No red wave.

The Nevada process gives Dimm's 5+ additional days to cheat after the polls close, O' gullible dickface.

There was no red wave. The country did not suddenly come to its senses voting accordingly. Media incited hatred of Donald trump prevailed in the minds of voters across the nation. When voters become like those dogs trained to attack negroes during the racial strife of the 60’s there is no amount of evidence, reasoning, or argument that can hold them back. The 2022 mid-terms were a referendum on Trump, and this cannot be denied. Trump endorsed Dr. Memet OZ in Pennsylvania, and this was the kiss of death on the candidate. In a bizarre demonstration of hatred attacking human intelligence, voters there elected a body without a mind which is essentially what we have for a president right now.

Everything important remains at risk now from the economy to nuclear war. The people in charge have no idea how to run a country. In the Northeast people are going to freeze this winter as they struggle with fuel and heating bills. The issues facing them were caused by this administration. Blind faith is a dangerous thing and blind hate is its brother. This country is closer to doom than it has been for decades.

Hope is all we have now and that is fading.

A good chgunk of the country did come to their senses and vote against right wing extremist Republicans. Your plan to steal the '24 election failed.
Maybe the "red wave" was overestimated. The loss of the majority in congress by democrats is indicative of a wave. Democrats were motivated enough in Pa. to get out about 200k voters to elect a racist brain dead freak to the Senate. How does that calculate in political reality?
You don't even grasp the current cheat going on in your own state, ignoramus!!
:yes_text12::thankusmile: Notice his juvenile bahavior when he could not refute what you posted? that kind of reply i would expect out of a five year old when unable to refute a fact.
There was no red wave. The country did not suddenly come to its senses voting accordingly. Media incited hatred of Donald trump prevailed in the minds of voters across the nation. When voters become like those dogs trained to attack negroes during the racial strife of the 60’s there is no amount of evidence, reasoning, or argument that can hold them back. The 2022 mid-terms were a referendum on Trump, and this cannot be denied. Trump endorsed Dr. Memet OZ in Pennsylvania, and this was the kiss of death on the candidate. In a bizarre demonstration of hatred attacking human intelligence, voters there elected a body without a mind which is essentially what we have for a president right now.

Everything important remains at risk now from the economy to nuclear war. The people in charge have no idea how to run a country. In the Northeast people are going to freeze this winter as they struggle with fuel and heating bills. The issues facing them were caused by this administration. Blind faith is a dangerous thing and blind hate is its brother. This country is closer to doom than it has been for decades.

Hope is all we have now and that is fading.
Oh that's just delicious, thank you :thup:
Half the membership of this board had convinced themselves a red wave was certain. Must hurt today.

The media was no different with their polls. I don't know how many times that I pointed out that the heavy turnout could throw the poll results off.
:yes_text12::thankusmile: Notice his juvenile bahavior when he could not refute what you posted? that kind of reply i would expect out of a five year old when unable to refute a fact.

The onus isn't on me to refute crybaby conspiracy theories. It's on you to prove it's real, which you can never do, because you're a sore loserman and your going down with your cult.
After my wife and I voted early yesterday morning I returned home in my car and she went to work. I never listen to the local radio station but I did yesterday. Someone called in to the talk show and expressed dismay at the division in the country. The show host began spouting off about Jan. 6th and the several police officers that were killed.

I heard the Mandela Effect and realized that millions of people believe what that show host believes. Actually no police were killed that day and news reports from both sides of the political spectrum confirm that. The only person killed that day was Ashli Babbit, a protester that died from a bullet indiscriminately fired into the crowd by a police officer.

It's like these people are under some kind of spell. We are headed for rough times.
It will be okay Raymond. Nothing changes. You’re old enough to know this.
Almost none of those races were competitive, but keep coping. You lost most of the ones that mattered
No coping.....just the reality that there is a red wave........Florida, NY State, name a few.....fat lady hasn't sung yet, either......LOL
I did learn that Trump may have had his day for now. He was a perfect candidate to grind his heel into the faces of the stuffed shirts and pompous asses that make up professional Washington. That alone was worth it. It was like the time the New York Giants beat the New England Patriots in the Super bowl. The defeated walked away babbling that that an ordinary quarterback like Eli Manning was the MVP.

Let us not forget that they did it again. History repeats itself in strange ways. I think we may see it again.
You knuckleheads STILL don't get it.......the delusion that you can just casually attend a rally or two then saunter over to the polls every few years (or hope someone will do your part for you)....and maintain your freedom (and guns) is a losing strategy. Those days are long gone. As I have said before. With each passing day the price of freedom gets exponentially more expensive.

You get what you pay for.

But I know matter the pounding you take, you will roll over, stay quiet, take whats handed to you and quietly say....."Next time, baby"
Red Wave FOR SURE "next time"

Good Gawd. No wonder the Left kicks sand in your faces and laughs hysterically while you cry. You lost....because you are losers.
I don't think you will ever realize it until someone like Beto O'Rourke arrives at your door in a TuTu and takes your guns from you.

Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.
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TEXIT is looking so much more attractive by the day.

South Dakota is like a brand new home all sparkling and ready to be moved into, just as soon as we run a few pesky leftist cockroaches out. Three wannabe blue population centers, the largest is 200K people. When they "protested" not being able to kill their unborn children, the crowd was about a hundred curious onlookers and less that a dozen actual participants.

Once we clean out the parasites, the central column of the country, North and South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas, will be a great start of a great country! Of course that's a lot of wall to build, but it's a start. And "flyover country" would have its own airspace!
1. I dont want the Republicans to win because when the economy crashes the Left will blame the Republicans and the left will not accept responsibility. It is a loose for the Republicans in 2024.

2. I am amazed at the power the Deep States Media mindwashing machine has ,they took a Nationalist Patriot Trump and eviscerated him for wanting to rebuild the failing USA. Their "Grand Wurlitzer" has young people hating capitalism and clamoring for Socialism. THIS IS A TRAP,,,,the Global Robber Barons INVENTED COMMUNISM / SOCIALISM in order to run their New World Order WHICH IS EVOLVING RIGHT NOW. The Cabal is preaching UTOPIAN SOCIALISM to the young while they are setting up a TECHNOCRATIC FASCIST DICTATORSHIP in the backdrop.

The young people are making a deadly mistake by not supporting Trump just because of his prick persona ( majority of ceo's and celebrities are pricks as well, but the MSM gives them a pass). They fail to look beyond his personal characteristics and what he was trying to do for America. I am worried for our young people because they dont have a clue about what is really happening and neither does their braindead parents.

They are not after Me,,,,,They are After YOU, Im just in their way ! Trump quote
Stop the stealth shills who move to lower population red states as politicians and become prominent as Progs. This nation with common sense should be constantly two thirds Republican Senators and one third Democrat. The 17th Amendment was designed to erode that with the Federal Reserve Act and the Federal Income Tax.

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