No Toilet Paper or Water on the Shelves

Events being cancelled, people acting crazy trying to hoard, nobody eating out.

It’s like a Bernie Sanders test run.

Just think of how many losers won't believe this one either. LOL
US coronavirus infection estimates leap higher as Washington nursing home warns of a “shocking escalation” of symptomatic patients suddenly dying

What IF China deliberately manufactured COVID-19 and that the level 4 biolab in Wuhan had an accident and it was released into Wuhan at large. What IF that China was attempting to manufacture this to be their first attempt at using a Biological Weapon against The West.

What IF China then attempts to do the SAME thing but using Pneumonic Plague, now THAT would be the stuff of literal nightmares if they released a strain of this as a Biological Weapon against The West. The initial symptoms are fever, weakness, headaches and nausea it then RAPIDLY develops into Pneumonia and Antibiotics MUST be given within 24 hours of diagnosis IF not the infected die and that's it. The death rate from untreated Pneumonic Plague is 100%. Can you imagine the chaos in The West if TENS OF THOUSANDS in each nation had this thing, we would not be able to cope we would have peoples dying all over the place in massive numbers every day.

China is NO friend of The West and anyone who thinks they are is an idiot. China CAN NOT beat The West in conventional means, they would NOT want a military type war they know they could NOT destroy The West in that way and so they would have to go for an alternative type of war and that could be a Biological War using deliberately manufactured strains of vicious diseases that they KNOW The West would have difficulty dealing with en mass and something like a strain of Pneumonic Plague would be a literal Hell on earth to deal with.
A lot of what if's, but not so far fetched that it can't be entertained and/or investigated. A huge investigation should take place over this situation by our government. In the mean time be well, and God bless.

Dictatorships have killed thousands of their own citizens in the past, and that type of thing didn't just end yesterday. I wondered if China might would experiment on their own people if they thought that the results would be very educational when it comes to their military asperations, and their future dealings in the world.

If they have a vaccine, and it is being held back after loosing such a thing from a lab into the world, then may they reep the whirlwind for it all. Blood is on the hands of the Chinese and upon the Democrats if they are guilty of some kind of sinister plot. Hopefully not, but trusting anything these days is almost hopeless anymore it seems.

You also be well and God bless to you.

The situation is that not EVERYTHING is going to be a Conspiracy Theory, I'm not in general a Conspiracy Theorist. The thing about COVID-19 it originated in China and Wuhan got the initial full-on blast of it. In Wuhan they have a level 4 Biolab, where they develop and experiment with all types of viruses and diseases, strains of etc and China is a very big place and out of the ENTIRE nation of China the place with the level 4 Biolab Wuhan got COVID-19 FIRST in the WORLD, not in Beijing, not in some remote section of China but in Wuhan where they have a level 4 Biolab.

To me this is a very very big coincidence or is it? As I comment not EVERYTHING is a Conspiracy Theory.

Now ANYONE even mentioning the above situation has been called by the MSM a Conspiracy Theorist and so if ANY Government did an official investigation into the Wuhan level 4 Biolab-COVID-19-Wuhan At Large outbreak that Government would be TRASHED 24/7 by the World MSM as being Conspiracy Theorists and they of course would throw in the usual slurs of "Xenophobic" and "Racist" etc

The logical minds, the normal minds in this world have got to IGNORE all of this, because one of these days something even worse is probably going to happen and it probably could be a deliberate Biological Attack on The West by a hostile nation like China and in that event The West HAS to investigate and take appropriate action against such an attack and we CAN NOT be crippled into NOT doing these things by a MSM getting IN the way.

The SAME MSM IF this COVID-19 would have originated in Russia in say St. Petersburg if they had a level 4 Biolab and then ALL of St. Petersburg was put into lockdown because half of them had COVID-19 and then all of a sudden it began to spread across The West etc then the SAME MSM would weeks ago have DEMANDED that Russia was bombed, the SAME MSM immediately would have declared that Russia had launched a deliberate Biological Weapon attack on The West.

