No Republicans, You're Lying about Hunter Biden and Ukraine Prosecutor

No, being a fat fucking unhealthy idiot resulted in those deaths lol
Incorrect. It was incompetent government. The DPA could have been invoked and every American would had as many masks as they needed and hospitals would have got all the equipment they needed. Trump refused to invoke it. Biden invoked it immediately.
We're not lying about the $83,000 a month for doing nothing.
Hunter needs to explain.
Graham, Barr, and Durham will be asking questions very soon.

Funny, 83K a month is less than 970K a year. Board Members at almost any Energy Company exceeds that easily. And you are way out of line with 83K. It was closer to 40K a month bring it total figure to closer to 500K which is not out of line for a Board Member. Even so, there is no verifiable information on what Hunter did while with Barista nor how much he was paid.

Now, Hunter did get a few jobs due to being the VPs son. AMTRAK is one of them where he was a VP on the Board. But you have to understand, Hunter is an Ivy League High Powered Lawyer. How much does one of those dudes get paid on the civilian market in the US? And it doesn't really matter if he could identify the smell of a gas leak or not.

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