no tax return, no place on ballot

Yeah, it's just killing us, isn't it?

U.S. ends TARP with $15.3 billion profit

That's a lie. I just covered this the other night. Odds are you saw it.

They paid back Tarp funds with other "loans" like Harp which were never paid back. They thought no one would notice.

Then post it again because I never saw it. This is your very own CNN reporting BTW.

I would also like to see it. But I do know it fell a little short overall in the Auto Industry. Your own Cite shows that.

Billions short.

In all fairness, it's not all paid back yet. many corporations are having trouble paying it back. I think we need to just allow them to fail and get it over and done with.

We were told it was all paid back with a profit.
Oh, so saying "You have to pay to take care of other people" isn't telling anyone else how they have to live?

It's going to happen. Just a matter of time. You can pretend it's still the 19th century if you wish.
And you can pretend unicorns will fart healthcare. What you want is a failure.

I can tell you've never been treated by the VA.

There are occasions an airplane falls from the sky. That does not mean airflight is a failure. We need to hold those who run the VA to a different standard than what we do. I will not argue otherwise but then again, there should be far fewer being treated.
There should be fewer being treated...but you want to put the whole country under the VA or similar government-run healthcare?

Bernie lied to you. And you just ate it up.

People love Medicare. Go ahead, try and end it.

Medicare kills more people than guns.

It's going to happen. Just a matter of time. You can pretend it's still the 19th century if you wish.
And you can pretend unicorns will fart healthcare. What you want is a failure.

I can tell you've never been treated by the VA.

There are occasions an airplane falls from the sky. That does not mean airflight is a failure. We need to hold those who run the VA to a different standard than what we do. I will not argue otherwise but then again, there should be far fewer being treated.
There should be fewer being treated...but you want to put the whole country under the VA or similar government-run healthcare?

Bernie lied to you. And you just ate it up.

People love Medicare. Go ahead, try and end it.

Medicare kills more people than guns.


Everyone on Medicare does end up dying. No disagreement there.
Democrats love creating problems like this. It costs God knows how many millions of dollars to fight this through the court system only to eventually be overturned. The Democrats know this quite well, but hell, it's not their money, so why should they care?

These political stunts are getting too costly. Get rid of all Democrats in power and we can end these little antics of theirs.

And we can get rid of the Corporate total control of the government as well where the phrase "For the People, by the People" have become a laughing stock. Figure out how to do that and you can have my support.

Prior to Trump, we had the highest corporate tax rate in the industrialized world. DumBama and many other Presidents saddled them with more choking regulations than you can shake a stick at.

There is no corporate control of our government because corporations are too small of a vote to cater to. It's all in your head. If corporations have control of our government, they are doing a pretty lousy job at it.

For them, they are doing a bangup job. They get all the social benefits, their workers are on Welfare so they don't have to pay them enough to live on, they don't pay a single dime in taxes, the top levels have almost completely tax free lives and live like Kings and Queens. And when they want something, they have enough clout to send in their army of Lobbyists to convince the government to give them what they want. What you mean is, the Government is doing a lousy job for you and I and others like us. But they are doing a bang up job for the people that they actually work for. Hell, they don't even have to write the bills, the Corporations do that for them and the Legislators don't even bother to read them when they pass them.

You are under the naive idea that your vote actually means something. It doesn't. It's there to make you feel good. You don't get a choice except which old white hair old geezer gets the nod that's already been predetermined before hand. Your Representatives just go through the motions to make you feel good and so you won't wake up one day and figure out the scam.

Yes, we do have the power to change things by voting. But first we would have to come out of the friggin coma we are in as a group. It's a group coma sprinkled with magical dust. But, just remember, it's always the other side that's that way, never our side.

You bring up a good point: our vote don't count. So next election and following elections, make sure you don't vote. You show them. Not only that, try to discourage all your friends and family that think like you from voting too. Do your part I always say.

Employers don't base their employee pay on what government gives out. They base it on the going market. If they can get people to work for eight bucks an hour, that's what they'll pay. If they can't find anybody for eight bucks an hour, they raise their offer to nine, if no bites, ten, and it goes on from there. If they get plenty of people to apply for ten bucks an hour, they drop the rate to nine. That's how it works in this country.

