no tax return, no place on ballot

I'm not You all. I have no idea what you are claiming I said Trump can't do. You really haven't said anything other than you think he will do something that there is no sign of him being willing to do.

He doesn't even say he will go after the employers and that is what has to be done. He can do that. I've said many times he can. I said he won't.

And I've said many times, he already is doing that.

He isn't. Saying he is means nothing. If he was it would be front page news.

Oh yeah, front page news, like this story?

I've posted stories of ICE busts under Trump. I was told by you leftists he had nothing to do with those; ICE did that long before Trump.

Which was the case. You were told that by me. You are discussing this with me. I have no control or anything to do with what others say.

It's estimated there are over 20 million illegals in this country; some claim it's much more than that. I believe the latter which is why Democrats are fighting so hard to keep the legal status question off the Census. I was also told by leftists that the main reason illegals come here is to work. Now let's put that together for a moment.......

If most of these 20 million are here to work, we can honestly say that at least 15 million are. So how many workplace raids would it take to capture 15 million illegal workers in this country?

I don't care what others have told you. What it would take is quite a few highly publicized raids with very strong repercussions for it to start to have an affect. That is not going to happen. Business wants them here to both work for them and to purchase their products. Trump is going to do nothing to interfere in that.

It seems like he already is. You want stricter penalties? Contact your local Democrat representative for that. All bills originate in the House which they now control.
Why do you suppose I should expect people to enforce stricter laws when they will not enforce the laws we have now? Yes, I would like to see stronger repercussions but the ones we have would suffice if they were enforced.
Does that mean Trump can't vote? How can he be POTUS if ineligible to vote?
States can't keep anybody off the Presidential ballot. They would like to, the same way they didn't let anybody have say on sanctuary cities. But that overreach of theirs has limits. Funny how that works. I would also love to have state officials investigated for giving sanctuary to illegal whatzits from Shitopia without legal, fair representation, or permission of the local constituency. So that makes sanctuary cities illegal acts and unconstitutional as well. But here we are, a bunch of political scoundrels nitpicking on stuff they themselves don't bother to follow.

Are self-professed fornicators allowed on the ballot?
If any state dares keep any legitimate candidate off any ballot, there will be hell to pay. And they know that isn't constitutional. Its despicable that states that don't bother with popular vote on sanctuary cities, adore threats like this. They hate the popular vote and avoid democracy but they threaten unconstitutional actions otherwise. Which is worse, Trumps possible tax issues, or democrats superseding the democratic process entirely and acting like nothing happened.
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If any state dares keep any legitimate candidate off any ballot, there will be hell to pay. And they know that isn't constitutional. Its despicable that states that don't bother with popular vote on sanctuary cities, adore threats like this. They hate the popular vote and avoid democracy but they threaten unconstitutional actions otherwise.

Do you mean 'hell toupee'?

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normal people: more fence, dumbass

With our borders, that is the best you can do. There are thousands and thousands miles of border that can't be fenced.
So the liberal solution is to invite more illegals in and shield them from the law.


Democrats simply don't take national security seriously.

Don't blame others for what Trump won't do.
Y'all need to make up your mind. First it's TRUMP CANT DO THAT, now it's TRUMP WONT DO THAT.

Meanwhile, what is incorrect about what I said? All of it is undeniably true.

I'm not You all. I have no idea what you are claiming I said Trump can't do. You really haven't said anything other than you think he will do something that there is no sign of him being willing to do.

He doesn't even say he will go after the employers and that is what has to be done. He can do that. I've said many times he can. I said he won't.
"Y'all" is plural.

Going after employers is necessary, sure. So is going after illegals.

Meanwhile, you did not point out what was incorrect about what I said.
Medicare kills more people than guns.


Everyone on Medicare does end up dying. No disagreement there.

Medicare makes the medical decisions, not the doctors. They limit the days you can spend in a hospital, skilled nursing and rehabilitation centers. When the limit is reached, you're booted, doesn't matter what shape you're in. You can appeal, if you're lucky you'll get an extra couple of days.


So does insurance. So does your bank account.

Deflection, is that the best you got?


It's not deflection. Nothing is going to cover everything all the time. People understand this and despite that, go ahead, try and end Medicare.

My health care covers everything all the time. No premiums, no out of pocket and no deductibles. Usually it's ok, other times is sucks.

With our borders, that is the best you can do. There are thousands and thousands miles of border that can't be fenced.
So the liberal solution is to invite more illegals in and shield them from the law.


