no tax return, no place on ballot

Some retailers have gone one step further. They require you to allow them to scan your ID to purchase tobacco products. Companies like Walgreens, Alta and a few others. I refused and told them they could just get my birth date off my drivers license visually. I was told by Walgreens (in a nice voice) that I didn't have to shop there. At Alta, I was told (in a very nasty way) that I didn't have to shop there. Both of them said it was the law. It's not the law. There is information in the strip of your DL that is none of their business and it's an invasion of privacy.

Right. But you support a state forcing a presidential candidate to show their tax returns to the public, and you have no problem with that. :auiqs.jpg:

No, I don't have even an inkling of a problem with that. Since the money from the Corporates are intwined into the Presidency and Federal Elections so securely, they shouldn't have any secrets from us. Romney showed his and his showed a 12% taxable income which hurt him severely. All of a sudden his way of low taxes on himself, his corporations and loopholes stood out. Don't get me wrong, I am not singling out Romney. Many of that income level pay ZERO taxes but aren't running for President. What it shows us is the character of the individual. Of course, Trump has no character so what's he got to lose.

Nobody had a problem with what Romney pays in taxes. 12% is about average. And no, most don't pay nothing in income tax. Just a very small percentage who have the write-offs to not have to pay income tax.

The people who pay no income tax are the bottom 45% of our country. The top 20% pay over 80% of all collected income taxes.

Let's take a look at taxes. You thin income tax is the only tax.


While nearly all Americans pay taxes, the composition of the type of taxes paid is very different for taxpayers at various points in the income distribution. Affluent Americans pay a larger share of their income in individual income taxes, corporate taxes, and estate taxes than do lower-income groups.1 By contrast, lower-income groups owe a greater portion of their earnings for payroll and excise taxes than those who are better off. In fact, taxpayers whose incomes are in the bottom 90 percent of all incomes pay, on average, more in payroll taxes than in income taxes.



You should be able to see that the majority of the top 20% do pay the highest income tax. But the reason for that is, they make over 90% of all the money. Meanwhile the majority of the other taxes are all paid by the other groups. And that includes property tax, sales tax, payroll taxes. So, that belief that the top 20% pays 90% of all taxes is untrue.
For them, they are doing a bangup job. They get all the social benefits, their workers are on Welfare so they don't have to pay them enough to live on, they don't pay a single dime in taxes, the top levels have almost completely tax free lives and live like Kings and Queens. And when they want something, they have enough clout to send in their army of Lobbyists to convince the government to give them what they want. What you mean is, the Government is doing a lousy job for you and I and others like us. But they are doing a bang up job for the people that they actually work for. Hell, they don't even have to write the bills, the Corporations do that for them and the Legislators don't even bother to read them when they pass them.

You are under the naive idea that your vote actually means something. It doesn't. It's there to make you feel good. You don't get a choice except which old white hair old geezer gets the nod that's already been predetermined before hand. Your Representatives just go through the motions to make you feel good and so you won't wake up one day and figure out the scam.

Yes, we do have the power to change things by voting. But first we would have to come out of the friggin coma we are in as a group. It's a group coma sprinkled with magical dust. But, just remember, it's always the other side that's that way, never our side.

You bring up a good point: our vote don't count. So next election and following elections, make sure you don't vote. You show them. Not only that, try to discourage all your friends and family that think like you from voting too. Do your part I always say.

Employers don't base their employee pay on what government gives out. They base it on the going market. If they can get people to work for eight bucks an hour, that's what they'll pay. If they can't find anybody for eight bucks an hour, they raise their offer to nine, if no bites, ten, and it goes on from there. If they get plenty of people to apply for ten bucks an hour, they drop the rate to nine. That's how it works in this country.

Government doesn't give corporations anything. All they can do is take less from them. If you take all the lazy and poor in this country and put them on an island somewhere, nobody would miss them, in fact, society and country would benefit. Take all the rich and corporations and do the same thing, the country collapses.

Or you can regulate the Corporations and tell them if they won't pay their workers a living wage maybe they shouldn't be in business. You know, the way that a small business is forced to operate.

Small businesses are like big businesses in what they pay. No difference. Until we no longer live in a free country, we don't force anybody to do anything in private matters. It's their concern--not governments. And if government doesn't want to give them welfare or food stamps, they have my approval to discontinue them.

A small business pays their fair share of taxes. They don't get the big loopholes. And they usually pay a higher wage and get the better workers than the corporates do. They also have a much lower profit margin. If they don't meet a certain profit then they can't take hat in hand to the Government and get help. They go out of business. No bailout, no extra tax breaks, nothing. Corporations should be treated exactly like small business. Either make it or go out of business. No Company should be too big to fail.

I've worked for small business most of my life. They do things the same way large companies do. In fact, larger companies pay better money for the same kind of work in most cases. When Commie Care started, most of the small businesses dropped their employee coverage while larger companies kept that benefit to their employees.

I created small businesses and one large one. All but one small one was successful. But, hey, you can't learn how to win if you don't know how to lose. Not once did I try and even get a loan much less a government bailout. And I paid better than the corporates did with better benefits. Including Health. I fully retired before the ACA so I can't compare it to that. But I can compare it to companies like Walmart who is a Corporate Welfare Queen and Slave Employer.
I don't think so.

What exactly do you think would get done, if Trump released his tax returns? Nothing. His tax returns would simply be a political football to kick around by the Democrats, and he knows that.

