no tax return, no place on ballot

You really think they charge less overseas because they just don't desire the extra profit $$$??

If that's the case then wtf aren't they charging the exorbitant prices to those other countries and let their own fellow American citizens have the cheap prices? How un-fucking-American is that???

They don't have to use American citizens to re-coup these R&D costs.They can re-coup them anywhere.

Jeebus isn't that what Trump has been flailing about? Unfair trade? Is he okay with Americans getting screwed on RX prices while citizens of other countries get the good deals?

You don't make a lick of sense. Dementia has done set in on you pal. RX prices are high because Americans bend over for the rich. Every single time.

Prices are high here because the costs are high here. Why should a company screw another country because our cost to market a drug is so much higher here? It's only fair that countries that cost the manufacturers much less have lower prices, and the countries that cause the expense of their product pay more.
What the hell does fair have to do with it? America first. We get screwed on trade everyday by other countries.

You claim Americans should be gouged because the drug was developed in this country by our workers and with our resources, and we should sell it to other countries cheap because they didn't have to do anything except pay a small profit.

If we develop the best drugs in the world, we should be charging premium prices to other countries. Not nearly giving them away and making Americans pay for it all.

You are reaching. It's a bad look. It's a really stupid look.

Other countries protect drug companies form the slip and fall lawyers, the US doesn't. That makes the cost of doing business in the US many times more expensive. You children that have never been in business have no clue what you're talking about.


That old trial lawyer bullshit was trotted out during the Gingrich years, I do believe.

It was the sole reason our healthcare costs were so high. If we could just have tort reform, it would all be fixed.

In modern times, in order to get medical treatment at most places, you are required to give up your access to our United States court system because you are forced to sign an arbitration agreement.

The medical provider selects the arbitrator and the decision is final and binding.

Your arguments are 30 years out of date.

I guess you haven't seen all the ads on TV, it's very relevant today. Successful plaintiffs attorneys are multimillionaires, where do you think that money comes from?


I have not seen one ad about that in recent times. Seriously. We aren't seeing that where I live in California.

I guess they save that kind of advertising for the poor stupid red states. They probably don't even know they are signing arbitration agreements.
Prices are high here because the costs are high here. Why should a company screw another country because our cost to market a drug is so much higher here? It's only fair that countries that cost the manufacturers much less have lower prices, and the countries that cause the expense of their product pay more.
What the hell does fair have to do with it? America first. We get screwed on trade everyday by other countries.

You claim Americans should be gouged because the drug was developed in this country by our workers and with our resources, and we should sell it to other countries cheap because they didn't have to do anything except pay a small profit.

If we develop the best drugs in the world, we should be charging premium prices to other countries. Not nearly giving them away and making Americans pay for it all.

You are reaching. It's a bad look. It's a really stupid look.

Other countries protect drug companies form the slip and fall lawyers, the US doesn't. That makes the cost of doing business in the US many times more expensive. You children that have never been in business have no clue what you're talking about.


That old trial lawyer bullshit was trotted out during the Gingrich years, I do believe.

It was the sole reason our healthcare costs were so high. If we could just have tort reform, it would all be fixed.

In modern times, in order to get medical treatment at most places, you are required to give up your access to our United States court system because you are forced to sign an arbitration agreement.

The medical provider selects the arbitrator and the decision is final and binding.

Your arguments are 30 years out of date.

I guess you haven't seen all the ads on TV, it's very relevant today. Successful plaintiffs attorneys are multimillionaires, where do you think that money comes from?


I have not seen one ad about that in recent times. Seriously. We aren't seeing that where I live in California.

I guess they save that kind of advertising for the poor stupid red states. They probably don't even know they are signing arbitration agreements.

I think you're lying, one of the ads running now is in connection to an aids drug. With all the fagots in CA they have to be running there.

What the hell does fair have to do with it? America first. We get screwed on trade everyday by other countries.

You claim Americans should be gouged because the drug was developed in this country by our workers and with our resources, and we should sell it to other countries cheap because they didn't have to do anything except pay a small profit.

If we develop the best drugs in the world, we should be charging premium prices to other countries. Not nearly giving them away and making Americans pay for it all.

You are reaching. It's a bad look. It's a really stupid look.

Other countries protect drug companies form the slip and fall lawyers, the US doesn't. That makes the cost of doing business in the US many times more expensive. You children that have never been in business have no clue what you're talking about.


That old trial lawyer bullshit was trotted out during the Gingrich years, I do believe.

It was the sole reason our healthcare costs were so high. If we could just have tort reform, it would all be fixed.

In modern times, in order to get medical treatment at most places, you are required to give up your access to our United States court system because you are forced to sign an arbitration agreement.

The medical provider selects the arbitrator and the decision is final and binding.

Your arguments are 30 years out of date.

I guess you haven't seen all the ads on TV, it's very relevant today. Successful plaintiffs attorneys are multimillionaires, where do you think that money comes from?


I have not seen one ad about that in recent times. Seriously. We aren't seeing that where I live in California.

I guess they save that kind of advertising for the poor stupid red states. They probably don't even know they are signing arbitration agreements.

I think you're lying, one of the ads running now is in connection to an aids drug. With all the fagots in CA they have to be running there.

Never seen it. We handle our healthcare differently than the stupid red states. They probably aren't relevant here.
Politicians lie all the time. All of them. Why did Hillary lie about classified information on a private email server? Why did she lie about a obscure video on the internet, causing a spontaneous riot the killed a US diplomat?

I refused to vote for her because she did lie all the time. Again, I supported Sanders. Can you show where he lies "all the time"?

I'll take Trump changing his mind on releasing a tax return, over bold faced lies about national security and the murdering of a diplomat, any day.