Democrats simply don't take national security seriously.

Don't blame others for what Trump won't do.
Y'all need to make up your mind. First it's TRUMP CANT DO THAT, now it's TRUMP WONT DO THAT.

Meanwhile, what is incorrect about what I said? All of it is undeniably true.

I'm not You all. I have no idea what you are claiming I said Trump can't do. You really haven't said anything other than you think he will do something that there is no sign of him being willing to do.

He doesn't even say he will go after the employers and that is what has to be done. He can do that. I've said many times he can. I said he won't.
"Y'all" is plural.

Going after employers is necessary, sure. So is going after illegals.

Meanwhile, you did not point out what was incorrect about what I said.

That Trump is going to do anything about what you admit must be done.
Everyone on Medicare does end up dying. No disagreement there.

Medicare makes the medical decisions, not the doctors. They limit the days you can spend in a hospital, skilled nursing and rehabilitation centers. When the limit is reached, you're booted, doesn't matter what shape you're in. You can appeal, if you're lucky you'll get an extra couple of days.


So does insurance. So does your bank account.

Deflection, is that the best you got?


It's not deflection. Nothing is going to cover everything all the time. People understand this and despite that, go ahead, try and end Medicare.

My health care covers everything all the time. No premiums, no out of pocket and no deductibles. Usually it's ok, other times is sucks.


It's not about you. You can claim anything you want on the internet. Insurance does not cover everything. They decide what they will cover and what they will not.
So the liberal solution is to invite more illegals in and shield them from the law.


Democrats simply don't take national security seriously.

Don't blame others for what Trump won't do.
Y'all need to make up your mind. First it's TRUMP CANT DO THAT, now it's TRUMP WONT DO THAT.

Meanwhile, what is incorrect about what I said? All of it is undeniably true.

I'm not You all. I have no idea what you are claiming I said Trump can't do. You really haven't said anything other than you think he will do something that there is no sign of him being willing to do.

He doesn't even say he will go after the employers and that is what has to be done. He can do that. I've said many times he can. I said he won't.
"Y'all" is plural.

Going after employers is necessary, sure. So is going after illegals.

Meanwhile, you did not point out what was incorrect about what I said.

That Trump is going to do anything about what you admit must be done.
I said, "So the liberal solution is to invite more illegals in and shield them from the law."

That is the statement to which you objected and yet offered no valid rebuttal.

The statement stands.
Medicare makes the medical decisions, not the doctors. They limit the days you can spend in a hospital, skilled nursing and rehabilitation centers. When the limit is reached, you're booted, doesn't matter what shape you're in. You can appeal, if you're lucky you'll get an extra couple of days.


So does insurance. So does your bank account.

Deflection, is that the best you got?


It's not deflection. Nothing is going to cover everything all the time. People understand this and despite that, go ahead, try and end Medicare.

My health care covers everything all the time. No premiums, no out of pocket and no deductibles. Usually it's ok, other times is sucks.


It's not about you. You can claim anything you want on the internet. Insurance does not cover everything. They decide what they will cover and what they will not.
That's exactly what socialized medicine will do.
Don't blame others for what Trump won't do.
Y'all need to make up your mind. First it's TRUMP CANT DO THAT, now it's TRUMP WONT DO THAT.

Meanwhile, what is incorrect about what I said? All of it is undeniably true.

I'm not You all. I have no idea what you are claiming I said Trump can't do. You really haven't said anything other than you think he will do something that there is no sign of him being willing to do.

He doesn't even say he will go after the employers and that is what has to be done. He can do that. I've said many times he can. I said he won't.
"Y'all" is plural.

Going after employers is necessary, sure. So is going after illegals.

Meanwhile, you did not point out what was incorrect about what I said.

That Trump is going to do anything about what you admit must be done.
I said, "So the liberal solution is to invite more illegals in and shield them from the law."

That is the statement to which you objected and yet offered no valid rebuttal.

The statement stands.

Nobody can shield them from the laws right now other than Trump.
So does insurance. So does your bank account.

Deflection, is that the best you got?


It's not deflection. Nothing is going to cover everything all the time. People understand this and despite that, go ahead, try and end Medicare.

My health care covers everything all the time. No premiums, no out of pocket and no deductibles. Usually it's ok, other times is sucks.


It's not about you. You can claim anything you want on the internet. Insurance does not cover everything. They decide what they will cover and what they will not.
That's exactly what socialized medicine will do.