My reply was in discussion about why this would not apply to other politicians if people were wanting transparency. But since you said what you did, I will once again note that Trump said more than once he would release them. Why Lie?

Even more ironic, having that political football to kick around, would serve as a distraction from getting stuff done. People would be screaming back and fourth over his tax return, and accomplishing nothing.

He isn't getting stuff done.

And while you say it is a legitimate question to ask of everyone.... why? What business is it of yours? Are you suggesting that there is something illegal in his tax return, that magically the IRS which prosecutes people every single year on this, was giving him a free pass on? Do you have any evidence to warrant that accusation? If so, file it in court, to have his tax return made public.

But of course there is nothing to suggest that Trump has done anything wrong.

So why is someone's tax return your business? Why is someone who has done nothing wrong, and no evidence of doing anything wrong, to have his tax returns looked through?

Because he said he would.

Politicians lie all the time. All of them. Why did Hillary lie about classified information on a private email server? Why did she lie about a obscure video on the internet, causing a spontaneous riot the killed a US diplomat?

I refused to vote for her because she did lie all the time. Again, I supported Sanders. Can you show where he lies "all the time"?

I'll take Trump changing his mind on releasing a tax return, over bold faced lies about national security and the murdering of a diplomat, any day.

He lied. The reason he had no problem doing so is he knew that there would be plenty of those like yourself that would cover for them. That's why so many have no problem lying.

You are talking about Trump changing his mind on a tax return, over bold faced lies about very important issues, to... I don't want to release my tax return now.

No I am not. You are trying to spin it that way. Trump has lied about all kinds of things also. I consider health care a very important aspect also. I'm still waiting for the great plan he had that we all were going to love. I'm still waiting on Mexico paying for the wall.

That's not even really a lie. I wager at the time he said he would release his tax return, and then after realized the Democraps would use it as a political football, and decided not to.

Big deal. If you can prove wrong doing, then do so. Until then, people can change their minds on things. You have never said you would do X, and then later changed your mind? Why is that ok for you, but not Trump? Or do you expect me to believe you have never changed your mind on anything in your life?

Trump lies constantly. Even when it is shown to him that he said something he claims he never said he lies about it. Trump is very much like Hillary. They will lie even when the truth is a better answer.

I'm not entirely sure if Sanders lies or not. I think he does, because he says things that are clearly garbage, like we can get the rich to pay for all our free stuff.

He never said that. That's an example of you lying.

What are you talking about? I just pulled up Bernie Sanders own web site, and read it.

It says on his own web site, that we can pay for everything with a "Robin-hood Tax". How much more clearer, do you need this to be?

See, now you are sounding more like the Trump people you decry all the time. "He didn't say that directly in literal "We'll eat the rich" words"..... is that seriously your argument?

If you are going to act no better defending Bernie, than Trump people defending Trump, then maybe you should stop complaining about them, when you are doing the same thing.
My reply was in discussion about why this would not apply to other politicians if people were wanting transparency. But since you said what you did, I will once again note that Trump said more than once he would release them. Why Lie?

He isn't getting stuff done.

Because he said he would.

Politicians lie all the time. All of them. Why did Hillary lie about classified information on a private email server? Why did she lie about a obscure video on the internet, causing a spontaneous riot the killed a US diplomat?

I refused to vote for her because she did lie all the time. Again, I supported Sanders. Can you show where he lies "all the time"?

I'll take Trump changing his mind on releasing a tax return, over bold faced lies about national security and the murdering of a diplomat, any day.

He lied. The reason he had no problem doing so is he knew that there would be plenty of those like yourself that would cover for them. That's why so many have no problem lying.

You are talking about Trump changing his mind on a tax return, over bold faced lies about very important issues, to... I don't want to release my tax return now.

No I am not. You are trying to spin it that way. Trump has lied about all kinds of things also. I consider health care a very important aspect also. I'm still waiting for the great plan he had that we all were going to love. I'm still waiting on Mexico paying for the wall.

That's not even really a lie. I wager at the time he said he would release his tax return, and then after realized the Democraps would use it as a political football, and decided not to.

Big deal. If you can prove wrong doing, then do so. Until then, people can change their minds on things. You have never said you would do X, and then later changed your mind? Why is that ok for you, but not Trump? Or do you expect me to believe you have never changed your mind on anything in your life?

Trump lies constantly. Even when it is shown to him that he said something he claims he never said he lies about it. Trump is very much like Hillary. They will lie even when the truth is a better answer.

I'm not entirely sure if Sanders lies or not. I think he does, because he says things that are clearly garbage, like we can get the rich to pay for all our free stuff.

He never said that. That's an example of you lying.

What are you talking about? I just pulled up Bernie Sanders own web site, and read it.

It says on his own web site, that we can pay for everything with a "Robin-hood Tax". How much more clearer, do you need this to be?

That's not what you said. People like yourself help me understand the attraction to Trump.
You bring up a good point: our vote don't count. So next election and following elections, make sure you don't vote. You show them. Not only that, try to discourage all your friends and family that think like you from voting too. Do your part I always say.

Employers don't base their employee pay on what government gives out. They base it on the going market. If they can get people to work for eight bucks an hour, that's what they'll pay. If they can't find anybody for eight bucks an hour, they raise their offer to nine, if no bites, ten, and it goes on from there. If they get plenty of people to apply for ten bucks an hour, they drop the rate to nine. That's how it works in this country.

