced Dossier used for a fictitious FISA Warrant combined with Circular Reporting and the Yahoo article. One big scam.

The DNC, Clinton & Obama Working with KGB Operatives.

The Clinton Campaign funneling Russian Propaganda Back and forth with Steele, The FBI and Shearer.

Steele actually being on The FBI payroll while he was a British Agent.
He may have been a Triple Agent working for The US, GB and Russia.

Report: 2nd Trump Dossier Surfaces, Traced to Clinton Hatchet Man

Adam Schiff said that when you do this sort of thing, you bring people in, and put them under oath etc. Then he said but that isn't what they did, because it was a political hit job on the FBI..

Ok Mr. Schiff, so where was that rehtoric when they brought Hillary in, but didn't put her under oath excetra excetra ??

Etcetera. Moron.

And Hillary testified in an open setting. Had she lied to Congress, she'd have committed a crime. She did not lie. Asshole.
. The words of desperation here... You can tell when you people start struggling to keep the racket going, and in trying to keep your composure calm while doing so, because the insults and cursing takes you over in your conversation everytime.

Fuck off. You assholes are way off base and doubling down daily. It's bad for the country.

Lone Laughed At should have no fear-) As this all comes out, a bunch of people are screwed. Think they have a line in Vegas!

Here is the deal---------------->regular FBI personnel, along with DOJ and CIA have said over, and over again that this is bad. In fact, the only ones trying to deflect besides the Socialists (Democrats) are people who controlled these agencies when this crap was going on. Guess who was the President when that was happening? I will give you 3 guesses, and the 1st 2 do not count-)

Now then, we can meander along for say, about 8 months letting the drip kill the Leftists politically, and that is EXACTLY the way to go!

I still contend that there is NO reason to argue with the Left on this board, just laugh at them-) Unless they are all dumb, they know they are cooked in a very slow clambake. They are the ones in the boiling pot, yelling over the side that they are taking a warm swim, lololol.

The only thing that we need fear is------->can they stop the release of the IGs investigation, along with everything else that will be released to sink them?

HELLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOO, why do you think all the Republicans voted to allow the Democratic memo to come out-) They are not stupid, and they know what is coming from the IG, along with everything else ready to go. Wouldn't you want to look at our Socialist friends and ask in front of America, "we allowed yours overwhelmingly, why are you blocking transparency now to the American people?"

The game is OVER, we have won! The Democrats know this, so they are going to be forced to do everything in their power to push the release of the pertinent info FORWARD past the midterms. Trust me when I say------------------->the scenarios for blockage have already been calculated, and they have NO CHANCE-)
The Democrat Party’s Goose is cooked and they have Clinton & Obama to thank for it.

It’s just a matter of time. It is slowly coming to light.

The 2nd Russian Sourced Dossier used for a fictitious FISA Warrant combined with Circular Reporting and the Yahoo article. One big scam.

The DNC, Clinton & Obama Working with KGB Operatives.

The Clinton Campaign funneling Russian Propaganda Back and forth with Steele, The FBI and Shearer.

Steele actually being on The FBI payroll while he was a British Agent.
He may have been a Triple Agent working for The US, GB and Russia.

Report: 2nd Trump Dossier Surfaces, Traced to Clinton Hatchet Man

Adam Schiff said that when you do this sort of thing, you bring people in, and put them under oath etc. Then he said but that isn't what they did, because it was a political hit job on the FBI..

Ok Mr. Schiff, so where was that rehtoric when they brought Hillary in, but didn't put her under oath excetra excetra ??

Etcetera. Moron.

And Hillary testified in an open setting. Had she lied to Congress, she'd have committed a crime. She did not lie. Asshole.
. The words of desperation here... You can tell when you people start struggling to keep the racket going, and in trying to keep your composure calm while doing so, because the insults and cursing takes you over in your conversation everytime.

Fuck off. You assholes are way off base and doubling down daily. It's bad for the country.

Lone Laughed At should have no fear-) As this all comes out, a bunch of people are screwed. Think they have a line in Vegas!