He lied. The reason he had no problem doing so is he knew that there would be plenty of those like yourself that would cover for them. That's why so many have no problem lying.

You are talking about Trump changing his mind on a tax return, over bold faced lies about very important issues, to... I don't want to release my tax return now.

No I am not. You are trying to spin it that way. Trump has lied about all kinds of things also. I consider health care a very important aspect also. I'm still waiting for the great plan he had that we all were going to love. I'm still waiting on Mexico paying for the wall.

That's not even really a lie. I wager at the time he said he would release his tax return, and then after realized the Democraps would use it as a political football, and decided not to.

Big deal. If you can prove wrong doing, then do so. Until then, people can change their minds on things. You have never said you would do X, and then later changed your mind? Why is that ok for you, but not Trump? Or do you expect me to believe you have never changed your mind on anything in your life?

Trump lies constantly. Even when it is shown to him that he said something he claims he never said he lies about it. Trump is very much like Hillary. They will lie even when the truth is a better answer.

I'm not entirely sure if Sanders lies or not. I think he does, because he says things that are clearly garbage, like we can get the rich to pay for all our free stuff.

He never said that. That's an example of you lying.

What are you talking about? I just pulled up Bernie Sanders own web site, and read it.

It says on his own web site, that we can pay for everything with a "Robin-hood Tax". How much more clearer, do you need this to be?

That's not what you said. People like yourself help me understand the attraction to Trump.

Yeah, now I'm starting to understand the left-wing too. So in your world, saying that you will have a robinhood tax, that taxes the wealthy, to pay for all his government handouts.... is not Bernie saying the rich will pay for all the free stuff?

You have the right to be wrong then.
You must not think at all.

Someone mentions Medicare and you talk about Communism. So, what Western Democracies who have a way more robust healthcare system than Medicare do you consider Communist? It's that simple.
Yeah, because the government forcing people to buy something under penalty of law, and taking other people's money by threat of force to help pay for it, is not at all totalitarian.

Yeah, you sure showed me, didn't you?

Ok, so you think pretty much all wesern democracies are communist.

Do you hate being forced to pay for potholes too?

Repairing potholes benefit society equally. Forcing one person to pay for another's healthcare is one benefiting at the disadvantage of another.

Repairing potholes benefit society but Medicare doesn't? OK, that's a new one.

That's not a new one... are you an idiot? I'm not benefiting from Medicare, and have not my entire life. Most people do not benefit from Medicare.

How can people like you even say stuff like that? Medicare covers barely 55 million people. There are 330 Million people in this country. Is math that hard for you?

Clearing pot holes benefits absolutely everyone, including the people on Medicare. Medicare benefits a minority, at the expense of the majority. I have been paying for Medicare, that has never benefited me yet in my life. I am harmed by Medicare, because I have to pay for it, while I get nothing in return.

Meanwhile, Medicare is going broke.
Unfunded Govt. Liabilities -- Our Ticking Time Bomb | RealClearPolitics

We have $122 Trillion in unfunded liabilities with Medicare.

Do you see a slight difference? Clearing pot holes benefits everyone, and doesn't bankrupt the country. Medicare benefits a few, and can very easily bankrupt the country.

Yes, stupid.... Repairing pot holes benefits society, and Medicare most certainly does not. Facts over opinions.
You bring up a good point: our vote don't count. So next election and following elections, make sure you don't vote. You show them. Not only that, try to discourage all your friends and family that think like you from voting too. Do your part I always say.

Employers don't base their employee pay on what government gives out. They base it on the going market. If they can get people to work for eight bucks an hour, that's what they'll pay. If they can't find anybody for eight bucks an hour, they raise their offer to nine, if no bites, ten, and it goes on from there. If they get plenty of people to apply for ten bucks an hour, they drop the rate to nine. That's how it works in this country.

Government doesn't give corporations anything. All they can do is take less from them. If you take all the lazy and poor in this country and put them on an island somewhere, nobody would miss them, in fact, society and country would benefit. Take all the rich and corporations and do the same thing, the country collapses.

Or you can regulate the Corporations and tell them if they won't pay their workers a living wage maybe they shouldn't be in business. You know, the way that a small business is forced to operate.

Small businesses are like big businesses in what they pay. No difference. Until we no longer live in a free country, we don't force anybody to do anything in private matters. It's their concern--not governments. And if government doesn't want to give them welfare or food stamps, they have my approval to discontinue them.

A small business pays their fair share of taxes. They don't get the big loopholes. And they usually pay a higher wage and get the better workers than the corporates do. They also have a much lower profit margin. If they don't meet a certain profit then they can't take hat in hand to the Government and get help. They go out of business. No bailout, no extra tax breaks, nothing. Corporations should be treated exactly like small business. Either make it or go out of business. No Company should be too big to fail.

I've worked for small business most of my life. They do things the same way large companies do. In fact, larger companies pay better money for the same kind of work in most cases. When Commie Care started, most of the small businesses dropped their employee coverage while larger companies kept that benefit to their employees.

I created small businesses and one large one. All but one small one was successful. But, hey, you can't learn how to win if you don't know how to lose. Not once did I try and even get a loan much less a government bailout. And I paid better than the corporates did with better benefits. Including Health. I fully retired before the ACA so I can't compare it to that. But I can compare it to companies like Walmart who is a Corporate Welfare Queen and Slave Employer.
What is your opinion of keeping a money losing Firm for the tax write-off, if it is more of challenge in any given sector?