Government doesn't give corporations anything. All they can do is take less from them. If you take all the lazy and poor in this country and put them on an island somewhere, nobody would miss them, in fact, society and country would benefit. Take all the rich and corporations and do the same thing, the country collapses.

Or you can regulate the Corporations and tell them if they won't pay their workers a living wage maybe they shouldn't be in business. You know, the way that a small business is forced to operate.

Really, what part of the Constitution allows the feds to dictate employment contracts.

And we can get rid of the Corporate total control of the government as well where the phrase "For the People, by the People" have become a laughing stock. Figure out how to do that and you can have my support.

Prior to Trump, we had the highest corporate tax rate in the industrialized world. DumBama and many other Presidents saddled them with more choking regulations than you can shake a stick at.

There is no corporate control of our government because corporations are too small of a vote to cater to. It's all in your head. If corporations have control of our government, they are doing a pretty lousy job at it.

For them, they are doing a bangup job. They get all the social benefits, their workers are on Welfare so they don't have to pay them enough to live on, they don't pay a single dime in taxes, the top levels have almost completely tax free lives and live like Kings and Queens. And when they want something, they have enough clout to send in their army of Lobbyists to convince the government to give them what they want. What you mean is, the Government is doing a lousy job for you and I and others like us. But they are doing a bang up job for the people that they actually work for. Hell, they don't even have to write the bills, the Corporations do that for them and the Legislators don't even bother to read them when they pass them.

You are under the naive idea that your vote actually means something. It doesn't. It's there to make you feel good. You don't get a choice except which old white hair old geezer gets the nod that's already been predetermined before hand. Your Representatives just go through the motions to make you feel good and so you won't wake up one day and figure out the scam.

Yes, we do have the power to change things by voting. But first we would have to come out of the friggin coma we are in as a group. It's a group coma sprinkled with magical dust. But, just remember, it's always the other side that's that way, never our side.

You bring up a good point: our vote don't count. So next election and following elections, make sure you don't vote. You show them. Not only that, try to discourage all your friends and family that think like you from voting too. Do your part I always say.

Employers don't base their employee pay on what government gives out. They base it on the going market. If they can get people to work for eight bucks an hour, that's what they'll pay. If they can't find anybody for eight bucks an hour, they raise their offer to nine, if no bites, ten, and it goes on from there. If they get plenty of people to apply for ten bucks an hour, they drop the rate to nine. That's how it works in this country.

Government doesn't give corporations anything. All they can do is take less from them. If you take all the lazy and poor in this country and put them on an island somewhere, nobody would miss them, in fact, society and country would benefit. Take all the rich and corporations and do the same thing, the country collapses.

Or you can regulate the Corporations and tell them if they won't pay their workers a living wage maybe they shouldn't be in business. You know, the way that a small business is forced to operate.

Really, what part of the Constitution allows the feds to dictate employment contracts.


You mean like a minimum wage? Sorry, you guys already lost that one.
And you can pretend unicorns will fart healthcare. What you want is a failure.

I can tell you've never been treated by the VA.

There are occasions an airplane falls from the sky. That does not mean airflight is a failure. We need to hold those who run the VA to a different standard than what we do. I will not argue otherwise but then again, there should be far fewer being treated.
There should be fewer being treated...but you want to put the whole country under the VA or similar government-run healthcare?

Bernie lied to you. And you just ate it up.

People love Medicare. Go ahead, try and end it.

Medicare kills more people than guns.


Everyone on Medicare does end up dying. No disagreement there.

Medicare makes the medical decisions, not the doctors. They limit the days you can spend in a hospital, skilled nursing and rehabilitation centers. When the limit is reached, you're booted, doesn't matter what shape you're in. You can appeal, if you're lucky you'll get an extra couple of days.

Prior to Trump, we had the highest corporate tax rate in the industrialized world. DumBama and many other Presidents saddled them with more choking regulations than you can shake a stick at.

There is no corporate control of our government because corporations are too small of a vote to cater to. It's all in your head. If corporations have control of our government, they are doing a pretty lousy job at it.

