No Trump didn't commit treason or espionage

He left with the documents, while he was president. Done deal, liberals lose again.
You must be retarded. If you can't see a problem with a private citizen having documents that threaten national security, you are very sick or very ignorant person.
You must be retarded. If you can't see a problem with a private citizen having documents that threaten national security, you are very sick or very ignorant person.
Not just any private citizen, moron. Do you feel the same about Obama, Clinton, Carter, and Bush? Should we raid all of them too? What a fucking twit you are.
Not just any private citizen, moron. Do you feel the same about Obama, Clinton, Carter, and Bush? Should we raid all of them too? What a fucking twit you are.
They are all private citizens now. You can't argue with that. That's their reality now.

The president of the United States has plenary power over national security issues, including document classification. That means that, under the Constitution, as to national security, the president has complete and unlimited power. He is the king of the national security world, and no one can gainsay him, whether the bureaucrats who work for him, Congress, or the Supreme Court.

Democrats, however, are pushing back against this reality. The best example I've found comes from Graeme Wood, an African-American studies and philosophy major, who authored the above-mentioned Atlantic article (which is currently The Atlantic's "most popular" article).

Wood reluctantly concedes some of the president's unlimited power. He quotes J. William Leonard, former head of the Information Security Oversight Office, who said that "the rules and procedures governing the classification and declassification of information apply to everyone else [other than the president]." Wood continues, saying, "[The president] would not have had to file paperwork — just 'utter the magic words,' Leonard told me." In other words, Wood acknowledges that Trump, while president, by packing up and taking documents with him, automatically declassified them.

I wonder if this will get moved to conspiracy by Jannies even though it's TRUTH

Just a couple of points you might not have considered. Ignoring the Classified/Declassified subject temporarily, Those papers are not the property of the ex president. You should research the Presidential Papers Act of 1978. All his papers belong to the Archivist upon leaving office.

Even though the fact that Mr Wood actually made those remarks is unquestionably true, that doesn't mean the remarks themselves are true.
By your standards he had every right to loot the White House. That stuff wasn't his to take and never was.
Not really, but seeing Brandon's abuse of the Presidential Records Act does seem to bring questions as to it's Constitutionality. Seems an undue burden placed upon the Executive branch by Congress that can be exploited by unscrupulous swamp creatures. Hopefully Trump challenges it.
Not really, but seeing Brandon's abuse of the Presidential Records Act does seem to bring questions as to it's Constitutionality. Seems an undue burden placed upon the Executive branch by Congress that can be exploited by unscrupulous swamp creatures. Hopefully Trump challenges it.
Deflecting to Biden in any of this is an act of desperation. No matter your opinion it cannot be denied that Trump brought this on himself.
Not really, but seeing Brandon's abuse of the Presidential Records Act does seem to bring questions as to it's Constitutionality. Seems an undue burden placed upon the Executive branch by Congress that can be exploited by unscrupulous swamp creatures. Hopefully Trump challenges it.
Sure, why not. Trump has challenged every other rule that prevented him from becoming a tin pot dictator, so why not this one too? Eventually, he might find something that doesn't get kicked out of court for being frivolus.

The president of the United States has plenary power over national security issues, including document classification. That means that, under the Constitution, as to national security, the president has complete and unlimited power. He is the king of the national security world, and no one can gainsay him, whether the bureaucrats who work for him, Congress, or the Supreme Court.

Democrats, however, are pushing back against this reality. The best example I've found comes from Graeme Wood, an African-American studies and philosophy major, who authored the above-mentioned Atlantic article (which is currently The Atlantic's "most popular" article).

Wood reluctantly concedes some of the president's unlimited power. He quotes J. William Leonard, former head of the Information Security Oversight Office, who said that "the rules and procedures governing the classification and declassification of information apply to everyone else [other than the president]." Wood continues, saying, "[The president] would not have had to file paperwork — just 'utter the magic words,' Leonard told me." In other words, Wood acknowledges that Trump, while president, by packing up and taking documents with him, automatically declassified them.

I wonder if this will get moved to conspiracy by Jannies even though it's TRUTH
he is no longer the president DUHH for God's sakes
The President of the United States has that power. An ex-president doesn't.
Good thing he is on official record as having declassified the information while he was President.

Again, I posted the article in another thread that tells how Trump declassified all Crossfire Hurricane records and ordered the FBI to release them.

19 months later the FBI is still refusing to comy with the legal order from then President Trump AND refusing to omy with multiple FOIA requests for the Info filed after Trump ordered the info declassified and released.

Just because the proven criminal / treasonous FBI refuses to comply with an order does not mean the order was not given. It's on record.

Gee, who would guess the FBI would disobey Trump, refuse to declassify info that could send FBI members to jail, then raid Trump's home, collect info that was already ordered to he declassified, and falsely claim the information is still classified?!

Surely an agency that violated the Patriot Act, violated the Constitution, defrauded the FISA Court, illegally spied on Americans, illegally spied on a President and his team, and treasonously participated in a failed coup attempt would never do something like disobey the President by refusing to declassify an illegal operation and refusing to release the information to the public.....

Good thing he is on official record as having declassified the information while he was President.

Again, I posted the article in another thread that tells how Trump declassified all Crossfire Hurricane records and ordered the FBI to release them.

19 months later the FBI is still refusing to comy with the legal order from then President Trump AND refusing to omy with multiple FOIA requests for the Info filed after Trump ordered the info declassified and released.

Just because the proven criminal / treasonous FBI refuses to comply with an order does not mean the order was not given. It's on record.

Gee, who would guess the FBI would disobey Trump, refuse to declassify info that could send FBI members to jail, then raid Trump's home, collect info that was already ordered to he declassified, and falsely claim the information is still classified?!

Surely an agency that violated the Patriot Act, violated the Constitution, defrauded the FISA Court, illegally spied on Americans, illegally spied on a President and his team, and treasonously participated in a failed coup attempt would never do something like disobey the President by refusing to declassify an illegal operation and refusing to release the information to the public.....

You should write a strongly worded letter to the editor. I'll bet that will get their attention.
he is no longer the president DUHH for God's sakes
These people will defend trump even after his death they'll consider him a martyr for GOD-forsaken cause. Events will take their course no matter what the little people think ( that includes you and I as well ).
Sure, why not. Trump has challenged every other rule that prevented him from becoming a tin pot dictator, so why not this one too? Eventually, he might find something that doesn't get kicked out of court for being frivolus.
Does Congress have the same standard for every single one of their records? Nope, rules thee not me nonsense. No wonder you folks are so into this.
Trump may not have committed either crime but he was a naughty boy who pilfered documents, refused to give them over in a subpoena action, and got his Barbie Dream House searched and the documents and then some seized as a result. Don't mess with the National Archives. Those librarians are next level shushers.

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