No, State Governors Can’t Refuse To Accept Syrian Refugees

A Perez

Gold Member
Jan 26, 2015
"When the national government by treaty or statute has established rules and regulations touching the rights, privileges, obligations or burdens of aliens as such, the treaty or statute is the supreme law of the land," wrote Justice Hugo Black in the 1941 case Hines v. Davidowitz. "No state can add to or take from the force and effect of such treaty or statute."

The key statute here is the Refugee Act of 1980, as noted by ThinkProgress' Ian Millhiser. That 1980 law declared it to be "the historic policy of the United States to respond to the urgent needs of persons subject to persecution in their homelands." It gave the president broad power to handle an "unforeseen emergency refugee situation," such as one involving "grave humanitarian concerns."
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No, they cannot refuse to take refugees, but they certainly can and will make the duck even lamer, cast another long shadow over a miserably failed foreign policy legacy and squash any chance the former SOS might have left to take the White House..

Flooding America with terrorist from Gitmo and thousands of potential terrorist from Syria is not going to be a big selling point. That's a given.
it's comical..instead of outrage at obama all these amateur lawyers and theoreticians post about why it can't be done because the law says...blah...blah..
The people WILL have the final word and if he continues to force them on us, states will begin to secede....
7 years of his anti amercan pathologies are bearing fruit now and people are waking up...

"oh but the constitution says the states can't..blah..blah.." well, we'll have to change that, then, won't we?
it's comical..instead of outrage at obama all these amateur lawyers and theoreticians post about why it can't be done because the law says...blah...blah..
The people WILL have the final word and if he continues to force them on us, states will begin to secede....
Do you make up this nonsense yourself or do you have a source? No state is leaving the union. You tried that before, and got your asses handed to you.
"When the national government by treaty or statute has established rules and regulations touching the rights, privileges, obligations or burdens of aliens as such, the treaty or statute is the supreme law of the land," wrote Justice Hugo Black in the 1941 case Hines v. Davidowitz. "No state can add to or take from the force and effect of such treaty or statute."

The key statute here is the Refugee Act of 1980, as noted by ThinkProgress' Ian Millhiser. That 1980 law declared it to be "the historic policy of the United States to respond to the urgent needs of persons subject to persecution in their homelands." It gave the president broad power to handle an "unforeseen emergency refugee situation," such as one involving "grave humanitarian concerns."

It's way past time we throw out the books from centuries ago. The world's changed and what made sense 200 or so years ago is just getting us killed now.
it's comical..instead of outrage at obama all these amateur lawyers and theoreticians post about why it can't be done because the law says...blah...blah..
The people WILL have the final word and if he continues to force them on us, states will begin to secede....
Do you make up this nonsense yourself or do you have a source? No state is leaving the union. You tried that before, and got your asses handed to you.

collapse is inevitable...patriots have had enough.
They know the statute, but they are trying to send a message. That it. Period.
..and if the "message" isn't received, states will start taking their own actions.
When the choices are to allow a runaway federal government to undermine america or resist...take a guess..

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
The Declaration of Independence is not operable law. The states can't use it as a legal means to this end. If you want to change the law of this land, that's what Constitutional conventions are made for. While I agree with the message, it does not abide by the law.
The Declaration of Independence is not operable law. The states can't use it as a legal means to this end. If you want to change the law of this land, that's what Constitutional conventions are made for. While I agree with the message, it does not abide by the law.

You misunderstand. Of course it isn't "operable law", "counselor".
It stated the cause for the rebellion.
No, they cannot refuse to take refugees, but they certainly can and will make the duck even lamer, cast another long shadow over a miserably failed foreign policy legacy and squash any chance the former SOS might have left to take the White House..

Flooding America with terrorist from Gitmo and thousands of potential terrorist from Syria is not going to be a big selling point. That's a given.

Yup and since Barry is a Dem I think the 2016 elections will be very interesting.

Most folks I know don't want these refugees here and are angry that our Govt. is even considering taking these people in.

Hell. They didn't want those South American kids we taxpayers are now forced to subsidize either.

The 2016 elections should be very interesting.
All of you people who have been so eager to meddle in Middle East affairs, for decades now, are now learning one more unforeseen consequence.
That's why the letters, sent by governors, are addressed to the Speaker of the house and the Senate majority leader.They are wanting legislation
No, they cannot refuse to take refugees, but they certainly can and will make the duck even lamer, cast another long shadow over a miserably failed foreign policy legacy and squash any chance the former SOS might have left to take the White House..

Flooding America with terrorist from Gitmo and thousands of potential terrorist from Syria is not going to be a big selling point. That's a given.

Yup and since Barry is a Dem I think the 2016 elections will be very interesting.

Most folks I know don't want these refugees here and are angry that our Govt. is even considering taking these people in.

Hell. They didn't want those South American kids we taxpayers are now forced to subsidize either.

The 2016 elections should be very interesting.
Yeah, this is a definite wedge issue between the moderates and the radical left of the Democrat party. Bleeding-heart cries for tolerance in the face of terror is not a winning formula.
No, they cannot refuse to take refugees, but they certainly can and will make the duck even lamer, cast another long shadow over a miserably failed foreign policy legacy and squash any chance the former SOS might have left to take the White House..

Flooding America with terrorist from Gitmo and thousands of potential terrorist from Syria is not going to be a big selling point. That's a given.

Yup and since Barry is a Dem I think the 2016 elections will be very interesting.

Most folks I know don't want these refugees here and are angry that our Govt. is even considering taking these people in.

Hell. They didn't want those South American kids we taxpayers are now forced to subsidize either.

The 2016 elections should be very interesting.
Yeah, this is a definite wedge issue between the moderates and the radical left of the Democrat party. Bleeding-heart cries for tolerance in the face of terror is not a winning formula.

I agree. Those bleeding hearts get people killed.

They think everyone is willing to talk, to negotiate when in reality those people just want to kill you.

Bleeding hearts are idiots who need to smarten the fuck up.
No, they cannot refuse to take refugees, but they certainly can and will make the duck even lamer, cast another long shadow over a miserably failed foreign policy legacy and squash any chance the former SOS might have left to take the White House..

Flooding America with terrorist from Gitmo and thousands of potential terrorist from Syria is not going to be a big selling point. That's a given.

Yup and since Barry is a Dem I think the 2016 elections will be very interesting.

Most folks I know don't want these refugees here and are angry that our Govt. is even considering taking these people in.

Hell. They didn't want those South American kids we taxpayers are now forced to subsidize either.

The 2016 elections should be very interesting.
Yeah, this is a definite wedge issue between the moderates and the radical left of the Democrat party. Bleeding-heart cries for tolerance in the face of terror is not a winning formula.

I agree. Those bleeding hearts get people killed.

They think everyone is willing to talk, to negotiate when in reality those people just want to kill you.

Bleeding hearts are idiots who need to smarten the fuck up.
You do realize we're intruding into their safe space.

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