No Trump didn't commit treason or espionage

The President of the United States has that power. An ex-president doesn't. It also doesn't work retroactively or by the power of him wishing it into existence. And no the action of taking them with them doesn't automatically declassify them.
And if even if any of that were the case… Biden calling them classified at ANY point after Jan 20 2021 means that they are then classified and Trump is in trouble
Does Congress have the same standard for every single one of their records? Nope, rules thee not me nonsense. No wonder you folks are so into this.
All papers are not as important as others. There are different rules for top secret papers than for papers of lesser import. Each is classed and an appropriate list of rules are used for each class.
All papers are not as important as others. There are different rules for top secret papers than for papers of lesser import. Each is classed and an appropriate list of rules are used for each class.
It doesn't just cover classified records. Go read up on it. Congress has no such equivalent, which opens the door to abuse of powers.

The president of the United States has plenary power over national security issues, including document classification. That means that, under the Constitution, as to national security, the president has complete and unlimited power. He is the king of the national security world, and no one can gainsay him, whether the bureaucrats who work for him, Congress, or the Supreme Court.

Democrats, however, are pushing back against this reality. The best example I've found comes from Graeme Wood, an African-American studies and philosophy major, who authored the above-mentioned Atlantic article (which is currently The Atlantic's "most popular" article).

Wood reluctantly concedes some of the president's unlimited power. He quotes J. William Leonard, former head of the Information Security Oversight Office, who said that "the rules and procedures governing the classification and declassification of information apply to everyone else [other than the president]." Wood continues, saying, "[The president] would not have had to file paperwork — just 'utter the magic words,' Leonard told me." In other words, Wood acknowledges that Trump, while president, by packing up and taking documents with him, automatically declassified them.

I wonder if this will get moved to conspiracy by Jannies even though it's TRUTH
Trump did nothing wrong.

But since when do lynch mobs care about right and wrong?
It doesn't just cover classified records. Go read up on it. Congress has no such equivalent, which opens the door to abuse of powers.
It covers all presidential papers, even if it is just some doodles on a blank page. The law was passed specifically for presidents. Congress is not covered in the act.
It covers all presidential papers, even if it is just some doodles on a blank page. The law was passed specifically for presidents. Congress is not covered in the act.
That's the point, Congress shares no such ludicrous burden. Just another disgusting overreach.
That's the point, Congress shares no such ludicrous burden. Just another disgusting overreach.
Overreach by who? You realize that act was passed by congress just like any other law, don't you?
Enemy democrats don't care about whats legal. Can they pressure Trump enough so that he doesn't run for office? That's the only question. That's the only interest.
DO prove that Biden didn't RECLASSIFY them while in office
So, you demented idiots are going with "re-classify" now?

My goodness, the lack of self-awareness, and the ignorance of the rule of Constitutional LAW is mind blowing.

I swear, this is the peak of Marxist STUPIDITY! The pathogen has run its course; Humanity must overcome the folly of these retarded idiots.

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