Government doesn't give corporations anything. All they can do is take less from them. If you take all the lazy and poor in this country and put them on an island somewhere, nobody would miss them, in fact, society and country would benefit. Take all the rich and corporations and do the same thing, the country collapses.

Or you can regulate the Corporations and tell them if they won't pay their workers a living wage maybe they shouldn't be in business. You know, the way that a small business is forced to operate.

Small businesses are like big businesses in what they pay. No difference. Until we no longer live in a free country, we don't force anybody to do anything in private matters. It's their concern--not governments. And if government doesn't want to give them welfare or food stamps, they have my approval to discontinue them.

A small business pays their fair share of taxes. They don't get the big loopholes. And they usually pay a higher wage and get the better workers than the corporates do. They also have a much lower profit margin. If they don't meet a certain profit then they can't take hat in hand to the Government and get help. They go out of business. No bailout, no extra tax breaks, nothing. Corporations should be treated exactly like small business. Either make it or go out of business. No Company should be too big to fail.

I've worked for small business most of my life. They do things the same way large companies do. In fact, larger companies pay better money for the same kind of work in most cases. When Commie Care started, most of the small businesses dropped their employee coverage while larger companies kept that benefit to their employees.

I created small businesses and one large one. All but one small one was successful. But, hey, you can't learn how to win if you don't know how to lose. Not once did I try and even get a loan much less a government bailout. And I paid better than the corporates did with better benefits. Including Health. I fully retired before the ACA so I can't compare it to that. But I can compare it to companies like Walmart who is a Corporate Welfare Queen and Slave Employer.

Slavery ownership implies forcing one to work against their own free will. Nobody works at Walmart unless they want to.

If you don't even understand write-offs and taxes, I doubt you even owned a hotdog stand. As a landlord, I do understand these things. I have to deal with it every year at tax time. Also you seem to have zero understanding of supply and demand in employment.

Back to Walmart, they pay their management and office workers pretty well with benefits. A guy who used to load my truck was in a dilemma because he worked part-time at Walmart, and he advanced to assistant manager. They offered him a full-time position as manager, and he didn't know what to do. Next time I went there, he was gone.

Walmart to hire hundreds of truck drivers, raise salary to nearly $90,000

Or you can regulate the Corporations and tell them if they won't pay their workers a living wage maybe they shouldn't be in business. You know, the way that a small business is forced to operate.

Small businesses are like big businesses in what they pay. No difference. Until we no longer live in a free country, we don't force anybody to do anything in private matters. It's their concern--not governments. And if government doesn't want to give them welfare or food stamps, they have my approval to discontinue them.

A small business pays their fair share of taxes. They don't get the big loopholes. And they usually pay a higher wage and get the better workers than the corporates do. They also have a much lower profit margin. If they don't meet a certain profit then they can't take hat in hand to the Government and get help. They go out of business. No bailout, no extra tax breaks, nothing. Corporations should be treated exactly like small business. Either make it or go out of business. No Company should be too big to fail.

I've worked for small business most of my life. They do things the same way large companies do. In fact, larger companies pay better money for the same kind of work in most cases. When Commie Care started, most of the small businesses dropped their employee coverage while larger companies kept that benefit to their employees.

I created small businesses and one large one. All but one small one was successful. But, hey, you can't learn how to win if you don't know how to lose. Not once did I try and even get a loan much less a government bailout. And I paid better than the corporates did with better benefits. Including Health. I fully retired before the ACA so I can't compare it to that. But I can compare it to companies like Walmart who is a Corporate Welfare Queen and Slave Employer.

Slavery ownership implies forcing one to work against their own free will. Nobody works at Walmart unless they want to.

If you don't even understand write-offs and taxes, I doubt you even owned a hotdog stand. As a landlord, I do understand these things. I have to deal with it every year at tax time. Also you seem to have zero understanding of supply and demand in employment.

Back to Walmart, they pay their management and office workers pretty well with benefits. A guy who used to load my truck was in a dilemma because he worked part-time at Walmart, and he advanced to assistant manager. They offered him a full-time position as manager, and he didn't know what to do. Next time I went there, he was gone.

Walmart to hire hundreds of truck drivers, raise salary to nearly $90,000

View attachment 272341

A large number on that list still owe us from TARP.
Some retailers have gone one step further. They require you to allow them to scan your ID to purchase tobacco products. Companies like Walgreens, Alta and a few others. I refused and told them they could just get my birth date off my drivers license visually. I was told by Walgreens (in a nice voice) that I didn't have to shop there. At Alta, I was told (in a very nasty way) that I didn't have to shop there. Both of them said it was the law. It's not the law. There is information in the strip of your DL that is none of their business and it's an invasion of privacy.

Right. But you support a state forcing a presidential candidate to show their tax returns to the public, and you have no problem with that. :auiqs.jpg:

No, I don't have even an inkling of a problem with that. Since the money from the Corporates are intwined into the Presidency and Federal Elections so securely, they shouldn't have any secrets from us. Romney showed his and his showed a 12% taxable income which hurt him severely. All of a sudden his way of low taxes on himself, his corporations and loopholes stood out. Don't get me wrong, I am not singling out Romney. Many of that income level pay ZERO taxes but aren't running for President. What it shows us is the character of the individual. Of course, Trump has no character so what's he got to lose.

Nobody had a problem with what Romney pays in taxes. 12% is about average. And no, most don't pay nothing in income tax. Just a very small percentage who have the write-offs to not have to pay income tax.