Here is the deal---------------->regular FBI personnel, along with DOJ and CIA have said over, and over again that this is bad. In fact, the only ones trying to deflect besides the Socialists (Democrats) are people who controlled these agencies when this crap was going on. Guess who was the President when that was happening? I will give you 3 guesses, and the 1st 2 do not count-)

Now then, we can meander along for say, about 8 months letting the drip kill the Leftists politically, and that is EXACTLY the way to go!

I still contend that there is NO reason to argue with the Left on this board, just laugh at them-) Unless they are all dumb, they know they are cooked in a very slow clambake. They are the ones in the boiling pot, yelling over the side that they are taking a warm swim, lololol.

The only thing that we need fear is------->can they stop the release of the IGs investigation, along with everything else that will be released to sink them?

HELLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOO, why do you think all the Republicans voted to allow the Democratic memo to come out-) They are not stupid, and they know what is coming from the IG, along with everything else ready to go. Wouldn't you want to look at our Socialist friends and ask in front of America, "we allowed yours overwhelmingly, why are you blocking transparency now to the American people?"

The game is OVER, we have won! The Democrats know this, so they are going to be forced to do everything in their power to push the release of the pertinent info FORWARD past the midterms. Trust me when I say------------------->the scenarios for blockage have already been calculated, and they have NO CHANCE-)

Absolutely agree. And if Anything, I think it is time to move FOR FULL TRANSPARENCY.

There is a Reason Lynch and Comey, and McCabe, and Baker, Ohr, Strozk, Zelinsky, Yates, Boerte and others were removed from their positions. And there is a reason more fall out is to come, like Comey's personal aide, fleeing the FBI go work at CNN.

This is just getting started. This isn't even off of the starting line, and Dems and Conspirators are already falling down, falling from the sky like Turkeys in WKRP in Cincinnati.

Oh The Humanity!

Just Substitute The Dem's Crooked Plan of Using Russian Propaganda to accuse The Trump Campaign of Russian Collusion with Turkeys.

"I swear as God is my witness, I thought Russian Collusion would fly!"

Only no Dem ever acknowledges God, so they will swear to Satan or Hillary Clinton.... (Same Thing)

About a year from now, this is how The Dems will look, Shell Shocked and Defeated!
Like a Bizzaro Episode of WKRP In Cincinnati, with Hillary Clinton thinking she was so Clever, and Popping the Cork on the Champagne even before the results came in, only to be bombarded with her own Turkeys in a Humiliating Defeat.
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WTF do we need to see that when Adam Schiff has continually leaked classified information to the media every chance he could on nearly a daily basis?

We already know what it says, that America needs to start believing Russian Propaganda.

Besides, according to Adam Schiff releasing his Memo is going to cause a Constitutional Crisis and Political Armageddon, Right?

So Schiff, whose compaign was financed by (Soros) and Ukrainian arms dealer (Taste of Ukraine reception) leaked already everything about Dem memo. Also, according to Schiff, Russians are promoting the 2nd Amendment in US so Americans can kill each other. What institution he escaped from?

Watching and listening to him is like watching sequel of Mr.Deeds, Crazy Eyes. :21:
WTF do we need to see that when Adam Schiff has continually leaked classified information to the media every chance he could on nearly a daily basis?

We already know what it says, that America needs to start believing Russian Propaganda.

Besides, according to Adam Schiff releasing his Memo is going to cause a Constitutional Crisis and Political Armageddon, Right?

damn, you're stupid. your boy is the one with the Russian propaganda.

are you confused, little wacko?
WTF do we need to see that when Adam Schiff has continually leaked classified information to the media every chance he could on nearly a daily basis?

We already know what it says, that America needs to start believing Russian Propaganda.

Besides, according to Adam Schiff releasing his Memo is going to cause a Constitutional Crisis and Political Armageddon, Right?

So Schiff, whose compaign was financed by (Soros) and Ukrainian arms dealer (Taste of Ukraine reception) leaked already everything about Dem memo. Also, according to Schiff, Russians are promoting the 2nd Amendment in US so Americans can kill each other. What institution he escaped from?

Watching and listening to him is like watching sequel of Mr.Deeds, Crazy Eyes. :21:

WTF do we need to see that when Adam Schiff has continually leaked classified information to the media every chance he could on nearly a daily basis?