But with China this MSM SCREAMS Conspiracy Theory, Conspiracy Theorists, Xenophobes, Racist. WHY? How much does China OWN the MSM in The West? China seems to have their dirty fingers in EVERYTHING else from construction of infrastructure to the Entertainment Industry so how much does China OWN of The West's MSM? There has to be some REASON WHY the MSM does NOT ask the SAME questions about China that they would about Russia IF COVID-19 would have originated not in China but in Russia.
We must take this as a warning to GET OUT, and be far less dependent on China or as much as we possibly can be less dependent on them. We must revert to investing back into our own nation and citizen's, and we must begin to build up our own nation against such threats in the future, and we must insulate ourselves by gaining a respect in the world again. We must find the ones in this nation that have knowingly sold us out, and we should break them. They shouldn't be able to afford nothing but the bare minimums in life, and they should be relegated to working physical labor jobs at just above minimum wage for the rest of their lives.

Funny thing, if people are worried about being sickened, then why are they buying up hand sanitizer, and toilet paper by the boat load, and not buying up Tylenol etc ???? What are they gonna do, use the sanitizer as a preventive, and if get sick just cry themselves to sleep on mounds of toilet paper ??
Is her name Corona ? LOL
Just think of how many losers won't believe this one either. LOL
US coronavirus infection estimates leap higher as Washington nursing home warns of a “shocking escalation” of symptomatic patients suddenly dying

What IF China deliberately manufactured COVID-19 and that the level 4 biolab in Wuhan had an accident and it was released into Wuhan at large. What IF that China was attempting to manufacture this to be their first attempt at using a Biological Weapon against The West.

What IF China then attempts to do the SAME thing but using Pneumonic Plague, now THAT would be the stuff of literal nightmares if they released a strain of this as a Biological Weapon against The West. The initial symptoms are fever, weakness, headaches and nausea it then RAPIDLY develops into Pneumonia and Antibiotics MUST be given within 24 hours of diagnosis IF not the infected die and that's it. The death rate from untreated Pneumonic Plague is 100%. Can you imagine the chaos in The West if TENS OF THOUSANDS in each nation had this thing, we would not be able to cope we would have peoples dying all over the place in massive numbers every day.

China is NO friend of The West and anyone who thinks they are is an idiot. China CAN NOT beat The West in conventional means, they would NOT want a military type war they know they could NOT destroy The West in that way and so they would have to go for an alternative type of war and that could be a Biological War using deliberately manufactured strains of vicious diseases that they KNOW The West would have difficulty dealing with en masse and something like a strain of Pneumonic Plague would be a literal Hell on earth to deal with.

What is everyone's thoughts about this potential situation? That we even have to THINK about horrific things like this just illustrates what an enemy China is to The West. We would NEVER think about deliberately releasing a strain of something like Pneumonic Plague but China would.


There is going to be a 2nd WAVE of another VIRUS .... China is def. behind this bs. China is trying to spread false rumors blaming the US military now. That's how the WEAPONIZE msm and eventually ppl don't know what the hell to believe...

View attachment 312092

The 2nd one they say its def. to keep from having to pay out social security... Raise the age they say they can't it won't make a difference because they can't make up the lies much longer.....

In China they have created such a huge UN NATURAL balance between males and females it's being said they must bring down their male civilians because there are not enough women for all the men. Remember they killedd or made them abort females .......etc.

The globe is going broke the OLD are costing money ..........

Again there is more to come.....another wave of disease.

Global Exclusive: Coronavirus Is A Deadly, Mutating, Depopulation Bioweapon - FULL SHOW 3/12/20
Global Exclusive: Coronavirus Is A Deadly, Mutating, Depopulation Bioweapon - FULL SHOW 3/12/20

I was reading yesterday that the British one health expert has said that approx 10,000 British could have COVID-19 and not know because some do not show the symptoms but they have it. Now Wednesday night in America The Donald announced for 90 days ALL flights from our Continent to your nation to stop at 00.00 today Friday EXCEPT for the British they can still get on the place and go to the American nation.