The people who pay no income tax are the bottom 45% of our country. The top 20% pay over 80% of all collected income taxes.

Let's take a look at taxes. You thin income tax is the only tax.


While nearly all Americans pay taxes, the composition of the type of taxes paid is very different for taxpayers at various points in the income distribution. Affluent Americans pay a larger share of their income in individual income taxes, corporate taxes, and estate taxes than do lower-income groups.1 By contrast, lower-income groups owe a greater portion of their earnings for payroll and excise taxes than those who are better off. In fact, taxpayers whose incomes are in the bottom 90 percent of all incomes pay, on average, more in payroll taxes than in income taxes.



You should be able to see that the majority of the top 20% do pay the highest income tax. But the reason for that is, they make over 90% of all the money. Meanwhile the majority of the other taxes are all paid by the other groups. And that includes property tax, sales tax, payroll taxes. So, that belief that the top 20% pays 90% of all taxes is untrue.

This tired ole worn out argument again????

Your payroll taxes come back to you and more if you live the average lifespan in the US. Your payroll taxes consist of Social Security, Medicare, Federal Withholding which is a fancy word for Social Security, and the rest are local taxes which supplies you with streets, highways, police and fire protection just to name a few.

So unless you die before retirement, you get all that tax money back and much more. The older you live, the more you get back even though you didn't pay for it.

Income taxes are different. they go to supply all our social programs, our military, foreign aid, hundreds of subsidies, just all the things that add to our 4 trillion dollar a year (and more) spending. The people who pay that tax see very little of it come back.
Small businesses are like big businesses in what they pay. No difference. Until we no longer live in a free country, we don't force anybody to do anything in private matters. It's their concern--not governments. And if government doesn't want to give them welfare or food stamps, they have my approval to discontinue them.

A small business pays their fair share of taxes. They don't get the big loopholes. And they usually pay a higher wage and get the better workers than the corporates do. They also have a much lower profit margin. If they don't meet a certain profit then they can't take hat in hand to the Government and get help. They go out of business. No bailout, no extra tax breaks, nothing. Corporations should be treated exactly like small business. Either make it or go out of business. No Company should be too big to fail.

I've worked for small business most of my life. They do things the same way large companies do. In fact, larger companies pay better money for the same kind of work in most cases. When Commie Care started, most of the small businesses dropped their employee coverage while larger companies kept that benefit to their employees.

I created small businesses and one large one. All but one small one was successful. But, hey, you can't learn how to win if you don't know how to lose. Not once did I try and even get a loan much less a government bailout. And I paid better than the corporates did with better benefits. Including Health. I fully retired before the ACA so I can't compare it to that. But I can compare it to companies like Walmart who is a Corporate Welfare Queen and Slave Employer.

Slavery ownership implies forcing one to work against their own free will. Nobody works at Walmart unless they want to.

If you don't even understand write-offs and taxes, I doubt you even owned a hotdog stand. As a landlord, I do understand these things. I have to deal with it every year at tax time. Also you seem to have zero understanding of supply and demand in employment.

Back to Walmart, they pay their management and office workers pretty well with benefits. A guy who used to load my truck was in a dilemma because he worked part-time at Walmart, and he advanced to assistant manager. They offered him a full-time position as manager, and he didn't know what to do. Next time I went there, he was gone.

Walmart to hire hundreds of truck drivers, raise salary to nearly $90,000

View attachment 272341

A large number on that list still owe us from TARP.

Yeah, it's just killing us, isn't it?

U.S. ends TARP with $15.3 billion profit
A small business pays their fair share of taxes. They don't get the big loopholes. And they usually pay a higher wage and get the better workers than the corporates do. They also have a much lower profit margin. If they don't meet a certain profit then they can't take hat in hand to the Government and get help. They go out of business. No bailout, no extra tax breaks, nothing. Corporations should be treated exactly like small business. Either make it or go out of business. No Company should be too big to fail.

I've worked for small business most of my life. They do things the same way large companies do. In fact, larger companies pay better money for the same kind of work in most cases. When Commie Care started, most of the small businesses dropped their employee coverage while larger companies kept that benefit to their employees.

I created small businesses and one large one. All but one small one was successful. But, hey, you can't learn how to win if you don't know how to lose. Not once did I try and even get a loan much less a government bailout. And I paid better than the corporates did with better benefits. Including Health. I fully retired before the ACA so I can't compare it to that. But I can compare it to companies like Walmart who is a Corporate Welfare Queen and Slave Employer.

Slavery ownership implies forcing one to work against their own free will. Nobody works at Walmart unless they want to.

If you don't even understand write-offs and taxes, I doubt you even owned a hotdog stand. As a landlord, I do understand these things. I have to deal with it every year at tax time. Also you seem to have zero understanding of supply and demand in employment.

Back to Walmart, they pay their management and office workers pretty well with benefits. A guy who used to load my truck was in a dilemma because he worked part-time at Walmart, and he advanced to assistant manager. They offered him a full-time position as manager, and he didn't know what to do. Next time I went there, he was gone.

Walmart to hire hundreds of truck drivers, raise salary to nearly $90,000

View attachment 272341

A large number on that list still owe us from TARP.

Yeah, it's just killing us, isn't it?

U.S. ends TARP with $15.3 billion profit

That's a lie. I just covered this the other night. Odds are you saw it.