We already know what it says, that America needs to start believing Russian Propaganda.

Besides, according to Adam Schiff releasing his Memo is going to cause a Constitutional Crisis and Political Armageddon, Right?

damn, you're stupid. your boy is the one with the Russian propaganda.

are you confused, little wacko?

Hey, want to know where Adam Shiff gets his screwy propaganda from?

Did you know his sister used to be married to George Soros son?

Did you know that Chelsea Clinton is married to a close Soros relative?

So insestuous the Democrats are! Guess to be married to a left wing socialist, you gotta be related to one-)
WTF do we need to see that when Adam Schiff has continually leaked classified information to the media every chance he could on nearly a daily basis?

We already know what it says, that America needs to start believing Russian Propaganda.

Besides, according to Adam Schiff releasing his Memo is going to cause a Constitutional Crisis and Political Armageddon, Right?

So Schiff, whose compaign was financed by (Soros) and Ukrainian arms dealer (Taste of Ukraine reception) leaked already everything about Dem memo. Also, according to Schiff, Russians are promoting the 2nd Amendment in US so Americans can kill each other. What institution he escaped from?

Watching and listening to him is like watching sequel of Mr.Deeds, Crazy Eyes. :21:
He's becoming as looney tunes as Pelosi.
And it sounds like he is a mouth piece for Russian Propaganda.

BTW, did you know Schiff has investments in numerous Russian Corporations?
WTF do we need to see that when Adam Schiff has continually leaked classified information to the media every chance he could on nearly a daily basis?

We already know what it says, that America needs to start believing Russian Propaganda.

Besides, according to Adam Schiff releasing his Memo is going to cause a Constitutional Crisis and Political Armageddon, Right?

We need to see it because it is a different take. When you talk about the Russians, Russian twitter bots were pushing the #releasethememo. Why is it the Russians are helping Trump and the Republicans?

Even if bots did that, how would that effect the release of the memo?

Are you saying they were also calling congressman offices and asking them to release the memo? Majority, if not all right wing board members here were for releasing the memo. Are we all Russians?

Keep doing whatever you're doing. It's entertaining because, you're certifiable loon.
WTF do we need to see that when Adam Schiff has continually leaked classified information to the media every chance he could on nearly a daily basis?

We already know what it says, that America needs to start believing Russian Propaganda.

Besides, according to Adam Schiff releasing his Memo is going to cause a Constitutional Crisis and Political Armageddon, Right?

damn, you're stupid. your boy is the one with the Russian propaganda.

are you confused, little wacko?

Riiiiight Shillian, tell him girl.

Everybody here, everyone but you of course, is stupid.

That's makes you special.
WTF do we need to see that when Adam Schiff has continually leaked classified information to the media every chance he could on nearly a daily basis?

We already know what it says, that America needs to start believing Russian Propaganda.

Besides, according to Adam Schiff releasing his Memo is going to cause a Constitutional Crisis and Political Armageddon, Right?

So Schiff, whose compaign was financed by (Soros) and Ukrainian arms dealer (Taste of Ukraine reception) leaked already everything about Dem memo. Also, according to Schiff, Russians are promoting the 2nd Amendment in US so Americans can kill each other. What institution he escaped from?

Watching and listening to him is like watching sequel of Mr.Deeds, Crazy Eyes. :21:
He's becoming as looney tunes as Pelosi.
And it sounds like he is a mouth piece for Russian Propaganda.

BTW, did you know Schiff has investments in numerous Russian Corporations?

Isn't Soros also invested heavily in Russia? I believe so, but maybe I am mistaken.

Maybe, we should start sniffing what Soros investments are. That could explain why his EXTENDED family, is so damn into the Russians-)
WTF do we need to see that when Adam Schiff has continually leaked classified information to the media every chance he could on nearly a daily basis?

We already know what it says, that America needs to start believing Russian Propaganda.

Besides, according to Adam Schiff releasing his Memo is going to cause a Constitutional Crisis and Political Armageddon, Right?

We need to see it because it is a different take. When you talk about the Russians, Russian twitter bots were pushing the #releasethememo. Why is it the Russians are helping Trump and the Republicans?

Even if bots did that, how would that effect the release of the memo?

