No sane country’ would allow anchor babies or reward illegals

"there were immigrants and they were dealt with......................."

good one idiot. how?
Before that the British Empire parts of your immigration policy... But US had one form almost the first day.

18th century[edit]
The United States Constitution was adopted on September 17, 1787. Article I, section 8, clause 4 of the Constitution expressly gives the United States Congress the power to establish a uniform rule of naturalization.[1]

Pursuant to this power, Congress in 1790 passed the first naturalization law for the United States, the Naturalization Act of 1790. The law enabled those who had resided in the country for two years and had kept their current state of residence for a year to apply for citizenship. However it restricted naturalization to "free white persons" of "good moral character".

The Naturalization Act of 1795 increased the residency requirement to five years residence and added a requirement to give a three years notice of intention to apply for citizenship, and theNaturalization Act of 1798 further increased the residency requirement to 14 years and required five years notice of intent to apply for citizenship.

oh goody you can Google idiot. now what part of any of that applies to what we are discussing except to make the point for the other side?
As soon as someone enters our country, they are under our jurisdiction. They can be arrested for breaking our laws.

The only people who are not under our jurisdiction are those who have been accredited by your government as being in the service of their home country and have been granted diplomatic immunity.

It's funny. No matter how many times you explain this to the retards, they STILL don't get it. Willfully stupid.

they can be arrested for breaking our laws loon?

Yes, dipshit, they can. Which means they are under our jurisdiction.

Any more questions, tard, or do you wish to persist in your obtuseness and willful stupidity?
As soon as someone enters our country, they are under our jurisdiction. They can be arrested for breaking our laws.

The only people who are not under our jurisdiction are those who have been accredited by your government as being in the service of their home country and have been granted diplomatic immunity.

It's funny. No matter how many times you explain this to the retards, they STILL don't get it. Willfully stupid.

they can be arrested for breaking our laws loon?

Yes, dipshit, they can. Which means they are under our jurisdiction.

Any more questions, tard?

yes loon; then why isnt your Messiah obama doing his job?
...why isnt your Messiah obama...
Straw man and red herring. I can't talk to people who persist in being idiots.

The illegals are under our jurisdiction, period. Therefore, their children born here are citizens, period.

Now go ahead and carry on to cover up your total ineptitude in the face of facts.
As soon as someone enters our country, they are under our jurisdiction. They can be arrested for breaking our laws.

The only people who are not under our jurisdiction are those who have been accredited by your government as being in the service of their home country and have been granted diplomatic immunity.

It's funny. No matter how many times you explain this to the retards, they STILL don't get it. Willfully stupid.

they can be arrested for breaking our laws loon?

Yes, dipshit, they can. Which means they are under our jurisdiction.

Any more questions, tard, or do you wish to persist in your obtuseness and willful stupidity?

awww you're still butthurt i embarrassed you???

...why isnt your Messiah obama...
Straw man and red herring. I can't talk to people who persist in being idiots.

The illegals are under our jurisdiction, period. Therefore, their children born here are citizens, period.

Now go ahead and carry on to cover up your total ineptitude in the face of facts.

of course you cant say how it's a straw man or a red herring. YOU mentioned being under jurisdiction and the ability to be arrested; so it's a valid point. i never claimed they weren't citizens loser; YOU'RE using a red herring. i said it is a misinterpretation

try again

but we alll know you're a coward dude
tsk tsk tsk

you guys have nothing

you are the ones always saying our nation needs "fundamental change"...................except of course when it applies to groups you want to PANDER TO FOR VOTES

then the 160 year old misinterpretation is just fine with you

idiots and hypocrites
...why isnt your Messiah obama...
Straw man and red herring. I can't talk to people who persist in being idiots.

The illegals are under our jurisdiction, period. Therefore, their children born here are citizens, period.

Now go ahead and carry on to cover up your total ineptitude in the face of facts.

of course you cant say how it's a straw man or a red herring.

But of course I can, willful retard. You said Obama is my messiah. I hate Obama. Ergo, straw man.

We are talking about whether or not illegals are under our jurisdiction. You threw out a red herring about Obama not arresting them. Red herring.

The illegals are under our jurisdiction, period. Therefore, their children born here are citizens, period.

Now go ahead and carry on to cover up your total ineptitude in the face of facts.
People who come here illegally aren't "subject to the jurisdiction thereof".