For them, they are doing a bangup job. They get all the social benefits, their workers are on Welfare so they don't have to pay them enough to live on, they don't pay a single dime in taxes, the top levels have almost completely tax free lives and live like Kings and Queens. And when they want something, they have enough clout to send in their army of Lobbyists to convince the government to give them what they want. What you mean is, the Government is doing a lousy job for you and I and others like us. But they are doing a bang up job for the people that they actually work for. Hell, they don't even have to write the bills, the Corporations do that for them and the Legislators don't even bother to read them when they pass them.

You are under the naive idea that your vote actually means something. It doesn't. It's there to make you feel good. You don't get a choice except which old white hair old geezer gets the nod that's already been predetermined before hand. Your Representatives just go through the motions to make you feel good and so you won't wake up one day and figure out the scam.

Yes, we do have the power to change things by voting. But first we would have to come out of the friggin coma we are in as a group. It's a group coma sprinkled with magical dust. But, just remember, it's always the other side that's that way, never our side.

You bring up a good point: our vote don't count. So next election and following elections, make sure you don't vote. You show them. Not only that, try to discourage all your friends and family that think like you from voting too. Do your part I always say.

Employers don't base their employee pay on what government gives out. They base it on the going market. If they can get people to work for eight bucks an hour, that's what they'll pay. If they can't find anybody for eight bucks an hour, they raise their offer to nine, if no bites, ten, and it goes on from there. If they get plenty of people to apply for ten bucks an hour, they drop the rate to nine. That's how it works in this country.

Government doesn't give corporations anything. All they can do is take less from them. If you take all the lazy and poor in this country and put them on an island somewhere, nobody would miss them, in fact, society and country would benefit. Take all the rich and corporations and do the same thing, the country collapses.

Or you can regulate the Corporations and tell them if they won't pay their workers a living wage maybe they shouldn't be in business. You know, the way that a small business is forced to operate.

Really, what part of the Constitution allows the feds to dictate employment contracts.


You mean like a minimum wage? Sorry, you guys already lost that one.

Actually companies get around it by hiring contractors paid by the job.

That's a lie. I just covered this the other night. Odds are you saw it.

They paid back Tarp funds with other "loans" like Harp which were never paid back. They thought no one would notice.

Then post it again because I never saw it. This is your very own CNN reporting BTW.

I would also like to see it. But I do know it fell a little short overall in the Auto Industry. Your own Cite shows that.

Billions short.

In all fairness, it's not all paid back yet. many corporations are having trouble paying it back. I think we need to just allow them to fail and get it over and done with.

We were told it was all paid back with a profit.

Like most fairy tales, it all depends on who is spinning the yarn.
Prior to Trump, we had the highest corporate tax rate in the industrialized world. DumBama and many other Presidents saddled them with more choking regulations than you can shake a stick at.

There is no corporate control of our government because corporations are too small of a vote to cater to. It's all in your head. If corporations have control of our government, they are doing a pretty lousy job at it.

For them, they are doing a bangup job. They get all the social benefits, their workers are on Welfare so they don't have to pay them enough to live on, they don't pay a single dime in taxes, the top levels have almost completely tax free lives and live like Kings and Queens. And when they want something, they have enough clout to send in their army of Lobbyists to convince the government to give them what they want. What you mean is, the Government is doing a lousy job for you and I and others like us. But they are doing a bang up job for the people that they actually work for. Hell, they don't even have to write the bills, the Corporations do that for them and the Legislators don't even bother to read them when they pass them.

You are under the naive idea that your vote actually means something. It doesn't. It's there to make you feel good. You don't get a choice except which old white hair old geezer gets the nod that's already been predetermined before hand. Your Representatives just go through the motions to make you feel good and so you won't wake up one day and figure out the scam.

Yes, we do have the power to change things by voting. But first we would have to come out of the friggin coma we are in as a group. It's a group coma sprinkled with magical dust. But, just remember, it's always the other side that's that way, never our side.

You bring up a good point: our vote don't count. So next election and following elections, make sure you don't vote. You show them. Not only that, try to discourage all your friends and family that think like you from voting too. Do your part I always say.

Employers don't base their employee pay on what government gives out. They base it on the going market. If they can get people to work for eight bucks an hour, that's what they'll pay. If they can't find anybody for eight bucks an hour, they raise their offer to nine, if no bites, ten, and it goes on from there. If they get plenty of people to apply for ten bucks an hour, they drop the rate to nine. That's how it works in this country.