It may simply take more time and cost more than expected; but the tax write-off could be worth it.
Someone mentions Medicare and you talk about Communism. So, what Western Democracies who have a way more robust healthcare system than Medicare do you consider Communist? It's that simple.
Yeah, because the government forcing people to buy something under penalty of law, and taking other people's money by threat of force to help pay for it, is not at all totalitarian.

Yeah, you sure showed me, didn't you?

Ok, so you think pretty much all wesern democracies are communist.

Do you hate being forced to pay for potholes too?

Repairing potholes benefit society equally. Forcing one person to pay for another's healthcare is one benefiting at the disadvantage of another.

Repairing potholes benefit society but Medicare doesn't? OK, that's a new one.

That's not a new one... are you an idiot? I'm not benefiting from Medicare, and have not my entire life. Most people do not benefit from Medicare.

Most people don't benefit from a potholes being fixed on streets they don't personally drive on either. If you make it to retirement, you'll benefit from Medicare, if not you then someone in your family.

How can people like you even say stuff like that? Medicare covers barely 55 million people. There are 330 Million people in this country. Is math that hard for you?[/quote[

At one time, that's a lot of people. Chances are the local fire department didn't save your house either, you're still paying for them to save others.

Clearing pot holes benefits absolutely everyone, including the people on Medicare. Medicare benefits a minority, at the expense of the majority. I have been paying for Medicare, that has never benefited me yet in my life. I am harmed by Medicare, because I have to pay for it, while I get nothing in return.

Like pot hole repairs it benefits most at some point in their life. Maybe you should go protest all those potholes that have been fixed on all the roads you don't drive on.

Meanwhile, Medicare is going broke.
Unfunded Govt. Liabilities -- Our Ticking Time Bomb | RealClearPolitics

We have $122 Trillion in unfunded liabilities with Medicare.

Do you see a slight difference? Clearing pot holes benefits everyone, and doesn't bankrupt the country. Medicare benefits a few, and can very easily bankrupt the country.

Yes, stupid.... Repairing pot holes benefits society, and Medicare most certainly does not. Facts over opinions.

Maybe stop pushing tax cuts for the wealthy if you're concerned about debt and unfunded mandates.
Yeah, because the government forcing people to buy something under penalty of law, and taking other people's money by threat of force to help pay for it, is not at all totalitarian.

Yeah, you sure showed me, didn't you?

Ok, so you think pretty much all wesern democracies are communist.

Do you hate being forced to pay for potholes too?

Repairing potholes benefit society equally. Forcing one person to pay for another's healthcare is one benefiting at the disadvantage of another.

Repairing potholes benefit society but Medicare doesn't? OK, that's a new one.

That's not a new one... are you an idiot? I'm not benefiting from Medicare, and have not my entire life. Most people do not benefit from Medicare.

Most people don't benefit from a potholes being fixed on streets they don't personally drive on either. If you make it to retirement, you'll benefit from Medicare, if not you then someone in your family.

How can people like you even say stuff like that? Medicare covers barely 55 million people. There are 330 Million people in this country. Is math that hard for you?[/quote[

At one time, that's a lot of people. Chances are the local fire department didn't save your house either, you're still paying for them to save others.

Clearing pot holes benefits absolutely everyone, including the people on Medicare. Medicare benefits a minority, at the expense of the majority. I have been paying for Medicare, that has never benefited me yet in my life. I am harmed by Medicare, because I have to pay for it, while I get nothing in return.

Like pot hole repairs it benefits most at some point in their life. Maybe you should go protest all those potholes that have been fixed on all the roads you don't drive on.

Meanwhile, Medicare is going broke.
Unfunded Govt. Liabilities -- Our Ticking Time Bomb | RealClearPolitics

We have $122 Trillion in unfunded liabilities with Medicare.

Do you see a slight difference? Clearing pot holes benefits everyone, and doesn't bankrupt the country. Medicare benefits a few, and can very easily bankrupt the country.

Yes, stupid.... Repairing pot holes benefits society, and Medicare most certainly does not. Facts over opinions.

Maybe stop pushing tax cuts for the wealthy if you're concerned about debt and unfunded mandates.

If the truck that takes food to the grocery store, can't get through because of pot holes, then YOU benefit from those pot holes being fixed, whether you personally drive over those pot holes or not. If your business ships stuff out, or receives stuff in, and would not exist if trucks can't get there because the roads are damaged, then you benefit from every pot hole fixed on that trucks route, whether you drive on it or not.

If the police can't patrol an area because the roads are damaged, then you benefit from having those pot holes fixed.

Years ago, in my neighborhood, some construction company had damaged the road that I'm adjacent to. By an unlucky coincidence, one of the houses at the far end of the street caught fire. The fire department was on the other side of the damaged road. They couldn't get through the damaged road, had to drive around the entire neighborhood to get to that fire.

Now thankfully no one was in the house, but had their been someone, they could have died waiting another 15 minutes for the fire department. They would have benefited from the road being repaired.

So, no I don't buy that garbage that people don't benefit from pot holes being fixed, that they don't personally drive over. Wrong.

At one time, that's a lot of people. Chances are the local fire department didn't save your house either, you're still paying for them to save others.

That's not even accurate though. 55 Million people are on the rolls. That doesn't mean 55 Million are benefiting. You can be on the Medicare rolls, and never actually receive a benefit. People pass away in their sleep even, and never go to the doctor.

And additionally, Medicare has the most fraud of any government program. I wager a good chunk of those are just collecting money on the system.

Regardless, it doesn't benefit everyone in society, like fixing a pot hole does. No matter how many it does serve, it isn't everyone. Which is a violation of the general welfare clause in the constitution.

But the fire department did save my house, by saving their house. The whole reason we have a fire department, is not because we care if Mrs. O'Leary's cow burns down her own barn. It's because then the fire burns down half of Chicago.