That's what everything will do. No system is going to simply cover everything possible.
I am confused here. Liberals condone everything and anything. Muslim rapist in Sweden, the weirdo sex degenerates that show their junk at so called "pride' parades. So how do liberals even know right from wrong? They always seem more like nihilist contrarians that wouldn't know their ass from a hole in the ground. On that same note, they KNOW Trump is evil. Because, umm,he doesn't reveal his taxes. And that's bad, as opposed to the other shit liberals endorse?
Y'all need to make up your mind. First it's TRUMP CANT DO THAT, now it's TRUMP WONT DO THAT.

Meanwhile, what is incorrect about what I said? All of it is undeniably true.

I'm not You all. I have no idea what you are claiming I said Trump can't do. You really haven't said anything other than you think he will do something that there is no sign of him being willing to do.

He doesn't even say he will go after the employers and that is what has to be done. He can do that. I've said many times he can. I said he won't.
"Y'all" is plural.

Going after employers is necessary, sure. So is going after illegals.

Meanwhile, you did not point out what was incorrect about what I said.

That Trump is going to do anything about what you admit must be done.
I said, "So the liberal solution is to invite more illegals in and shield them from the law."

That is the statement to which you objected and yet offered no valid rebuttal.

The statement stands.

Nobody can shield them from the laws right now other than Trump.
That's completely stupid. Stop blaming Trump for Democrats' support of criminals.
Deflection, is that the best you got?


It's not deflection. Nothing is going to cover everything all the time. People understand this and despite that, go ahead, try and end Medicare.

My health care covers everything all the time. No premiums, no out of pocket and no deductibles. Usually it's ok, other times is sucks.


It's not about you. You can claim anything you want on the internet. Insurance does not cover everything. They decide what they will cover and what they will not.
That's exactly what socialized medicine will do.

That's what everything will do. No system is going to simply cover everything possible.
Oh, well, then, yeah, let's go ahead and give everybody VA medical care. Imagine all the money we'll save when people die waiting for treatment.
And I've said many times, he already is doing that.

He isn't. Saying he is means nothing. If he was it would be front page news.

Oh yeah, front page news, like this story?

I've posted stories of ICE busts under Trump. I was told by you leftists he had nothing to do with those; ICE did that long before Trump.

Which was the case. You were told that by me. You are discussing this with me. I have no control or anything to do with what others say.

It's estimated there are over 20 million illegals in this country; some claim it's much more than that. I believe the latter which is why Democrats are fighting so hard to keep the legal status question off the Census. I was also told by leftists that the main reason illegals come here is to work. Now let's put that together for a moment.......

If most of these 20 million are here to work, we can honestly say that at least 15 million are. So how many workplace raids would it take to capture 15 million illegal workers in this country?

I don't care what others have told you. What it would take is quite a few highly publicized raids with very strong repercussions for it to start to have an affect. That is not going to happen. Business wants them here to both work for them and to purchase their products. Trump is going to do nothing to interfere in that.

It seems like he already is. You want stricter penalties? Contact your local Democrat representative for that. All bills originate in the House which they now control.
Why do you suppose I should expect people to enforce stricter laws when they will not enforce the laws we have now? Yes, I would like to see stronger repercussions but the ones we have would suffice if they were enforced.
Like gun laws...not that Democrats will admit it.
Medicare makes the medical decisions, not the doctors. They limit the days you can spend in a hospital, skilled nursing and rehabilitation centers. When the limit is reached, you're booted, doesn't matter what shape you're in. You can appeal, if you're lucky you'll get an extra couple of days.


So does insurance. So does your bank account.

Deflection, is that the best you got?


It's not deflection. Nothing is going to cover everything all the time. People understand this and despite that, go ahead, try and end Medicare.

My health care covers everything all the time. No premiums, no out of pocket and no deductibles. Usually it's ok, other times is sucks.


It's not about you. You can claim anything you want on the internet. Insurance does not cover everything. They decide what they will cover and what they will not.

Well newbie if you'd been around a bit longer you would know I'm a disabled vet and yes, I get all my medical care at no cost. In fact they pay my travel costs to appointments. Now GFY.

Medicare makes the medical decisions, not the doctors. They limit the days you can spend in a hospital, skilled nursing and rehabilitation centers. When the limit is reached, you're booted, doesn't matter what shape you're in. You can appeal, if you're lucky you'll get an extra couple of days.


So does insurance. So does your bank account.

Deflection, is that the best you got?


It's not deflection. Nothing is going to cover everything all the time. People understand this and despite that, go ahead, try and end Medicare.

