No, State Governors Can’t Refuse To Accept Syrian Refugees

No, they cannot refuse to take refugees, but they certainly can and will make the duck even lamer, cast another long shadow over a miserably failed foreign policy legacy and squash any chance the former SOS might have left to take the White House..

Flooding America with terrorist from Gitmo and thousands of potential terrorist from Syria is not going to be a big selling point. That's a given.

Yup and since Barry is a Dem I think the 2016 elections will be very interesting.

Most folks I know don't want these refugees here and are angry that our Govt. is even considering taking these people in.

Hell. They didn't want those South American kids we taxpayers are now forced to subsidize either.

The 2016 elections should be very interesting.
Especially if obama cancels them.
You leftist loons want the refugees here then you house them and pay for them. Talk is cheap, put up or shut up. We have people on the streets, people doing w/o and we're taking in refugees? No
It's irrelevant. I'd think the governors are assuming they can be forced to give in by the feds.

They probably just want to make a statement about this for future political use.

Politicians do that.
The states should be able to refuse refugees for cause. If they are shitting their pants in fear of every Muslim they lay eyes on, then let them live in ignorance.

Besides, it's not like terrorists don't know how to cross state lines if they get the urge to kill some rednecks instead of urbanites.

In all seriousness, though, we should build some small towns in the middle of the Badlands to settle the refugees while we process them and filter out any bad guys. Call them concentation camps, call them whatever you like, I doubt they would complain. And it would be cheap.

Once their status is determined, they can move on to whatever communities in America will take them in.

Even though they suffered through the marathon bombing, Boston is taking in Syrian refugees. Now that's what real courage and real compassion looks like, pants shitters.

Sure hope your right and none of these so called refugee's turn out to be terrorists. If so hope your house is the first one they hit.

Oh and who do you think is going to be supporting these people?? Why we the taxpayer. Who the fuck else.

We are governed by morons.
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They know the statute, but they are trying to send a message. That's it. Period.
They are not trying, they sent the message. It will be ignored by Obama as is usually the case.
So States are just pretending that they can do it?
They'll block entry.
So they can legally do it? You haven't challenged the Supreme Court ruling in the OP.
Ah, so you think the "refugees" should be brought in via martial law.

Good luck with that. That's the dearest hope of all anti-American scumbags, including our prez.
What is wrong with you people? Do you not understand what just happened in France? You want to increase the chances of terrorist attacks here? Is that what you want? What IS wrong with you?

We can't properly screen those refugees. We don't have access to the Syrian ministry of records. Unless they've committed a crime, we have virtually no way of verifying their identity or of even having any records on them at all. The FBI even recently admitted that we really don't have a way to screen most of the refugees.

What IS wrong with you people? Why don't you all move to a single state and let us send all the refugees there? That way, when bombs start going off among you, no one else will get hurt.
What is wrong with you people? Do you not understand what just happened in France? You want to increase the chances of terrorist attacks here? Is that what you want? What IS wrong with you?

We can't properly screen those refugees. We don't have access to the Syrian ministry of records. Unless they've committed a crime, we have virtually no way of verifying their identity or of even having any records on them at all. The FBI even recently admitted that we really don't have a way to screen most of the refugees.

What IS wrong with you people? Why don't you all move to a single state and let us send all the refugees there? That way, when bombs start going off among you, no one else will get hurt.
What is wrong with them is they WANT what happened in France to happen here. You hear Perez..he's slavering at the thought of states trying to refuse the criminals and terrorists that Obama is trying to bury them under. In his perfect world, terrorists will be escorted into Texas and Oklahoma by riot police, who will shoot anybody who tries to block their entry.

They want war.

And here's the thing...when someone wants to go to war with you, you really don't have a choice but to fight. Paris is learning that, though a bit late. We'll learn it late, too.
Strat is, the states are now going to sue Obama. Will it work? 50-50, but it will take until the end of his term to settle it, and then we will have a repub in there. Problem solved!
it's comical..instead of outrage at obama all these amateur lawyers and theoreticians post about why it can't be done because the law says...blah...blah..
The people WILL have the final word and if he continues to force them on us, states will begin to secede....
7 years of his anti amercan pathologies are bearing fruit now and people are waking up...

"oh but the constitution says the states can't..blah..blah.." well, we'll have to change that, then, won't we?

I'm against bringing in refugees. Have been since the beginning. But with terrorists like you already here in the US, ready to tear the country apart, may as well.
The states should be able to refuse refugees for cause. If they are shitting their pants in fear of every Muslim they lay eyes on, then let them live in ignorance.

Besides, it's not like terrorists don't know how to cross state lines if they get the urge to kill some rednecks instead of urbanites.

In all seriousness, though, we should build some small towns in the middle of the Badlands to settle the refugees while we process them and filter out any bad guys. Call them concentation camps, call them whatever you like, I doubt they would complain. And it would be cheap.

Once their status is determined, they can move on to whatever communities in America will take them in.

Even though they suffered through the marathon bombing, Boston is taking in Syrian refugees. Now that's what real courage and real compassion looks like, pants shitters.

They won't bother killing rednecks. They will hit Washington DC next as they have promised on a video. How many refugees are scheduled for DC?

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