No Thanksgiving For Atheists


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2019
Thanksgiving originated in 1621 to celebrate a bountiful harvest. Abraham Lincoln made Thanksgiving a national holiday, in part to help heal the grievous wounds of the Civil War, with its massive percentage of casualties. Since that time, Americans have given thanks to Nature's God for our blessings.

This leaves atheists very much out in the cold with their vaunted, self-proclaimed "intellectualism" and "rationalism". Nobody to give thanks to, except themselves.

Next comes Christmas, ho ho ho. No atheist celebrations then, for sure.
Thanksgiving originated in 1621 to celebrate a bountiful harvest. Abraham Lincoln made Thanksgiving a national holiday, in part to help heal the grievous wounds of the Civil War, with its massive percentage of casualties. Since that time, Americans have given thanks to Nature's God for our blessings.

This leaves atheists very much out in the cold with their vaunted, self-proclaimed "intellectualism" and "rationalism". Nobody to give thanks to, except themselves.

Next comes Christmas, ho ho ho. No atheist celebrations then, for sure.
sorry---'''atheists''' can celebrate any damn thing they want
...and it's a silly term--since there is no god to believe in
Thanksgiving originated in 1621 to celebrate a bountiful harvest. Abraham Lincoln made Thanksgiving a national holiday, in part to help heal the grievous wounds of the Civil War, with its massive percentage of casualties. Since that time, Americans have given thanks to Nature's God for our blessings.

This leaves atheists very much out in the cold with their vaunted, self-proclaimed "intellectualism" and "rationalism". Nobody to give thanks to, except themselves.

Next comes Christmas, ho ho ho. No atheist celebrations then, for sure.

I'm a descendant of William Bradford.

Shut up.

Being thankful for anything does not require a deity.
Thanksgiving originated in 1621 to celebrate a bountiful harvest. Abraham Lincoln made Thanksgiving a national holiday, in part to help heal the grievous wounds of the Civil War, with its massive percentage of casualties. Since that time, Americans have given thanks to Nature's God for our blessings.

This leaves atheists very much out in the cold with their vaunted, self-proclaimed "intellectualism" and "rationalism". Nobody to give thanks to, except themselves.

Next comes Christmas, ho ho ho. No atheist celebrations then, for sure.
and you are forgetting--separation of church and state
Thanksgiving originated in 1621 to celebrate a bountiful harvest. Abraham Lincoln made Thanksgiving a national holiday, in part to help heal the grievous wounds of the Civil War, with its massive percentage of casualties. Since that time, Americans have given thanks to Nature's God for our blessings.

This leaves atheists very much out in the cold with their vaunted, self-proclaimed "intellectualism" and "rationalism". Nobody to give thanks to, except themselves.

Next comes Christmas, ho ho ho. No atheist celebrations then, for sure.
Why are you so JEALOUS of Atheists?

Not one man in a thousand has either strength of mind or goodness of heart to be an Atheist.
-- Samuel Taylor Coleridge
THANK YOU Lord -may I have another?
another big a$$ fking virus that is fking up the world big time
Thanksgiving originated in 1621 to celebrate a bountiful harvest. Abraham Lincoln made Thanksgiving a national holiday, in part to help heal the grievous wounds of the Civil War, with its massive percentage of casualties. Since that time, Americans have given thanks to Nature's God for our blessings.

This leaves atheists very much out in the cold with their vaunted, self-proclaimed "intellectualism" and "rationalism". Nobody to give thanks to, except themselves.

Next comes Christmas, ho ho ho. No atheist celebrations then, for sure.
That is a boatload of bizarre bigoted bovine excrement. Unmitigated stupidity. Giving thanks does not have to be giving thanks to an imaginary sky fairy. We give thanks in many way. We give thanks to our good fortune that we enjoy, perhaps due to our hard work and talents, the help of others, or just luck. Don't you dare tell me that I can't celebrate Thanksgiving!