So every single time the fire department saves a house down the street, they are also saving my house.

Regardless paying for the fire department doesn't result in $122 Trillion in unfunded liabilities, and bankrupt the country.

Maybe stop pushing tax cuts for the wealthy if you're concerned about debt and unfunded mandates.

There are many countries that have much higher tax rates than us, and went bankrupt.

No amount of tax hikes, is going to stop us going broke. France tried this, and the result was the rich simply packed up and left the country. The capital flight out of France was so bad, that the government had to repeal the tax hike.

There is only one way we can keep this system going. Increase taxes on the poor and middle class, and cut benefits.

Which is exactly why I'm against your system. It simply does not work. It's that simple. Your views don't work. Never have. Never will.
Someone mentions Medicare and you talk about Communism. So, what Western Democracies who have a way more robust healthcare system than Medicare do you consider Communist? It's that simple.
Yeah, because the government forcing people to buy something under penalty of law, and taking other people's money by threat of force to help pay for it, is not at all totalitarian.

Yeah, you sure showed me, didn't you?

Ok, so you think pretty much all wesern democracies are communist.

Do you hate being forced to pay for potholes too?

Repairing potholes benefit society equally. Forcing one person to pay for another's healthcare is one benefiting at the disadvantage of another.

Repairing potholes benefit society but Medicare doesn't? OK, that's a new one.

That's not a new one... are you an idiot? I'm not benefiting from Medicare, and have not my entire life. Most people do not benefit from Medicare.

How can people like you even say stuff like that? Medicare covers barely 55 million people. There are 330 Million people in this country. Is math that hard for you?

Clearing pot holes benefits absolutely everyone, including the people on Medicare. Medicare benefits a minority, at the expense of the majority. I have been paying for Medicare, that has never benefited me yet in my life. I am harmed by Medicare, because I have to pay for it, while I get nothing in return.

Meanwhile, Medicare is going broke.
Unfunded Govt. Liabilities -- Our Ticking Time Bomb | RealClearPolitics

We have $122 Trillion in unfunded liabilities with Medicare.

Do you see a slight difference? Clearing pot holes benefits everyone, and doesn't bankrupt the country. Medicare benefits a few, and can very easily bankrupt the country.

Yes, stupid.... Repairing pot holes benefits society, and Medicare most certainly does not. Facts over opinions.

not benefiting ?

too young


never worked and didnt contribute
Yeah, because the government forcing people to buy something under penalty of law, and taking other people's money by threat of force to help pay for it, is not at all totalitarian.

Yeah, you sure showed me, didn't you?

Ok, so you think pretty much all wesern democracies are communist.

Do you hate being forced to pay for potholes too?

Repairing potholes benefit society equally. Forcing one person to pay for another's healthcare is one benefiting at the disadvantage of another.

Repairing potholes benefit society but Medicare doesn't? OK, that's a new one.

That's not a new one... are you an idiot? I'm not benefiting from Medicare, and have not my entire life. Most people do not benefit from Medicare.

How can people like you even say stuff like that? Medicare covers barely 55 million people. There are 330 Million people in this country. Is math that hard for you?

Clearing pot holes benefits absolutely everyone, including the people on Medicare. Medicare benefits a minority, at the expense of the majority. I have been paying for Medicare, that has never benefited me yet in my life. I am harmed by Medicare, because I have to pay for it, while I get nothing in return.

Meanwhile, Medicare is going broke.
Unfunded Govt. Liabilities -- Our Ticking Time Bomb | RealClearPolitics

We have $122 Trillion in unfunded liabilities with Medicare.

Do you see a slight difference? Clearing pot holes benefits everyone, and doesn't bankrupt the country. Medicare benefits a few, and can very easily bankrupt the country.

Yes, stupid.... Repairing pot holes benefits society, and Medicare most certainly does not. Facts over opinions.

not benefiting ?

too young


never worked and didnt contribute

Most people do not benefit. Almost 270 million do not benefit. Did you not just see the numbers I just posted?

But we're all paying for it. Everyone has to pay for it. Everyone suffers for the benefit of the few.
Yeah, because the government forcing people to buy something under penalty of law, and taking other people's money by threat of force to help pay for it, is not at all totalitarian.

Yeah, you sure showed me, didn't you?

Ok, so you think pretty much all wesern democracies are communist.

Do you hate being forced to pay for potholes too?

Repairing potholes benefit society equally. Forcing one person to pay for another's healthcare is one benefiting at the disadvantage of another.

Repairing potholes benefit society but Medicare doesn't? OK, that's a new one.

That's not a new one... are you an idiot? I'm not benefiting from Medicare, and have not my entire life. Most people do not benefit from Medicare.

How can people like you even say stuff like that? Medicare covers barely 55 million people. There are 330 Million people in this country. Is math that hard for you?

Clearing pot holes benefits absolutely everyone, including the people on Medicare. Medicare benefits a minority, at the expense of the majority. I have been paying for Medicare, that has never benefited me yet in my life. I am harmed by Medicare, because I have to pay for it, while I get nothing in return.

Meanwhile, Medicare is going broke.
Unfunded Govt. Liabilities -- Our Ticking Time Bomb | RealClearPolitics

We have $122 Trillion in unfunded liabilities with Medicare.

Do you see a slight difference? Clearing pot holes benefits everyone, and doesn't bankrupt the country. Medicare benefits a few, and can very easily bankrupt the country.

Yes, stupid.... Repairing pot holes benefits society, and Medicare most certainly does not. Facts over opinions.

not benefiting ?

too young


never worked and didnt contribute

He doesn't fucking know.
Ok, so you think pretty much all wesern democracies are communist.