Government doesn't give corporations anything. All they can do is take less from them. If you take all the lazy and poor in this country and put them on an island somewhere, nobody would miss them, in fact, society and country would benefit. Take all the rich and corporations and do the same thing, the country collapses.

Or you can regulate the Corporations and tell them if they won't pay their workers a living wage maybe they shouldn't be in business. You know, the way that a small business is forced to operate.

Really, what part of the Constitution allows the feds to dictate employment contracts.


You mean like a minimum wage? Sorry, you guys already lost that one.

Looks like the states are picking that one up. One at a time. When the people notice that the state next to theirs is living much better it tends to drive changes. Considering that the Red States are much poorer than the blue states, imagine when the rest of the states turn blue. What then?
There are occasions an airplane falls from the sky. That does not mean airflight is a failure. We need to hold those who run the VA to a different standard than what we do. I will not argue otherwise but then again, there should be far fewer being treated.
There should be fewer being treated...but you want to put the whole country under the VA or similar government-run healthcare?

Bernie lied to you. And you just ate it up.

People love Medicare. Go ahead, try and end it.

Medicare kills more people than guns.


Everyone on Medicare does end up dying. No disagreement there.

Medicare makes the medical decisions, not the doctors. They limit the days you can spend in a hospital, skilled nursing and rehabilitation centers. When the limit is reached, you're booted, doesn't matter what shape you're in. You can appeal, if you're lucky you'll get an extra couple of days.


So does insurance. So does your bank account.
For them, they are doing a bangup job. They get all the social benefits, their workers are on Welfare so they don't have to pay them enough to live on, they don't pay a single dime in taxes, the top levels have almost completely tax free lives and live like Kings and Queens. And when they want something, they have enough clout to send in their army of Lobbyists to convince the government to give them what they want. What you mean is, the Government is doing a lousy job for you and I and others like us. But they are doing a bang up job for the people that they actually work for. Hell, they don't even have to write the bills, the Corporations do that for them and the Legislators don't even bother to read them when they pass them.

You are under the naive idea that your vote actually means something. It doesn't. It's there to make you feel good. You don't get a choice except which old white hair old geezer gets the nod that's already been predetermined before hand. Your Representatives just go through the motions to make you feel good and so you won't wake up one day and figure out the scam.

Yes, we do have the power to change things by voting. But first we would have to come out of the friggin coma we are in as a group. It's a group coma sprinkled with magical dust. But, just remember, it's always the other side that's that way, never our side.

You bring up a good point: our vote don't count. So next election and following elections, make sure you don't vote. You show them. Not only that, try to discourage all your friends and family that think like you from voting too. Do your part I always say.

Employers don't base their employee pay on what government gives out. They base it on the going market. If they can get people to work for eight bucks an hour, that's what they'll pay. If they can't find anybody for eight bucks an hour, they raise their offer to nine, if no bites, ten, and it goes on from there. If they get plenty of people to apply for ten bucks an hour, they drop the rate to nine. That's how it works in this country.

Government doesn't give corporations anything. All they can do is take less from them. If you take all the lazy and poor in this country and put them on an island somewhere, nobody would miss them, in fact, society and country would benefit. Take all the rich and corporations and do the same thing, the country collapses.

Or you can regulate the Corporations and tell them if they won't pay their workers a living wage maybe they shouldn't be in business. You know, the way that a small business is forced to operate.

Really, what part of the Constitution allows the feds to dictate employment contracts.


You mean like a minimum wage? Sorry, you guys already lost that one.

Actually companies get around it by hiring contractors paid by the job.


Actually your point is irrelevant.
You must not think at all.

Someone mentions Medicare and you talk about Communism. So, what Western Democracies who have a way more robust healthcare system than Medicare do you consider Communist? It's that simple.
Yeah, because the government forcing people to buy something under penalty of law, and taking other people's money by threat of force to help pay for it, is not at all totalitarian.

Yeah, you sure showed me, didn't you?

Ok, so you think pretty much all wesern democracies are communist.

Do you hate being forced to pay for potholes too?