They paid back Tarp funds with other "loans" like Harp which were never paid back. They thought no one would notice.
Or you can regulate the Corporations and tell them if they won't pay their workers a living wage maybe they shouldn't be in business. You know, the way that a small business is forced to operate.

Small businesses are like big businesses in what they pay. No difference. Until we no longer live in a free country, we don't force anybody to do anything in private matters. It's their concern--not governments. And if government doesn't want to give them welfare or food stamps, they have my approval to discontinue them.

A small business pays their fair share of taxes. They don't get the big loopholes. And they usually pay a higher wage and get the better workers than the corporates do. They also have a much lower profit margin. If they don't meet a certain profit then they can't take hat in hand to the Government and get help. They go out of business. No bailout, no extra tax breaks, nothing. Corporations should be treated exactly like small business. Either make it or go out of business. No Company should be too big to fail.

I've worked for small business most of my life. They do things the same way large companies do. In fact, larger companies pay better money for the same kind of work in most cases. When Commie Care started, most of the small businesses dropped their employee coverage while larger companies kept that benefit to their employees.

I created small businesses and one large one. All but one small one was successful. But, hey, you can't learn how to win if you don't know how to lose. Not once did I try and even get a loan much less a government bailout. And I paid better than the corporates did with better benefits. Including Health. I fully retired before the ACA so I can't compare it to that. But I can compare it to companies like Walmart who is a Corporate Welfare Queen and Slave Employer.

Slavery ownership implies forcing one to work against their own free will. Nobody works at Walmart unless they want to.

If you don't even understand write-offs and taxes, I doubt you even owned a hotdog stand. As a landlord, I do understand these things. I have to deal with it every year at tax time. Also you seem to have zero understanding of supply and demand in employment.

Back to Walmart, they pay their management and office workers pretty well with benefits. A guy who used to load my truck was in a dilemma because he worked part-time at Walmart, and he advanced to assistant manager. They offered him a full-time position as manager, and he didn't know what to do. Next time I went there, he was gone.

Walmart to hire hundreds of truck drivers, raise salary to nearly $90,000

View attachment 272341

You said it yourself that there is quite a shortage of Truck Drivers. And those long haul drivers will be the first to go in the next 10 years to automation. Walmart Drivers are all long haul drivers. So this is a very short term solution.

As for the majority of the employees of Walmart, what I stated is true. The Managers and Drivers make up a very small percentage of the work force as does the office staff. They have a cap on the regular employee's wages and if you are a family of 4, you are just above poverty. It's almost a tradition for a husband and wife to both work there. One takes the paycheck home while the other works for the benefits like health care. But if you are single you are not doing so well and can't afford to get sick. Walmart has a tendency to lay you off or drastically permanently cut your hours while you are sick leave. And if you are working part time (over 60% of the workers) they will move your hours around where it's difficult to have another part time job on the side.

Almost all Walmart normal workers qualify for some kind of Welfare. You and I are paying for them to work there. And Walmart is reaping the Benefits of subsidizing those workers. Deny it if you want to but that is just a plain fact. Walmart is a Corporate Welfare Queen.
Daryl Hunt said:
And the State can use due process to require all candidates to present X number of years of tax returns to be on THEIR ballots.

But You Go Ahead And Believe
What Your Imagination Pulled Out Of The Ether

According to the Constitution, it's allowed. Now prove it otherwise. And because your buddy Rush says so doesn't cut it.

How about you post the Article, Section and Clause that says that.

Small businesses are like big businesses in what they pay. No difference. Until we no longer live in a free country, we don't force anybody to do anything in private matters. It's their concern--not governments. And if government doesn't want to give them welfare or food stamps, they have my approval to discontinue them.

A small business pays their fair share of taxes. They don't get the big loopholes. And they usually pay a higher wage and get the better workers than the corporates do. They also have a much lower profit margin. If they don't meet a certain profit then they can't take hat in hand to the Government and get help. They go out of business. No bailout, no extra tax breaks, nothing. Corporations should be treated exactly like small business. Either make it or go out of business. No Company should be too big to fail.

I've worked for small business most of my life. They do things the same way large companies do. In fact, larger companies pay better money for the same kind of work in most cases. When Commie Care started, most of the small businesses dropped their employee coverage while larger companies kept that benefit to their employees.

I created small businesses and one large one. All but one small one was successful. But, hey, you can't learn how to win if you don't know how to lose. Not once did I try and even get a loan much less a government bailout. And I paid better than the corporates did with better benefits. Including Health. I fully retired before the ACA so I can't compare it to that. But I can compare it to companies like Walmart who is a Corporate Welfare Queen and Slave Employer.

Slavery ownership implies forcing one to work against their own free will. Nobody works at Walmart unless they want to.

If you don't even understand write-offs and taxes, I doubt you even owned a hotdog stand. As a landlord, I do understand these things. I have to deal with it every year at tax time. Also you seem to have zero understanding of supply and demand in employment.

Back to Walmart, they pay their management and office workers pretty well with benefits. A guy who used to load my truck was in a dilemma because he worked part-time at Walmart, and he advanced to assistant manager. They offered him a full-time position as manager, and he didn't know what to do. Next time I went there, he was gone.

Walmart to hire hundreds of truck drivers, raise salary to nearly $90,000

View attachment 272341

You said it yourself that there is quite a shortage of Truck Drivers. And those long haul drivers will be the first to go in the next 10 years to automation. Walmart Drivers are all long haul drivers. So this is a very short term solution.