Do you hate being forced to pay for potholes too?

Repairing potholes benefit society equally. Forcing one person to pay for another's healthcare is one benefiting at the disadvantage of another.

Repairing potholes benefit society but Medicare doesn't? OK, that's a new one.

That's not a new one... are you an idiot? I'm not benefiting from Medicare, and have not my entire life. Most people do not benefit from Medicare.

Most people don't benefit from a potholes being fixed on streets they don't personally drive on either. If you make it to retirement, you'll benefit from Medicare, if not you then someone in your family.

How can people like you even say stuff like that? Medicare covers barely 55 million people. There are 330 Million people in this country. Is math that hard for you?[/quote[

At one time, that's a lot of people. Chances are the local fire department didn't save your house either, you're still paying for them to save others.

Clearing pot holes benefits absolutely everyone, including the people on Medicare. Medicare benefits a minority, at the expense of the majority. I have been paying for Medicare, that has never benefited me yet in my life. I am harmed by Medicare, because I have to pay for it, while I get nothing in return.

Like pot hole repairs it benefits most at some point in their life. Maybe you should go protest all those potholes that have been fixed on all the roads you don't drive on.

Meanwhile, Medicare is going broke.
Unfunded Govt. Liabilities -- Our Ticking Time Bomb | RealClearPolitics

We have $122 Trillion in unfunded liabilities with Medicare.

Do you see a slight difference? Clearing pot holes benefits everyone, and doesn't bankrupt the country. Medicare benefits a few, and can very easily bankrupt the country.

Yes, stupid.... Repairing pot holes benefits society, and Medicare most certainly does not. Facts over opinions.

Maybe stop pushing tax cuts for the wealthy if you're concerned about debt and unfunded mandates.

If the truck that takes food to the grocery store, can't get through because of pot holes, then YOU benefit from those pot holes being fixed, whether you personally drive over those pot holes or not. If your business ships stuff out, or receives stuff in, and would not exist if trucks can't get there because the roads are damaged, then you benefit from every pot hole fixed on that trucks route, whether you drive on it or not.

If the police can't patrol an area because the roads are damaged, then you benefit from having those pot holes fixed.

Years ago, in my neighborhood, some construction company had damaged the road that I'm adjacent to. By an unlucky coincidence, one of the houses at the far end of the street caught fire. The fire department was on the other side of the damaged road. They couldn't get through the damaged road, had to drive around the entire neighborhood to get to that fire.

Now thankfully no one was in the house, but had their been someone, they could have died waiting another 15 minutes for the fire department. They would have benefited from the road being repaired.

So, no I don't buy that garbage that people don't benefit from pot holes being fixed, that they don't personally drive over. Wrong.

At one time, that's a lot of people. Chances are the local fire department didn't save your house either, you're still paying for them to save others.

That's not even accurate though. 55 Million people are on the rolls. That doesn't mean 55 Million are benefiting. You can be on the Medicare rolls, and never actually receive a benefit. People pass away in their sleep even, and never go to the doctor.

And additionally, Medicare has the most fraud of any government program. I wager a good chunk of those are just collecting money on the system.

Regardless, it doesn't benefit everyone in society, like fixing a pot hole does. No matter how many it does serve, it isn't everyone. Which is a violation of the general welfare clause in the constitution.

But the fire department did save my house, by saving their house. The whole reason we have a fire department, is not because we care if Mrs. O'Leary's cow burns down her own barn. It's because then the fire burns down half of Chicago.

So every single time the fire department saves a house down the street, they are also saving my house.

Regardless paying for the fire department doesn't result in $122 Trillion in unfunded liabilities, and bankrupt the country.

Maybe stop pushing tax cuts for the wealthy if you're concerned about debt and unfunded mandates.

There are many countries that have much higher tax rates than us, and went bankrupt.

No amount of tax hikes, is going to stop us going broke. France tried this, and the result was the rich simply packed up and left the country. The capital flight out of France was so bad, that the government had to repeal the tax hike.

There is only one way we can keep this system going. Increase taxes on the poor and middle class, and cut benefits.

Which is exactly why I'm against your system. It simply does not work. It's that simple. Your views don't work. Never have. Never will.

IF, if, if.

If you make it to retirement age, you're going to want Medicare.
Ok, so you think pretty much all wesern democracies are communist.

Do you hate being forced to pay for potholes too?

Repairing potholes benefit society equally. Forcing one person to pay for another's healthcare is one benefiting at the disadvantage of another.

Repairing potholes benefit society but Medicare doesn't? OK, that's a new one.

That's not a new one... are you an idiot? I'm not benefiting from Medicare, and have not my entire life. Most people do not benefit from Medicare.

How can people like you even say stuff like that? Medicare covers barely 55 million people. There are 330 Million people in this country. Is math that hard for you?

Clearing pot holes benefits absolutely everyone, including the people on Medicare. Medicare benefits a minority, at the expense of the majority. I have been paying for Medicare, that has never benefited me yet in my life. I am harmed by Medicare, because I have to pay for it, while I get nothing in return.

Meanwhile, Medicare is going broke.
Unfunded Govt. Liabilities -- Our Ticking Time Bomb | RealClearPolitics

We have $122 Trillion in unfunded liabilities with Medicare.

Do you see a slight difference? Clearing pot holes benefits everyone, and doesn't bankrupt the country. Medicare benefits a few, and can very easily bankrupt the country.

Yes, stupid.... Repairing pot holes benefits society, and Medicare most certainly does not. Facts over opinions.

not benefiting ?

too young


never worked and didnt contribute

Most people do not benefit. Almost 270 million do not benefit. Did you not just see the numbers I just posted?