Are you saying they were also calling congressman offices and asking them to release the memo? Majority, if not all right wing board members here were for releasing the memo. Are we all Russians?

Keep doing whatever you're doing. It's entertaining because, you're certifiable loon.

I like the Bot Angle The Dems tried too.

This was looked at, and they cannot even determine if there were actually any bots.
They can only determine that about $100,000 was spent on both Pro and Anti Trump Messaging on Social Media from Europe and "Possibly" Russia. They cannot even confirm it's origins and the POV was split right down the middle.

Now, you go to Clinton and Obama and THE DNC who spent $15 Million DIRECTLY for RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA paid TO THE KREMLIN and KGB Agents.

Then you look at the $1.5 Billion they spent on Advertising Attacking President Trump whose total campaign spent $200 Million.

President Trump was outspent by the Left 7-1.

Let me REPEAT.

TRUMP WAS OUTSPENT 7-1 By The Democrats!

Then of course THE FREE MEDIA they were given day and night on the LIBERAL MAIN STREAM MEDIA.

The whole thing is absurd.
We need to see it because it is a different take. When you talk about the Russians, Russian twitter bots were pushing the #releasethememo. Why is it the Russians are helping Trump and the Republicans?

We need to see what "it" ... There is no Representative Schiff memo.

Representative Schiff didn't think it was necessary for the House Intelligence Committee to see the memo that doesn't exist.
He didn't think it was necessary for the FBI or DOJ to review his imaginary memo.

He was smart enough to know the House Intelligence Committee would not approve the release of a memo no one has read.
He was smart enough to know stupid people like you would fall for his ruse.

Perhaps the Russians can help Representative Schiff come up with a memo.
The same way they helped Steele and Failed Democrat Presidential Nominee Clinton come up with the dossier ... :dunno:

WTF do we need to see that when Adam Schiff has continually leaked classified information to the media every chance he could on nearly a daily basis?

We already know what it says, that America needs to start believing Russian Propaganda.

Besides, according to Adam Schiff releasing his Memo is going to cause a Constitutional Crisis and Political Armageddon, Right?

damn, you're stupid. your boy is the one with the Russian propaganda.

are you confused, little wacko?

Riiiiight Shillian, tell him girl.

Everybody here, everyone but you of course, is stupid.

That's makes you special.
You know ... "special" was the first word that came to mind.
The right wing has nothing but social plans. No need to see the dem response because no one believed the original republican memo.

Sure, Vlad Putin, you keep telling everyone that like a Good Little Agent of The Kremlin.

It's over for you, and if you had any sense, you would publicly denounce Vladimir Putin, Hillary Clinton, And Barak Obama and run as far away from them as you can to escape the impending storm of Justice about to be dumped on your Scheming Party's Head!

Now go be a good little Commie and beat your dog.
Projecting much? It was Your guy that asked the Russians for help.

Got Proof of that?

You see dummy, there is a paper trail right through Hillary Clinton and Obama to the DNC, to COIE, to Fusion GPS, to Steele and money given Directly to KGB Agents in The Kremlin

This is why it's stupid to try to frame someone, because it's too hard to manufacture enough evidence to make it stick and to do so, you need a TON of Conspirators. That's just too much to keep under wraps and it will come unraveled, just like it is now.

Then comes the Boomerang when honest and just people realize Crimes were committed in trying to push a false narrative, cheat to rig an election, and then Nullify an Election, and after that interfere in the Peaceful Transition of Power, and Obstruct The White House with False Allegations, False Affidavits, and a Phoney Investigation, based on False Pretenses.

A year from now, people you lauded as Heroes, will be going to jail.
I saw it on YouTube. Your guy asked the Russians for help, not WikiLeaks.
Trump should refuse to declassify the Dem's memo, just to mess with their heads. :muahaha:
Schiff has leaked every damn detail of everything he could..

As always, if you want to know what the Democrats are up to, JUST LISTEN TO WHAT THEY ACCUSE THE RIGHT OF.

If the Dems scream of Armageddon and a Constitutional crisis, you can bet they are on the verge of creating one.

If the Dems holler about the Nunes memo leaking drips. you can bet Schiff is a wide open water spigot.