Then they aren't illegal, retard. And they can't be arrested for breaking our laws.

Now don't you feel stupid?

Then they aren't illegal

They are illegal aliens.

And they can't be arrested for breaking our laws.

Yes they can.
They just can't be drafted, vote, serve on juries and we can't tax them on their foreign earnings, for example.

Now don't you feel stupid?


The 14th was forced into ratification and was added so that slaves and the children of slaves would be recognized as American citizens.

And I doubt those adding it ever gave illegals born in the US one ounce of thought since it wasn't a problem at the time. Its a big problem now.

That part of the 14th is no longer needed and should be updated and revamped big time.
...why isnt your Messiah obama...
Straw man and red herring. I can't talk to people who persist in being idiots.

The illegals are under our jurisdiction, period. Therefore, their children born here are citizens, period.

Now go ahead and carry on to cover up your total ineptitude in the face of facts.

of course you cant say how it's a straw man or a red herring.

But of course I can, willful retard. You said Obama is my messiah. I hate Obama. Ergo, straw man.

We are talking about whether or not illegals are under our jurisdiction. You threw out a red herring about Obama not arresting them.

The illegals are under our jurisdiction, period. Therefore, their children born here are citizens, period.

Now go ahead and carry on to cover up your total ineptitude in the face of facts.
you want to accuse people of "ineptitude in the face of facts" but you made up the FACTS part of it. when did i say they werent citizens/
youre' a coward g5000; and you to resort to the exact same tactics you're falsely acusinig me of

you're just pathetic dude
...why isnt your Messiah obama...
Straw man and red herring. I can't talk to people who persist in being idiots.

The illegals are under our jurisdiction, period. Therefore, their children born here are citizens, period.

Now go ahead and carry on to cover up your total ineptitude in the face of facts.

of course you cant say how it's a straw man or a red herring.

But of course I can, willful retard. You said Obama is my messiah. I hate Obama. Ergo, straw man.

We are talking about whether or not illegals are under our jurisdiction. You threw out a red herring about Obama not arresting them.

The illegals are under our jurisdiction, period. Therefore, their children born here are citizens, period.

Now go ahead and carry on to cover up your total ineptitude in the face of facts.

again loser; when did i say they werent citizens?

Then change the Constitution...

Show us where it says illegal aliens have the right to come here and give birth.
I don't see those words anywhere in our Constitution.

The child is born in the US therefore the child ins a US citizen...

Actually if the Child is conceived in US does that not make hima US citizen.

That is not what the 14th amendment is about. It was passed to grant citizenship to freed slaves, not the children of illegal aliens.
i only mentioned obama when you mentioned they can be arrested. we all know this administration abhors arresting illegals, and the Left offers them SANCTUARY

no straw man there coward; just you avoiding things
People who come here illegally aren't "subject to the jurisdiction thereof".

Then they aren't illegal, retard. And they can't be arrested for breaking our laws.

Now don't you feel stupid?

Then they aren't illegal

They are illegal aliens.

You can't be illegal unless you are breaking the law. You can't break a law unless you are under its jurisdiction.



you arent sayinig anything idiot; just embarrassing yourself again
you want to accuse people of "ineptitude in the face of facts" but you made up the FACTS part of it. when did i say they werent citizens/
youre' a coward g5000; and you to resort to the exact same tactics you're falsely acusinig me of

you're just pathetic dude
So you just jumped into the conversation to toss out a red herring? Why? It added NOTHING to the conversation.
The 14th was forced into ratification and was added so that slaves and the children of slaves would be recognized as American citizens.

And I doubt those adding it ever gave illegals born in the US one ounce of thought since it wasn't a problem at the time. Its a big problem now.

That part of the 14th is no longer needed and should be updated and revamped big time.
So. pass the 28th? That's how it works here.

"In the exercise of its powers under section of the Fourteenth Article of Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, the Congress has determined and hereby declares that any person born after the date
of enactment of this title to a mother who is neither a citizen of the United States nor admitted to the United States as a lawful permanent resident, and which person is a national or citizen of another country of which either of his or her natural parents is a national or citizen, or is entitled upon application to become a national or citizen of such country, shall be considered as born subject to the jurisdiction of that foreign country and not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States within the meaning of section 1 of such Article and shall therefore not be a citizen of the United States or of any State solely by reason of physical presence within the United States at the moment of birth.”

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