But we're all paying for it. Everyone has to pay for it. Everyone suffers for the benefit of the few.

270 million are not 65 years old - DDDUUUHHHH

fact over RW horseshit
It's as legitimate of a question to ask of everyone. This is why nothing gets done. Everyone is willing to overlook in their politician what they will not overlook in someone else's.

I don't think so.

What exactly do you think would get done, if Trump released his tax returns? Nothing. His tax returns would simply be a political football to kick around by the Democrats, and he knows that.

Even more ironic, having that political football to kick around, would serve as a distraction from getting stuff done. People would be screaming back and fourth over his tax return, and accomplishing nothing.

And while you say it is a legitimate question to ask of everyone.... why? What business is it of yours? Are you suggesting that there is something illegal in his tax return, that magically the IRS which prosecutes people every single year on this, was giving him a free pass on? Do you have any evidence to warrant that accusation? If so, file it in court, to have his tax return made public.

But of course there is nothing to suggest that Trump has done anything wrong.

So why is someone's tax return your business? Why is someone who has done nothing wrong, and no evidence of doing anything wrong, to have his tax returns looked through?
Tax returns contain important information about a candidate that voters need to know, particularly in today's world of false news, twitter attacks, and an Internet which amplifies all false claims.

A candidate’s tax returns include information about what a candidate owns, which can let voters know of possible conflicts of interest and whether there are entanglements with foreign businesses and foreign governments. They reveal whether a candidate owes money and to whom.

So tell us why any voter would need to know these things. We don't. What we need to know is outlined in the US Constitution. That's why they wrote the requirements. Also, tell me how many tax returns that you filed that stated what you own. The closest you'd come is a house or more, and that's only if you have a mortgage and wrote off the interest.

Entanglements with foreign governments or businesses? Didi you read up on Joe Biden and his crooked son the last six months? Tell me we will get to know all about that in his tax returns.

The problem here is if a Republican were low enough to create similar requirements such as revealing college transcripts or original birth certificates before Hussein ran, you on the left would have been rioting. Nothing but a bunch of hypocrites.
So all you need to know about a candidate is their age and they are a native born US citizen? That must be because your candidates never lie about themselves. They don't boast and exaggerate their achievements, hide their dealing with foreign governments, mobsters, and shady businesses. They tell you all you need to know.:cuckoo:

No, I want to know everything I can about any candidate, but at their option or their opponents research, not a government mandate.

The only thing a tax return can tell us is how much they made, how much they contributed to charity, and how much they wrote off. In other words for the presidency, it tells us nothing. It only tells us of their personal dealings which is really none of the voters business.

Now if they have or had any shady or illegal dealings, do you think they would put those deals on their tax return?
First, California is not forcing Trump to do anything. Trump is choosing to put his name on the primary ballot and thus must meet the same requirement as other candidates both presidential and gubernatorial which is well within the purview of the state.

Second, the republican party in California will send Trump delegates to the convention whether he is on the ballot or not. The presidential primary election in California just shows voter preference. The state committee actually decides who the delegates will be.

Tax forms tell us far more about a candidate than just the money they made and charitable contributions. It tells us how the money was made, the candidate's financial connections domestic and abroad, to who the candidate owes money, investments both domestic and foreign. In short, tax returns reveal where conflicts of interest may lie. Without tax forms, the voter has to rely on the honesty of the candidate and political hacks that create false news as fast as Trump tweets. This is why all modern day presidential candidates except for Trump have released their tax returns.
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People love Medicare. Go ahead, try and end it.

Medicare kills more people than guns.


Everyone on Medicare does end up dying. No disagreement there.

Medicare makes the medical decisions, not the doctors. They limit the days you can spend in a hospital, skilled nursing and rehabilitation centers. When the limit is reached, you're booted, doesn't matter what shape you're in. You can appeal, if you're lucky you'll get an extra couple of days.


So does insurance. So does your bank account.

Deflection, is that the best you got?


It's not deflection. Nothing is going to cover everything all the time. People understand this and despite that, go ahead, try and end Medicare.
I refused to vote for her because she did lie all the time. Again, I supported Sanders. Can you show where he lies "all the time"?

He lied. The reason he had no problem doing so is he knew that there would be plenty of those like yourself that would cover for them. That's why so many have no problem lying.

No I am not. You are trying to spin it that way. Trump has lied about all kinds of things also. I consider health care a very important aspect also. I'm still waiting for the great plan he had that we all were going to love. I'm still waiting on Mexico paying for the wall.

Trump lies constantly. Even when it is shown to him that he said something he claims he never said he lies about it. Trump is very much like Hillary. They will lie even when the truth is a better answer.

I'm not entirely sure if Sanders lies or not. I think he does, because he says things that are clearly garbage, like we can get the rich to pay for all our free stuff.

He never said that. That's an example of you lying.

What are you talking about? I just pulled up Bernie Sanders own web site, and read it.

It says on his own web site, that we can pay for everything with a "Robin-hood Tax". How much more clearer, do you need this to be?

That's not what you said. People like yourself help me understand the attraction to Trump.

Yeah, now I'm starting to understand the left-wing too. So in your world, saying that you will have a robinhood tax, that taxes the wealthy, to pay for all his government handouts.... is not Bernie saying the rich will pay for all the free stuff?

You have the right to be wrong then.

There is nothing he proposes that doesn't have a wide range of people paying for.
Repairing potholes benefit society equally. Forcing one person to pay for another's healthcare is one benefiting at the disadvantage of another.

Repairing potholes benefit society but Medicare doesn't? OK, that's a new one.

That's not a new one... are you an idiot? I'm not benefiting from Medicare, and have not my entire life. Most people do not benefit from Medicare.