Repairing potholes benefit society equally. Forcing one person to pay for another's healthcare is one benefiting at the disadvantage of another.

Repairing potholes benefit society but Medicare doesn't? OK, that's a new one.

No, it doesn't. It only benefits people who are on it.
Democrats love creating problems like this. It costs God knows how many millions of dollars to fight this through the court system only to eventually be overturned. The Democrats know this quite well, but hell, it's not their money, so why should they care?

These political stunts are getting too costly. Get rid of all Democrats in power and we can end these little antics of theirs.

And we can get rid of the Corporate total control of the government as well where the phrase "For the People, by the People" have become a laughing stock. Figure out how to do that and you can have my support.

Prior to Trump, we had the highest corporate tax rate in the industrialized world. DumBama and many other Presidents saddled them with more choking regulations than you can shake a stick at.

There is no corporate control of our government because corporations are too small of a vote to cater to. It's all in your head. If corporations have control of our government, they are doing a pretty lousy job at it.

For them, they are doing a bangup job. They get all the social benefits, their workers are on Welfare so they don't have to pay them enough to live on, they don't pay a single dime in taxes, the top levels have almost completely tax free lives and live like Kings and Queens. And when they want something, they have enough clout to send in their army of Lobbyists to convince the government to give them what they want. What you mean is, the Government is doing a lousy job for you and I and others like us. But they are doing a bang up job for the people that they actually work for. Hell, they don't even have to write the bills, the Corporations do that for them and the Legislators don't even bother to read them when they pass them.

You are under the naive idea that your vote actually means something. It doesn't. It's there to make you feel good. You don't get a choice except which old white hair old geezer gets the nod that's already been predetermined before hand. Your Representatives just go through the motions to make you feel good and so you won't wake up one day and figure out the scam.

Yes, we do have the power to change things by voting. But first we would have to come out of the friggin coma we are in as a group. It's a group coma sprinkled with magical dust. But, just remember, it's always the other side that's that way, never our side.

You bring up a good point: our vote don't count. So next election and following elections, make sure you don't vote. You show them. Not only that, try to discourage all your friends and family that think like you from voting too. Do your part I always say.

Employers don't base their employee pay on what government gives out. They base it on the going market. If they can get people to work for eight bucks an hour, that's what they'll pay. If they can't find anybody for eight bucks an hour, they raise their offer to nine, if no bites, ten, and it goes on from there. If they get plenty of people to apply for ten bucks an hour, they drop the rate to nine. That's how it works in this country.

Government doesn't give corporations anything. All they can do is take less from them. If you take all the lazy and poor in this country and put them on an island somewhere, nobody would miss them, in fact, society and country would benefit. Take all the rich and corporations and do the same thing, the country collapses.

Or you can regulate the Corporations and tell them if they won't pay their workers a living wage maybe they shouldn't be in business. You know, the way that a small business is forced to operate.
A Corp will pay workers the value of the job. Mine num wage was supposed to be for kids after school type shit. The more you push for "livable wage" out of every job out there, the more automation will replace the high labor cost. What's next, outlaw automation?
And we can get rid of the Corporate total control of the government as well where the phrase "For the People, by the People" have become a laughing stock. Figure out how to do that and you can have my support.

Prior to Trump, we had the highest corporate tax rate in the industrialized world. DumBama and many other Presidents saddled them with more choking regulations than you can shake a stick at.

There is no corporate control of our government because corporations are too small of a vote to cater to. It's all in your head. If corporations have control of our government, they are doing a pretty lousy job at it.

For them, they are doing a bangup job. They get all the social benefits, their workers are on Welfare so they don't have to pay them enough to live on, they don't pay a single dime in taxes, the top levels have almost completely tax free lives and live like Kings and Queens. And when they want something, they have enough clout to send in their army of Lobbyists to convince the government to give them what they want. What you mean is, the Government is doing a lousy job for you and I and others like us. But they are doing a bang up job for the people that they actually work for. Hell, they don't even have to write the bills, the Corporations do that for them and the Legislators don't even bother to read them when they pass them.

You are under the naive idea that your vote actually means something. It doesn't. It's there to make you feel good. You don't get a choice except which old white hair old geezer gets the nod that's already been predetermined before hand. Your Representatives just go through the motions to make you feel good and so you won't wake up one day and figure out the scam.

