No...Trump wasn't even close to being a fascist....Victor Davis Hanson explains...

If you are in to Trump, then you already embrace the most bottom of the barrel human as you could get. You can't get any lower and perverse than Trump.
Oh, the Clinton's, the Obama's, the Biden's are even lower and more bottom barrel, perverse than Trump.

At least Trump has some record of involvement in the private sector of the economy where wealth is produced.

The above mentioned "others" have next to zilch, their entire post college "careers" spent collecting guv'mint checks, being parasites living off of the taxpayers (wealth redistribution) and the graft they can scam.

BTW, those whom support and voted for the Clinton's, Obama's, and Biden's are also social and economic parasites and deadwood non-producers.
His salient point was that Trump was too incompetent to be a fascist.

As noted in the aftermath of the failed coup

Incompetence is not a defense
Would you like a list of 28 pages of all of Trump;s great accomplishments? No, Biden is incompetent and incontinent as well. January 6th was not a coup attempt. You don't attempt coups without weapons and you don't with little old ladies and men. Do you even know what a coup looks like when one happens? One of the geniuses of the Founding Fathers was the idea of states and that they have rights individually. There's no way to accomplish a violent coup in the U.S. by entering the Congress and do pretty much nothing but wander around.
There's never been evidence of pee tapes, but everything else in the dossier is vetted. What is your problem?
No, nothing was vetted and correct. It was made up and bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton. That is a fact and you know it.
The actual fascists are the democrats....who have now turned the FBI and the IRS into the parties gestapo........but here is Victor Davis Hanson explaining that Trump wasn't even close to being a fascist.....

He goes on at some length.....

But to quantify those charges, what exactly has Trump done extralegally—as opposed to his bombast and braggadocio about what he might have wished to have done?

And what are the standards by which to judge this supposed menace? Did Trump illegally and with a mere signature nullify over $300 billion of contracted student loans—to firm up his college-student and college-graduate base nine weeks before the midterm elections?

Did Donald Trump weaponize the feared IRS, the logical place to find fascistic tendencies of any president bent on using government to punish his enemies? Did he push through a plan to add 87,000 new IRS investigative agents at a time of national discord?

For the last five years, Trump was rumored to be under investigation by the IRS. Currently, his accountant is facing felony sentencing for advising improper write-offs.

Certainly, from the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop and the remarks of Hunter’s associates like Tony Bobulinksi, the Biden family raked in millions of foreign dollars. Evidence so far suggests Joe Biden was a recipient (as the “Big Guy”) of 10 percent of these quid pro quopayments. At times, Bobulinksi may have sent a strapped and broke Hunter thousands of dollars in cash gifts. Were any of these stealthy transactions taxed? Does the recently heavily Biden-endowed IRS care?

If Trump wished to abuse his power over the IRS, he would have followed the Obama model of weaponizing it during a reelection year to go after his ideological enemies.

In Obama’s case, the tax agency slow-walked or denied nonprofit status for groups whose ideology was deemed not helpful to Obama’s campaign in 2012. There was a reason Lois Lerner invoked the Fifth Amendment, and it was not to protect Donald Trump.

Just a coincidence...

LOL, In other words, you got none? Yeah, we got it the first time.

It's so easy to trip up you fuckers. Make you prove your bombast. Happens all the time! :auiqs.jpg:

Thanks for playing numbnuts. Next time, post an article from a source that does not lie. Good luck. :itsok:

It's easy for you chumps to demand proof when you wont acknowledge anything outside the groupthink regardless.

It's easy for you chumps to demand proof when you wont acknowledge anything outside the groupthink regardless.

So, you are still a retard and still got nothing? Yeah, we got that the first time. But, thanks for confirming. :itsok:
So, you are still a retard and still got nothing? Yeah, we got that the first time. But, thanks for confirming. :itsok:

That you refuse to acknowledge what has happened in the past, or the simple fact that the new IRS agents ARE PART OF THE LAW THAT WAS PASSED isn't my issue, it's yours.

You can deny reality all you want, it just makes you look stupid, AR-15 bullets being 5x faster than other bullets stupid.
That you refuse to acknowledge what has happened in the past, or the simple fact that the new IRS agents ARE PART OF THE LAW THAT WAS PASSED isn't my issue, it's yours.

You can deny reality all you want, it just makes you look stupid, AR-15 bullets being 5x faster than other bullets stupid.
Simple question, retard.

Show where Biden "weaponized" the IRS or that he is pushing through a plan to add 87,000 new IRS agents.

Can you or can't you? Do you really think that just because you keep trolling with your inanities, I am going to forget the question? :auiqs.jpg:
LOL. That wasn't my question. Let me ask it again:

Show where Biden "weaponized" the IRS or that he is pushing through a plan to add 87,000 new IRS agents.

I don't know why this Congressman is defending it. You should ask him. But that wasn't the question. Show where Biden is pushing a plan to hire 87,000 IRS agents.

Plus, you still haven't addressed the second part of the question. Show where all these IRS agents are going to be armed.