Most people don't benefit from a potholes being fixed on streets they don't personally drive on either. If you make it to retirement, you'll benefit from Medicare, if not you then someone in your family.

How can people like you even say stuff like that? Medicare covers barely 55 million people. There are 330 Million people in this country. Is math that hard for you?[/quote[

At one time, that's a lot of people. Chances are the local fire department didn't save your house either, you're still paying for them to save others.

Clearing pot holes benefits absolutely everyone, including the people on Medicare. Medicare benefits a minority, at the expense of the majority. I have been paying for Medicare, that has never benefited me yet in my life. I am harmed by Medicare, because I have to pay for it, while I get nothing in return.

Like pot hole repairs it benefits most at some point in their life. Maybe you should go protest all those potholes that have been fixed on all the roads you don't drive on.

Meanwhile, Medicare is going broke.
Unfunded Govt. Liabilities -- Our Ticking Time Bomb | RealClearPolitics

We have $122 Trillion in unfunded liabilities with Medicare.

Do you see a slight difference? Clearing pot holes benefits everyone, and doesn't bankrupt the country. Medicare benefits a few, and can very easily bankrupt the country.

Yes, stupid.... Repairing pot holes benefits society, and Medicare most certainly does not. Facts over opinions.

Maybe stop pushing tax cuts for the wealthy if you're concerned about debt and unfunded mandates.

If the truck that takes food to the grocery store, can't get through because of pot holes, then YOU benefit from those pot holes being fixed, whether you personally drive over those pot holes or not. If your business ships stuff out, or receives stuff in, and would not exist if trucks can't get there because the roads are damaged, then you benefit from every pot hole fixed on that trucks route, whether you drive on it or not.

If the police can't patrol an area because the roads are damaged, then you benefit from having those pot holes fixed.

Years ago, in my neighborhood, some construction company had damaged the road that I'm adjacent to. By an unlucky coincidence, one of the houses at the far end of the street caught fire. The fire department was on the other side of the damaged road. They couldn't get through the damaged road, had to drive around the entire neighborhood to get to that fire.

Now thankfully no one was in the house, but had their been someone, they could have died waiting another 15 minutes for the fire department. They would have benefited from the road being repaired.

So, no I don't buy that garbage that people don't benefit from pot holes being fixed, that they don't personally drive over. Wrong.

At one time, that's a lot of people. Chances are the local fire department didn't save your house either, you're still paying for them to save others.

That's not even accurate though. 55 Million people are on the rolls. That doesn't mean 55 Million are benefiting. You can be on the Medicare rolls, and never actually receive a benefit. People pass away in their sleep even, and never go to the doctor.

And additionally, Medicare has the most fraud of any government program. I wager a good chunk of those are just collecting money on the system.

Regardless, it doesn't benefit everyone in society, like fixing a pot hole does. No matter how many it does serve, it isn't everyone. Which is a violation of the general welfare clause in the constitution.

But the fire department did save my house, by saving their house. The whole reason we have a fire department, is not because we care if Mrs. O'Leary's cow burns down her own barn. It's because then the fire burns down half of Chicago.

So every single time the fire department saves a house down the street, they are also saving my house.

Regardless paying for the fire department doesn't result in $122 Trillion in unfunded liabilities, and bankrupt the country.

Maybe stop pushing tax cuts for the wealthy if you're concerned about debt and unfunded mandates.

There are many countries that have much higher tax rates than us, and went bankrupt.

No amount of tax hikes, is going to stop us going broke. France tried this, and the result was the rich simply packed up and left the country. The capital flight out of France was so bad, that the government had to repeal the tax hike.

There is only one way we can keep this system going. Increase taxes on the poor and middle class, and cut benefits.

Which is exactly why I'm against your system. It simply does not work. It's that simple. Your views don't work. Never have. Never will.

IF, if, if.

If you make it to retirement age, you're going to want Medicare.

Did you not just read the data I gave you?

Unfunded Govt. Liabilities -- Our Ticking Time Bomb | RealClearPolitics!

There isn't going to be a medicare when I get to retirement, whether I want it to be there or not.

This is the problem with you idiots. You think because some moron like Bernie "says" he'll give all kinds of free stuff, means that it will actually happen.

I can tell you that I will pay for the mortgage on your house, until the end of time. Math says I can't afford to pay your mortgage. I don't have the money. My words, do not magically change reality.

This is like Hugo Chavez signing a law that says food will be given to the poor. It does not matter what he says, or what he signs, or what law you put in place.

You saying "I want it! I want it! I want it!" like a toddler, does not make things happen.

We don't have the money for Medicare. We could double the tax rate, and still not have the money for Medicare.

Did you brainless fools learn nothing from Greece?

For DECADES there were people in Greece saying "We can't afford this", and every single time they tried to fix the problem, there were idiots in Greece, just like you right here right now.... saying "Well when you get old you'll want it!".

And then shockingly the laws of math, over came the idiots saying "I want it". And there was no money, and pensions were cut, and health care was cut, and people standing around burning twigs and wood to keep warm, because they had no money for heat.

'Patients who should live are dying': Greece's public health meltdown

Data and anecdote, backed up by doctors and trade unions, suggest the EU’s most chaotic state is in the midst of a public health meltdown. “In the name of tough fiscal targets, people who might otherwise survive are dying,” said Michalis Giannakos who heads the Panhellenic Federation of Public Hospital Employees. “Our hospitals have become danger zones.”​

Now of course they blame the EU... but this had nothing to do with the EU. Greece spent more money than it collected in taxes, despite having tax rates many times higher than the US.... and they went broke.

