No Russian Collusion? What now?

Now that Cohen has been revealed as a total nothing-burger, what shall we do next?

Should we pretend Cohen never happened and continue the collusion narrative, promising an impending Mueller "bombshell"? Or shall we take a different, wiser tangent? One thing is certain, Trump is GUILTY and UNFIT, and something must be done. Even a Republican like me knows that!

So in a true bipartisan spirit, I've compiled some possibilities that should be considered. I've run these through the same computer used to predict global warming, so the actual probabilities are included. They're 100% accurate, you can trust me:
  • Trump is an alien from the planet Flaflooga, sent to take over the Earth with his mind-ray: 87%
  • Trump is literally Hitler, thawed from cryogenic suspension and here to establish the New Reich: 92%
  • A Genuine Birth Certificate will be found proving that Trump is a Russian national (how ironic!): 41%
  • Cancelled checks from Trump to Putin with the memo "Thanks for the boost" will surface: 78%
  • Trump and Pence will both get "an offer they can't refuse" from Kim: 18%
  • Pelosi and Schumer will prove that Trump is actually their 17 year old love child: 29%
  • AOC will tweet a clapback so stunning that Trump will resign in shame: 65%
As you can see, there is at least a 410% chance that Trump should not be President. I'm sure there are more possibilities, but the computer overheated. This should take us well past 2020.

You're welcome, Democrats!

But, but, but he's a racist....he lies....he's orange.
I think I'll wait for the findings of the Mueller Investigation and the 5th US District for Southern New York before I pass judgment.
/——/ If Mueller had anything why is the Congress launching its own investigations? Mueller has squat.
If Mueller had anything why is the Congress launching its own investigations?
Because they are not bound by the focus of the special counsel mandate, of course.Just as the federal prosecutors in New York and DC have taken up investigations both referred and not referred to them by the special counsel.

Come on man, you should be able to puzzle this out for yourself.
right wing propaganda, like usual.
In a unanimous vote, nine U.S. government departments and agencies signed off. All are part of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States and included Clinton's State Department.

Here are 6 pages of threads started by me. Please tell me which ones are "right-wing propaganda".
everything that doesn't refute the signoff from nine separate agencies.
If Mueller had anything why is the Congress launching its own investigations?
Because they are not bound by the focus of the special counsel mandate, of course.Just as the federal prosecutors in New York and DC have taken up investigations both referred and not referred to them by the special counsel.

Come on man, you should be able to puzzle this out for yourself.
/——/ There are no limits on Mueller. That’s how he charged Cohen with tax fraud - nothing to do with collusion.
If Mueller had anything why is the Congress launching its own investigations?
Because they are not bound by the focus of the special counsel mandate, of course.Just as the federal prosecutors in New York and DC have taken up investigations both referred and not referred to them by the special counsel.

Come on man, you should be able to puzzle this out for yourself.
/——-/ Fishing expositions. Looking for a crime.
If Mueller had anything why is the Congress launching its own investigations?
Because they are not bound by the focus of the special counsel mandate, of course.Just as the federal prosecutors in New York and DC have taken up investigations both referred and not referred to them by the special counsel.

Come on man, you should be able to puzzle this out for yourself.
/——/ There are no limits on Mueller. That’s how he charged Cohen with tax fraud - nothing to do with collusion.

You rightards are such imbeciles. G’head, show where Mueller charged Cohen with tax fraud......
Fishing expositions. Looking for a crime.
That's what investigators do, when there is suspicious activity. You sold some stock in your spouse's company, the day before it tanked? expect to be investigated. You acquire a million dollars in assets in a year and flaunt it publicly, despite filing an income of only $30,000 on your taxes? Expect to be investigated. You work as a bank teller, and pay off your student loans the day after $30,000 goes missing from your vault? Expect to be investigated.

You don't have a leg to stand on, here.
Now that Cohen has been revealed as a total nothing-burger, what shall we do next?

Should we pretend Cohen never happened and continue the collusion narrative, promising an impending Mueller "bombshell"? Or shall we take a different, wiser tangent? One thing is certain, Trump is GUILTY and UNFIT, and something must be done. Even a Republican like me knows that!

So in a true bipartisan spirit, I've compiled some possibilities that should be considered. I've run these through the same computer used to predict global warming, so the actual probabilities are included. They're 100% accurate, you can trust me:
  • Trump is an alien from the planet Flaflooga, sent to take over the Earth with his mind-ray: 87%
  • Trump is literally Hitler, thawed from cryogenic suspension and here to establish the New Reich: 92%
  • A Genuine Birth Certificate will be found proving that Trump is a Russian national (how ironic!): 41%
  • Cancelled checks from Trump to Putin with the memo "Thanks for the boost" will surface: 78%
  • Trump and Pence will both get "an offer they can't refuse" from Kim: 18%
  • Pelosi and Schumer will prove that Trump is actually their 17 year old love child: 29%
  • AOC will tweet a clapback so stunning that Trump will resign in shame: 65%
As you can see, there is at least a 410% chance that Trump should not be President. I'm sure there are more possibilities, but the computer overheated. This should take us well past 2020.

You're welcome, Democrats!