My health care covers everything all the time. No premiums, no out of pocket and no deductibles. Usually it's ok, other times is sucks.


It's not about you. You can claim anything you want on the internet. Insurance does not cover everything. They decide what they will cover and what they will not.

No, insurance covers what their policy says they will cover. Like any insurance, if you need more coverage, then you pay to get it.

What do you think Medicare supplemental insurance is about anyway?
So tell us why any voter would need to know these things. We don't. What we need to know is outlined in the US Constitution. That's why they wrote the requirements. Also, tell me how many tax returns that you filed that stated what you own. The closest you'd come is a house or more, and that's only if you have a mortgage and wrote off the interest.

Entanglements with foreign governments or businesses? Didi you read up on Joe Biden and his crooked son the last six months? Tell me we will get to know all about that in his tax returns.

The problem here is if a Republican were low enough to create similar requirements such as revealing college transcripts or original birth certificates before Hussein ran, you on the left would have been rioting. Nothing but a bunch of hypocrites.
So all you need to know about a candidate is their age and they are a native born US citizen? That must be because your candidates never lie about themselves. They don't boast and exaggerate their achievements, hide their dealing with foreign governments, mobsters, and shady businesses. They tell you all you need to know.:cuckoo:

No, I want to know everything I can about any candidate, but at their option or their opponents research, not a government mandate.

The only thing a tax return can tell us is how much they made, how much they contributed to charity, and how much they wrote off. In other words for the presidency, it tells us nothing. It only tells us of their personal dealings which is really none of the voters business.

Now if they have or had any shady or illegal dealings, do you think they would put those deals on their tax return?
First, California is not forcing Trump to do anything. Trump is choosing to put his name on the primary ballot and thus must meet the same requirement as other candidates both presidential and gubernatorial which is well within the purview of the state.

Second, the republican party in California will send Trump delegates to the convention whether he is on the ballot or not. The presidential primary election in California just shows voter preference. The state committee actually decides who the delegates will be.

Tax forms tell us far more about a candidate than just the money they made and charitable contributions. It tells us how the money was made, the candidate's financial connections domestic and abroad, to who the candidate owes money, investments both domestic and foreign. In short, tax returns reveal where conflicts of interest may lie. Without tax forms, the voter has to rely on the honesty of the candidate and political hacks that create false news as fast as Trump tweets. This is why all modern day presidential candidates except for Trump have released their tax returns.

If your tax preparer is listing who you owe money to, how you are connected to the money, how your money was made, you better first fire them, and secondly, call the authorities.

Your tax form will contain a W2 if you are working for somebody else that has the various taxes and gross income listed. But nowhere does it say who you owe money to perhaps outside of a bank, and the only reason for that is if you are deducting interest rates. It doesn't say how you made that money either. The IRS has no idea I'm a truck driver.

It is a nice list of extremely poor excuses to get Trump's tax returns, when in reality, it has nothing to do with his presidency or anybody running for President. This law is nothing more than blackmail which just about any non-commie court can clearly see.

You cannot make additional requirements to the Constitution as a political attack (which this is) yet alone make additional requirements for any other reason.

Now if this law had a chance at hell in not being defeated by the courts, then Trump or anybody can make up a phony return saying anything he wanted to. There is no way to check that against the IRS files because the IRS files are off limits to everybody.
Trump's total tax return is reported to be over 125 pages without supporting worksheets and forms. For anyone who operates and managing an organization the size of the Trump Organization there is a huge amount of information in his tax returns.

To report interest paid on loans you must list who holds the loans. Write offs requires supporting data. Every source of income must be listed. Sale of assets have to be reported.

Yes, if a candidate does not release his tax returns, then his opponent can make up all kinds shit about his finances. This is one of the reasons candidates release their returns.

Of course if the candidate has financial transaction that would indicate a conflict of interest, transactions that would point to possible criminal conspiracies, or transactions that would be difficult for the president to explain then the president might well chose to hide them from voters.

Really? I don't remember many people complaining that Al Gore, who talked about how horrible oil was... had the sale of the Oak Hills oil reserve, sold to Occidental Petroleum, which Al Gore had stock in.

See you guys only seem to care about conflicts of interest when it's someone other than your guy in office. Then magically that's important. But when it's a democrap, and his crap friends making millions off tax money... you don't give a rats ass.

So with all due respect, you and your fake moralizing, can shove it where the sun doesn't shine. Trump can and should keep his tax returns to himself, just so I can see you frauds screaming about it.

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