They were warned they would go broke. They were warned they could not afford their health care, pension, and education system spending.... and they kept doing it.

Now they are dying, and they have no one to blame but themselves.

If you follow the same path they did, you'll have the same results. Stop parroting foolish thought. Start learning something about the world around you.
It's transparently a corrupt way of robbing the voters of a chance to decide.

I actually have no problem with requiring candidates to release their tax return but it has to be universal. And not just for the president but for every office.

As usual people are dying to know what dirt they can find on trump while ignoring the sketchy finances of their own party.

Trump made billions as a private citizen and yes some of his methods seem shady such as using bankruptcy laws to his advantage.

However regardless of what you might find on him it happened as a private citizen. On the other hand no one seems concerned that Pelosi, Warren, Schumer, Beto, Sanders, Feinstein and many others became millionaires while serving as career politicians and earning a very limited salary.

Apply this law to all elected officials and I would be fine with it.
I don't think so.

What exactly do you think would get done, if Trump released his tax returns? Nothing. His tax returns would simply be a political football to kick around by the Democrats, and he knows that.

Even more ironic, having that political football to kick around, would serve as a distraction from getting stuff done. People would be screaming back and fourth over his tax return, and accomplishing nothing.

And while you say it is a legitimate question to ask of everyone.... why? What business is it of yours? Are you suggesting that there is something illegal in his tax return, that magically the IRS which prosecutes people every single year on this, was giving him a free pass on? Do you have any evidence to warrant that accusation? If so, file it in court, to have his tax return made public.

But of course there is nothing to suggest that Trump has done anything wrong.

So why is someone's tax return your business? Why is someone who has done nothing wrong, and no evidence of doing anything wrong, to have his tax returns looked through?
Tax returns contain important information about a candidate that voters need to know, particularly in today's world of false news, twitter attacks, and an Internet which amplifies all false claims.

A candidate’s tax returns include information about what a candidate owns, which can let voters know of possible conflicts of interest and whether there are entanglements with foreign businesses and foreign governments. They reveal whether a candidate owes money and to whom.

So tell us why any voter would need to know these things. We don't. What we need to know is outlined in the US Constitution. That's why they wrote the requirements. Also, tell me how many tax returns that you filed that stated what you own. The closest you'd come is a house or more, and that's only if you have a mortgage and wrote off the interest.

Entanglements with foreign governments or businesses? Didi you read up on Joe Biden and his crooked son the last six months? Tell me we will get to know all about that in his tax returns.

The problem here is if a Republican were low enough to create similar requirements such as revealing college transcripts or original birth certificates before Hussein ran, you on the left would have been rioting. Nothing but a bunch of hypocrites.
So all you need to know about a candidate is their age and they are a native born US citizen? That must be because your candidates never lie about themselves. They don't boast and exaggerate their achievements, hide their dealing with foreign governments, mobsters, and shady businesses. They tell you all you need to know.:cuckoo:

No, I want to know everything I can about any candidate, but at their option or their opponents research, not a government mandate.

The only thing a tax return can tell us is how much they made, how much they contributed to charity, and how much they wrote off. In other words for the presidency, it tells us nothing. It only tells us of their personal dealings which is really none of the voters business.

Now if they have or had any shady or illegal dealings, do you think they would put those deals on their tax return?
First, California is not forcing Trump to do anything. Trump is choosing to put his name on the primary ballot and thus must meet the same requirement as other candidates both presidential and gubernatorial which is well within the purview of the state.

Second, the republican party in California will send Trump delegates to the convention whether he is on the ballot or not. The presidential primary election in California just shows voter preference. The state committee actually decides who the delegates will be.

Tax forms tell us far more about a candidate than just the money they made and charitable contributions. It tells us how the money was made, the candidate's financial connections domestic and abroad, to who the candidate owes money, investments both domestic and foreign. In short, tax returns reveal where conflicts of interest may lie. Without tax forms, the voter has to rely on the honesty of the candidate and political hacks that create false news as fast as Trump tweets. This is why all modern day presidential candidates except for Trump have released their tax returns.

If your tax preparer is listing who you owe money to, how you are connected to the money, how your money was made, you better first fire them, and secondly, call the authorities.

Your tax form will contain a W2 if you are working for somebody else that has the various taxes and gross income listed. But nowhere does it say who you owe money to perhaps outside of a bank, and the only reason for that is if you are deducting interest rates. It doesn't say how you made that money either. The IRS has no idea I'm a truck driver.

It is a nice list of extremely poor excuses to get Trump's tax returns, when in reality, it has nothing to do with his presidency or anybody running for President. This law is nothing more than blackmail which just about any non-commie court can clearly see.

You cannot make additional requirements to the Constitution as a political attack (which this is) yet alone make additional requirements for any other reason.

Now if this law had a chance at hell in not being defeated by the courts, then Trump or anybody can make up a phony return saying anything he wanted to. There is no way to check that against the IRS files because the IRS files are off limits to everybody.
It's transparently a corrupt way of robbing the voters of a chance to decide.

I actually have no problem with requiring candidates to release their tax return but it has to be universal. And not just for the president but for every office.

As usual people are dying to know what dirt they can find on trump while ignoring the sketchy finances of their own party.

Trump made billions as a private citizen and yes some of his methods seem shady such as using bankruptcy laws to his advantage.

However regardless of what you might find on him it happened as a private citizen. On the other hand no one seems concerned that Pelosi, Warren, Schumer, Beto, Sanders, Feinstein and many others became millionaires while serving as career politicians and earning a very limited salary.

Apply this law to all elected officials and I would be fine with it.

as usual, people are dying for transparency proving there is no dirt to find - before and after he took office.

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