As for the majority of the employees of Walmart, what I stated is true. The Managers and Drivers make up a very small percentage of the work force as does the office staff. They have a cap on the regular employee's wages and if you are a family of 4, you are just above poverty. It's almost a tradition for a husband and wife to both work there. One takes the paycheck home while the other works for the benefits like health care. But if you are single you are not doing so well and can't afford to get sick. Walmart has a tendency to lay you off or drastically permanently cut your hours while you are sick leave. And if you are working part time (over 60% of the workers) they will move your hours around where it's difficult to have another part time job on the side.

Almost all Walmart normal workers qualify for some kind of Welfare. You and I are paying for them to work there. And Walmart is reaping the Benefits of subsidizing those workers. Deny it if you want to but that is just a plain fact. Walmart is a Corporate Welfare Queen.

Walmart doesn't put people on social programs--Democrat politicians do. If you are unhappy about that, then don't vote Democrat. Walmart has nothing to do with social programs. If Democrats want to pay people to work less hours, Walmart didn't make that call.

Yes there is a severe shortage of truck drivers, but Walmart is paying top scale even for OTR drivers. Others are hiring foreigners to do the job and they are terrible drivers to boot. Some don't even know our language to read the road signs.

Walmart offers the best opportunity for advancement even if you get hired to sweep floors. They will even train people for better positions in the company. But if the only talent you possess is stocking shelves, WTF did you have any kids in the first place? You knew you couldn't afford them when you decided to have kids, and Walmart is not responsible for your irresponsible decisions in life.

You have zero proof that Walmart lays off employees because they are sick. How do I know that? Because it's against the law, and they can get sued for doing something like that. I know, I worked for a company that got sued for doing something similar.
I've worked for small business most of my life. They do things the same way large companies do. In fact, larger companies pay better money for the same kind of work in most cases. When Commie Care started, most of the small businesses dropped their employee coverage while larger companies kept that benefit to their employees.

I created small businesses and one large one. All but one small one was successful. But, hey, you can't learn how to win if you don't know how to lose. Not once did I try and even get a loan much less a government bailout. And I paid better than the corporates did with better benefits. Including Health. I fully retired before the ACA so I can't compare it to that. But I can compare it to companies like Walmart who is a Corporate Welfare Queen and Slave Employer.

Slavery ownership implies forcing one to work against their own free will. Nobody works at Walmart unless they want to.

If you don't even understand write-offs and taxes, I doubt you even owned a hotdog stand. As a landlord, I do understand these things. I have to deal with it every year at tax time. Also you seem to have zero understanding of supply and demand in employment.

Back to Walmart, they pay their management and office workers pretty well with benefits. A guy who used to load my truck was in a dilemma because he worked part-time at Walmart, and he advanced to assistant manager. They offered him a full-time position as manager, and he didn't know what to do. Next time I went there, he was gone.

Walmart to hire hundreds of truck drivers, raise salary to nearly $90,000

View attachment 272341

A large number on that list still owe us from TARP.

Yeah, it's just killing us, isn't it?

U.S. ends TARP with $15.3 billion profit

That's a lie. I just covered this the other night. Odds are you saw it.

They paid back Tarp funds with other "loans" like Harp which were never paid back. They thought no one would notice.

Then post it again because I never saw it. This is your very own CNN reporting BTW.
I created small businesses and one large one. All but one small one was successful. But, hey, you can't learn how to win if you don't know how to lose. Not once did I try and even get a loan much less a government bailout. And I paid better than the corporates did with better benefits. Including Health. I fully retired before the ACA so I can't compare it to that. But I can compare it to companies like Walmart who is a Corporate Welfare Queen and Slave Employer.

Slavery ownership implies forcing one to work against their own free will. Nobody works at Walmart unless they want to.

If you don't even understand write-offs and taxes, I doubt you even owned a hotdog stand. As a landlord, I do understand these things. I have to deal with it every year at tax time. Also you seem to have zero understanding of supply and demand in employment.

Back to Walmart, they pay their management and office workers pretty well with benefits. A guy who used to load my truck was in a dilemma because he worked part-time at Walmart, and he advanced to assistant manager. They offered him a full-time position as manager, and he didn't know what to do. Next time I went there, he was gone.

Walmart to hire hundreds of truck drivers, raise salary to nearly $90,000

View attachment 272341

A large number on that list still owe us from TARP.

Yeah, it's just killing us, isn't it?

U.S. ends TARP with $15.3 billion profit

That's a lie. I just covered this the other night. Odds are you saw it.

They paid back Tarp funds with other "loans" like Harp which were never paid back. They thought no one would notice.

Then post it again because I never saw it. This is your very own CNN reporting BTW.

"Your very own"....that's really stupid.

Banks Repaid Fed Bailout With Other Fed Money: Government Report | HuffPost
A small business pays their fair share of taxes. They don't get the big loopholes. And they usually pay a higher wage and get the better workers than the corporates do. They also have a much lower profit margin. If they don't meet a certain profit then they can't take hat in hand to the Government and get help. They go out of business. No bailout, no extra tax breaks, nothing. Corporations should be treated exactly like small business. Either make it or go out of business. No Company should be too big to fail.

I've worked for small business most of my life. They do things the same way large companies do. In fact, larger companies pay better money for the same kind of work in most cases. When Commie Care started, most of the small businesses dropped their employee coverage while larger companies kept that benefit to their employees.