Yes, we do have the power to change things by voting. But first we would have to come out of the friggin coma we are in as a group. It's a group coma sprinkled with magical dust. But, just remember, it's always the other side that's that way, never our side.

You bring up a good point: our vote don't count. So next election and following elections, make sure you don't vote. You show them. Not only that, try to discourage all your friends and family that think like you from voting too. Do your part I always say.

Employers don't base their employee pay on what government gives out. They base it on the going market. If they can get people to work for eight bucks an hour, that's what they'll pay. If they can't find anybody for eight bucks an hour, they raise their offer to nine, if no bites, ten, and it goes on from there. If they get plenty of people to apply for ten bucks an hour, they drop the rate to nine. That's how it works in this country.

Government doesn't give corporations anything. All they can do is take less from them. If you take all the lazy and poor in this country and put them on an island somewhere, nobody would miss them, in fact, society and country would benefit. Take all the rich and corporations and do the same thing, the country collapses.

Or you can regulate the Corporations and tell them if they won't pay their workers a living wage maybe they shouldn't be in business. You know, the way that a small business is forced to operate.
A Corp will pay workers the value of the job. Mine num wage was supposed to be for kids after school type shit. The more you push for "livable wage" out of every job out there, the more automation will replace the high labor cost. What's next, outlaw automation?

Minimum wage was started so employers could not take advantage of desperate employees. Of course back then we didn't have nearly the social programs we have today, nor the opportunities. Today, most starting jobs pay more than minimum because not many people will work for that kind of money depending on the job. Minimum wage workers are about 4% of our workforce.
US citizens pay so the rest of the world can have cheap drugs? That's your preferred method?

The drugs are cheap in other countries because they have universal healthcare and their government REFUSES to pay the outrageous prices.

We don't have those same government protections because our system is based on profit. Billions and billions of our healthcare dollars do not go to healthcare. They go to insurance company and private healthcare profits. We even have to give up our access to the United States court system in order to receive treatment in many cases through forced arbitration agreements.

We fall further and further behind the rest of the first world.

No, it's called overhead. US companies make drugs in the US because we are their largest market. To produce those drugs here, it's a lot of overhead. They don't have that overhead in Canada or overseas. When they sell those countries our drugs, it's almost all profit, something that isn't reality in the US.

Not having socialized medicine is not why it's more expensive here, it's bureaucracies and trail lawyers. Bureaucracies are people that virtually guarantee a Democrat vote, and trial lawyers contribute big bucks to the DNC come election time. Republicans ignore the problem because most of our representatives are former lawyers. They are looking out for their own.
You really think they charge less overseas because they just don't desire the extra profit $$$??

If that's the case then wtf aren't they charging the exorbitant prices to those other countries and let their own fellow American citizens have the cheap prices? How un-fucking-American is that???

They don't have to use American citizens to re-coup these R&D costs.They can re-coup them anywhere.

Jeebus isn't that what Trump has been flailing about? Unfair trade? Is he okay with Americans getting screwed on RX prices while citizens of other countries get the good deals?

You don't make a lick of sense. Dementia has done set in on you pal. RX prices are high because Americans bend over for the rich. Every single time.

Prices are high here because the costs are high here. Why should a company screw another country because our cost to market a drug is so much higher here? It's only fair that countries that cost the manufacturers much less have lower prices, and the countries that cause the expense of their product pay more.
What the hell does fair have to do with it? America first. We get screwed on trade everyday by other countries.

You claim Americans should be gouged because the drug was developed in this country by our workers and with our resources, and we should sell it to other countries cheap because they didn't have to do anything except pay a small profit.

If we develop the best drugs in the world, we should be charging premium prices to other countries. Not nearly giving them away and making Americans pay for it all.

You are reaching. It's a bad look. It's a really stupid look.

Other countries protect drug companies form the slip and fall lawyers, the US doesn't. That makes the cost of doing business in the US many times more expensive. You children that have never been in business have no clue what you're talking about.


That old trial lawyer bullshit was trotted out during the Gingrich years, I do believe.

It was the sole reason our healthcare costs were so high. If we could just have tort reform, it would all be fixed.