So let us think a moment about this, what if that British health expert is accurate and up to approx 10,000 British have COVID-19 and it could be more because the British are NOT doing extensive testing for Coronavirus so who knows how many have it. To me not a good idea then for The Donald to EXEMPT the British from the rest of the travel ban he has on our nations because we are in Schengen, you could have X amount of British going to the American nation and then spreading COVID-19 more into your nation etc

It's been following these rules :

There will be no middle class, only rulers and the servants. All laws will be uniform under a legal system of world courts practicing the same unified code of laws, backed up by a One World Government police force and a One World unified military to enforce laws in all former countries where no national boundaries shall exist. The system will be on the basis of a welfare state; those who are obedient and subservient to the One World Government will be rewarded with the means to live; those who are rebellious will simple be starved to death or be declared outlaws, thus a target for anyone who wishes to kill them. Privately owned firearms or weapons of any kind will be prohibited."

^^^^ And they call us the Fascists! They can GTFO with that One World Government thing, if they want an actual shooting war we can have a shooting war NO Globalist POS is going to put ME or ANYONE I know under some One World Government Dictatorship IF ANY of them come into this nation to attempt to pull that they will be met with a bullets in their heads.
The prophesies are being fulfilled, and the Bible is being proved daily unto us, yet the world strains at a knat, but swallows a camel.
Events being cancelled, people acting crazy trying to hoard, nobody eating out.

It’s like a Bernie Sanders test run.
People are insane. I went to the store before work this morning to stock up on pet food. TP, paper towels and napkins all gone. But the Cold Medicine,Tylenol,aspirin ,pain relievers, cough medicine, cough drops and Vitamin C drops are still fully stocked.

Go figure.
Events being cancelled, people acting crazy trying to hoard, nobody eating out.

It’s like a Bernie Sanders test run.
People are insane. I went to the store before work this morning to stock up on pet food. TP, paper towels and napkins all gone. But the Cold Medicine,Tylenol,aspirin ,pain relievers, cough medicine, cough drops and Vitamin C drops are still fully stocked.

Go figure.
Yes, what do they know that we don't know ??
Events being cancelled, people acting crazy trying to hoard, nobody eating out.

It’s like a Bernie Sanders test run.
People are insane. I went to the store before work this morning to stock up on pet food. TP, paper towels and napkins all gone. But the Cold Medicine,Tylenol,aspirin ,pain relievers, cough medicine, cough drops and Vitamin C drops are still fully stocked.

Go figure.
Yes, what do they know that we don't know ??

They do not know anything, they are basic idiots, the en masse buying of toilet paper is completely irrational. We certainly if the SHTF would NOT want to be in a bunker with these idiots, if we were well they would have to be automatically shot as their ability to freak out would put the rest of us in danger.
Events being cancelled, people acting crazy trying to hoard, nobody eating out.

It’s like a Bernie Sanders test run.
People are insane. I went to the store before work this morning to stock up on pet food. TP, paper towels and napkins all gone. But the Cold Medicine,Tylenol,aspirin ,pain relievers, cough medicine, cough drops and Vitamin C drops are still fully stocked.

Go figure.
Yes, what do they know that we don't know ??

Good question. It’s very bizarre though.
Events being cancelled, people acting crazy trying to hoard, nobody eating out.

It’s like a Bernie Sanders test run.
People are insane. I went to the store before work this morning to stock up on pet food. TP, paper towels and napkins all gone. But the Cold Medicine,Tylenol,aspirin ,pain relievers, cough medicine, cough drops and Vitamin C drops are still fully stocked.

Go figure.
Yes, what do they know that we don't know ??