I created small businesses and one large one. All but one small one was successful. But, hey, you can't learn how to win if you don't know how to lose. Not once did I try and even get a loan much less a government bailout. And I paid better than the corporates did with better benefits. Including Health. I fully retired before the ACA so I can't compare it to that. But I can compare it to companies like Walmart who is a Corporate Welfare Queen and Slave Employer.

Slavery ownership implies forcing one to work against their own free will. Nobody works at Walmart unless they want to.

If you don't even understand write-offs and taxes, I doubt you even owned a hotdog stand. As a landlord, I do understand these things. I have to deal with it every year at tax time. Also you seem to have zero understanding of supply and demand in employment.

Back to Walmart, they pay their management and office workers pretty well with benefits. A guy who used to load my truck was in a dilemma because he worked part-time at Walmart, and he advanced to assistant manager. They offered him a full-time position as manager, and he didn't know what to do. Next time I went there, he was gone.

Walmart to hire hundreds of truck drivers, raise salary to nearly $90,000

View attachment 272341

You said it yourself that there is quite a shortage of Truck Drivers. And those long haul drivers will be the first to go in the next 10 years to automation. Walmart Drivers are all long haul drivers. So this is a very short term solution.

As for the majority of the employees of Walmart, what I stated is true. The Managers and Drivers make up a very small percentage of the work force as does the office staff. They have a cap on the regular employee's wages and if you are a family of 4, you are just above poverty. It's almost a tradition for a husband and wife to both work there. One takes the paycheck home while the other works for the benefits like health care. But if you are single you are not doing so well and can't afford to get sick. Walmart has a tendency to lay you off or drastically permanently cut your hours while you are sick leave. And if you are working part time (over 60% of the workers) they will move your hours around where it's difficult to have another part time job on the side.

Almost all Walmart normal workers qualify for some kind of Welfare. You and I are paying for them to work there. And Walmart is reaping the Benefits of subsidizing those workers. Deny it if you want to but that is just a plain fact. Walmart is a Corporate Welfare Queen.

Walmart doesn't put people on social programs--Democrat politicians do. If you are unhappy about that, then don't vote Democrat. Walmart has nothing to do with social programs. If Democrats want to pay people to work less hours, Walmart didn't make that call.

Yes there is a severe shortage of truck drivers, but Walmart is paying top scale even for OTR drivers. Others are hiring foreigners to do the job and they are terrible drivers to boot. Some don't even know our language to read the road signs.

Walmart offers the best opportunity for advancement even if you get hired to sweep floors. They will even train people for better positions in the company. But if the only talent you possess is stocking shelves, WTF did you have any kids in the first place? You knew you couldn't afford them when you decided to have kids, and Walmart is not responsible for your irresponsible decisions in life.

You have zero proof that Walmart lays off employees because they are sick. How do I know that? Because it's against the law, and they can get sued for doing something like that. I know, I worked for a company that got sued for doing something similar.

Zero Proof? I worked for Walmart for 5 years between adventures. And I filled many different positions. You see it from the seat of a truck. I saw it from inside the store from the backroom (yes, cupcake, I also unloaded trucks) all the way out into the parking lot. With my background and education, I interviewed for Assistant Manager many time but never could bring myself to want that position. And do I have experience otr? Before I went into the Service I drove for a Cattle Transport Company before I took a job with Holly Sugar as a Technician. Can you spell, Draft Notice? So don't give me your superior crap. You are not better, nor, no worse than many of us out here.
I created small businesses and one large one. All but one small one was successful. But, hey, you can't learn how to win if you don't know how to lose. Not once did I try and even get a loan much less a government bailout. And I paid better than the corporates did with better benefits. Including Health. I fully retired before the ACA so I can't compare it to that. But I can compare it to companies like Walmart who is a Corporate Welfare Queen and Slave Employer.

Slavery ownership implies forcing one to work against their own free will. Nobody works at Walmart unless they want to.

If you don't even understand write-offs and taxes, I doubt you even owned a hotdog stand. As a landlord, I do understand these things. I have to deal with it every year at tax time. Also you seem to have zero understanding of supply and demand in employment.

Back to Walmart, they pay their management and office workers pretty well with benefits. A guy who used to load my truck was in a dilemma because he worked part-time at Walmart, and he advanced to assistant manager. They offered him a full-time position as manager, and he didn't know what to do. Next time I went there, he was gone.

Walmart to hire hundreds of truck drivers, raise salary to nearly $90,000

View attachment 272341

A large number on that list still owe us from TARP.

Yeah, it's just killing us, isn't it?

U.S. ends TARP with $15.3 billion profit

That's a lie. I just covered this the other night. Odds are you saw it.

They paid back Tarp funds with other "loans" like Harp which were never paid back. They thought no one would notice.

Then post it again because I never saw it. This is your very own CNN reporting BTW.

I would also like to see it. But I do know it fell a little short overall in the Auto Industry. Your own Cite shows that.
What people don't understand is we are the innovator of many drugs in 70'sthe world. But it's a tedious task as well.

It takes anywhere form 5 to 10 years for a new drug to hit the American market thanks to the FDA and trial lawyers. When a company creates a new drug, it has to undergo all kinds of government testing. It's also hundreds of thousands pieces of paperwork that goes along with it.

But after (let's say) you spent the hundreds of millions of dollars for all this government testing. You invested 7 years of combatting red tape, and now the FDA simply says "No thanks, we will not approve it!" What do you do?