In modern times, in order to get medical treatment at most places, you are required to give up your access to our United States court system because you are forced to sign an arbitration agreement.

The medical provider selects the arbitrator and the decision is final and binding.

Your arguments are 30 years out of date.
Minimum wage was started so employers could not take advantage of desperate employees. Of course back then we didn't have nearly the social programs we have today, nor the opportunities. Today, most starting jobs pay more than minimum because not many people will work for that kind of money depending on the job. Minimum wage workers are about 4% of our workforce.

Immigrants will work for that kind of money. That's why there is such a market for their labor.
There should be fewer being treated...but you want to put the whole country under the VA or similar government-run healthcare?

Bernie lied to you. And you just ate it up.

People love Medicare. Go ahead, try and end it.

Medicare kills more people than guns.


Everyone on Medicare does end up dying. No disagreement there.

Medicare makes the medical decisions, not the doctors. They limit the days you can spend in a hospital, skilled nursing and rehabilitation centers. When the limit is reached, you're booted, doesn't matter what shape you're in. You can appeal, if you're lucky you'll get an extra couple of days.


So does insurance. So does your bank account.

Deflection, is that the best you got?

No, it's called overhead. US companies make drugs in the US because we are their largest market. To produce those drugs here, it's a lot of overhead. They don't have that overhead in Canada or overseas. When they sell those countries our drugs, it's almost all profit, something that isn't reality in the US.

Not having socialized medicine is not why it's more expensive here, it's bureaucracies and trail lawyers. Bureaucracies are people that virtually guarantee a Democrat vote, and trial lawyers contribute big bucks to the DNC come election time. Republicans ignore the problem because most of our representatives are former lawyers. They are looking out for their own.
You really think they charge less overseas because they just don't desire the extra profit $$$??

If that's the case then wtf aren't they charging the exorbitant prices to those other countries and let their own fellow American citizens have the cheap prices? How un-fucking-American is that???

They don't have to use American citizens to re-coup these R&D costs.They can re-coup them anywhere.

Jeebus isn't that what Trump has been flailing about? Unfair trade? Is he okay with Americans getting screwed on RX prices while citizens of other countries get the good deals?

You don't make a lick of sense. Dementia has done set in on you pal. RX prices are high because Americans bend over for the rich. Every single time.

Prices are high here because the costs are high here. Why should a company screw another country because our cost to market a drug is so much higher here? It's only fair that countries that cost the manufacturers much less have lower prices, and the countries that cause the expense of their product pay more.
What the hell does fair have to do with it? America first. We get screwed on trade everyday by other countries.

You claim Americans should be gouged because the drug was developed in this country by our workers and with our resources, and we should sell it to other countries cheap because they didn't have to do anything except pay a small profit.

If we develop the best drugs in the world, we should be charging premium prices to other countries. Not nearly giving them away and making Americans pay for it all.

You are reaching. It's a bad look. It's a really stupid look.

Other countries protect drug companies form the slip and fall lawyers, the US doesn't. That makes the cost of doing business in the US many times more expensive. You children that have never been in business have no clue what you're talking about.


That old trial lawyer bullshit was trotted out during the Gingrich years, I do believe.

It was the sole reason our healthcare costs were so high. If we could just have tort reform, it would all be fixed.

In modern times, in order to get medical treatment at most places, you are required to give up your access to our United States court system because you are forced to sign an arbitration agreement.

The medical provider selects the arbitrator and the decision is final and binding.

Your arguments are 30 years out of date.

I guess you haven't seen all the ads on TV, it's very relevant today. Successful plaintiffs attorneys are multimillionaires, where do you think that money comes from?

Medicare makes the medical decisions, not the doctors. They limit the days you can spend in a hospital, skilled nursing and rehabilitation centers. When the limit is reached, you're booted, doesn't matter what shape you're in. You can appeal, if you're lucky you'll get an extra couple of days.

No different than private insurance.
Medicare makes the medical decisions, not the doctors. They limit the days you can spend in a hospital, skilled nursing and rehabilitation centers. When the limit is reached, you're booted, doesn't matter what shape you're in. You can appeal, if you're lucky you'll get an extra couple of days.

No different than private insurance.

Where do you think the model comes from?


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