As for Christmas, it has for the most part become a secular consumer orgy that I can do without, but I go along with it as a family tradition having little or nothing to do with god for most people.
Thanksgiving originated in 1621 to celebrate a bountiful harvest. Abraham Lincoln made Thanksgiving a national holiday, in part to help heal the grievous wounds of the Civil War, with its massive percentage of casualties. Since that time, Americans have given thanks to Nature's God for our blessings.

This leaves atheists very much out in the cold with their vaunted, self-proclaimed "intellectualism" and "rationalism". Nobody to give thanks to, except themselves.

Next comes Christmas, ho ho ho. No atheist celebrations then, for sure.
Why are you so JEALOUS of Atheists?

Not one man in a thousand has either strength of mind or goodness of heart to be an Atheist.
-- Samuel Taylor Coleridge
More Bovine Excrement

good without god quotes - Bing
Thanksgiving originated in 1621 to celebrate a bountiful harvest. Abraham Lincoln made Thanksgiving a national holiday, in part to help heal the grievous wounds of the Civil War, with its massive percentage of casualties. Since that time, Americans have given thanks to Nature's God for our blessings.

This leaves atheists very much out in the cold with their vaunted, self-proclaimed "intellectualism" and "rationalism". Nobody to give thanks to, except themselves.

Next comes Christmas, ho ho ho. No atheist celebrations then, for sure.

Lincoln made it a national holiday. Not a religious one. Thanksgiving has never been a religious holiday. So atheists wouldn't care.
If you want a ho for Christmas..that's your deal. I don't judge. :)
Thanksgiving originated in 1621 to celebrate a bountiful harvest. Abraham Lincoln made Thanksgiving a national holiday, in part to help heal the grievous wounds of the Civil War, with its massive percentage of casualties. Since that time, Americans have given thanks to Nature's God for our blessings.

This leaves atheists very much out in the cold with their vaunted, self-proclaimed "intellectualism" and "rationalism". Nobody to give thanks to, except themselves.

Next comes Christmas, ho ho ho. No atheist celebrations then, for sure.
I think you've got your shit confused. Thanksgiving has never been a religious holiday. You don’t have to be religious to feel thankful for your good fortune. Nor does religion have to be involved to be an idiot but sometimes it helps.
Thanksgiving originated in 1621 to celebrate a bountiful harvest. Abraham Lincoln made Thanksgiving a national holiday, in part to help heal the grievous wounds of the Civil War, with its massive percentage of casualties. Since that time, Americans have given thanks to Nature's God for our blessings.

This leaves atheists very much out in the cold with their vaunted, self-proclaimed "intellectualism" and "rationalism". Nobody to give thanks to, except themselves.

Next comes Christmas, ho ho ho. No atheist celebrations then, for sure.
I'm a descendant of William Bradford.
Shut up.
Being thankful for anything does not require a deity.

Says the flaming atheist.
Why don't you TRY to shut me up, atheist?

Thanksgiving originated in 1621 to celebrate a bountiful harvest. Abraham Lincoln made Thanksgiving a national holiday, in part to help heal the grievous wounds of the Civil War, with its massive percentage of casualties. Since that time, Americans have given thanks to Nature's God for our blessings.

This leaves atheists very much out in the cold with their vaunted, self-proclaimed "intellectualism" and "rationalism". Nobody to give thanks to, except themselves.

Next comes Christmas, ho ho ho. No atheist celebrations then, for sure.
I'm a descendant of William Bradford.
Shut up.
Being thankful for anything does not require a deity.

Says the flaming atheist.
Why don't you TRY to shut me up, atheist?

no such thing as an atheist because there is nothing not to not believe
Thanksgiving originated in 1621 to celebrate a bountiful harvest. Abraham Lincoln made Thanksgiving a national holiday, in part to help heal the grievous wounds of the Civil War, with its massive percentage of casualties. Since that time, Americans have given thanks to Nature's God for our blessings.

