No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism

Democrats should be encouraged to increase their insults and vulgarity. They need to kick it up to insulting minors.
The whole implication that Trump was a pedophile by Samantha B is disgusting as well as the implication that Ivanka was a whore... The whole thing stinks and the left needs to F-OFF and those defending them are not worth my time as they are the scum of the earth.

This was a scripted and practiced presentation so it was much worse than anything Rosie said off the cuff...
No no no.

The left needs to be encourage in the worst of their insanity. By the times the mid terms roll around democrats need to be reduced to madmen raving profanities on the street corner with furious spittle running from the corners of their mouths.
Its worse.

Roseanne has been trashy for a long time. The Susan Rice post from 2013 is far more vulgar than her recent issue.

Samantha Bee knows better and still sunk to the level of shockingly poor taste.

Fire her immediately.

They shouldn’t fire either, let the viewers decide.

As far as Bee, my understanding is the staff wrote the line in and then got the approval to tell a terrible joke.
Its worse.

Roseanne has been trashy for a long time. The Susan Rice post from 2013 is far more vulgar than her recent issue.

Samantha Bee knows better and still sunk to the level of shockingly poor taste.

Fire her immediately.

They shouldn’t fire either, let the viewers decide.

As far as Bee, my understanding is the staff wrote the line in and then got the approval to tell a terrible joke.

She also has the title of executive producer...if it was approved...she was one of the people who approved it.
No room for that...regardless of someone's politics, who their father is, etc...
YOUR tribe's filth and hate is worse than MY tribe's filth and hate!

Yes, i guess if you just focus on the bad words and not the context, then they are both equally bad.

But let's review. Rosanne Barr, a crazy person with a 30 year record of saying erratic and racist and crazy things, is getting a little more attention now because ABC ran out of ideas and tried to relaunch her show, forgetting why they had to cancel it in the first place.

Then she reminded them. "Oh, that's right. Because you're racist and crazy!"

On the other hand, Samantha Bee actually was making a point about the awful and horrible policy of seizing children from their parents and then losing them in a system where who knows what is happening to them. Her vulgar language probably lost her point, since we are all talking about the C-word and not the missing kids.

But you go on feeling smug and superior, Stormy Mac.
Does anyone really believe this bullshit about liberals giving a crap about "children"? Uh...they just use that BS as an excuse to spew hate on others they don't like. Spare us the lying and fake tears already.

She said it because she is a ****...not because she really gives a shit.
Its worse.

Roseanne has been trashy for a long time. The Susan Rice post from 2013 is far more vulgar than her recent issue.

Samantha Bee knows better and still sunk to the level of shockingly poor taste.

Fire her immediately.

They shouldn’t fire either, let the viewers decide.

As far as Bee, my understanding is the staff wrote the line in and then got the approval to tell a terrible joke.

She also has the title of executive producer...if it was approved...she was one of the people who approved it.
No room for that...regardless of someone's politics, who their father is, etc...

I understand, these types of jokes or whatever people want to call them are troubling however I wouldn’t fire them, I’d let ratings do my work.
Does anyone really believe this bullshit about liberals giving a crap about "children"? Uh...they just use that BS as an excuse to spew hate on others they don't like. Spare us the lying and fake tears already.

She said it because she is a ****...not because she really gives a shit.

SO you are okay with the government taking children from their parents, and then losing track of them, to where they might be anywhere right now?

Or do you just don't care because they aren't white children.
No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism
Being foul-mouthed is not the same as a white person calling a black person an ape, or a Jewish Holocaust survivor a Nazi.

It’s sad that I need to explain this, but being racist and spreading anti-Semitic propaganda is worse. Much, much worse.

Why? Because Barr’s comments belittle an entire race of people and help spread paranoid fear of a Jewish global order. Dehumanizing entire groups of people as such puts them in danger of violent reprisal, and helps to justify the stripping of their civil rights.

There is no such inherent threat in Bee's vulgarity. Rather, equating crudeness with Roseanne's outlandish tweets normalizes racism and anti-Semitism.