Good question. It’s very bizarre though.
Smart Restaurant - saw this online:

SOCIAL DISTANCING, THE CULINARY EDITION: So I met the Insta-Mom for lunch at Calhoun’s Barbecue, and they’ve enacted major sanitary changes. We were handed photocopies menus rather than reusable ones, and when we were done the waiter wadded them up to throw away right in front of us. The tables were wiped with sanitizing wipes (then the Insta-Mom pulled her own wipe out of her bag and wiped ours again). There were only one-time-use disposable packets for salt, pepper, ketchup, barbecue sauce, etc. I’ve never seen anything like it at a restaurant before. I asked the manager and he said they had consulted with the Knox County board of health on what changes to make. I expect you’ll see this sort of thing in a lot of places.

Also, it’s easy to forget that disposable, one-time-use items came into style because they were perceived as healthier. Then we quit fearing germs. Now . . . well, I think we’ll see a return.

Instapundit » Blog Archive » SOCIAL DISTANCING, THE CULINARY EDITION: So I met the Insta-Mom for lunch at Calhoun’s Barbecue, an…
Events being cancelled, people acting crazy trying to hoard, nobody eating out.

It’s like a Bernie Sanders test run.
People are insane. I went to the store before work this morning to stock up on pet food. TP, paper towels and napkins all gone. But the Cold Medicine,Tylenol,aspirin ,pain relievers, cough medicine, cough drops and Vitamin C drops are still fully stocked.

Go figure.
Yes, what do they know that we don't know ??

Good question. It’s very bizarre though.
Smart Restaurant - saw this online:

SOCIAL DISTANCING, THE CULINARY EDITION: So I met the Insta-Mom for lunch at Calhoun’s Barbecue, and they’ve enacted major sanitary changes. We were handed photocopies menus rather than reusable ones, and when we were done the waiter wadded them up to throw away right in front of us. The tables were wiped with sanitizing wipes (then the Insta-Mom pulled her own wipe out of her bag and wiped ours again). There were only one-time-use disposable packets for salt, pepper, ketchup, barbecue sauce, etc. I’ve never seen anything like it at a restaurant before. I asked the manager and he said they had consulted with the Knox County board of health on what changes to make. I expect you’ll see this sort of thing in a lot of places.

Also, it’s easy to forget that disposable, one-time-use items came into style because they were perceived as healthier. Then we quit fearing germs. Now . . . well, I think we’ll see a return.

Instapundit » Blog Archive » SOCIAL DISTANCING, THE CULINARY EDITION: So I met the Insta-Mom for lunch at Calhoun’s Barbecue, an…
Ok, so what does one do when going by the drive through window at McDonald's, Wendy's, KFC etc, and you are handed a drink, a bag of goodies, and so on and so forth ????? Are you to spray Lysol on the bag, straw wrapper, and drink cup before getting into the contents ???
Events being cancelled, people acting crazy trying to hoard, nobody eating out.

It’s like a Bernie Sanders test run.
People are insane. I went to the store before work this morning to stock up on pet food. TP, paper towels and napkins all gone. But the Cold Medicine,Tylenol,aspirin ,pain relievers, cough medicine, cough drops and Vitamin C drops are still fully stocked.

Go figure.
Yes, what do they know that we don't know ??

Good question. It’s very bizarre though.
Smart Restaurant - saw this online:

SOCIAL DISTANCING, THE CULINARY EDITION: So I met the Insta-Mom for lunch at Calhoun’s Barbecue, and they’ve enacted major sanitary changes. We were handed photocopies menus rather than reusable ones, and when we were done the waiter wadded them up to throw away right in front of us. The tables were wiped with sanitizing wipes (then the Insta-Mom pulled her own wipe out of her bag and wiped ours again). There were only one-time-use disposable packets for salt, pepper, ketchup, barbecue sauce, etc. I’ve never seen anything like it at a restaurant before. I asked the manager and he said they had consulted with the Knox County board of health on what changes to make. I expect you’ll see this sort of thing in a lot of places.

