No sane country’ would allow anchor babies or reward illegals

i only mentioned obama when you mentioned they can be arrested. we all know this administration abhors arresting illegals, and the Left offers them SANCTUARY

no straw man there coward; just you avoiding things
You called Obama my messiah. That's a straw man fallacy, retard.
People who come here illegally aren't "subject to the jurisdiction thereof".

Then they aren't illegal, retard. And they can't be arrested for breaking our laws.

Now don't you feel stupid?

Then they aren't illegal

They are illegal aliens.

You can't be illegal unless you are breaking the law. You can't break a law unless you are under its jurisdiction.



Professor Yoo is therefore simply mistaken in his claim that “the Supreme Court has consistently read Section One as granting birthright citizenship to the children of aliens on U.S. territory.” In fact, it has never held that the children born on U.S. soil to parents who are in this country illegally are citizens. In the 1898 case of Wong Kim Ark, the Court simply held that a child born of Chinese immigrants who were lawfully and permanently in the United States — “domiciled” here, to use the Court’s phrase — was a citizen. Language in the opinion that can be read as suggesting that birth on U.S. soil alone, no matter what the circumstances, confers automatic citizenship is pure dicta, because no claim was at issue in the case other than whether the child of lawful, permanent residents was a citizen.

Professor Yoo’s contention to the contrary overlooks the Court’s use of the word “domiciled” in describing the nature of Wong Kim Ark’s relationship to the United States. “Domicile” is a legal term of art; it means “a person’s legal home,” according to Black’s law dictionary, and is often used synonymously with “citizenship.” Wong Kim Ark’s parents were not allowed to become citizens because the U.S. had entered into a nefarious treaty with the Emperor of China that refused to recognize their natural right to emigrate, but they were “domiciled” in the United States, which is to say, lawfully present in the United States. The holding of the case, as opposed to its broader dicta, does not mandate citizenship for children born to those who are unlawfully present in the United States, and it does not even mandate citizenship for those who are visiting the United States temporarily but lawfully. In both cases, the children, through their parents, retain allegiance to their parents’ home country — to a “foreign power,” to return to the language of the 1866 Civil Rights Act. They are therefore not “subject to the jurisdiction” of the United States in the way intended by the 14th Amendment, and therefore not automatic citizens.

Read more at: Birthright Citizenship -- Reform It without Repealing the 14th Amendment | National Review Online
People who come here illegally aren't "subject to the jurisdiction thereof".

Then they aren't illegal, retard. And they can't be arrested for breaking our laws.

Now don't you feel stupid?

Then they aren't illegal

They are illegal aliens.

You can't be illegal unless you are breaking the law. You can't break a law unless you are under its jurisdiction.



you arent sayinig anything idiot; just embarrassing yourself again

"This amendment which I have offered is simply declaratory of what I regard as the law of the land already, that every person born within the limits of the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States. This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons. It settles the great question of citizenship and removes all doubt as to what persons are or are not citizens of the United States."

The sponsor of the 14th Amendment was clearly talking about more than slaves. If it was only about slaves, he would not have specified the exception of foreigners/aliens who are diplomats. Slaves were not foreigners, aliens, or diplomats.

He clearly specifies EVERY OTHER CLASS OF PERSONS as being citizens.

Not just slaves.

He also points out the clarity of his statement REMOVES ALL DOUBT. Obviously, he grossly underestimated the intelligence of nativists, both of his own time and ours.

This was 1866, during a period of massive immigrant influx and nativist anti-immigrant fury. An influx which led the creation of the Know Nothing Party in 1849.

1866 was the same year of the Homestead Act, which was intended to encourage all those immigrants to unclog the Eastern Seaboard and move out West.

Howard, the sponsor of the 14th, makes a reference to foreigners/aliens and says only the children of foreign ministers and ambassadors are not citizens.

So don't be a retard parroting some stupid meme the 14th Amendment was just about slaves. You betray a massive ignorance of the times.
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People who come here illegally aren't "subject to the jurisdiction thereof".

Then they aren't illegal, retard. And they can't be arrested for breaking our laws.

Now don't you feel stupid?

Then they aren't illegal

They are illegal aliens.

You can't be illegal unless you are breaking the law. You can't break a law unless you are under its jurisdiction.



Professor Yoo is therefore simply mistaken in his claim that “the Supreme Court has consistently read Section One as granting birthright citizenship to the children of aliens on U.S. territory.” In fact, it has never held that the children born on U.S. soil to parents who are in this country illegally are citizens. In the 1898 case of Wong Kim Ark, the Court simply held that a child born of Chinese immigrants who were lawfully and permanently in the United States — “domiciled” here, to use the Court’s phrase — was a citizen. Language in the opinion that can be read as suggesting that birth on U.S. soil alone, no matter what the circumstances, confers automatic citizenship is pure dicta, because no claim was at issue in the case other than whether the child of lawful, permanent residents was a citizen.

Professor Yoo’s contention to the contrary overlooks the Court’s use of the word “domiciled” in describing the nature of Wong Kim Ark’s relationship to the United States. “Domicile” is a legal term of art; it means “a person’s legal home,” according to Black’s law dictionary, and is often used synonymously with “citizenship.” Wong Kim Ark’s parents were not allowed to become citizens because the U.S. had entered into a nefarious treaty with the Emperor of China that refused to recognize their natural right to emigrate, but they were “domiciled” in the United States, which is to say, lawfully present in the United States. The holding of the case, as opposed to its broader dicta, does not mandate citizenship for children born to those who are unlawfully present in the United States, and it does not even mandate citizenship for those who are visiting the United States temporarily but lawfully. In both cases, the children, through their parents, retain allegiance to their parents’ home country — to a “foreign power,” to return to the language of the 1866 Civil Rights Act. They are therefore not “subject to the jurisdiction” of the United States in the way intended by the 14th Amendment, and therefore not automatic citizens.