This leaves atheists very much out in the cold with their vaunted, self-proclaimed "intellectualism" and "rationalism". Nobody to give thanks to, except themselves.

Next comes Christmas, ho ho ho. No atheist celebrations then, for sure.
I'm a descendant of William Bradford.
Shut up.
Being thankful for anything does not require a deity.

Says the flaming atheist.
Why don't you TRY to shut me up, atheist?

Why don't you try to be a little more tolerant of the beliefs of others? Another question is why are you so threatened by the fact that others don't believe as you do? Your religious beliefs do not threaten me as long as you do not try to impose them on me. Obviously you do not feel the same. I will that Christians very often try to force other to live by their religious beliefs, while atheists' NEVER DO.
Thanksgiving originated in 1621 to celebrate a bountiful harvest. Abraham Lincoln made Thanksgiving a national holiday, in part to help heal the grievous wounds of the Civil War, with its massive percentage of casualties. Since that time, Americans have given thanks to Nature's God for our blessings.

This leaves atheists very much out in the cold with their vaunted, self-proclaimed "intellectualism" and "rationalism". Nobody to give thanks to, except themselves.

Next comes Christmas, ho ho ho. No atheist celebrations then, for sure.

Of course neither a thanksgiving (harvest) sentiment, nor a midwinter observation, have any more to do with a "God" than Lincoln did. But as far as "nobody to give thanks to except themselves" that does remind me of..... this.
Thanksgiving originated in 1621 to celebrate a bountiful harvest. Abraham Lincoln made Thanksgiving a national holiday, in part to help heal the grievous wounds of the Civil War, with its massive percentage of casualties. Since that time, Americans have given thanks to Nature's God for our blessings.

This leaves atheists very much out in the cold with their vaunted, self-proclaimed "intellectualism" and "rationalism". Nobody to give thanks to, except themselves.

Next comes Christmas, ho ho ho. No atheist celebrations then, for sure.
I'm a descendant of William Bradford.
Shut up.
Being thankful for anything does not require a deity.

Says the flaming atheist.
Why don't you TRY to shut me up, atheist?

Welcome to ignore?
Thanksgiving originated in 1621 to celebrate a bountiful harvest. Abraham Lincoln made Thanksgiving a national holiday, in part to help heal the grievous wounds of the Civil War, with its massive percentage of casualties. Since that time, Americans have given thanks to Nature's God for our blessings.

This leaves atheists very much out in the cold with their vaunted, self-proclaimed "intellectualism" and "rationalism". Nobody to give thanks to, except themselves.

Next comes Christmas, ho ho ho. No atheist celebrations then, for sure.

i celebrate various holidays as secular events.

unlike freedom hating human conservative garbage i dont try to tell people how to live.

except now.....go fuk a turkey
Thanksgiving originated in 1621 to celebrate a bountiful harvest. Abraham Lincoln made Thanksgiving a national holiday, in part to help heal the grievous wounds of the Civil War, with its massive percentage of casualties. Since that time, Americans have given thanks to Nature's God for our blessings.

This leaves atheists very much out in the cold with their vaunted, self-proclaimed "intellectualism" and "rationalism". Nobody to give thanks to, except themselves.

Next comes Christmas, ho ho ho. No atheist celebrations then, for sure.
I'm a descendant of William Bradford.
Shut up.
Being thankful for anything does not require a deity.

Says the flaming atheist.
Why don't you TRY to shut me up, atheist?

Welcome to ignore?

I just took my beloved wife for a walk and while we were strolling, I thought of your William Bradford reference. How ashamed of you that Christian would be. You are filled with hate and ignorance. Now YOU told ME to "shut up." Ignore does not shut anyone up. It simply blocks their remarks from the view of the person blocking them. I have many Leftists and atheists like you on Ignore. Now you will join all of them.
"Go from the presence of a foolish man." - The Holy Bible

ciao brutto

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