But, but, but he's a racist....he lies....he's orange.
I think I'll wait for the findings of the Mueller Investigation and the 5th US District for Southern New York before I pass judgment.
/——/ If Mueller had anything why is the Congress launching its own investigations? Mueller has squat.

I like that idea. I mean Nixon was undergoing congressional investigations the FBI was investigating Watergate as well. Means Nixon did nothing wrong... Oh wait.. It didn't.

I mean we already know his campaign was breaking felony campaign laws and now have tied him to the payouts directly. And his campaign and family were colluding with Russia, many already in prison for that.
There are no limits on Mueller.
100% wrong. Ass backwards wrong. And even your example is wrong. Here is the Cohen charging document: Michael Cohen Charging Documents

Charged in the SDNY, and signed by the US attorney in the SDNY.
/——/ Mueller has no limits. He can investigate anything. The Michael Cohen raid shows that Mueller doesn't really have any limits on his investigation

The Michael Cohen raid shows that Mueller doesn't really have any limits on his investigation Special counsel Robert Mueller is required to consult with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein if his team finds information that does not fall under the purview of his investigation into Russian but it has exemplified the reach that Mueller's probe can have.
Fishing expositions. Looking for a crime.
That's what investigators do, when there is suspicious activity. You sold some stock in your spouse's company, the day before it tanked? expect to be investigated. You acquire a million dollars in assets in a year and flaunt it publicly, despite filing an income of only $30,000 on your taxes? Expect to be investigated. You work as a bank teller, and pay off your student loans the day after $30,000 goes missing from your vault? Expect to be investigated.

You don't have a leg to stand on, here.
/——/ What suspicious activity? Hillary losing when it was her turn?
There are no limits on Mueller.
100% wrong. Ass backwards wrong. And even your example is wrong. Here is the Cohen charging document: Michael Cohen Charging Documents

Charged in the SDNY, and signed by the US attorney in the SDNY.
/——/ Mueller has no limits. He can investigate anything. The Michael Cohen raid shows that Mueller doesn't really have any limits on his investigation

The Michael Cohen raid shows that Mueller doesn't really have any limits on his investigation Special counsel Robert Mueller is required to consult with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein if his team finds information that does not fall under the purview of his investigation into Russian but it has exemplified the reach that Mueller's probe can have.
Imbecile, you said Mueller charged Cohen with tax fraud. Either you can prove that or you prove I’m right in calling you an email imbecile.

Which is it...?
There are no limits on Mueller.
100% wrong. Ass backwards wrong. And even your example is wrong. Here is the Cohen charging document: Michael Cohen Charging Documents

Charged in the SDNY, and signed by the US attorney in the SDNY.
/——/ Mueller has no limits. He can investigate anything. The Michael Cohen raid shows that Mueller doesn't really have any limits on his investigation

The Michael Cohen raid shows that Mueller doesn't really have any limits on his investigation Special counsel Robert Mueller is required to consult with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein if his team finds information that does not fall under the purview of his investigation into Russian but it has exemplified the reach that Mueller's probe can have.

Yes, if in his investigation into Trump being a foreign agent, he finds other criminal acts it is his duty to report them, not hide them.

Just like if an FBI investigation into smuggling fake stereo's uncovers a child sex slavery ring, the FBI prosecutes that as well.

This is how our justice system works. If evidence of breaking the law is found, that can be looked into.
Fishing expositions. Looking for a crime.
That's what investigators do, when there is suspicious activity. You sold some stock in your spouse's company, the day before it tanked? expect to be investigated. You acquire a million dollars in assets in a year and flaunt it publicly, despite filing an income of only $30,000 on your taxes? Expect to be investigated. You work as a bank teller, and pay off your student loans the day after $30,000 goes missing from your vault? Expect to be investigated.

You don't have a leg to stand on, here.
/——/ What suspicious activity? Hillary losing when it was her turn?
Suspicious activity like someone close to trump communicating with the Russian hacker.
Mueller has no limits. He can investigate anything.
Wrong. While he can follow any lead, he is generally expected to refer further criminal investigations not suited to his mandate. He can, however, prosecute people he believes may aid his investigation via their cooperation.

Whatever, think what you want. And Mueller does not have infinite time and resources, so he couldn't investigate anything and everything he felt like investigating anyway.
If Mueller had anything why is the Congress launching its own investigations?
Because they are not bound by the focus of the special counsel mandate, of course.Just as the federal prosecutors in New York and DC have taken up investigations both referred and not referred to them by the special counsel.

Come on man, you should be able to puzzle this out for yourself.
/——/ There are no limits on Mueller. That’s how he charged Cohen with tax fraud - nothing to do with collusion.

You rightards are such imbeciles. G’head, show where Mueller charged Cohen with tax fraud......
/——-/ Right here Tinkerbell: Cohen pleaded guilty to failure to report personal income taxes for the five-year period beginning in 2012. He also admitted to making false statements to a financial institution tied to a credit decision around February 2015, to willfully causing an unlawful corporate contribution from at least June 2016 to October 2016, and to making an excessive campaign contribution on October 27, 2016, according to his plea agreement.
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

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