Also, it’s easy to forget that disposable, one-time-use items came into style because they were perceived as healthier. Then we quit fearing germs. Now . . . well, I think we’ll see a return.

Instapundit » Blog Archive » SOCIAL DISTANCING, THE CULINARY EDITION: So I met the Insta-Mom for lunch at Calhoun’s Barbecue, an…
Ok, so what does one do when going by the drive through window at McDonald's, Wendy's, KFC etc, and you are handed a drink, a bag of goodies, and so on and so forth ????? Are you to spray Lysol on the bag, straw wrapper, and drink cup before getting into the contents ???
People are insane. I went to the store before work this morning to stock up on pet food. TP, paper towels and napkins all gone. But the Cold Medicine,Tylenol,aspirin ,pain relievers, cough medicine, cough drops and Vitamin C drops are still fully stocked.

Go figure.
Yes, what do they know that we don't know ??

Good question. It’s very bizarre though.
Smart Restaurant - saw this online:

SOCIAL DISTANCING, THE CULINARY EDITION: So I met the Insta-Mom for lunch at Calhoun’s Barbecue, and they’ve enacted major sanitary changes. We were handed photocopies menus rather than reusable ones, and when we were done the waiter wadded them up to throw away right in front of us. The tables were wiped with sanitizing wipes (then the Insta-Mom pulled her own wipe out of her bag and wiped ours again). There were only one-time-use disposable packets for salt, pepper, ketchup, barbecue sauce, etc. I’ve never seen anything like it at a restaurant before. I asked the manager and he said they had consulted with the Knox County board of health on what changes to make. I expect you’ll see this sort of thing in a lot of places.

Also, it’s easy to forget that disposable, one-time-use items came into style because they were perceived as healthier. Then we quit fearing germs. Now . . . well, I think we’ll see a return.

Instapundit » Blog Archive » SOCIAL DISTANCING, THE CULINARY EDITION: So I met the Insta-Mom for lunch at Calhoun’s Barbecue, an…
Ok, so what does one do when going by the drive through window at McDonald's, Wendy's, KFC etc, and you are handed a drink, a bag of goodies, and so on and so forth ????? Are you to spray Lysol on the bag, straw wrapper, and drink cup before getting into the contents ???
The excessive grease should do the trick (right on through you).. lol Eat more KFC chicken then.
We are conserving on toilet paper.We are making sure we use both sides.
Yes, what do they know that we don't know ??

Good question. It’s very bizarre though.
Smart Restaurant - saw this online:

SOCIAL DISTANCING, THE CULINARY EDITION: So I met the Insta-Mom for lunch at Calhoun’s Barbecue, and they’ve enacted major sanitary changes. We were handed photocopies menus rather than reusable ones, and when we were done the waiter wadded them up to throw away right in front of us. The tables were wiped with sanitizing wipes (then the Insta-Mom pulled her own wipe out of her bag and wiped ours again). There were only one-time-use disposable packets for salt, pepper, ketchup, barbecue sauce, etc. I’ve never seen anything like it at a restaurant before. I asked the manager and he said they had consulted with the Knox County board of health on what changes to make. I expect you’ll see this sort of thing in a lot of places.

Also, it’s easy to forget that disposable, one-time-use items came into style because they were perceived as healthier. Then we quit fearing germs. Now . . . well, I think we’ll see a return.

Instapundit » Blog Archive » SOCIAL DISTANCING, THE CULINARY EDITION: So I met the Insta-Mom for lunch at Calhoun’s Barbecue, an…
Ok, so what does one do when going by the drive through window at McDonald's, Wendy's, KFC etc, and you are handed a drink, a bag of goodies, and so on and so forth ????? Are you to spray Lysol on the bag, straw wrapper, and drink cup before getting into the contents ???
The excessive grease should do the trick (right on through you).. lol Eat more KFC chicken then.
VERY pResidential of you. Have you considered running ?

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