What you do is increase the price of the drugs you already have on the market. That's the problem.

But oh! other countries pay less for drugs than we do!!!! This is true, but other countries also never had to do the testing that our companies have to. So if the drug makes it to our market, they can charge much cheaper prices in other countries where the cost to market the drug is almost nothing because we paid for all the mandated research.

Then there is the liability issue no other country has. Somebody here dies because of a drug. The family can sue them right out of business. So the manufacture of the drugs needs to include a liability cost because somebody somewhere in the US is going to sue them, and we have to pay for that as well.
US citizens pay so the rest of the world can have cheap drugs? That's your preferred method?

The drugs are cheap in other countries because they have universal healthcare and their government REFUSES to pay the outrageous prices.

We don't have those same government protections because our system is based on profit. Billions and billions of our healthcare dollars do not go to healthcare. They go to insurance company and private healthcare profits. We even have to give up our access to the United States court system in order to receive treatment in many cases through forced arbitration agreements.

We fall further and further behind the rest of the first world.

No, it's called overhead. US companies make drugs in the US because we are their largest market. To produce those drugs here, it's a lot of overhead. They don't have that overhead in Canada or overseas. When they sell those countries our drugs, it's almost all profit, something that isn't reality in the US.

Not having socialized medicine is not why it's more expensive here, it's bureaucracies and trail lawyers. Bureaucracies are people that virtually guarantee a Democrat vote, and trial lawyers contribute big bucks to the DNC come election time. Republicans ignore the problem because most of our representatives are former lawyers. They are looking out for their own.
You really think they charge less overseas because they just don't desire the extra profit $$$??

If that's the case then wtf aren't they charging the exorbitant prices to those other countries and let their own fellow American citizens have the cheap prices? How un-fucking-American is that???

They don't have to use American citizens to re-coup these R&D costs.They can re-coup them anywhere.

Jeebus isn't that what Trump has been flailing about? Unfair trade? Is he okay with Americans getting screwed on RX prices while citizens of other countries get the good deals?

You don't make a lick of sense. Dementia has done set in on you pal. RX prices are high because Americans bend over for the rich. Every single time.

Prices are high here because the costs are high here. Why should a company screw another country because our cost to market a drug is so much higher here? It's only fair that countries that cost the manufacturers much less have lower prices, and the countries that cause the expense of their product pay more.
What the hell does fair have to do with it? America first. We get screwed on trade everyday by other countries.

You claim Americans should be gouged because the drug was developed in this country by our workers and with our resources, and we should sell it to other countries cheap because they didn't have to do anything except pay a small profit.

If we develop the best drugs in the world, we should be charging premium prices to other countries. Not nearly giving them away and making Americans pay for it all.

You are reaching. It's a bad look. It's a really stupid look.

Other countries protect drug companies form the slip and fall lawyers, the US doesn't. That makes the cost of doing business in the US many times more expensive. You children that have never been in business have no clue what you're talking about.

Slavery ownership implies forcing one to work against their own free will. Nobody works at Walmart unless they want to.

If you don't even understand write-offs and taxes, I doubt you even owned a hotdog stand. As a landlord, I do understand these things. I have to deal with it every year at tax time. Also you seem to have zero understanding of supply and demand in employment.

Back to Walmart, they pay their management and office workers pretty well with benefits. A guy who used to load my truck was in a dilemma because he worked part-time at Walmart, and he advanced to assistant manager. They offered him a full-time position as manager, and he didn't know what to do. Next time I went there, he was gone.

Walmart to hire hundreds of truck drivers, raise salary to nearly $90,000

View attachment 272341

A large number on that list still owe us from TARP.

Yeah, it's just killing us, isn't it?

U.S. ends TARP with $15.3 billion profit

That's a lie. I just covered this the other night. Odds are you saw it.

They paid back Tarp funds with other "loans" like Harp which were never paid back. They thought no one would notice.

Then post it again because I never saw it. This is your very own CNN reporting BTW.

I would also like to see it. But I do know it fell a little short overall in the Auto Industry. Your own Cite shows that.

Billions short.
A large number on that list still owe us from TARP.

Yeah, it's just killing us, isn't it?

U.S. ends TARP with $15.3 billion profit

That's a lie. I just covered this the other night. Odds are you saw it.

They paid back Tarp funds with other "loans" like Harp which were never paid back. They thought no one would notice.

Then post it again because I never saw it. This is your very own CNN reporting BTW.

I would also like to see it. But I do know it fell a little short overall in the Auto Industry. Your own Cite shows that.

Billions short.

In all fairness, it's not all paid back yet. many corporations are having trouble paying it back. I think we need to just allow them to fail and get it over and done with.
You must think most western democracies are communist.
You must not think at all.

Someone mentions Medicare and you talk about Communism. So, what Western Democracies who have a way more robust healthcare system than Medicare do you consider Communist? It's that simple.
Yeah, because the government forcing people to buy something under penalty of law, and taking other people's money by threat of force to help pay for it, is not at all totalitarian.

Yeah, you sure showed me, didn't you?

Ok, so you think pretty much all wesern democracies are communist.

Do you hate being forced to pay for potholes too?

Repairing potholes benefit society equally. Forcing one person to pay for another's healthcare is one benefiting at the disadvantage of another.

Repairing potholes benefit society but Medicare doesn't? OK, that's a new one.

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