And if they are accusing Trump of Russia collusion, you can bet they have Putin in bed with them giving him a blow job.

The only reason they succeed at all in this country is that they've found a stupid base gullible enough to believe the GOP is actually guilty of everything THEY do!
Trump should refuse to declassify the Dem's memo, just to mess with their heads. :muahaha:
Schiff has leaked every damn detail of everything he could..

As always, if you want to know what the Democrats are up to, JUST LISTEN TO WHAT THEY ACCUSE THE RIGHT OF.

If the Dems scream of Armageddon and a Constitutional crisis, you can bet they are on the verge of creating one.

If the Dems holler about the Nunes memo leaking drips. you can bet Schiff is a wide open water spigot.

And if they are accusing Trump of Russia collusion, you can bet they have Putin in bed with them giving him a blow job.

The only reason they succeed at all in this country is that they've found a stupid base gullible enough to believe the GOP is actually guilty of everything THEY do!
Republicans are the gullible ones. Redstate calls it again, Nunes admits memo's partisan origins . You got suckered.
Just keep watching your fake news.
The right wing has nothing but social plans. No need to see the dem response because no one believed the original republican memo.

Sure, Vlad Putin, you keep telling everyone that like a Good Little Agent of The Kremlin.

It's over for you, and if you had any sense, you would publicly denounce Vladimir Putin, Hillary Clinton, And Barak Obama and run as far away from them as you can to escape the impending storm of Justice about to be dumped on your Scheming Party's Head!

Now go be a good little Commie and beat your dog.
Projecting much? It was Your guy that asked the Russians for help.

Got Proof of that?

You see dummy, there is a paper trail right through Hillary Clinton and Obama to the DNC, to COIE, to Fusion GPS, to Steele and money given Directly to KGB Agents in The Kremlin

This is why it's stupid to try to frame someone, because it's too hard to manufacture enough evidence to make it stick and to do so, you need a TON of Conspirators. That's just too much to keep under wraps and it will come unraveled, just like it is now.

Then comes the Boomerang when honest and just people realize Crimes were committed in trying to push a false narrative, cheat to rig an election, and then Nullify an Election, and after that interfere in the Peaceful Transition of Power, and Obstruct The White House with False Allegations, False Affidavits, and a Phoney Investigation, based on False Pretenses.

A year from now, people you lauded as Heroes, will be going to jail.
I saw it on YouTube. Your guy asked the Russians for help, not WikiLeaks.
Good luck being on Ignore.

If you don't want to legitimately discuss issues, I don't want to read your trolling.
Why is Gowdy light stepping his answers when Martha Macallum on Fox news is asking him questions in an interview that she is having with him ?? Has someone gotten to him in some kind of way ?? Unbelievable.
The right wing has nothing but social plans. No need to see the dem response because no one believed the original republican memo.

Sure, Vlad Putin, you keep telling everyone that like a Good Little Agent of The Kremlin.

It's over for you, and if you had any sense, you would publicly denounce Vladimir Putin, Hillary Clinton, And Barak Obama and run as far away from them as you can to escape the impending storm of Justice about to be dumped on your Scheming Party's Head!

Now go be a good little Commie and beat your dog.
Projecting much? It was Your guy that asked the Russians for help.

Got Proof of that?

You see dummy, there is a paper trail right through Hillary Clinton and Obama to the DNC, to COIE, to Fusion GPS, to Steele and money given Directly to KGB Agents in The Kremlin

This is why it's stupid to try to frame someone, because it's too hard to manufacture enough evidence to make it stick and to do so, you need a TON of Conspirators. That's just too much to keep under wraps and it will come unraveled, just like it is now.

Then comes the Boomerang when honest and just people realize Crimes were committed in trying to push a false narrative, cheat to rig an election, and then Nullify an Election, and after that interfere in the Peaceful Transition of Power, and Obstruct The White House with False Allegations, False Affidavits, and a Phoney Investigation, based on False Pretenses.

A year from now, people you lauded as Heroes, will be going to jail.
I saw it on YouTube. Your guy asked the Russians for help, not WikiLeaks.
Good luck being on Ignore.

If you don't want to legitimately discuss issues, I don't want to read your trolling.
It is on YouTube.

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