No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism

I want to use some libbie logic so separating is for their own good just like planting a spy in the Trump campaign was for everyone's good
No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism
Being foul-mouthed is not the same as a white person calling a black person an ape, or a Jewish Holocaust survivor a Nazi.

It’s sad that I need to explain this, but being racist and spreading anti-Semitic propaganda is worse. Much, much worse.

Why? Because Barr’s comments belittle an entire race of people and help spread paranoid fear of a Jewish global order. Dehumanizing entire groups of people as such puts them in danger of violent reprisal, and helps to justify the stripping of their civil rights.

There is no such inherent threat in Bee's vulgarity. Rather, equating crudeness with Roseanne's outlandish tweets normalizes racism and anti-Semitism.

That the White House would issue a full-throated condemnation of Bee while the president offered a dog-whistling defense of Barr speaks volumes.

Liberals have no problem turning on their own when they deserve it. See Kathy Griffin, Al Franken, Aziz Anzari, Lena Dunham … the list goes on.

This is not one of those cases.

Besides, if conservatives genuinely think dropping the C-bomb on TV is a firable offense — and they aren’t just culture war trolling — there’s a big fat target for their ire sitting in the White House.

No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism

I have no problem with vulgarity but do have a problem with racism.
Except you have no clue what real racism is...
Then why are they limiting resources, if they have plenty?

To control the masses.

The "Masters of the Universe" in Palo Alto view people as pawns to be moved for their amusement. The Communists are the goons who implement the wishes of our Oligarch rulers.

The Silicone Valley elite don't want a middle class, they don't want manufacturing and the high paying jobs that go along with it. Hence, they cut off the water to strangle industry.

The state as it is, with 90% of all wealth in the hands of these Oligarchs is the start. Bezos will be happy when 99.99% of all wealth is with the Oligarchs and the peasants live in homeless camps only leaving to clean their houses and be domestic slaves.

Such is the goal of democrats everywhere.
“No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism”


But that fact won’t keep the reprehensible right to trying to propagate such a false comparison fallacy.
Then why are they limiting resources, if they have plenty?

To control the masses.

The "Masters of the Universe" in Palo Alto view people as pawns to be moved for their amusement. The Communists are the goons who implement the wishes of our Oligarch rulers.

The Silicone Valley elite don't want a middle class, they don't want manufacturing and the high paying jobs that go along with it. Hence, they cut off the water to strangle industry.

The state as it is, with 90% of all wealth in the hands of these Oligarchs is the start. Bezos will be happy when 99.99% of all wealth is with the Oligarchs and the peasants live in homeless camps only leaving to clean their houses and be domestic slaves.

Such is the goal of democrats everywhere.
How well are the masses being controlled?

Seems to me like a money making scam. After X number of gallons used, the price goes up.
What stereotypical black traits does the Condi Rice cartoon portray?

Playing dumb Comrade?

Oh, you're not playing.
I've seen a lot more white people with buck teeth, so I guess you are trying to be a smartass by implying it's racist because it's making fun of her white heritage?

Nah, you're not that sophisticated, you're just a dickhead white supremacist. :777:
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Does anyone really believe this bullshit about liberals giving a crap about "children"? Uh...they just use that BS as an excuse to spew hate on others they don't like. Spare us the lying and fake tears already.

She said it because she is a ****...not because she really gives a shit.

SO you are okay with the government taking children from their parents, and then losing track of them, to where they might be anywhere right now?

Or do you just don't care because they aren't white children.
The democrat party has one of the worst track records on file regarding losing track of children they "place in the system " or give back to abusers. See chicago's CYFD hall of shame for a reference. Again...liberals don't give a crap about children...stop pretending you do.
Taking children from parents for committing crime has been part of our system for centuries.

This is nothing new.

Trying to find a better life for your family is a crime now? Yup, the Right Wing has gone crazy and Jesus would never approve.

You do get the problem here isn't just that they took these children, but they LOST THEM, right?
The democrat party has one of the worst track records on file regarding losing track of children they "place in the system " or give back to abusers. See chicago's CYFD hall of shame for a reference. Again...liberals don't give a crap about children...stop pretending you do.

Quit trying to change the subject.

What the ICE is doing is wrong and inept. Saying some other agency is more inept is kind of silly.
The democrat party has one of the worst track records on file regarding losing track of children they "place in the system " or give back to abusers. See chicago's CYFD hall of shame for a reference. Again...liberals don't give a crap about children...stop pretending you do.

Quit trying to change the subject.

What the ICE is doing is wrong and inept. Saying some other agency is more inept is kind of silly.
So why didn't you call out Obama for doing it? Its was far worse then it is now under Trumps watch..
The democrat party has one of the worst track records on file regarding losing track of children they "place in the system " or give back to abusers. See chicago's CYFD hall of shame for a reference. Again...liberals don't give a crap about children...stop pretending you do.

Quit trying to change the subject.

What the ICE is doing is wrong and inept. Saying some other agency is more inept is kind of silly.
Obama lost 5,342 in one year....
Taking children from parents for committing crime has been part of our system for centuries.

This is nothing new.

Trying to find a better life for your family is a crime now? Yup, the Right Wing has gone crazy and Jesus would never approve.

You do get the problem here isn't just that they took these children, but they LOST THEM, right?

Bank robbers can make the same claim. But when caught, they are separated from their children.

Bank robbers can make the same claim. But when caught, they are separated from their children.


Bank Robbers commit an actual crime. Coming her to do a crappy job lazy Americans don't want to do isn't a crime... or at least it shouldn't be to sensible people.

Oh, yeah, and if the government LOST 1500 kids of bank robbers, we'd hear about it.
Bank robbers can make the same claim. But when caught, they are separated from their children.


Bank Robbers commit an actual crime. Coming her to do a crappy job lazy Americans don't want to do isn't a crime... or at least it shouldn't be to sensible people.

Oh, yeah, and if the government LOST 1500 kids of bank robbers, we'd hear about it.

So Joe, what exactly is an actual crime?

Shop lifting?

You got some listing ahead of you.

Both I’ve listed above can and often does result in the separation of child from parent, and hundreds of other crimes as well.

So it’s cool if it’s a citizen, not for non citizens?

Why is that Joe?
Ted Nugent called Hillary Clinton the "C" word and no one said anything, and in fact Trump invited him to the White House afterwards. Why is he different than Samantha Bee?

Really Lewd?

You Stalinists lost your shit and wanted Ted killed, as I recall...

I know this is hard for you to understand... but Trump is talking shit about Samantha Bee using that about Ivanka, but had no problem Nugent using the same word about Hillary.
I know its hard for your to understand...Ivanka is not a candidate. Hillary was. So was Sarah Palin and she was called a lot worse. If Chelsea was called a the "C" word holding a baby, then its the same thing.
You've said this twice, so I can't keep still. There IS no worse word than the C word. Fact.
Another sponsor just pulled out from Samantha C's show....the clock has started its count down.....only a matter of time before she will be performing at a San Bernadino Indian casino in the Blue room with the stench of cheap Indian cigarette smoke wafting through the air....
unemployment has reached its worst level since 1969. apparently, so has Samantha Bee!

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