No statue of limitations on illegal immigration.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Just because 20 million people has got pass border patrol agents or overstayed their visas by 20 years and have a passel of anchor babies does not excuse them from deportation and qualify them for amnesty. There is no Statue of Limitation on illegal immigration.

Crossing the border is not jay walking and overstaying your visa by 20 years is not extended vacations. There are laws against jay walking that have consequences. I was caught jay walking by a policeman and he made me go back across the street and cross legally. Point made.

Entering this country illegally and overstaying your visas is a federal crime with the punishment of deportation set forth in the Immigration and Nationality Act Section 237 (a)(1)(B) which says:
"Any alien who is present in the United States in violation of this Act or any other law of the United States is deportable. But this is overlooked by Obama who chose to ignore and change the law and punishment of deportation. He would rather give them all work permits in the form of amnesty although he claim it is not amnesty.

One who has been here 20 years illegally has been breaking our immigrations laws for 20 years and should be the first to be deported.

The right thing to do is the legal thing to do and that is deportation of all of them ASAP. Leaders like Obama is the problem with controlling illegal immigration and securing the border because of his promises of work permits and amnesty with a path to citizenship which is the wrong message to send if you want to control immigration and secure the border. The message is loud and clear. Vote for me and I will give you your friends and family member amnesty and if you can get past border patrol agents and overstay your visa you can stay.
Americans get the message also, that Obama is not serious about stopping illegal immigration and securing the border.

Just because 20 million people has got pass border patrol agents or overstayed their visas by 20 years and have a passel of anchor babies does not excuse them from deportation and qualify them for amnesty. There is no Statue of Limitation on illegal immigration.

Crossing the border is not jay walking and overstaying your visa by 20 years is not extended vacations. There are laws against jay walking that have consequences. I was caught jay walking by a policeman and he made me go back across the street and cross legally. Point made.

Entering this country illegally and overstaying your visas is a federal crime with the punishment of deportation set forth in the Immigration and Nationality Act Section 237 (a)(1)(B) which says:
"Any alien who is present in the United States in violation of this Act or any other law of the United States is deportable. But this is overlooked by Obama who chose to ignore and change the law and punishment of deportation. He would rather give them all work permits in the form of amnesty although he claim it is not amnesty.

One who has been here 20 years illegally has been breaking our immigrations laws for 20 years and should be the first to be deported.

The right thing to do is the legal thing to do and that is deportation of all of them ASAP. Leaders like Obama is the problem with controlling illegal immigration and securing the border because of his promises of work permits and amnesty with a path to citizenship which is the wrong message to send if you want to control immigration and secure the border. The message is loud and clear. Vote for me and I will give you your friends and family member amnesty and if you can get past border patrol agents and overstay your visa you can stay.
Americans get the message also, that Obama is not serious about stopping illegal immigration and securing the border.
libbs will not allow it!!they need the hispanic vote!!

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