Read more at: Birthright Citizenship -- Reform It without Repealing the 14th Amendment | National Review Online
Missed the obvious in US v Wong, the dissent in which it is quite clear when they warned that Shit, with this ruling now you can just come here, drop a baby, and it's American, yikes. And, it's been that way ever since...
Identical rhetoric. The affect on employment, elections, crime, welfare.

Same bullshit, different century.

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TRUMP: “When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best."

Same bullshit, different century.

The Last Yankee, surrounded by immigrant children:

Poor guy, he let all the disease-ridden sub-humans into his country...
That's the real fear underlying the nativist rhetoric of past and present. It's racial.
Oh yeah. Always happens when times are hard. Americans blame the new guy, doesn't matter who he is...
Scapegoats are always better. Jews, Mexicans, Irish, Italians, Germans, Muslims. It beats blaming oneself.
The Last Yankee, surrounded by immigrant children:

Poor guy, he let all the disease-ridden sub-humans into his country...
That's the real fear underlying the nativist rhetoric of past and present. It's racial.
Oh yeah. Always happens when times are hard. Americans blame the new guy, doesn't matter who he is...
Scapegoats are always better. Jews, Mexicans, Irish, Italians, Germans, Muslims. It beats blaming oneself.
They let the politics be bought, the media be consolidated, the corporations rule, the kids get stupid, the jobs go away, and the place fall apart. Has to be the fault of those fucking Beaners, mowing the lawns...
TRUMP: “When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best."

Same bullshit, different century.


I live in Galway. Could we get that poor house back, it would be worth a fortune...

Again the simplest solution to illegal immigration is to invest in Mexico...
TRUMP: “When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best."

Same bullshit, different century.


I live in Galway. Could we get that poor house back, it would be worth a fortune...

Again the simplest solution to illegal immigration is to invest in Mexico...

My hope is that the modern day nativist will realize the stereotyping of their own ancestors as sub-human vermin was wrong, and so probably the same stereotyping they are buying into today ("They bring crime. They're rapists") is equally wrong.

Same bullshit, different century.

ETA: Of all the countries I have visited/lived in, Ireland was by far my favorite.
The Last Yankee, surrounded by immigrant children:


So these immigrants who they are describing are the same as Friedrich Drumpf emigrated to New York City in 1885 and worked as a barber for six years, becoming a naturalized US citizen in 1892[.

He then went and ran brothels during the Gold Rush which I think made him an immigrant involved in illegal activity.
TRUMP: “When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best."

Same bullshit, different century.


I live in Galway. Could we get that poor house back, it would be worth a fortune...

Again the simplest solution to illegal immigration is to invest in Mexico...

My hope is that the modern day nativist will realize the stereotyping of their own ancestors as sub-human vermin was wrong, and so probably the same stereotyping they are buying into today ("They bring crime. They're rapists") is equally wrong.

Same bullshit, different century.

ETA: Of all the countries I have visited/lived in, Ireland was by far my favorite.
Certainly there's a racist element. There is a racist element to the Obama hysteria. But it is a bit of the crazy to have system where people can sneak in illegally, give birth and create a new citizen. And that is different from the Obama hysteria. What rattles cages with Obama is that a interracial guy who spent a good part of his youth going to school in another country is not so unusual as to preclude him getting elected potus. That's nuts. Realizing our immigration laws are screwed up, is not crazy.

And both parties have interests in the immigration thing that are not necessarily good for America. So, when Trump says non-PC things about immigration, it has a certain appeal even to non-bigot elements.
TRUMP: “When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best."

Same bullshit, different century.


I live in Galway. Could we get that poor house back, it would be worth a fortune...

Again the simplest solution to illegal immigration is to invest in Mexico...

My hope is that the modern day nativist will realize the stereotyping of their own ancestors as sub-human vermin was wrong, and so probably the same stereotyping they are buying into today ("They bring crime. They're rapists") is equally wrong.

Same bullshit, different century.

ETA: Of all the countries I have visited/lived in, Ireland was by far my favorite.


Thanks for the compliment.

No chance of getting back that house, Oh well...

The simple way and cheapest way of stopping illegal immigration is to help mexico set up better security and infrasturce, cut out corruption...
Honestly Ireland was a mess in 1973, we were as close to Third world. We joined the EU and within 20 years we were very much 1st world and 10 years later one of the richest countries in the world.

Look at Poland and Latvia compared to Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus...

The EU allowed Ireland to clean up corruption using the European courts. No longer could the catholic church and government insiders act with little regard for the people. Money was invested in security( our police was riddled with IRA activists), infrastructure (Roads and telecoms),.... This brought investment and a high education and low tax allowed us to compete... The Multinationals stayed mainly due to being a very business friendly economy (it is not all about tax)...

We have about 50,000 illegal Irish immigrants in the US, they are not really economic but are there for lifestyle, have friends and familly there... Irish like America and alway has, the East coast has a lot of Irishness in it...

But back to Mexicans, Most Mexicans want to live in Mexico, let them...

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