That the White House would issue a full-throated condemnation of Bee while the president offered a dog-whistling defense of Barr speaks volumes.

Liberals have no problem turning on their own when they deserve it. See Kathy Griffin, Al Franken, Aziz Anzari, Lena Dunham … the list goes on.

This is not one of those cases.

Besides, if conservatives genuinely think dropping the C-bomb on TV is a firable offense — and they aren’t just culture war trolling — there’s a big fat target for their ire sitting in the White House.

No, Samantha Bee's vulgarity isn't equivalent to Roseanne Barr's racism

I have no problem with vulgarity but do have a problem with racism.

What she said was sexism...

Why is it okay to call a white person an ape or whatever but the sky is falling if someone calls a black person the same? Aren't we ALL evolved from apes?
Common-Sense Anthropology

The irrationally grouped collection called "homo sapiens" comprises different species that evolved from different ape species.

Useless nerdy academics even have the etymology of anthropo- wrong. It is more logical to consider it as ant(i)+rrhei(theis)+epos: "the creature that speaks back (in words, not animal sounds)."
Its worse.

Roseanne has been trashy for a long time. The Susan Rice post from 2013 is far more vulgar than her recent issue.

Samantha Bee knows better and still sunk to the level of shockingly poor taste.

Fire her immediately.

They shouldn’t fire either, let the viewers decide.

As far as Bee, my understanding is the staff wrote the line in and then got the approval to tell a terrible joke.

She also has the title of executive producer...if it was approved...she was one of the people who approved it.
No room for that...regardless of someone's politics, who their father is, etc...

I understand, these types of jokes or whatever people want to call them are troubling however I wouldn’t fire them, I’d let ratings do my work.
Totalitarian Power Posing As Social Conscience

That illustrates that we are not ruled democratically anywhere. The vast majority wouldn't abandon Roseanne's show, so a know-it-all government-type entity has to step in and abandon its viewers.
I've never understood the extreme outrage that white people feel for racist comments toward black people. I'm no racist, i think racist comments are stupid and totally no necessary at all and shouldn't be said, and if i heard someone saying them to a black person near me that i knew or even didn't, i'd be like "hey man, cut it out, that's some dumb shit." Doesn't even need to be someone by me, it's dumb shit no matter what.

But that's just the thing. It doesn't directly impact me. It just tells me that that guy/girl is a dumbass. I already know that most people are dumbasses, so i'm not surprised. And as long as that person isn't hurting a black person or directly hindering their rights in some way that i can observe, then i don't have the right to hinder theirs. That pesky freedom of speech and all.

I can't possibly actually feel that rage that a black person would feel cause i'm not black. So, me going "OH MY GOD YOU ASSHOLE YOU'RE A HORRIBLE PERSON WHO SHOULD HAVE THEIR LIFE RUINED FOR EVEN THINKING THAT" is just inherently disingenuous. It turns a situation that's not about me into something that's about me. I might as well be saying "OH MY GOD CAN YOU BELIEVE HOW GOOD OF A PERSON I AM RIGHT NOW FOR BEING SOOOO MAD ABOUT SOMETHING THAT'S SOO WRONG ON BEHALF OF SOMEONE ELSE! I'M COMPASSIONATE AND A GOOD PERSON, LOOK AT ME!"

I buy the sentiment, i don't buy the emotion level, and because of that, it creates questions for me about what's really going on there.
Typical Conformist-Conservative Wimpout

You've been intimidated by the race-traitor inquisition.
What did she lie about? It's literally the new position that was put in place... that they would separate kids from their parents at the border? Do you even fucking pay attention to the news or do you just get on here and parrot whatever Trump's position is?

You lied.

Wasp Kunt attacked a mother holding a baby because the mother is associated with the object of her and your deranged hatred.

Occam's razor Comrade, the simplest answer is generally the correct one.

You Stalinists attack because you are filled with hatred and rage. There is no need to delve complex theories, you attack because you hate. You hate because your masters tell you to hate.
Does anyone really believe this bullshit about liberals giving a crap about "children"? Uh...they just use that BS as an excuse to spew hate on others they don't like. Spare us the lying and fake tears already.

