No Songs About Lynchings But Killing Police OK

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
Songs about lynchings (not even mentioning race) must be canceled but if you want to sing a song about killing police, that's ok. Our country is going to hell. May God have mercy on our souls. The left are batshit crazy lunatics.

Songs about lynchings (not even mentioning race) must be canceled but if you want to sing a song about killing police, that's ok. Our country is going to hell. May God have mercy on our souls. The left are batshit crazy lunatics.

There’s nothing about lynching in the song. Hysterical groomed woke leftism.
LOL. So, you want to cancel songs about lynching but when it comes to songs about cop killing you don't call for cancelling, you're willing to settle for "it offends you"?
I was clear in how I feel about songs advocating violence against police.

You however defend songs about lynching
UP is still hanging Jeff Davis on a sour apple tree.

Still trying to figure out why small town America got so pussified that they became terrified by events in cities hundreds or thousands of miles away.
There’s nothing about lynching in the song. Hysterical groomed woke leftism.
Bullshit. He describes and advocates “vigilante Justice” (try that in a small town)

This from a guy who grew up in a city (Macon)

Oh and he filmed his video outside a courthouse where a black man WAS lynched
Bullshit. He describes and advocates “vigilante Justice” (try that in a small town)

This from a guy who grew up in a city (Macon)

Oh and he filmed his video outside a courthouse where a black man WAS lynched

Yes, I saw the talking points you were fed on cnn this morning. So in groomed leftist world nothing should ever be filmed in front of that courthouse for something that happened over 100 years ago.
So you defend lynching..


And no I am offended deeply by rap songs that advocate “cop killing”

The race pimp Rev. Jacqui Lewis made the song all about "lynching", not the artist.

And he's right about small towns. If you fuck around, you find out pretty quick.
In Hollywood movies almost all lynchings were commited by evil white men against innocent hapless victims. In real life most 'victims' were guilty of violent crimes and few counties had the tax base for 24/7 police protection and 100's of cops, so tough shit if you were a criminal and got caught. No Pity Party needed.
I was clear in how I feel about songs advocating violence against police.

You however defend songs about lynching
Will you call for the cancelling of songs glorifying violence against police? Or, are you against cancelling songs, even about lynching?
Bullshit. He describes and advocates “vigilante Justice” (try that in a small town)

This from a guy who grew up in a city (Macon)

Oh and he filmed his video outside a courthouse where a black man WAS lynched
So, again, you are for cancelling that song but when it comes to cop killing songs you don't call for their cancellation, you're satisfied with your position that they offend you.
That is an interesting, in depth write up that really shows the divide in the country. Remember, this is the artist who was playing at the worst massacre in American history in Las Vegas, yet sees some romanticized version where small towns don't have gun crime.

Except they do too.
So, again, you are for cancelling that song but when it comes to cop killing songs you don't call for their cancellation, you're satisfied with your position that they offend you.
Look stupid, both offend me. Both should be cancelled (although I don’t have that power)

You however have no problem with lynching it seems

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