Sorry, retard. You lose. Again. Keep trying or admit your side lied. Simple. :itsok:
The actual fascists are the democrats....who have now turned the FBI and the IRS into the parties gestapo........but here is Victor Davis Hanson explaining that Trump wasn't even close to being a fascist.....

He goes on at some length.....

But to quantify those charges, what exactly has Trump done extralegally—as opposed to his bombast and braggadocio about what he might have wished to have done?

And what are the standards by which to judge this supposed menace? Did Trump illegally and with a mere signature nullify over $300 billion of contracted student loans—to firm up his college-student and college-graduate base nine weeks before the midterm elections?

Did Donald Trump weaponize the feared IRS, the logical place to find fascistic tendencies of any president bent on using government to punish his enemies? Did he push through a plan to add 87,000 new IRS investigative agents at a time of national discord?

For the last five years, Trump was rumored to be under investigation by the IRS. Currently, his accountant is facing felony sentencing for advising improper write-offs.

Certainly, from the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop and the remarks of Hunter’s associates like Tony Bobulinksi, the Biden family raked in millions of foreign dollars. Evidence so far suggests Joe Biden was a recipient (as the “Big Guy”) of 10 percent of these quid pro quopayments. At times, Bobulinksi may have sent a strapped and broke Hunter thousands of dollars in cash gifts. Were any of these stealthy transactions taxed? Does the recently heavily Biden-endowed IRS care?

If Trump wished to abuse his power over the IRS, he would have followed the Obama model of weaponizing it during a reelection year to go after his ideological enemies.

In Obama’s case, the tax agency slow-walked or denied nonprofit status for groups whose ideology was deemed not helpful to Obama’s campaign in 2012. There was a reason Lois Lerner invoked the Fifth Amendment, and it was not to protect Donald Trump.

The Republicans are the fascists. Victor Davis Hanson is a fascist.

The FBI and IRS are not gestapo. Trump and the Republican Party are the fascists.

There is no evidence that Biden's cancellation of some student loan debt is illegal. Republicans are angry that some low income and middle income people might get a helping hand. The student loan industry is corrupt as they have pushed people into forbearance rather than income based repayment plans. That is okay with Republicans. In addition there is no outrage over big tax cuts for the rich.

Those 87,000 workers are going to re[;ace workers who are retiring over the years. They will process tax returns and refunds. They will answer taxpayer questions. Some will ensure that the rich are following the tax laws. As the number of audits have dropped, tax evasion by the rich has increased. Apparently breaking tax laws are okay with you fascists.

Trump says he has been audited for the last 5 years. We have no independent knowledge of this. If his accountant is facing sentencing then the audits were justified.

Joe Biden has released his tax returns so we know where his money comes from. Trump was President for 4 years after Biden left office. They found no evidence of tax evasion. Was Joe Biden exerting Jedi mind control over the IRS? This is typical when you have no evidence. If he lied about me that way, I would kick his butt.

The IRS went after both liberal and conservative groups. Conservatives don't use keywords such as "progressive" or "green energy" in their names.

Republicans on the other hand are making it harder to vote. They are rigging districts so there is no competition. In Ohio, voters passed a law banning gerrymandering. The crooked GOP ignored the state supreme court's attempt to enforce it and found a crooked Trump judge. In Michigan, Republicans are desperately trying to keep voter initiatives to enshrine abortion rights and make it easier to vote. In Arizona, a crooked Republican Supreme Court is doing the same thing. Trump tried to use the DOJ and even to military to keep himself in power.

In addition, Republicans are attempting to enforce Christian doctrine at the point of a gun. The church can ignore state governments and even federal governments thanks to a fascist Supreme Court.

It is clear who the fascists are. Donald Trump, Victor David Hansen, and Trump supporters like you.
This is the old tried and true tactic of accusing their opposition of doing EXACTLY what they themselves are doing/are guilty of. I don't believe all democrat supporters are evil...they are ignorant of the events and the law.

I am sure that all Trump supporters are evil. You are ignorant and stupid period.
Can you refute any of the points made by VDH?

The application of fascism included "rules for thee and not for me" as well as blatant abuse of government agencies even when the official rules were not broken by those not in the favorable shadow of the regime.

Of course some Party members were made examples of, but those were extreme cases like Rohem being executed when the SA outlived it's usefulness, or when Striecher went off the deep end even in the eyes of Himmler and Hitler.

Everyone of them can be disputed as none of them have any basis in fact. It was Republicans who were demanding freedom to choose yet denying it to women. Now women could die if they get pregnant.
I want people in California to make their own laws. How is that bad?

So you think slavery was alright as long as the states make their own laws. Gays and transgenders can be terrorized if states want to make laws doing this. Tyrany is still, tyranny even if the state approves of it.
Those Americans who support the Democratic party will be easy converts to the rising fascism.

Support of fascist ideology crosses political party lines in America today, as does racism.

America's FBI/DOJ are struggling to break any momentum that will be supportive of Trump.

It's not a sure thing by far but at least Trump has been left treading water on account of his support by congress falling silent.

Does this foretell America's own version of Kristallnacht?

Or, will Trump risk directly inciting violence? He will have to move soon if FBI momentum is any indication?

Voters are tired of the Trump circus. They are ready to move on.

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