No Toilet Paper or Water on the Shelves


Good question. It’s very bizarre though.
Smart Restaurant - saw this online:

SOCIAL DISTANCING, THE CULINARY EDITION: So I met the Insta-Mom for lunch at Calhoun’s Barbecue, and they’ve enacted major sanitary changes. We were handed photocopies menus rather than reusable ones, and when we were done the waiter wadded them up to throw away right in front of us. The tables were wiped with sanitizing wipes (then the Insta-Mom pulled her own wipe out of her bag and wiped ours again). There were only one-time-use disposable packets for salt, pepper, ketchup, barbecue sauce, etc. I’ve never seen anything like it at a restaurant before. I asked the manager and he said they had consulted with the Knox County board of health on what changes to make. I expect you’ll see this sort of thing in a lot of places.

Also, it’s easy to forget that disposable, one-time-use items came into style because they were perceived as healthier. Then we quit fearing germs. Now . . . well, I think we’ll see a return.

Instapundit » Blog Archive » SOCIAL DISTANCING, THE CULINARY EDITION: So I met the Insta-Mom for lunch at Calhoun’s Barbecue, an…
Ok, so what does one do when going by the drive through window at McDonald's, Wendy's, KFC etc, and you are handed a drink, a bag of goodies, and so on and so forth ????? Are you to spray Lysol on the bag, straw wrapper, and drink cup before getting into the contents ???
The excessive grease should do the trick (right on through you).. lol Eat more KFC chicken then.
VERY pResidential of you. Have you considered running ?
Go Trump, whip that virus.
it's politicized hysteria only fools buy into


Not really. Zika was never a thing in the U.S. ... Ebola was quickly resolved in the U.S. and Swine flu was a thing mostly in 2009.
Events being cancelled, people acting crazy trying to hoard, nobody eating out.

It’s like a Bernie Sanders test run.
People are insane. I went to the store before work this morning to stock up on pet food. TP, paper towels and napkins all gone. But the Cold Medicine,Tylenol,aspirin ,pain relievers, cough medicine, cough drops and Vitamin C drops are still fully stocked.

Go figure.

I know - it's crazy right? - I went to do my normal Friday shopping and it was we were expecting a 6 week blizzard to hit! No ibuprofen, empty paper goods shelves, no bottled water (don't buy that anyway)....almost no lunch meat or regular meat.

People are NUTZ.

I confess. I felt a momentary ping of PANIC and grabbed an extra bag of popcorn kernels. But...that was it.
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Events being cancelled, people acting crazy trying to hoard, nobody eating out.

It’s like a Bernie Sanders test run.
....I always keep a month's supply of TP....then I buy one or two now and then these selfish, dumbass jackasses are hoarding it--when there is no supply problem
Events being cancelled, people acting crazy trying to hoard, nobody eating out.

It’s like a Bernie Sanders test run.
....I always keep a month's supply of TP....then I buy one or two now and then these selfish, dumbass jackasses are hoarding it--when there is no supply problem
In a few weeks they’ll be going what in the hell did I buy.
Events being cancelled, people acting crazy trying to hoard, nobody eating out.

It’s like a Bernie Sanders test run.
....I always keep a month's supply of TP....then I buy one or two now and then these selfish, dumbass jackasses are hoarding it--when there is no supply problem
In a few weeks they’ll be going what in the hell did I buy.
..good thing these people weren't around for WW2!!!
....I've been reading WW2 for over 40 years--and it's one of the reasons I am grateful for the food/water/clothing/showers/bed/chair/etc I have
--I have a thread on the CVirus times vs WW2 times ...
I'm gonna install one of those bidets tomorrow ...........My wife bought one......LOL

Why not.............seeing how this INSANITY sent home over a 1000 workers today were I work.........2 to 8 weeks off with NO PAY........that's real.............

This is what this whole panic has done..........Crashed the markets.........caused a global grab on everything...........and I've NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE THIS in over a half Century on this earth......

It is AMAZING........what have we become........Boogles the mind.

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