She said it because she is a ****...not because she really gives a shit.

SO you are okay with the government taking children from their parents, and then losing track of them, to where they might be anywhere right now?

Or do you just don't care because they aren't white children.


Taking children from parents for committing crime has been part of our system for centuries.

This is nothing new.
California is already running out of natural resources. What they need is more resource-using illegals.

California has plenty of resources. What we need is to drive the Communists from power.

Of those running for governor, 6 of 8 have candidate statements that they will restore honest voting. Even a couple of Marxists have admitted that voting in California is a farce, completely rigged.

You see, the Oligarchs in Silicone Valley are served by the ruling Communists, under Kim Jong Brown. The election scheduled for Tuesday is already decided. What Zuckerberg, Cook, and Bezos want is what the election will show.

If ballots are even counted, it is purely for show.
Uh again you can't stick to the topic. If they want to detain them at the border they should leave the families together. Why can't you stick to the topic?
I asked you a question. Obviously you think it better for parents to risk breaking up their own families.

As to the topic, it's extremely entertaining to watch the Left calling women apes and cvnts. Doesn't get much better. :)

Your question is off topic and is just trying to deflect from what is being discussed.

Roseanne is the left? She's a Trump supporter. So now not only are you off-topic, but you're ignorant.
She's a lifelong prog who twice ran for POTUS on ultra liberal parties.

So even the lifelong lefties are voting for Trump. Does not bode well for the Dem party's future.

She is a Trump supporter who Trump even praised. You've reached the level of being nothing but annoying static on the forum. Time to put you on ignore.
Defending the indefensible... Lew Hog strikes again...

I find in unsurprising that you would defend that worthless piece of crap and allow her to continue simply because she espouses your political belief's and have Rosie drawn and quartered because she espoused conservative traits.

Both of them deserve the same treatment EQUALLY ADMINISTERED...

Your hypocrisy is stunning as is your stupidity...

Lewd is a Communist. Lewd defends and promotes anything that serves the party.
Does anyone really believe this bullshit about liberals giving a crap about "children"? Uh...they just use that BS as an excuse to spew hate on others they don't like. Spare us the lying and fake tears already.

She said it because she is a ****...not because she really gives a shit.

SO you are okay with the government taking children from their parents, and then losing track of them, to where they might be anywhere right now?

Or do you just don't care because they aren't white children.
Are you saying illegal aliens...those who have no qualms with breaking the law...come in every color except white?

Seems kinda racist.
California is already running out of natural resources. What they need is more resource-using illegals.

California has plenty of resources. What we need is to drive the Communists from power.

Of those running for governor, 6 of 8 have candidate statements that they will restore honest voting. Even a couple of Marxists have admitted that voting in California is a farce, completely rigged.

You see, the Oligarchs in Silicone Valley are served by the ruling Communists, under Kim Jong Brown. The election scheduled for Tuesday is already decided. What Zuckerberg, Cook, and Bezos want is what the election will show.

If ballots are even counted, it is purely for show.
Then why are they limiting resources, if they have plenty?
On the other hand, Samantha Bee actually was making a point about the awful and horrible policy of seizing children from their parents and then losing them in a system where who knows what is happening to them. Her vulgar language probably lost her point, since we are all talking about the C-word and not the missing kids.
Never mind that happened on Obama's watch far more often than today....

Hypocrite puke!
Does anyone really believe this bullshit about liberals giving a crap about "children"? Uh...they just use that BS as an excuse to spew hate on others they don't like. Spare us the lying and fake tears already.

She said it because she is a ****...not because she really gives a shit.

SO you are okay with the government taking children from their parents, and then losing track of them, to where they might be anywhere right now?

Or do you just don't care because they aren't white children.
Parents of EVERY ethnicity are separated from their children every day WHEN THEY COMMIT CRIMES...
Bee's comments were over the line, arguing about which was worse (Bee or Barr) is like arguing over getting shot 10 times vs 12, it's still wrong. The Left just loves to claim the high moral ground on everything. Which BTW they ain't entitled to any more than the Repubs are.

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